#### TRONCO: a tool for TRanslational ONCOlogy
#### Copyright (c) 2015-2019, The TRONCO Team (www.troncopackage.org)
#### email: tronco@disco.unimib.it
#### All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
#### are made available under the terms of the GNU GPL v3.0
#### which accompanies this distribution.
#' Import a matrix of 0/1 alterations as a TRONCO compliant
#' dataset. Input "geno" can be either a dataframe or a file name. In
#' any case the dataframe or the table stored in the file must have a
#' column for each altered gene and a rows for each sample. Colnames
#' will be used to determine gene names, if data is loaded from file
#' the first column will be assigned as rownames. For details and
#' examples regarding the loading functions provided by the package we
#' refer to the Vignette Section 3.
#' @title import.genotypes
#' @param geno Either a dataframe or a filename
#' @param event.type Any 1 in "geno" will be interpreted as a an observed alteration labeled with type "event.type"
#' @param color This is the color used for visualization of events labeled as of "event.type"
#' @return A TRONCO compliant dataset
#' @export import.genotypes
#' @importFrom utils read.table
import.genotypes <- function(geno, event.type = "variant", color = "Darkgreen") {
if (!(is.data.frame(geno) || is.matrix(geno)) && is.character(geno)) {
cat('*** Input "geno" is a character, interpreting it as a filename to load a table.
Required table format:
\t- one column for each gene, one row for each gene;
\t- colnames/rownames properly defined.\n')
data =
header = TRUE,
check.names = FALSE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if (any(is.null(colnames(data))))
stop('Input table should have column names.')
rownames(data) = data[, 1]
data[, 1] = NULL
geno = data
## Avoid malformed datasets
if (ncol(geno) == 0 || nrow(geno) == 0)
stop("Empty genotypes (number of rows/columns 0), will not import.")
nc = ncol(geno)
nr = nrow(geno)
## Gather col/row names
if (is.null(colnames(geno))) {
cn = paste0("Gene", 1:ncol(geno))
warning("Missing column names to identify genes. Will use labels \"Gene1\", \"Gene2\", .....")
} else
cn = colnames(geno)
## Gather col/row names
if (is.null(rownames(geno))) {
rn = paste0("Sample", 1:nrow(geno))
warning("Missing row names to identify samples. Will use labels \"Sample1\", \"Sample2\", .....")
} else rn = rownames(geno)
x = list()
## Access keys - G1, G2, ...
keys = paste0("G", 1:ncol(geno))
## Genotype matrix
x$genotypes = as.matrix(geno)
colnames(x$genotypes) = keys
rownames(x$genotypes) = rn
## Create attributes
x$annotations = matrix(0, nrow = nc, ncol = 2)
colnames(x$annotations) = c("type", "event")
rownames(x$annotations) = keys
x$annotations[, "type"] = event.type
x$annotations[, "event"] = cn
## We create a map from types to colors
x$types = matrix(color, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
rownames(x$types) = event.type
colnames(x$types) = c("color")
is.compliant(x, "import.genotypes: output")
#' Transform GISTIC scores for CNAs in a TRONCO compliant object. Input can be either a matrix, with columns
#' for each altered gene and rows for each sample; in this case colnames/rownames mut be provided. If input
#' is a character an attempt to load a table from file is performed. In this case the input table format
#' should be constitent with TCGA data for focal CNA; there should hence be: one column for each sample,
#' one row for each gene, a column Hugo_Symbol with every gene name and a column Entrez_Gene_Id with every
#' gene\'s Entrez ID. A valid GISTIC score should be any value of: "Homozygous Loss" (-2), "Heterozygous
#' Loss" (-1), "Low-level Gain" (+1), "High-level Gain" (+2). For details and examples
#' regarding the loading functions provided by the package we refer to the Vignette Section 3.
#' @examples
#' data(crc_gistic)
#' gistic = import.GISTIC(crc_gistic)
#' @title import.GISTIC
#' @param x Either a dataframe or a filename
#' @param filter.genes A list of genes
#' @param filter.samples A list of samples
#' @param silent A parameter to disable/enable verbose messages.
#' @param trim Remove the events without occurrence
#' @param rna.seq.data Either a dataframe or a filename
#' @param rna.seq.up TODO
#' @param rna.seq.down TODO
#' @return A TRONCO compliant representation of the input CNAs.
#' @export import.GISTIC
#' @importFrom utils read.table
import.GISTIC <- function(x,
filter.genes = NULL,
filter.samples = NULL,
silent = FALSE,
trim = TRUE,
rna.seq.data = NULL,
rna.seq.up = NULL,
rna.seq.down = NULL) {
if (!(is.data.frame(x) || is.matrix(x)) && is.character(x)) {
if (!silent) {
cat('*** Input "x" is a character, interpreting it as a filename to load a table.
Required table format constitent with TCGA data for focal CNAs:
\t- one column for each sample, one row for each gene;
\t- a column Hugo_Symbol with every gene name;
\t- a column Entrez_Gene_Id with every gene\'s Entrez ID.\n')
data =
header = TRUE,
check.names = FALSE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if (!silent) {
cat('Data loaded.\n')
if (any(is.null(colnames(data)))) {
stop('Input table should have column names.')
if (!'Hugo_Symbol' %in% colnames(data)) {
stop('Missing Hugo_Symbol column!')
if (!'Entrez_Gene_Id' %in% colnames(data)) {
stop('Missing Hugo_Symbol column!')
data$Entrez_Gene_Id = NULL
rownames(data) = data$Hugo_Symbol
data$Hugo_Symbol = NULL
x = t(data)
# Import RNASeq data
if (!is.null(rna.seq.data) && !(is.data.frame(rna.seq.data) || is.matrix(rna.seq.data)) && is.character(rna.seq.data)) {
if (!silent) {
cat('*** Input "rna.seq.data" is a character, interpreting it as a filename to load a table.
Required table format constitent with TCGA data for focal CNAs:
\t- one column for each sample, one row for each gene;
\t- a column Hugo_Symbol with every gene name;
\t- a column Entrez_Gene_Id with every gene\'s Entrez ID.\n')
rna.seq.data.raw =
header = TRUE,
check.names = FALSE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
sep = ';')
if (!silent) {
cat('Data loaded.\n')
if (any(is.null(colnames(rna.seq.data.raw)))) {
stop('Input table should have column names.')
if (!'Hugo_Symbol' %in% colnames(rna.seq.data.raw)) {
stop('Missing Hugo_Symbol column!')
if (!'Entrez_Gene_Id' %in% colnames(rna.seq.data.raw)) {
stop('Missing Hugo_Symbol column!')
rna.seq.data.raw$Entrez_Gene_Id = NULL
rownames(rna.seq.data.raw) = rna.seq.data.raw$Hugo_Symbol
rna.seq.data.raw$Hugo_Symbol = NULL
rna.seq.data = t(rna.seq.data.raw)
samples.intersection = intersect(rownames(x), rownames(rna.seq.data))
rna.seq.data = rna.seq.data[samples.intersection, , drop = FALSE]
gene.intersection = intersect(colnames(rna.seq.data), colnames(x))
rna.seq.data = rna.seq.data[, gene.intersection, drop = FALSE]
if (!silent && is.null(filter.genes) && is.null(filter.samples)) {
cat('*** Using full GISTIC: #dim ', nrow(x), ' x ', ncol(x), '\n' )
} else if (!silent) {
cat('*** Filtering full GISTIC: #dim ', nrow(x), ' x ', ncol(x), '\n' )
if(!is.null(filter.genes)) {
if(!is.vector(filter.genes)) {
stop('filter.genes - should be vector')
x = x[, which(colnames(x) %in% filter.genes), drop = FALSE ]
if (!silent) {
cat('*** Using reduced GISTIC: #dim ', nrow(x), ' x ', ncol(x), '\n' )
if (!is.null(rna.seq.up) && !is.null(rna.seq.data)) {
if (!silent) {
cat('*** Checking expression information again positive GISTIC score\n' )
for (sample in rownames(x)) {
for (gene in colnames(x)) {
if (x[[sample, gene]] > 0 &&
gene %in% colnames(rna.seq.data) &&
sample %in% rownames(rna.seq.data) &&
!is.na(rna.seq.data[[sample, gene]])) {
if (rna.seq.data[[sample, gene]] < rna.seq.up) {
x[[sample, gene]] = 0
if (!is.null(rna.seq.down) && !is.null(rna.seq.data)) {
if (!silent) {
cat('*** Checking expression information again negative GISTIC score\n' )
for (sample in rownames(x)) {
for (gene in colnames(x)) {
if (x[[sample, gene]] < 0 &&
gene %in% colnames(rna.seq.data) &&
sample %in% rownames(rna.seq.data) &&
!is.na(rna.seq.data[[sample, gene]])) {
if (rna.seq.data[[sample, gene]] > rna.seq.down) {
x[[sample, gene]] = 0
if(!is.null(filter.samples)) {
if(!is.vector(filter.samples)) {
stop('filter.samples - should be vectors')
x = x[which(rownames(x) %in% filter.samples), ]
if (!silent) {
cat('*** Using reduced GISTIC: #dim ', nrow(x), ' x ', ncol(x), '\n' )
if (!silent) {
cat("*** GISTIC input format conversion started.\n")
## For next operations it is convenient to have everything as
## 'char' rather than 'int'
if (typeof(x[, 1]) != typeof("somechar")) {
if (!silent) {
cat("Converting input data to character for import speedup.\n")
rn = rownames(x)
x = apply(x, 2, as.character)
rownames(x) = rn
if (any(is.na(x))) {
warning("NA entries were replaced with 0s.\n")
x[is.na(x)] = 0
if (!silent) {
cat("Creating ", 4 * (ncol(x)), "events for", ncol(x), "genes \n")
# gene symbols
enames <- colnames(x)
if (is.null(enames)) {
stop("Error: gistic file has no column names and can not imported, aborting!")
if (!silent) {
cat("Extracting \"Homozygous Loss\" events (GISTIC = -2) \n")
d.homo = x
d.homo[d.homo != -2] <- 0
d.homo[d.homo == -2] <- 1
if (!silent) {
cat("Extracting \"Heterozygous Loss\" events (GISTIC = -1) \n")
d.het <- x
d.het[d.het != -1] <- 0
d.het[d.het == -1] <- 1
if (!silent) {
cat("Extracting \"Low-level Gain\" events (GISTIC = +1) \n")
d.low <- x
d.low[d.low != 1] <- 0
if (!silent) {
cat("Extracting \"High-level Gain\" events (GISTIC = +2) \n")
d.high <- x
d.high[d.high != 2] <- 0
d.high[d.high == 2] <- 1
if (!silent) {
cat("Transforming events in TRONCO data types ..... \n")
d.homo = import.genotypes(d.homo, event.type = "Homozygous Loss", color = "dodgerblue4")
d.het = import.genotypes(d.het, event.type = "Heterozygous Loss", color = "dodgerblue1")
d.low = import.genotypes(d.low, event.type = "Low-level Gain", color = "firebrick1")
d.high = import.genotypes(d.high, event.type = "High-level Gain", color = "firebrick4")
d.cnv.all = ebind(d.homo, d.het, d.low, d.high, silent = silent)
if (trim) {
d.cnv.all = trim(d.cnv.all)
if (!silent) {
cat("*** Data extracted, returning only events observed in at least one sample \n",
"Number of events: n =", nevents(d.cnv.all), "\n",
"Number of genes: |G| =", ngenes(d.cnv.all), "\n",
"Number of samples: m =", nsamples(d.cnv.all), "\n")
is.compliant(d.cnv.all, "import.gistic: output")
#' Import mutation profiles from a Manual Annotation Format (MAF) file. All mutations are aggregated as a
#' unique event type labeled "Mutation" and assigned a color according to the default of function
#' \code{import.genotypes}. If this is a TCGA MAF file check for multiple samples per patient is performed
#' and a warning is raised if these occurr. Customized MAF files can be imported as well provided that
#' they have columns Hugo_Symbol, Tumor_Sample_Barcode and Variant_Classification.
#' Custom filters are possible (via filter.fun) to avoid loading the full MAF data. For details and examples
#' regarding the loading functions provided by the package we refer to the Vignette Section 3.
#' @examples
#' data(maf)
#' mutations = import.MAF(maf)
#' mutations = annotate.description(mutations, 'Example MAF')
#' mutations = TCGA.shorten.barcodes(mutations)
#' oncoprint(mutations)
#' @title import.MAF
#' @param file MAF filename
#' @param sep MAF separator, default \'\\t\'
#' @param is.TCGA TRUE if this MAF is from TCGA; thus its sample codenames can be interpreted
#' @param filter.fun A filter function applied to each row. This is expected to return TRUE/FALSE.
#' @param to.TRONCO If FALSE returns a dataframe with MAF data, not a TRONCO object
#' @param irregular If TRUE seeks only for columns Hugo_Symbol, Tumor_Sample_Barcode and Variant_Classification
#' @param paste.to.Hugo_Symbol If a list of column names, this will be pasted each Hugo_Symbol to yield names such as PHC2.chr1.33116215.33116215
#' @param merge.mutation.types If TRUE, all mutations are considered equivalent, regardless of their Variant_Classification value. Otherwise no.
#' @param silent A parameter to disable/enable verbose messages.
#' @return A TRONCO compliant representation of the input MAF
#' @export import.MAF
#' @importFrom utils read.table read.delim count.fields flush.console
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
import.MAF <- function(file,
sep = '\t',
filter.fun = NULL,
irregular = FALSE,
paste.to.Hugo_Symbol = NULL,
merge.mutation.types = TRUE,
silent = FALSE) {
## Data loading.
if (!(is.data.frame(file) || is.matrix(file)) && is.character(file)) {
if (!silent) {
cat("*** Importing from file: ", file, "\n")
if(!irregular) {
if (!silent) {
cat("Loading MAF file ...")
maf = read.delim(file, comment.char = "#", sep = sep, header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
} else {
if (!silent) {
cat("*** [irregular = TRUE] Seeking only Hugo_Symbol, Tumor_Sample_Barcode and Variant_Classification columns")
read.irregular <- function(filenm) {
fileID <- file(filenm, open = "rt")
nFields <- count.fields(fileID)
mat <- matrix(nrow = length(nFields), ncol = max(nFields))
invisible(seek(fileID, where = 0, origin = "start", rw = "read"))
for (i in 1:nrow(mat)) {
mat[i, 1:nFields[i]] = scan(fileID,
what = "",
nlines = 1,
quiet = TRUE)
df = data.frame(mat, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
x = read.irregular(file)
req.columns = c('Hugo_Symbol', 'Tumor_Sample_Barcode', 'Variant_Classification', paste.to.Hugo_Symbol)
if(!all(req.columns %in% x[1,]))
stop( paste(
'\nMAF file has no columns:', paste(req.columns, collapse = ' | '),
'Columns found:',
paste('\t', x[1,], collapse = '\n '),
sep='\n '))
maf = x[, which(x[1,] %in% req.columns)]
colnames(maf) = maf[1,]
maf = maf[2:nrow(maf),]
if (!silent) {
} else {
if (!silent) {
cat("*** Importing from dataframe\n")
cat("Loading MAF dataframe ...")
maf = file
if (!silent) {
## Build custom names
names.columns = c('Hugo_Symbol', paste.to.Hugo_Symbol)
if (is.vector(paste.to.Hugo_Symbol)) {
if (!silent) {
cat('*** Mutations names: augmenting Hugo_Symbol with values: ', paste(paste.to.Hugo_Symbol, sep = ', '), '\n')
maf[, 'Hugo_Symbol'] =
apply(maf[, names.columns],
function(x) {return(paste(x, collapse = '.'))})
} else if (!silent) {
cat('*** Mutations names: using Hugo_Symbol\n')
if (is.null(filter.fun)) {
if (!silent) {
cat('*** Using full MAF: #entries ', nrow(maf), '\n')
} else {
if (!is.function(filter.fun)) {
stop('filter.fun - should be a function')
if (!silent) {
cat('*** Filtering full MAF: #entries ', nrow(maf), '\n' )
maf = maf[apply(maf, 1, filter.fun), ]
if (!silent) {
cat('*** Using reduced MAF: #entries ', nrow(maf), '\n' )
## Auxiliary functions to extract information from the MAF file
## This is the possibly smallest type of information required to prepare a TRONCO file
## If any necessary information is missing, execution is aborted
variants <- function(x) {
if (!("Variant_Classification" %in% colnames(x)))
warning("Missing Variant_Classification flag in MAF file.")
return(unique(x[, "Variant_Classification"]))
samples <- function(x) {
if (!("Tumor_Sample_Barcode" %in% colnames(x)))
stop("Missing Tumor_Sample_Barcode flag in MAF file - will not import.")
return(unique(x[, "Tumor_Sample_Barcode"]))
genes <- function(x) {
if (!("Hugo_Symbol" %in% colnames(x)))
stop("Missing Hugo_Symbol flag in MAF file - will not import.")
return(unique(x[, "Hugo_Symbol"]))
valid.calls <- function(x) {
if (!("Validation_Status" %in% colnames(x)))
warning("Missing Validation_Status flag in MAF file.")
else return(which(x[, "Validation_Status"] == "Valid"))
as.TCGA.patients <- function(x) {
samples = samples(x)
patients = substr(samples, 0, 12)
## General report about the mutations stored in this MAF
if (!silent) {
cat("*** MAF report: ")
if (is.TCGA && !silent) {
MAF.variants = variants(maf)
MAF.samples = samples(maf)
if (!silent) {
cat("\nType of annotated mutations: \n")
if(!silent && merge.mutation.types) {
cat('*** [merge.mutation.types = T] Mutations will be merged and annotated as \'Mutation\'\n')
} else if (!silent) {
cat('*** [merge.mutation.types = F] Mutations will be distinguished by type\n')
if (!silent) {
cat("Number of samples:", length(MAF.samples), "\n")
## If it is TCGA you should check for multiple samples per patient
if (is.TCGA) {
TCGA.patients = as.TCGA.patients(maf)
if (!silent) {
cat("[TCGA = TRUE] Number of TCGA patients:", length(TCGA.patients), "\n")
if (length(TCGA.patients) != length(MAF.samples)) {
warning("This MAF contains duplicate samples for some patients - use TCGA functions for further information")
which.valid.calls = valid.calls(maf)
n.valid = length(which.valid.calls)
if (!silent) {
cat("Number of annotated mutations:", nrow(maf), "\n")
if (!silent && ("Validation_Status" %in% colnames(maf))) {
cat("Mutations annotated with \"Valid\" flag (%):", round(n.valid/nrow(maf) * 100, 0), "\n")
} else if (!silent) {
cat("Mutations annotated with \"Valid\" flag (%): missing flag\n")
MAF.genes = genes(maf)
if (!silent) {
cat("Number of genes (Hugo_Symbol):", length(MAF.genes), "\n")
if (!to.TRONCO) {
if(merge.mutation.types) {
if (!silent) {
cat("Starting conversion from MAF to 0/1 mutation profiles (1 = mutation) :")
cat(length(MAF.samples), "x", length(MAF.genes), "\n")
#pb <- txtProgressBar(1, nrow(maf), style = 3)
## Temporary binary matrix
binary.mutations = matrix(0, nrow = length(MAF.samples), ncol = length(MAF.genes))
colnames(binary.mutations) = MAF.genes
rownames(binary.mutations) = MAF.samples
for (i in 1:nrow(maf)) {
#if (!silent) {
# setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
if (!silent) {
binary.mutations[maf$Tumor_Sample_Barcode[i], maf$Hugo_Symbol[i]] = 1
if (!silent) {
cat("\nStarting conversion from MAF to TRONCO data type.\n")
tronco.data = import.genotypes(binary.mutations, event.type = "Mutation")
} else {
if (!silent) {
cat("Starting conversion from MAF to 0/1 mutation profiles (1 = mutation) :\n")
#pb <- txtProgressBar(1, nrow(maf), style = 3)
# For this case -- separate mutation types -- it is less convenient to use import.genotypes
tronco.data = list()
tronco.data$genotypes = NULL
tronco.data$annotations = NULL
tronco.data$types = NULL
# First, build the list of events that we will be creating
tronco.data$annotations = as.matrix(unique(maf[, c('Variant_Classification', 'Hugo_Symbol')]))
colnames(tronco.data$annotations) = c('type', 'event')
rownames(tronco.data$annotations) = paste('G', 1:nrow(tronco.data$annotations), sep='')
tronco.data$genotypes = matrix(0, nrow = length(MAF.samples), ncol = nrow(tronco.data$annotations))
colnames(tronco.data$genotypes) = rownames(tronco.data$annotations)
rownames(tronco.data$genotypes) = MAF.samples
for (i in 1:nrow(maf)) {
#if (!silent) {
# setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
if (!silent) {
ev = intersect(
which(tronco.data$annotations[, 'event'] == maf$Hugo_Symbol[i]),
which(tronco.data$annotations[, 'type'] == maf$Variant_Classification[i])
tronco.data$genotypes[maf$Tumor_Sample_Barcode[i], ev] = 1
#if (!silent) {
# close(pb)
if (!silent) {
colors = colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(8, 'Accent'))(length(MAF.variants))
tronco.data$types = matrix(colors, ncol = 1)
rownames(tronco.data$types) = MAF.variants
colnames(tronco.data$types) = 'color'
#' Extract a map Hugo_Symbol -> Entrez_Gene_Id from a MAF input file. If some genes map to ID 0
#' a warning is raised.
#' @title extract.MAF.HuGO.Entrez.map
#' @param file MAF filename
#' @param sep MAF separator, default \'\\t\'
#' @return A mapHugo_Symbol -> Entrez_Gene_Id.
#' @export extract.MAF.HuGO.Entrez.map
#' @importFrom utils read.delim
extract.MAF.HuGO.Entrez.map <- function(file, sep = "\t") {
cat("*** Importing from file: ", file, "\n")
cat("Loading MAF file ...")
maf = read.delim(file, comment.char = "#", sep = sep, header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
map = unique(maf[, c("Hugo_Symbol", "Entrez_Gene_Id")])
map.missing = which(map[, "Entrez_Gene_Id"] == 0)
map.missing = map[map.missing, "Hugo_Symbol", drop = FALSE]
if (nrow(map.missing) > 0)
warning("The are Hugo_Symbol with Entrez_Gene_Id equal to 0")
else cat("Map seem consistent (non-zero Entrez_Gene_Id) for", nrow(map), "genes")
## Wrapper for the CGDS package to query the Cbio portal. This can
## work either automatically, if one sets \code{cbio.study},
## \code{cbio.dataset} or \code{cbio.profile}, or interactively
## otherwise. A list of genes to query with less than 900 entries should
## be provided. This function returns a list with two dataframe: the
## gentic profile required and clinical data for the Cbio study. Output
## is also saved to disk as Rdata file. See also
## http://www.cbioportal.org.
## @title cbio.query
## @param cbio.study Cbio study ID
## @param cbio.dataset Cbio dataset ID
## @param cbio.profile Cbio genetic profile ID
## @param genes A list of < 900 genes to query
## @param file String containing filename for RData output. If NA no output will be provided
## @return A list with two dataframe: the gentic profile required and clinical data for the Cbio study.
## @export cbio.query
## @importFrom cgdsr CGDS getCancerStudies getCaseLists
## @importFrom cgdsr getGeneticProfiles getProfileData getClinicalData
## @importFrom utils write.table
#cbio.query <- function(cbio.study = NA,
# cbio.dataset = NA,
# cbio.profile = NA,
# genes,
# file = NA) {
# cat("*** CGDS plugin for Cbio query.\n")
# ## require("cgdsr")
# if (is.null(genes) || is.na(genes) || length(genes) == 0) {
# stop('Empty list of genes to query')
# }
# if (length(genes) > 900) {
# stop('URL with more than 900 genes will not be accepted, please split it.')
# }
# if (is.na(cbio.study)) {
# cat("\nAutomatic CBIO study assessment: off")
# } else {
# cat(paste("\nAutomatic CBIO study index: ", cbio.study, sep = ""))
# }
# if (is.na(cbio.dataset)) {
# cat("\nAutomatic CBIO dataset assessment: off")
# } else {
# cat(paste("\nAutomatic CBIO dataset index: ", cbio.dataset, sep = ""))
# }
# if (is.na(cbio.profile)) {
# cat("\nAutomatic CBIO profile assessment: off")
# } else {
# cat(paste("\nAutomatic CBIO profile index: ", cbio.profile, sep = ""))
# }
# ## mycgds = CGDS("http://www.cbioportal.org/public-portal/")
# ## New version of the CGDS-R library does not want the
# ## "public-portal".
# mycgds = CGDS("http://www.cbioportal.org/")
# cs = getCancerStudies(mycgds)
# if (is.na(cbio.study)) {
# cat("\nAvailable studies at CBIO portal.\n")
# print(cs[c("cancer_study_id", "name")])
# repeat{
# cbio.study <- readline(prompt = "Enter CBIO study id: ")
# if (cbio.study %in% cs$cancer_study_id)
# break
# }
# }
# ## Get available case lists (collection of samples) for a given
# ## cancer study
# mycancerstudy <- cbio.study
# if (is.na(mycancerstudy)) {
# stop("CBIO study id invalid. Aborting.")
# }
# study <- cs[cs$cancer_study_id == cbio.study, , drop = FALSE]
# cat(paste("\nCancer codename: ", study[, 1], sep = ""))
# cat(paste("\nCancer Ref.: ", study[, 2], sep = ""))
# cat(paste("\nCancer Syn.: ", study[, 3], sep = ""))
# cutdescr = function(x, n) {
# x[, ncol(x)] = ifelse(
# nchar(x[, ncol(x)]) > n,
# paste0(substr(x[, ncol(x)], 1, n), '....'),
# x[, ncol(x)])
# return(x)
# }
# ## Get dataset for the study
# csl = getCaseLists(mycgds, cbio.study)
# if (is.na(cbio.dataset)) {
# cat("\nAvailable datasets for study:", cbio.study, "\n")
# print(cutdescr(csl[c("case_list_id", "case_list_description")], 90))
# repeat{
# cbio.dataset <- readline(prompt = "Enter study dataset id: ")
# if (cbio.dataset %in% csl$case_list_id) break
# }
# }
# caselist = csl[csl$case_list_id == cbio.dataset, , drop = FALSE]
# if (any(is.na(caselist))) stop("No data for selected study. Aborting.")
# cat(paste("\nData codename: ", caselist[, 1], sep = ""))
# cat(paste("\nData Ref.: ", caselist[, 2], sep = ""))
# cat(paste("\nData Syn.: ", caselist[, 3], sep = ""))
# ## Get available genetic profiles
# gp = getGeneticProfiles(mycgds, cbio.study)
# if (is.na(cbio.profile)) {
# cat("\nAvailable genetic profiles for selected datasets.\n")
# print(cutdescr(gp[c("genetic_profile_id", "genetic_profile_description")], 90))
# repeat{
# cbio.profile <- readline(prompt = "Enter genetic profile id: ")
# if (cbio.profile %in% gp$genetic_profile_id) break
# }
# }
# profile = gp[gp$genetic_profile_id == cbio.profile, , drop = FALSE]
# if (any(is.na(cbio.profile))) {
# stop("No samples for this profile. Aborting")
# }
# samples.name <- profile[1, 1]
# samples.ref <- profile[1, 2]
# samples.syn <- profile[1, 3]
# samples.id <- profile[1, 4]
# cat(paste("\nSamples codename: ", samples.name, sep = ""))
# cat(paste("\nData Ref.: ", samples.ref, sep = ""))
# cat(paste("\nData Syn.: ", samples.syn, sep = ""))
# cat("\n\nQuerying the following list of genes: ")
# cat(paste(genes, collapse = ", "), '\n')
# ## Get data slices for a specified list of genes, genetic profile
# ## and case list
# data <- getProfileData(mycgds, genes, samples.name, cbio.dataset)
# rownames(data) = gsub('\\.', '-', rownames(data))
# cat('Symbol \".\" was replaced with "-" in sample IDs.\n')
# ## Export
# cat(paste("\nData retrieved: ", nrow(data), " samples, ", ncol(data), " genes.", sep = ""))
# ## Get clinical data for the case list
# cat("\nRetrieved also clinical data for samples:", cbio.dataset)
# clinicaldata = getClinicalData(mycgds, cbio.dataset)
# rownames(clinicaldata) = gsub('\\.', '-', rownames(clinicaldata))
# ret = NULL
# ret$profile = data
# ret$clinical = clinicaldata
# if (!is.na(file)) {
# save(ret, file=file)
# }
# return(ret)
#' Add an adjacency matrix as a model to a TRONCO compliant object.
#' Input model can be either a dataframe or a file name.
#' @title import.model
#' @param tronco_object A TRONCO compliant object
#' @param model Either a dataframe or a filename
#' @param model.name Name of the imported model
#' @return A TRONCO compliant object
#' @export import.model
#' @importFrom utils read.table
import.model <- function(tronco_object, model, model.name = "imported_model") {
if (!(is.data.frame(model) || is.matrix(model)) && is.character(model)) {
cat('*** Input "model" is a character, interpreting it as a filename to load a table.
Required table format:
\t- one column for each gene, one row for each gene, without header.\n')
model =
header = FALSE,
check.names = FALSE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
## Check for the input to be compliant
## Check for the model to be of the correct dimention
if(dim(model)[1]!=nevents(tronco_object)||dim(model)[2]!=nevents(tronco_object)) {
stop('The adjacency matrix of the model to be imported does not have the exact size.')
## Add the model
results = tronco_object
results$model[[model.name]] = list()
rownames(model) = colnames(as.genotypes(results))
colnames(model) = colnames(as.genotypes(results))
results$model[[model.name]]$adj.matrix$adj.matrix.fit = model
#### end of file -- loading.R
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