#' Search for aberrantly methylated regions
#' @description
#' `getAMR` returns a `GRanges` object with all the aberrantly methylated
#' regions (AMRs) for all samples in a data set.
#' @details
#' In the provided data set, `getAMR` compares methylation beta values of each
#' sample with other samples to identify rare long-range methylation
#' aberrations (epimutations).
#' For `ramr.method=="IQR"`: for every genomic location (CpG) in
#' `data.ranges` the IQR-normalized deviation from the median value is
#' calculated, and all CpGs with such normalized deviation not smaller than the
#' `iqr.cutoff` are retained. For
#' `ramr.method %in% c("beta", "wbeta", "beinf")`: parameters of beta
#' distribution are estimated by means of `EnvStats::ebeta` (beta distribution),
#' `ExtDist::eBeta` (weighted beta destribution), or `gamlss.dist::BEINF` (zero
#' and one inflated beta distribution) functions, respectively. These
#' parameters are then used to calculate the probability values, followed by the
#' filtering when all CpGs with p-values not greater than `qval.cutoff` are
#' retained. Another filtering is then performed to exclude all CpGs within
#' `exclude.range`. Next, the retained (significant) CpGs are merged within
#' the window of `merge.window`, and final filtering is applied to AMR genomic
#' ranges (by `min.cpgs` and `min.width`).
#' @param data.ranges A `GRanges` object with genomic locations and
#' corresponding beta values included as metadata.
#' @param data.samples A character vector with sample names (a subset of
#' metadata column names). If `NULL` (the default), then all samples (metadata
#' columns) are included in the analysis.
#' @param ramr.method A character scalar: when ramr.method is "IQR" (the
#' default), the filtering based on interquantile range is used (`iqr.cutoff`
#' value is then used as a threshold). When "beta", "wbeta" or "beinf" -
#' filtering based on fitting non-weighted (`EnvStats::ebeta`), weighted
#' (`ExtDist::eBeta`) or zero-and-one inflated (`gamlss.dist::BEINF`)
#' beta distributions, respectively, is used, and `pval.cutoff` or `qval.cutoff`
#' (if not `NULL`) is used as a threshold. For "wbeta", weights directly
#' correlate with bin contents (number of values per bin) and inversly - with
#' the distances from the median value, thus narrowing the estimated
#' distribution and emphasizing outliers.
#' @param iqr.cutoff A single integer >= 1. Methylation beta values differing
#' from the median value by more than `iqr.cutoff` interquartile ranges are
#' considered to be significant (the default: 5).
#' @param pval.cutoff A numeric scalar (the default: 5e-2). Bonferroni
#' correction of `pval.cutoff` by the length of the `data.samples` object is
#' used to calculate `qval.cutoff` if the latter is `NULL`.
#' @param qval.cutoff A numeric scalar. Used as a threshold for filtering based
#' on fitting non-weighted or weighted beta distributions: all p-values lower
#' than `qval.cutoff` are considered to be significant. If `NULL` (the default),
#' it is calculated using `pval.cutoff`
#' @param merge.window A positive integer. All significant (survived the
#' filtering stage) `data.ranges` genomic locations within this distance will be
#' merged to create AMRs (the default: 300).
#' @param min.cpgs A single integer >= 1. All AMRs containing less than
#' `min.cpgs` significant genomic locations are filtered out (the default: 7).
#' @param min.width A single integer >= 1 (the default). Only AMRs with the
#' width of at least `min.width` are returned.
#' @param exclude.range A numeric vector of length two. If not `NULL` (the
#' default), all `data.ranges` genomic locations with their median methylation
#' beta value within the `exclude.range` interval are filtered out.
#' @param cores A single integer >= 1. Number of processes for parallel
#' computation (the default: all but one cores). Results of parallel processing
#' are fully reproducible when the same seed is used (thanks to doRNG).
#' @param verbose boolean to report progress and timings (default: TRUE).
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed to `EnvStats::ebeta` or
#' `ExtDist::eBeta` functions.
#' @return The output is a `GRanges` object that contains all the aberrantly
#' methylated regions (AMRs) for all `data.samples` samples in `data.ranges`
#' object. The following metadata columns may be present:
#' \itemize{
#' \item `revmap` -- integer list of significant CpGs (`data.ranges` genomic
#' locations) that are included in this AMR region
#' \item `ncpg` -- number of significant CpGs within this AMR region
#' \item `sample` -- contains an identifier of a sample to which
#' corresponding AMR belongs
#' \item `dbeta` -- average deviation of beta values for significant CpGs from
#' their corresponding median values
#' \item `pval` -- geometric mean of p-values for significant CpGs
#' \item `xiqr` -- average IQR-normalised deviation of beta values for
#' significant CpGs from their corresponding median values
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{plotAMR}} for plotting AMRs, \code{\link{getUniverse}}
#' for info on enrichment analysis, \code{\link{simulateAMR}} and
#' \code{\link{simulateData}} for the generation of simulated test data sets,
#' and `ramr` vignettes for the description of usage and sample data.
#' @examples
#' data(ramr)
#' getAMR(ramr.data, ramr.samples, ramr.method="beta",
#' min.cpgs=5, merge.window=1000, qval.cutoff=1e-3, cores=2)
#' @export
getAMR <- function (data.ranges,
ramr.method=c("IQR", "beta", "wbeta", "beinf"),
if (!methods::is(data.ranges,"GRanges"))
stop("'data.ranges' must be a GRanges object")
if (is.null(data.samples))
data.samples <- colnames(GenomicRanges::mcols(data.ranges))
if (!all(data.samples %in% colnames(GenomicRanges::mcols(data.ranges))))
stop("'data.ranges' metadata must include 'data.samples'")
if (length(data.samples)<3)
stop("at least three 'data.samples' must be provided")
ramr.method <- match.arg(ramr.method)
getPValues.beta <- function (data.chunk, ...) {
chunk.filt <- apply(data.chunk, 1, function (x) {
x.median <- stats::median(x, na.rm=TRUE)
x[is.na(x)] <- x.median
beta.fit <- suppressWarnings( EnvStats::ebeta(as.numeric(x), ...) )
pvals <- stats::pbeta(x, beta.fit$parameters[1], beta.fit$parameters[2])
pvals[x>x.median] <- 1 - pvals[x>x.median]
getPValues.wbeta<- function (data.chunk, ...) {
chunk.filt <- apply(data.chunk, 1, function (x) {
x.median <- stats::median(x, na.rm=TRUE)
x[is.na(x)] <- x.median
# weight directly correlates with bin contents (number of values per bin)
# and inversely - with the distance from the median value, thus narrowing
# the estimated distribution and emphasizing outliers
c <- cut(x, c(0:100)/100)
b <- table(c)
w <- as.numeric(b[c]) * (1 - abs(x-x.median))
beta.fit <- suppressWarnings( ExtDist::eBeta(as.numeric(x), w, ...) )
pvals <- ExtDist::pBeta(x, params=beta.fit)
pvals[x>x.median] <- 1 - pvals[x>x.median]
inv.logit <- function (x) exp(x)/(1+exp(x))
getPValues.beinf <- function (data.chunk, ...) {
chunk.filt <- apply(data.chunk, 1, function (x) {
x.median <- stats::median(x, na.rm=TRUE)
x[is.na(x)] <- x.median
beinf.fit <- gamlss::gamlss(
as.numeric(x)~1, sigma.formula=~1, nu.formula=~1, tau.formula=~1,
family=gamlss.dist::BEINF(mu.link="logit", sigma.link="logit",
nu.link="log", tau.link="log"),
control=gamlss::gamlss.control(trace=FALSE), ...
pvals <- gamlss.dist::pBEINF(
q=x, mu=inv.logit(beinf.fit$mu.coefficients),
lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE
pvals[x>x.median] <- 1 - pvals[x>x.median]
if (verbose) message("Identifying AMRs", appendLF=FALSE)
tm <- proc.time()
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(cores)
universe <- getUniverse(data.ranges, merge.window=merge.window, min.cpgs=min.cpgs, min.width=min.width)
universe.cpgs <- unlist(universe$revmap)
betas <- as.matrix(mcols(data.ranges)[universe.cpgs, data.samples, drop=FALSE])
if (is.null(qval.cutoff))
qval.cutoff <- pval.cutoff/ncol(betas)
chunks <- split(seq_len(nrow(betas)), if (cores>1) cut(seq_len(nrow(betas)), cores) else 1)
medians <- foreach (chunk=chunks, .combine=c) %dorng% matrixStats::rowMedians(betas[chunk, ], na.rm=TRUE)
if (ramr.method=="IQR") {
iqrs <- foreach (chunk=chunks, .combine=c) %dorng% matrixStats::rowIQRs(betas[chunk, ], na.rm=TRUE)
betas.filtered <- (betas-medians)/iqrs
betas.filtered[abs(betas.filtered)<iqr.cutoff] <- NA
} else if (ramr.method=="beta") {
# multi-threaded EnvStats::ebeta (speed: mme=mmue>mle>>>fitdistrplus::fitdist)
betas.filtered <- foreach (chunk=chunks) %dorng% getPValues.beta(betas[chunk, ], ...)
betas.filtered <- do.call(rbind, betas.filtered)
betas.filtered[betas.filtered>=qval.cutoff] <- NA
} else if (ramr.method=="wbeta") {
betas.filtered <- foreach (chunk=chunks) %dorng% getPValues.wbeta(betas[chunk, ], ...)
betas.filtered <- do.call(rbind, betas.filtered)
betas.filtered[betas.filtered>=qval.cutoff] <- NA
} else if (ramr.method=="beinf") {
betas.filtered <- foreach (chunk=chunks) %dorng% getPValues.beinf(betas[chunk, ], ...)
betas.filtered <- do.call(rbind, betas.filtered)
betas.filtered[betas.filtered>=qval.cutoff] <- NA
if (!is.null(exclude.range))
betas.filtered[medians>=exclude.range[1] & medians<=exclude.range[2]] <- NA
getMergedRanges <- function (column) {
not.na <- which(!is.na(betas.filtered[,column]))
ranges <- GenomicRanges::reduce(data.ranges[universe.cpgs[not.na]], min.gapwidth=merge.window, with.revmap=TRUE)
if (length(ranges)>0) {
ranges$ncpg <- unlist(lapply(ranges$revmap, length))
ranges$sample <- column
ranges <- subset(ranges, `ncpg`>=min.cpgs & `width`>=max(1,min.width))
ranges$dbeta <- vapply(ranges$revmap, function (revmap) {
mean(betas[not.na[revmap],column,drop=FALSE] - medians[not.na[revmap]])
}, numeric(1))
if (ramr.method=="IQR") {
ranges$xiqr <- vapply(ranges$revmap, function (revmap) {
mean(betas.filtered[not.na[revmap],column,drop=FALSE], na.rm=TRUE)
}, numeric(1))
} else {
ranges$pval <- vapply(ranges$revmap, function (revmap) {
return( 10**mean(log10(betas.filtered[not.na[revmap],column] + .Machine$double.xmin), na.rm=TRUE) )
}, numeric(1))
ranges$revmap <- lapply(ranges$revmap, function (i) {universe.cpgs[not.na[i]]})
amr.ranges <- foreach (column=colnames(betas.filtered)) %dorng% getMergedRanges(column)
if (verbose) message(sprintf(" [%.3fs]",(proc.time()-tm)[3]), appendLF=TRUE)
return(unlist(methods::as(amr.ranges, "GRangesList")))
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