#' generateVcfReport
#' @description
#' This function reports base frequencies at particular genomic positions and
#' tests their association with the methylation status of the sequencing reads.
#' @details
#' Using BAM reads and sequence variation information as an input,
#' `generateVcfReport` function thresholds the reads (for paired-end sequencing
#' alignment files - read pairs as a single
#' entity) according to supplied parameters and calculates the occurrence of
#' \strong{Ref}erence and \strong{Alt}ernative bases within reads, taking into
#' the account DNA strand the read mapped to and average methylation level
#' (epiallele status) of the read.
#' The information on sequence variation can be supplied as a Variant Call
#' Format (VCF) file location or an object of class VCF, returned by the
#' \code{\link[VariantAnnotation]{readVcf}} function call. As whole-genome VCF
#' files can be extremely large, it is strongly advised to use only relevant
#' subset of their data, prefiltering the VCF object manually before calling
#' `generateVcfReport` or specifying `bed` parameter when `vcf` points to the
#' location of such large VCF file. Please note that all the BAM, BED and VCF
#' files must use the same style for seqlevels (i.e. chromosome names).
#' After counting, function checks if certain bases occur more often within
#' reads belonging to certain epialleles using Fisher Exact test
#' (HTSlib's own implementation) and reports separate p-values for reads
#' mapped to \strong{"+"} (forward) and \strong{"-"} (reverse) DNA strands.
#' Please note that the final report currently includes only the VCF entries
#' with single-base REF and ALT alleles. Also, the default (`min.baseq=0`)
#' output of `generateVcfReport` is equivalent to the one of
#' `samtools mplieup -Q 0 ...`, and therefore may result in false SNVs caused
#' by misalignments. Remember to increase `min.baseq` (`samtools mplieup -Q`
#' default value is 13) to obtain higher-quality results.
#' Read thresholding by an average methylation level used in this function
#' makes little sense for long-read sequencing alignments,
#' as such reads can cover multiple regions with very different DNA methylation
#' properties. Instead, please use \code{\link{extractPatterns}},
#' limiting pattern output to the region of interest only.
#' @param bam BAM file location string OR preprocessed output of
#' \code{\link[epialleleR]{preprocessBam}} function. Read more about BAM file
#' requirements and BAM preprocessing at \code{\link{preprocessBam}}.
#' @param vcf Variant Call Format (VCF) file location string OR a VCF object
#' returned by \code{\link[VariantAnnotation]{readVcf}} function. If VCF object
#' is supplied, the style of its seqlevels must match the style of seqlevels of
#' the BAM file/object used.
#' @param vcf.style string for the seqlevels style of the VCF file, if
#' different from BED file/object. Only has effect when `vcf` parameter points
#' to the VCF file location and `bed` is not NULL. Possible values:
#' \itemize{
#' \item NULL (the default) -- seqlevels in BED file/object and VCF file are
#' the same
#' \item "NCBI", "UCSC", ... -- valid parameters of
#' \code{\link[GenomeInfoDb]{seqlevelsStyle}} function
#' }
#' @param bed Browser Extensible Data (BED) file location string OR object of
#' class \code{\linkS4class{GRanges}} holding genomic coordinates for
#' regions of interest. It is used to include only the specific genomic ranges
#' when the VCF file is loaded. This option has no effect when VCF object is
#' supplied as a `vcf` parameter. The style of seqlevels of BED file/object
#' must match the style of seqlevels of the BAM file/object used.
#' @param report.file file location string to write the VCF report. If NULL
#' (the default) then report is returned as a
#' \code{\link[data.table]{data.table}} object.
#' @param zero.based.bed boolean defining if BED coordinates are zero based
#' (default: FALSE).
#' @param threshold.reads boolean defining if sequence reads should be
#' thresholded before counting bases in reference and variant epialleles
#' (default: TRUE). Disabling thresholding is possible but makes no sense in
#' the context of this function, because
#' all the reads will be assigned to the variant epiallele,
#' which will result in Fisher's Exact test p-value of 1 (in columns `FEp+` and
#' `FEP-`). As thresholding is \strong{not} recommended for long-read
#' sequencing data, this function is \strong{not} recommended for such data
#' either.
#' @param threshold.context string defining cytosine methylation context used
#' for thresholding the reads:
#' \itemize{
#' \item "CG" (the default) -- within-the-context: CpG cytosines (called as
#' zZ), out-of-context: all the other cytosines (hHxX)
#' \item "CHG" -- within-the-context: CHG cytosines (xX), out-of-context: hHzZ
#' \item "CHH" -- within-the-context: CHH cytosines (hH), out-of-context: xXzZ
#' \item "CxG" -- within-the-context: CG and CHG cytosines (zZxX),
#' out-of-context: CHH cytosines (hH)
#' \item "CX" -- all cytosines are considered within-the-context, this
#' effectively results in no thresholding
#' }
#' This option has no effect when read thresholding is disabled.
#' @param min.context.sites non-negative integer for minimum number of cytosines
#' within the `threshold.context` (default: 2). Reads containing \strong{fewer}
#' within-the-context cytosines are considered completely unmethylated (thus
#' belonging to the reference epiallele). This option has no effect when read
#' thresholding is disabled.
#' @param min.context.beta real number in the range [0;1] (default: 0.5). Reads
#' with average beta value for within-the-context cytosines \strong{below} this
#' threshold are considered completely unmethylated (thus belonging to the
#' reference epiallele). This option has no effect when read thresholding is
#' disabled.
#' @param max.outofcontext.beta real number in the range [0;1] (default: 0.1).
#' Reads with average beta value for out-of-context cytosines \strong{above}
#' this threshold are considered completely unmethylated (thus belonging to the
#' reference epiallele). This option has no effect when read thresholding is
#' disabled.
#' @param ... other parameters to pass to the
#' \code{\link[epialleleR]{preprocessBam}} function.
#' Options have no effect if preprocessed BAM data was supplied as an input.
#' @param gzip boolean to compress the report (default: FALSE).
#' @param verbose boolean to report progress and timings (default: TRUE).
#' @return \code{\link[data.table]{data.table}} object containing VCF report or
#' NULL if report.file was specified. The report columns are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item name -- variation identifier (e.g. "rs123456789")
#' \item seqnames -- reference sequence name
#' \item range -- genomic coordinates of the variation
#' \item REF -- base at the reference allele
#' \item ALT -- base at the alternative allele
#' \item [M|U][+|-][Ref|Alt] -- number of \strong{Ref}erence or
#' \strong{Alt}ernative bases that were found at this particular position
#' within \strong{M}ethylated (above threshold) or \strong{U}nmethylated
#' (below threshold) reads that were mapped to \strong{"+"} (forward)
#' or \strong{"-"} (reverse) DNA strand. NA values mean that it is not
#' possible to determine the number of bases due to the bisulfite
#' conversion-related limitations (C->T variants on "+" and G->A on "-"
#' strands)
#' \item SumRef -- sum of all \strong{Ref}erence base counts
#' \item SumAlt -- sum of all \strong{Alt}ernative base counts
#' \item FEp+ -- Fisher Exact test p-value for association of a variation
#' with methylation status of the reads that map to the \strong{"+"}
#' (forward) DNA strand. Calculated using following contingency table:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' M+Ref \tab M+Alt \cr
#' U+Ref \tab U+Alt
#' }
#' \item FEp- -- Fisher Exact test p-value for association of a variation
#' with methylation status of the reads that map to the \strong{"-"}
#' (reverse) DNA strand. Calculated using following contingency table:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' M-Ref \tab M-Alt \cr
#' U-Ref \tab U-Alt
#' }
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{preprocessBam}} for preloading BAM data,
#' \code{\link{generateCytosineReport}} for methylation statistics at the level
#' of individual cytosines, \code{\link{generateBedReport}} for genomic
#' region-based statistics, \code{\link{extractPatterns}} for exploring
#' methylation patterns and \code{\link{plotPatterns}} for pretty plotting
#' of its output, \code{\link{generateBedEcdf}} for analysing the
#' distribution of per-read beta values, and `epialleleR` vignettes for the
#' description of usage and sample data.
#' \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges}} class for working with genomic ranges,
#' \code{\link[VariantAnnotation]{readVcf}} function for loading VCF data,
#' \code{\link[GenomeInfoDb]{seqlevelsStyle}} function for getting or setting
#' the seqlevels style.
#' @examples
#' capture.bam <- system.file("extdata", "capture.bam", package="epialleleR")
#' capture.bed <- system.file("extdata", "capture.bed", package="epialleleR")
#' capture.vcf <- system.file("extdata", "capture.vcf.gz",
#' package="epialleleR")
#' # VCF report
#' vcf.report <- generateVcfReport(bam=capture.bam, bed=capture.bed,
#' vcf=capture.vcf)
#' @export
generateVcfReport <- function (bam,
threshold.context=c("CG", "CHG", "CHH", "CxG", "CX"),
threshold.context <- match.arg(threshold.context, threshold.context)
reqd.ns <- c("VariantAnnotation", "SummarizedExperiment", "GenomeInfoDb")
if (!all(sapply(reqd.ns, requireNamespace)))
stop(paste(reqd.ns, collapse=", "), " are required here. Please install")
if (!any(methods::is(vcf, "CollapsedVCF"), methods::is(vcf, "ExpandedVCF"))) {
if (!is.null(bed) & !methods::is(bed, "GRanges"))
bed <- .readBed(bed.file=bed, zero.based.bed=zero.based.bed,
vcf <- .readVcf(vcf.file=vcf, vcf.style=vcf.style,
bed=bed, verbose=verbose)
} else {
if (verbose & !all(missing(bed), missing(zero.based.bed)))
message("Already preprocessed VCF supplied as an input. Options",
" 'bed' and 'zero.based.bed' will have no effect.")
if (is(vcf, "CollapsedVCF"))
vcf <- VariantAnnotation::expand(vcf, row.names=TRUE)
bam <- preprocessBam(bam.file=bam, ..., verbose=verbose)
if (threshold.reads) {
pass <- .thresholdReads(
} else {
pass <- rep(TRUE, nrow(bam))
vcf.report <- .getBaseFreqReport(bam.processed=bam, pass=pass,
vcf=vcf, verbose=verbose)
vcf.report <- vcf.report[, grep("nam|ran|ref|alt|fep", colnames(vcf.report),
ignore.case=TRUE), with=FALSE]
if (is.null(report.file))
.writeReport(report=vcf.report, report.file=report.file, gzip=gzip,
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