#' @importFrom stats prcomp
#' @title
#' Plot trajectory for time series
#' @description
#' When looking at PCA-plots for different time series, we often want to study their evolution
#' in time. This convenience functions does so by adding arrows between the samples in their
#' chronological order in the PCA plot
#' @param time_series_list A list of \link{OTU_time_series} objects
#' @param distance The name of any distance metric in \link{vegdist}
#' @param subset Character, the subsets of time series to plot, based on the
#' names of the list.
#' @param label Logical, should each point be labelled with the time point?
#' @param label_size Positive numeric, the font size of the label. Ignored if \code{text=FALSE}.
#' @param color Character, the color mapping to use in the plot. Defaults to the time series
#' @param linetype Character, the linetype mapping to be used. Defaults to solid
#' @details The function utilzes the entire table to make the principal components,
#' even if some data points are excluded. Note the columns \code{'time_series'} and \code{'time_points'}
#' which are available in the object being returned.
#' @return A \link{ggplot} object showing the trajectory in the two first principal components
#' @importFrom vegan vegdist
#' @import ggfortify
#' @examples
#' library(micInt)
#' library(phyloseq)
#' data("seawater")
#' physeq_list <- subdivide_by_environment(seawater,"Reactor")
#' time_series <- lapply(physeq_list$phyloseq,OTU_time_series,
#' time_points = "Week")
#' plot_trajectory(time_series,distance = "euclidean")
#' @export
plot_trajectory <- function(time_series_list, distance = "bray",
subset = names(time_series_list), label = FALSE, label_size = 3,
color = NULL, linetype = NULL) {
if (!is.list(time_series_list) || !all(vapply(
X = time_series_list,
function(x) inherits(x, "OTU_time_series"),
logical(length = 1)
) {
stop("Input must be a list of elements of class OTU_time_series")
if (time_series_list %>% names() %>% is.null()) {
stop("The list must be named")
frames <- lapply(names(time_series_list), function(name) {
table <- time_series_list[[name]]@table
time_points <- time_series_list[[name]]@time_points
# Sorts the observations in chronological order
table <- table[order(time_points, decreasing = FALSE), ]
table$time_series <- name
table$time_points <- sort(time_points)
names(frames) <- names(time_series_list)
# Combines the different frames in order to make a PCA ordination
all_frames <- do.call(rbind, frames)
dist_matrix <- vegdist(all_frames[, colnames(all_frames) %in% c("time_series", "time_points") %>% `!`()] %>% as.matrix(),
method = distance, diag = TRUE, upper = TRUE
PCA_all <- prcomp(dist_matrix)
fort_table_all <- fortify(PCA_all)
fort_table_all$time_series <- all_frames$time_series
fort_table_all$time_points <- all_frames$time_points
fort_table <- fort_table_all[fort_table_all$time_series %in% subset, ]
# Finding the proprotion explained by the principal components
total_variance <- sum(PCA_all$sdev^2)
PC1_proportion <- PCA_all$sdev[1]^2 / total_variance
PC2_proportion <- PCA_all$sdev[2]^2 / total_variance
if (is.null(color)) {
color <- "time_series"
if (is.null(linetype)) {
res <- ggplot(data = fort_table, mapping = aes_string(
x = "PC1",
y = "PC2",
group = "time_series",
color = color
)) + geom_point(size = 0)
else {
res <- ggplot(data = fort_table, mapping = aes_string(
x = "PC1",
y = "PC2",
group = "time_series",
color = color,
linetype = linetype
)) + geom_point(size = 0)
if (label) {
res <- res + geom_text(aes_string(label = "time_points"), size = label_size, color = "black")
if (is.null(color)) {
res <- res + guides(color = guide_legend("Time series"))
res <- res + geom_path(aes_string(linetype = linetype),
arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.1, "inches"))
res <- res + xlab(sprintf("PC1 (%.2f%%)", PC1_proportion * 100)) +
ylab(sprintf("PC2 (%.2f%%)", PC2_proportion * 100))
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