## calculate graph density, defined as the ratio between the number of total edges in a subnetwork and the total number of possible edges
graphDensity <- function(graph) {
numE <- numEdges(graph)
numN <- numNodes(graph)
density <- numE / (numN * (numN-1)/2)
mergeGraphs <- function(list, edgemode="directed") {
ishomo <- isHomoList(list, "graph")
stop("'list' must be a list of 'graph' objects!\n")
## list must be named, and NO "." is enabled
nullname <- is.null(names(list))
names(list) <- paste("foo",seq(along=list),sep="")
names(list)[names(list)==""] <- "foo"
dupname <- duplicated(names(list))
names(list)[dupname] <- paste("foo", seq(along=which(dupname)), sep="")
names(list) <- gsub("\\.","", names(list))
V <- unique(as.vector(unlist(sapply(list, nodes))))
E <- unlist(sapply(list, edges, simplify=FALSE), recursive=FALSE, use.names=TRUE)
names(E) <- sapply(names(E), function(x) unlist(strsplit(x, "\\."))[2])
uniqueE <- lapply(V, function(v) {
vedges <- v == names(E)
uvs <- unique(unlist(E[vedges]))
names(uniqueE) <- V
g <- new("graphNEL", nodes=V, edgeL=uniqueE, edgemode=edgemode)
mergeKEGGgraphs <- function(list, edgemode="directed") {
## remove NULL objs
list <- list[!sapply(list, is.null)]
if(length(list)==0) {
warning("All items in the input list are NULL")
} else if (length(list)==1) {
g <- mergeGraphs(list, edgemode=edgemode)
gNodes <- nodes(g)
if(any(grepl(" ", gNodes))) { ## space means that a node contains more than one entities
gNodes <- unlist(strsplit(gNodes, " "))
keggnodes <- unlist(sapply(list, function(x) get("nodes", nodeDataDefaults(x, "KEGGNode"))))
keggedges <- unlist(sapply(list, function(x) get("edges", edgeDataDefaults(x, "KEGGEdge"))))
## merge nodes: use their 'name' attribute as unique index
keggnodenames <- sapply(keggnodes, getName)
keggnodeing <- match(gNodes, keggnodenames)
if(any(is.na(keggnodeing))) {
warning(paste("Following nodes were discarded during mering because they are not annotated: ",
paste(gNodes[is.na(keggnodeing)], collapse=",")))
keggnodeing <- keggnodeing[!is.na(keggnodeing)]
mergedkeggnode <- keggnodes[keggnodeing]
names(mergedkeggnode) <- sapply(mergedkeggnode, getName)
## merge edges
keggedgenames <- sapply(keggedges, getName)
keggedgeing <- match(getRgraphvizEdgeNames(g), keggedgenames)
mergedkeggedge <- keggedges[keggedgeing]
names(mergedkeggedge) <- sapply(mergedkeggedge, getName)
env.node <- new.env()
env.edge <- new.env()
assign("nodes", mergedkeggnode, envir=env.node)
assign("edges", mergedkeggedge, envir=env.edge)
nodeDataDefaults(g, "KEGGNode") <- env.node
edgeDataDefaults(g, "KEGGEdge") <- env.edge
randomSubGraph <- function(graph, per=0.25, N=10) {
nodes <- nodes(graph)
n <- round(length(nodes) * per)
sapply(1:N, function(x) {
snodes <- sample(nodes, n)
subGraph(snodes, graph)
subKEGGgraph <- function(nodes, graph) {
subgraph <- subGraph(nodes, graph)
subnodes <- nodes
subedges <- getRgraphvizEdgeNames(subgraph)
keggnodes <- get("nodes",nodeDataDefaults(graph, "KEGGNode"))
keggedges <- get("edges",edgeDataDefaults(graph, "KEGGEdge"))
subkeggnodes <- keggnodes[subnodes]
subkeggedges <- keggedges[subedges]
env.node <- new.env()
env.edge <- new.env()
assign("nodes", subkeggnodes, envir=env.node)
assign("edges", subkeggedges, envir=env.edge)
nodeDataDefaults(subgraph, "KEGGNode") <- env.node
edgeDataDefaults(subgraph, "KEGGEdge") <- env.edge
subGraphByNodeType <- function(graph, type="gene", kegg=TRUE) {
kegg.node.data <- getKEGGnodeData(graph)
types <- sapply(kegg.node.data, getType)
isType <- grep(type,types)
if(!any(isType)) {
stop("No '",type, "' type found in the file, maybe it is a map file. Please try parsing the file with 'genesOnly=FALSE'\n")
new.nodes <- names(types[isType])
if(kegg) {
sub <- subKEGGgraph(new.nodes, graph)
} else {
sub <- subGraph(new.nodes, graph)
## getKEGGnode or edge Data
getRgraphvizEdgeNames <- function(graph) {
edges <- edges(graph)
sourceNames <- names(edges); edgeNames <- list()
for (i in seq(along=sourceNames)) {
if(length(edges[[i]])>0) {
edgeNames[[i]] <- paste(sourceNames[[i]],edges[[i]],sep="~")
} else {
edgeNames[[i]] <- NULL
edgeNames <- unlist(edgeNames)
getKEGGnodeData <- function(graph, n) {
knodes <- with(nodeData(graph)[[1]]$KEGGNode, nodes)
if(missing(n)) {
} else {
getKEGGedgeData <- function(graph, n) {
ed <- edgeData(graph)
if(length(ed) == 0 ) {## no edge data
kedges <- with(ed[[1]]$KEGGEdge, edges)
if(missing(n)) {
} else {
neighborhood <- function(graph, index, return.self=FALSE) {
nds <- nodes(graph)
mat <- as(graph, "matrix")
coln <- colnames(mat)
rown <- rownames(mat)
index <- as.character(index)
res <- lapply(index, function(x) {
if(!x %in% nds) return(NULL)
ed <- coln[mat[x,]==1]
iEd <- rown[mat[,x]==1]
y <- c(ed, iEd)
## if returns the vertex itself
if(return.self) y <- c(x,y)
names(res) <- index
## get subgraph with query GeneIDs
queryKEGGsubgraph <- function(geneids, graph, organism="hsa", addmissing=FALSE) {
keggids <- translateGeneID2KEGGID(geneids, organism=organism)
nds <- nodes(graph)
missing <- !keggids %in% nds
if(any(missing) & !addmissing) {
warning('The following GeneIDs can not be found among the nodes of the given graph\n\t', paste(keggids[missing],collapse=", ") )
missed <- keggids[missing]
keggids <- unique(keggids[!missing])
g <- subKEGGgraph(keggids, graph)
if(addmissing) {
g <- addNode(missed, g)
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