# Function: get.null(x)
# permutation algorithm for PolyLinkR used to generate null distribution
# - set.info: data.frame file with fields:
# setID, setName, ...
# - set.obj : data.frame with fields:
# setID, objID
# - obj.info: data.frame with fields:
# objID, objName, objStat, (objBin), (objSNPcnt), ...
# - n.cores: integer specifying the number of cores to use in computation
# - emp.nruns: number of iterations of permatution algorithm to comput null
# - NN: subset of iterations on which to summarize results (improves computation speed); default = 1000
#permutation function
#' Compute null distribution and probability estimation of gene score enrichment in pathways or gene sets.
#' This is the core function of PolyLinkR, it runs the permuation algorithm that
#' creates a random mapping of genomic scores while preserving the inherent linkage
#' disequilibrium amongt the different genomic regions.
#' This process performed iteratively to generate a null distribution for testing
#' enrichment in biological pathways or gene sets.
#' @param set.info data.frame: four required fields; gene IDs, associated scores, chromosome, and start position
#' @param obj.info data.frame: two required fields; genomic regions and associated scores
#' @param set.obj data.frame: two required fields; genomic regions and associated scores
#' @param n.cores integer: number of cores to run in parallel
#' @param emp.nruns integer: number of iterations used to compute null
#' @param NN integer: subset of interations for summary statistic calculations; default = 1000
#' @return Returns a data.table.
#' @seealso \code{\link{PolyLinkR_SetInfo}}, \code{\link{PolyLinkR_SetObj}}
#' @examples
#' output = polylinkr(obj.info = Anatolia_EF_CLR,
#' set.info = PolyLinkR_SetInfo, set.obj = PolyLinkR_SetObj,
#' n.cores = 8, emp.nruns = 10000, NN = 1000)
#' @export
polylinkr <- function(set.info, obj.info, set.obj, n.cores=NA,
emp.nruns=10000, NN=1000)
if (emp.nruns <= 0) {
emp.nruns <- max(NN, 10000)
warning(paste("WARNING: iterations incorrectly entered, resetting to",
emp.nruns), immediate. = T)
if (NN > emp.nruns) {
NN <- min(emp.nruns, 1000)
warning("WARNING: summary statistic evalution block size exceeds total number of iterations",
immediate. = T)
warning("summary statistic evalution set to arg.min(1000, emp.nruns)",
immediate. = T)
#internal functions
make.perm.mat <- function(n.chr, n.genes, emp.nruns){
chr.ord <- rowRanks(matrix(sample(1:(n.chr*emp.nruns)), ncol=n.chr))
rot <- sample(2:n.genes, emp.nruns)
list(CHR.ORD=chr.ord, ROT=rot)
all.perm.chr <- gene.pos[t(perm.mat$CHR.ORD)]
#permute.data <- function(chr.o.now, rot.now, gene.pos, mask.sites){
# new.ord <- unlist(gene.pos[chr.o.now])
# r1 <- obj.info[new.ord, objStat]
# r1[c(rot.now:n.genes, 1:(rot.now - 1))]
permute.data <- function(gene.pos, n.genes, chr.ord.now,
rot.now, mask.sites){
all.perm.chr <- unlist(gene.pos[t(chr.ord.now)])
foreach(j=1:length(rot.now), .combine=cbind) %do% {
x.start <- (j-1)*n.genes+1
x <- it.x + rot.now[j]
x.end <- j*n.genes
obj.info[all.perm.chr[c(x:x.end, x.start:(x-1))], objStat]
block.exec <- function(set.obj, obj.info, n.chr, n.genes,
gene.pos, ID, chr.ord.now, rot.now){
sum.stat <- function(set.obj, ID, perm){
mm.e <- merge(data.table(objID=ID, objStat=perm),
set.obj, by="objID")
mm.e[, lapply(.SD, sum), .SDcols=grep("objStat", names(mm.e)),
perm <- permute.data(chr.ord.now, rot.now, gene.pos, mask.sites=NA)
m.exp <- sum.stat(set.obj, ID, perm)
rowSums(m.obs[, SumStat] <= m.exp[, -1])
get.blocks <- function(emp.nruns, block.size) {
if (emp.nruns < block.size) {
rb <- cbind(1, emp.nruns)
else {
ss <- unique(c(seq(0, emp.nruns, block.size), emp.nruns))
rb <- cbind(ss[1:(length(ss)-1)]+1, ss[2:length(ss)])
#run pipeline
print(paste("Running enrichment test..."))
if (!is.data.table(set.info))
if (!is.data.table(set.info))
if (!is.data.table(set.info))
no.scores <- obj.info[is.na(objStat), objID]
obj.info <- obj.info[!(objID %in% no.scores)]
set.obj <- set.obj[!(objID %in% no.scores)]
obj.info <- obj.info[order(chr, startpos)]
ID <- obj.info$objID
n.genes <- obj.info[, .N]
n.paths <- set.info[, .N]
n.chr <- obj.info[, length(unique(chr))]
chr.names <- obj.info[, unique(chr)]
#generate list of all gene positions by chromosome
gene.pos <- foreach::foreach(i=chr.names) %do% {
obj.info[, which(chr == i)]
#compute observed values
mm.o <- merge(set.obj, obj.info[, .(objID, objStat)], by = "objID")
mm.n <- mm.o[order(setID), .(N = length(unique(objID))),
by = c("setID")]
m.obs <- mm.o[order(setID), .(SumStat = sum(objStat, na.rm = T)),
by = c("setID")]
#generate permutation matrix
perm.mat <- make.perm.mat(n.chr, n.genes, emp.nruns)
#set up blocks
run.blocks <- get.blocks(emp.nruns, NN)
sig.tests <- foreach(l=1:nrow(run.blocks), .combine="+") %do% {
rb.now <- run.blocks[l, ]
block.exec(set.obj, obj.info, n.chr, n.genes, gene.pos, ID,
chr.ord.now=perm.mat$CHR.ORD[rb.now[1]:rb.now[2], ],
print(paste("Completed ", run.blocks[l, 2], " iterations"))
p.vals <- sig.tests/emp.nruns
q.vals <- qvalue::qvalue(p.vals, pi0.method = "smoother")
list(D=data.table::data.table(set.info[order(setID), .(setID, setName)],
setScore = m.obs$SumStat, setSize = mm.n$N, setP = p.vals,
setQ = q.vals)[order(setP)],
#read input data function
#' Read in polylink data.
#' Reads in data. Optionally, can merge gene sets that share more than a specified proportion of genes, or remove gene sets with less/more than a specified number of genes.
#' @param in.path character: pathway to input files
#' @param population character: label used to identify input files. Three input files are required, specified by 'setInfo', 'setObj', and 'objInfo'.
#' @param minsetsize integer: minimum number of genes required in gene set
#' @param maxsetsize integer: maximum number of genes required in gene set
#' @param min.sim double: sets sharing at least this proportion of genes will be merged
#' @param n.cores integer: number of cores to run in parallel
#' @return Returns a list with three elements.
#' @export
# Function: ReadSetObjTables(in.path, set.info.file, set.obj.file, obj.info.file)
# Read in all required gene (object) and gene set (set) tables
# - in.path : path to directory with input files.
# default = local folder './'
# - population : label specifying which dataset to load. Must be specified.
# Will search for the following files:
# - setInfo: tab seperated file with fields:
# setID, setName, ...
# - setObj : tab seperated file with fields:
# setID, objID
# - objInfo: tab seperated file with fields:
# objID, objName, objStat, chr, start, ...
# - minsetsize : exclude gene sets with size below minsetsize
# (default = 10)
# - maxsetsize : exclude gene sets with size above maxsetsize
# (default = 1000)
# - min.sim : minimum proportion of shared genes used to
# concatenate gene sets (default = 1, i.e. no concatenation)
# - n.cores : no. of computation cores to use (default = no. cores - 1)
# These files must contain headers, IDs can be strings
# Internal numeric IDs will be assigned to objects and sets to improve
# further computations
ReadSetObjTables<-function(in.path="./", population=NA,
minsetsize=10, maxsetsize=1000,
merge.set.prop=1, n.cores=NA){
#Reading in data
print(paste("Reading data for", population))
#determine input files
ll <- list.files(in.path)
pf <- ll[grep(population, ll)]
if(merge.set.prop>1 | merge.set.prop<=0){
merge.set.prop <- min(emp.nruns, 1)
warning("WARNING: minimim (0) or maximum (1) gene set similarity exceeded",
warning("merge.set.prop set to 1",
# Read in information on gene sets
set.info <- fread(file.path(in.path, pf[grep("SetInfo", pf)]))
set.obj <- fread(file.path(in.path, pf[grep("SetObj", pf)]))
obj.info <- fread(file.path(in.path, pf[grep("ObjInfo", pf)]))
# Cleaning data
#merge similar sets
print(paste0("Merging gene sets with >", merge.set.prop, " similarity"))
r <- MergeSimilarSets(SI=set.info, SO=set.obj,
set.info <- r$set.info
set.obj <- r$set.obj
# Remove resized gene sets that have too many/too few genes
if(!is.na(minsetsize) | !is.na(maxsetsize)){
setN <- set.obj[, .N, by=setID][N>minsetsize & N<maxsetsize, setID]
set.info <- set.info[setID %in% setN]
set.obj <- set.obj[setID %in% setN]
# Create new field with setName and setSource
# to tell apart sets with the same name
dups <- set.info[, .N, by=setName][N>1, setName]
print("Relabeling duplicated gene set names")
set.info[setName %in% d.now, setName:=paste0(setName, ": set", 1:.N),
#add in setIDs for unmerged sets
set.obj[is.na(setID.merged), setID.merged:=setID]
return(list(set.info=set.info, set.obj=set.obj, obj.info=obj.info))
# Function: MergeSimilarSets(set.info, set.obj)
# Merge gene sets that have more than 95% similarity
# -SI : dataframe with fields setID, setName, ...
# -SO : dataframe with fields setID, objID
# -min.sim : minimum proportion of gene sharing before merging
# -n.cores : number of cores to use
MergeSimilarSets<- function(SI, SO, min.sim=0.95, n.cores=NA){
# Get similarity matrix
# Which sets are min.sim proportion similar (two way)
# Choose the one with largest original set to keep
# Remove rest, but keep link in set.info.old
#set cores
dc <- detectCores()
if(n.cores<=0 | n.cores>dc | is.na(n.cores)) n.cores <- dc-1
#create set.obj matrix
SO[, X:=1]
ss <- dcast(SO, objID~setID, value.var="X",
s.mat <- as.matrix(ss, nrow=nrow(ss), rownames="objID")
s.mat.t <- t(s.mat)
NP <- ncol(s.mat)
#determine number of shared genes
np <- 100
#speed up computation by using multiple cores and blocks
#split matrix into blocks of row length 100 (subset gene sets)
#set up parallel backend for foreach %dopar%
sim.mat <- foreach(i=1:ceiling(NP/np), .combine=rbind) %dopar% {
#print(paste0("Quantified gene overlap in ", i*np, " of ", NP, " gene sets"))
s.mat.t[(((i-1)*np)+1):min(i*np, NP), ] %*% s.mat
sim.mat <- t(s.mat) %*% s.mat
print(paste0("Quantified gene overlap in ", NP, " gene sets"))
set.n <- diag(sim.mat)
#proportion shared
p.mat <- sim.mat/set.n
#check for similarity prop > min.sim in both pathways
ff <- foreach(i=seq_len(NP), .combine=rbind) %dopar% {
data.table(P=i, X=which(p.mat[i, ]>min.sim))
xx <- rbind(data.table(Z=1, ff), data.table(Z=2, P=ff$X, X=ff$P))
xx[, PX:=paste(P, X)]
keep <- xx[X!=P, .N, by="PX"][N>1, PX]
set.m <- xx[Z==1 & PX %in% keep, .(P, X)]
#concatenate pathways
pc <- list()
for(i in set.m[, unique(P)]){
PC <- c(i, set.m[P==i, unique(X)])
if(!any(PC %in% unlist(pc))){
pc[[cc]] <- PC
so.new <- foreach(i=pc, .combine=rbind) %dopar% {
so.now <- SO[setID %in% i]
#rename according to largest set
#take random if equivalent
new.setID <- so.now[, .N, by=setID][N==max(N), setID][1]
data.table(setID=new.setID, objID=so.now[, unique(objID)],
setID.merged=so.now[, paste0(unique(setID), collapse=",")])
SO.out <- rbind(SO[!(setID %in% unlist(pc)), .(setID, objID, setID.merged=NA)],
so.new)[order(setID, objID)]
SI.out <- SI[setID %in% SO.out$setID]
SI.out <- SI.out[setID %in% unlist(pc), setName:=paste0(setName, "*")]
print(paste0("Merged ", length(pc), " gene sets >", min.sim, " similarity"))
print(paste0("No gene sets >", min.sim, "similarity"))
return(list(set.obj=SO.out, set.info=SI.out))
#Run pipeline
dd <- ReadSetObjTables(in.path="~/Dropbox/R_projects/PolyLink_code/Example/PolyLink/Input",
population="WHG", minsetsize=10,
maxsetsize=1000, merge.set.prop=0.95, n.cores=3)
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