Seq <- setRefClass("Seq",
fields = list(
id = "character",
alphabet = "character",
sequence = "character"),
methods = list(
## initialize = function(id , sequence, alphabet=character()) {
## 'Initialises the \'Seq\' instance.'
## sequence <<- sequence
## id <<- id
## alphabet <<- alphabet
## if (length(.self$alphabet) == 0)
## alphabet <<- unique(strsplit(.self$sequence, "")[[1]])
## if (!.self$valid())
## stop("Object is not valid!")
## },
setAlphabet = function() {
'Sets the alphabet.'
alphabet <<- unique(strsplit(.self$sequence, "")[[1]])
if (!.self$valid())
stop("Object is not valid")
} ,
valid = function() {
'Checks validity of object.'
chars <- casefold(unique(unlist(strsplit(.self$sequence,""))))
isValid <- all(chars %in% casefold(.self$alphabet))
show = function() {
'Method for automatically printing matrix editors'
cat("Reference class ",
classLabel(class(.self)), "\n")
cat("Id: ", .self$id, "\n", sep="")
cat("Length: ", nchar(.self$sequence), "\n", sep="")
cat("Alphabet: ", .self$alphabet, "\n", sep="")
cat("Sequence: ", .self$sequence, "\n", sep="")
rev = function() {
'Reverses the sequence.'
sequence <<- paste(base::rev(strsplit(.self$sequence,"")[[1]]), collapse="")
id <<- paste(.self$id, "-- reversed")
comp = function() {
'Complements the (DNA) sequence'
sequence <<- chartr("ACGT","TGCA",.self$sequence)
id <<- paste(.self$id, "-- complemented")
seq = function() {
'Returns the object\'s sequence'
transcribe = function() {
'Transcribes the DNA sequence into RNA.'
sequence <<- chartr("T", "U", toupper(.self$sequence))
id <<- paste(.self$id, "-- transcribed")
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