
Defines functions read_mat2 read_mat

Documented in read_mat read_mat2

#' @title Read 'Matlab' files
#' @description A compatible reader that can read both 'Matlab'
#' files prior and after version 6.0
#' @param file path to a 'Matlab' file
#' @param ram whether to load data into memory. Only available when
#' the file is in 'HDF5' format. Default is false and will load arrays,
#' if set to true, then lazy-load data. This is useful when array is very large.
#' @returns A list of All the data stored in the file
#' @details \code{\link[R.matlab]{readMat}} can only read 'Matlab' files
#' prior to version 6. After version 6, 'Matlab' uses 'HDF5' format
#' to store its data, and \code{read_mat} can handle both cases.
#' The performance of \code{read_mat} can be limited when
#' the file is too big or has many datasets as it reads all the
#' data contained in 'Matlab' file into memory.
#' @seealso \code{\link[R.matlab]{readMat}}, \code{\link{load_h5}}
#' @examples
#' # Matlab .mat <= v7.3
#' x <- matrix(1:16, 4)
#' f <- tempfile()
#' R.matlab::writeMat(con = f, x = x)
#' read_mat(f)
#' # Matlab .mat >= v7.3, using hdf5
#' # Make sure you have installed hdf5r
#' if( dipsaus::package_installed('hdf5r') ){
#' f <- tempfile()
#' save_h5(x, file = f, name = 'x')
#' read_mat(f)
#' # For v7.3, you don't have to load all data into RAM
#' dat <- read_mat(f, ram = FALSE)
#' dat
#' dat$x[]
#' }
#' @export
read_mat <- function(file, ram = TRUE){
  file <- normalizePath(file, mustWork = TRUE)
  # Check if the file is HDF5 format
  if( h5FileValid(file) ){

    dset_names <- h5_names(file)
    re <- sapply(dset_names, function(nm){
      y <- load_h5(file, name = nm, ram = ram)
    }, simplify = FALSE, USE.NAMES = TRUE)
    re <- R.matlab::readMat(file)

#' @rdname read_mat
#' @export
read_mat2 <- function(file, ram = TRUE){
  file <- normalizePath(file, mustWork = TRUE)
  # Check if the file is HDF5 format
  if( h5FileValid(file) ){

    dset_names <- h5_names(file)
    re <- dipsaus::fastmap2()
    lapply(dset_names, function(nm){
      y <- load_h5(file, name = nm, ram = ram)
      nm_path <- strsplit(nm, "/")[[1]]
      d <- re
      for(ii in seq_along(nm_path)){
        nm <- nm_path[[ii]]
        if(ii != length(nm_path)){
          if(!inherits(d[[nm]], 'fastmap2')){
            d[[nm]] <- dipsaus::fastmap2()
          d <- d[[nm]]
        } else {
          d[[nm]] <- y
    re <- dipsaus::list_to_fastmap2(R.matlab::readMat(file))

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raveio documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:29 p.m.