
Defines functions get_github_hash

Documented in get_github_hash

#' Get current GitHub hash
#' Get the hash of the latest commit in the master branch of a particular
#' repository. This function assumes git is installed and located in the
#' System PATH.
#' @keywords internal
#' @param repo a \code{string} specifying the github username/repository
#' @family get functions
get_github_hash <- function(repo) {
  if (!grepl("version", system("git --version", intern = TRUE))) {
    msg <- paste("git must be installed and located in the system path",
                 "for this function to work")

  tmp <- system(paste("git ls-remote -h", repo), intern = TRUE)

  strsplit(tmp, "\\\\|[^[:print:]]")[[1]][1]

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rDataPipeline documentation built on Oct. 8, 2024, 5:06 p.m.