
Defines functions add_write

Documented in add_write

#' add_write
#' Add data product to `read` block of user-written config file. Used in
#' combination with \code{create_config()} for unit testing.
#' @param path config file path
#' @param data_product data_product field
#' @param description component field
#' @param version (optional) version field
#' @param file_type (optional) file type field
#' @param use_data_product (optional) use_data_product field
#' @param use_component (optional) use_component field
#' @param use_version (optional) use_version field
#' @param use_namespace (optional) use_namespace field
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' path <- "test_config/config.yaml"
#' # Write run_metadata block
#' create_config(path = path,
#'               description = "test",
#'               input_namespace = "test_user",
#'               output_namespace = "test_user")
#' # Write read block
#' add_write(path = path,
#'           data_product = "test/array",
#'           description = "data product description",
#'           version = "0.2.0")
#' }
add_write <- function(path,
                      use_namespace) {

  # Generate write block
  new_write <- list()
  new_write$data_product <- data_product
  new_write$description <- description

  if (!missing(version)) new_write$version <- version
  if (!missing(file_type)) new_write$file_type <- file_type
  if (!missing(use_data_product)) new_write$use$data_product <- use_data_product
  if (!missing(use_component)) new_write$use$component <- use_component
  if (!missing(use_version)) new_write$use$version <- use_version
  if (!missing(use_namespace)) new_write$use$namespace <- use_namespace

  # Read file contents
  contents <- configr::read.config(file = path)

  run_metadata <- contents$run_metadata

  if ("write" %in% names(contents)) {
    write <- contents$write
    index <- length(write) + 1
    write[[index]] <- new_write
  } else {
    write <- list(new_write)

  # Write working config.yaml file
  if ("read" %in% names(contents)) {
    yaml::write_yaml(list(run_metadata = run_metadata,
                          write = write,
                          read = contents$read),
                     file = path)
  } else {
    yaml::write_yaml(list(run_metadata = run_metadata,
                          write = write),
                     file = path)


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rDataPipeline documentation built on Oct. 8, 2024, 5:06 p.m.