#' regression analysis
#' Run regression models with adjusting for covariates. `regression_each` is used for one outcome. In `regression`, several outcomes can be specified to run together.
#' @param object A Metabolite object.
#' @param phenoData A data.table with outcome and covariates. If `phenoData` is NULL, `@sampleData` will be used.
#' @param model Specify a regression model. See \code{\link{fit_lm}} for more details. 'auto' can be used to infer 'lm' or 'logistic' (with only 0, 1, and NA).
#' @param formula A character or formula object to fit model (only used in `regression_each`)
#' @param outcome Column name of the outcome variable.
#' @param covars Column names of covariates.
#' @param factors Variables to be treated as factor.
#' @param feature_name A vector of selected metabolites to run. If both feature_name and random_select are NULL, will run regression for all features.
#' @param time Column name of survival time, used in cox regression, see \code{\link[survival]{coxph}} for more details.
#' @param verbose Print log information.
#' @param ncpus Number of CPUS for parallele job.
#' @param p.adjust.method Adjust for P value method, see \code{\link{p.adjust}}.
#' @param \dots Further arguments passed to regression model.
#' @returns term estimate std.error statistic p.value n outcome p.value.adj.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(df_plasma)
#' fit_lm <- regression(object = df_plasma, phenoData = NULL, model = "lm",
#' outcome = "BMI", covars = c("AGE", "GENDER", "ETHNICITY"), factors = "ETHNICITY")
regression <- function(object, phenoData = NULL, model = NULL, outcome = NULL, covars = NULL, factors = NULL, feature_name = NULL, time = NULL, verbose = TRUE, ncpus = 1, p.adjust.method = "bonferroni", ...) {
cat(paste0("Regression for ", length(outcome) ," outcome(s). \n\n"))
res_m <- NULL
for(i in seq_along(outcome)) {
v_i <- outcome[i]
res <- regression_each(object = object, phenoData = phenoData, model = model, outcome = v_i,
covars = covars, factors =factors, feature_name = feature_name,
time = time, verbose = verbose, ncpus = ncpus, p.adjust.method = p.adjust.method, ...
if(NROW(res) == 0 || length(res) == 1) next
res_m <- rbind(res_m, res, fill = TRUE)
#' @title available regression methods
#' @description `fit_lm`: linear regression model \code{\link{lm}}.
#' @param data A data.table with all variables to be fitted.
#' @param formula A "formula" object to be fitted.
#' @param keep Variables to keep regression results.
#' @seealso \code{\link{regression}}
#' @export
#' @returns term estimate std.error statistic p.value n.
fit_lm <- function(data = NULL, formula = NULL, keep = NULL) {
v_var <- all.vars(formula)
df <- data[, v_var, with = FALSE]
fit <- tryCatch("lm", args = list(data = df, formula = formula)),
error = function(e) {
cat(paste0("Failed to fit model: ", e), "\n")
if(inherits(fit, "lm")) {
res <-
if(! is.null(keep)) res <- res[res$term %in% keep, ]
res$n <- length(fit$residuals)
} else {
res <- list(estimate = NA)
#' @description `fit_logistic`: logistic regression model \code{\link{glm}}.
#' @rdname fit_lm
#' @export
fit_logistic <- function(data = NULL, formula = NULL, keep = NULL) {
v_var <- all.vars(formula)
df <- data[, v_var, with = FALSE]
fit <- tryCatch("glm", args = list(data = df, formula = formula, family = binomial(link = "logit"))),
error = function(e) {
cat(paste0("Failed to fit model: ", e), "\n")
if(inherits(fit, "glm")) {
res <-
if(! is.null(keep)) res <- res[res$term %in% keep, ]
res$n <- length(fit$residuals)
} else {
res <- list(estimate = NA)
#' @description `fit_poisson`: poisson regression model \code{\link{glm}}.
#' @rdname fit_lm
#' @export
fit_poisson <- function(data = NULL, formula = NULL, keep = NULL) {
v_var <- all.vars(formula)
df <- data[, v_var, with = FALSE]
fit <- tryCatch("glm", args = list(data = df, formula = formula, family="poisson")),
error = function(e) {
cat(paste0("Failed to fit model: ", e), "\n")
if(inherits(fit, "glm")) {
res <-
if(! is.null(keep)) res <- res[res$term %in% keep, ]
res$n <- length(fit$residuals)
} else {
res <- list(estimate = NA)
#' @description `fit_cox`: proportional hazards regression model \code{\link[survival]{coxph}}.
#' @rdname fit_lm
#' @export
fit_cox <- function(data = NULL, formula = NULL, keep = NULL) {
v_var <- all.vars(formula)
df <- data[, v_var, with = FALSE]
fit <- tryCatch("survival","coxph"), args = list(data = df, formula = formula)),
error = function(e) {
cat(paste0("Failed to fit model: ", e), "\n")
if(inherits(fit, "coxph")) {
res <-
if(! is.null(keep)) res <- res[res$term %in% keep, ]
res$n <- length(fit$residuals)
} else {
res <- list(estimate = NA)
#' @description `fit_lme`: linear mixed-effects model \code{\link[nlme]{lme}}.
#' @param \dots Further arguments passed to regression model.
#' @rdname fit_lm
#' @export
fit_lme <- function(data = NULL, formula = NULL, keep = NULL, ...) {
v_var <- all.vars(formula)
v_args <- list(...)
if (! "random" %in% names(v_args)) {
warnings("`random` formula should be specified for `lme`.")
} else {
random <- v_args[["random"]]
if (! "na.action" %in% names(v_args)) {
na.action <- na.omit
} else {
na.action <- v_args[["na.action"]]
if (! "control" %in% names(v_args)) {
control <- nlme::lmeControl(opt = "optim")
} else {
control <- v_args[["control"]]
v_args <- v_args[! names(v_args) %in% c("random", "na.action", "control", "")]
if(length(v_args) != 0) {
warning(paste0("Unknown args in lme: ", paste0(names(v_args), collapse = ", "),"\n"))
# select variables.
df <- data[, c(v_var, all.vars(random)), with = FALSE]
fit <- tryCatch("nlme", "lme"), args = list(fixed = formula, data = df,
random = random,
na.action = na.action,
control = control, = FALSE
error = function(e) {
cat(paste0("Failed to fit model: ", e), "\n")
if(inherits(fit, "lme")) {
res <-$tTable, keep.rownames = TRUE)
res <- res[, list(term = res$rn, estimate = res$Value, std.error = res$Std.Error, statistic = res$`t-value`, p.value = res$`p-value`, n = fit$dims[["N"]])]
if(! is.null(keep)) res <- res[res$term %in% keep, ]
} else {
res <- list(estimate = NA)
#' @description `fit_glmer`: logistic linear mixed-effects model \code{\link[lme4]{glmer}}.
#' @param \dots Further arguments passed to regression model.
#' @rdname fit_lm
#' @export
fit_glmer <- function(data = NULL, formula = NULL, keep = NULL, ...) {
v_var <- all.vars(formula)
v_args <- list(...)
if ("random" %in% names(v_args)) {
random <- v_args[["random"]]
formula <- as.formula(paste0(deparse(formula)," ", gsub("~", " + ", deparse(random))))
v_var <- c(v_var, all.vars(random))
if (! "nAGQ" %in% names(v_args)) {
nAGQ <- 25
} else {
nAGQ <- v_args[["nAGQ"]]
if (! "control" %in% names(v_args)) {
control = lme4::glmerControl()
} else {
control <- v_args[["control"]]
v_args <- v_args[! names(v_args) %in% c("random", "nAGQ", "control")]
if(length(v_args) != 0) {
warning(paste0("Unknown args in glmer: ", paste0(names(v_args), collapse = ", "),"\n"))
# select variables.
df <- data[, v_var, with = FALSE]
fit <- tryCatch("lme4", "glmer"), args = list(formula = formula, data = df,
family = binomial,
nAGQ = nAGQ,
control = control
error = function(e) {
cat(paste0("Failed to fit model: ", e), "\n")
if(inherits(fit, "glmerMod")) {
v_messages <- fit@optinfo$conv$lme4$messages
if(!is.null(v_messages) && grepl("Model failed to converge", v_messages)) {
control <- lme4::glmerControl(optimizer="bobyqa", optCtrl=list(maxfun=2e5))
fit <- tryCatch("lme4", "glmer"), args = list(formula = formula, data = df,
family = binomial,
nAGQ = nAGQ,
control = control
error = function(e) {
cat(paste0("Failed to fit model: ", e), "\n")
res <-$coefficients, keep.rownames = TRUE)
v_message <- fit@optinfo$conv$lme4$messages
v_message <- ifelse(is.null(v_message), NA, v_message)
res <- res[, list(term = res$rn, estimate = res$Estimate, std.error = res$`Std. Error`, statistic = res$`z value`, p.value = res$`Pr(>|z|)`, n = fit@devcomp$dims[["n"]], message = fit@optinfo$conv$lme4$messages)]
if(! is.null(keep)) res <- res[res$term %in% keep, ]
} else {
res <- list(estimate = NA)
#' @description `fit_lmer`: linear mixed-effects model \code{\link[lme4]{lmer}}.
#' @param \dots Further arguments passed to regression model.
#' @rdname fit_lm
#' @export
fit_lmer <- function(data = NULL, formula = NULL, keep = NULL, ...) {
v_var <- all.vars(formula)
v_args <- list(...)
if ("random" %in% names(v_args)) {
random <- v_args[["random"]]
formula <- as.formula(paste0(deparse(formula)," ", gsub("~", " + ", deparse(random))))
v_var <- c(v_var, all.vars(random))
v_args <- v_args[! names(v_args) %in% c("random")]
if(length(v_args) != 0) {
warning(paste0("Unknown args in lmer: ", paste0(names(v_args), collapse = ", "),"\n"))
# select variables.
df <- data[, v_var, with = FALSE]
fit <- tryCatch("lmerTest", "lmer"), args = list(formula = formula, data = df)),
error = function(e) {
cat(paste0("Failed to fit model: ", e), "\n")
if(inherits(fit, "lmerMod")) {
res <-$coefficients, keep.rownames = TRUE)
v_message <- fit@optinfo$conv$lme4$messages
v_message <- ifelse(is.null(v_message), NA, v_message)
res <- res[, list(term = res$rn, estimate = res$Estimate, std.error = res$`Std. Error`, statistic = res$`t value`, p.value = res$`Pr(>|t|)`, n = fit@devcomp$dims[["n"]], message = v_message)]
if(! is.null(keep)) res <- res[res$term %in% keep, ]
} else {
res <- list(estimate = NA)
#' @rdname regression
#' @export
regression_each <- function(object, phenoData = NULL, model = NULL, formula = NULL,
outcome = NULL, covars = NULL, factors = NULL, feature_name = NULL,
time = NULL, verbose = TRUE, ncpus = 1, p.adjust.method = "bonferroni", ...) {
if(is.null(model)) {
stop("model is not specified.", call. = FALSE)
v_args <- list(...)
if(!is.null(feature_name)) {
x_list <- feature_name
} else {
x_list <- names(object@assayData)[2:NCOL(object@assayData)]
# phenoData, merge with sampleData
if(is.null(phenoData)) {
warnings(paste0("`phenoData` is NULL, `@sampleData` will be used. "))
phenoData <- copy(object@sampleData)
} else {
phenoData <-
stopifnot(object@sampleID %in% names(phenoData))
# phenoData <- merge(phenoData, object@sampleData, by = object@sampleID, suffixes = c("", "_"))
stopifnot(!any(x_list %in% names(phenoData)))
# check column names
if(is.null(formula)) stopifnot(outcome %in% names(phenoData))
if(is.null(formula)) {
cat("Build formula using covars and outcomes. \n")
if(is.null(covars)) stop("Both formula and covars are NULL.")
v_formula <- paste(outcome, "~", paste(covars, sep="", collapse = " + "))
} else {
if(!inherits(formula, "formula")) formula <- as.formula(formula)
covars <- all.vars(formula)
outcome <- covars[1]
v_formula <- deparse(formula)
# print(covars)
stopifnot(all(covars %in% names(phenoData)))
if (!is.null(factors)) {
stopifnot(all(factors %in% names(phenoData)))
stopifnot(all(factors %in% covars))
phenoData[, (factors) := lapply(.SD, as.factor) , .SDcols = factors]
df <- merge(phenoData, object@assayData, by = object@sampleID)
# check model == "auto"
if(model == "auto") {
cat("model = `auto`, to infer `lm` or `logistic` \n")
if(all(unique(df[, get(outcome)]) %in% c(0, 1, NA))) {
model <- "logistic"
} else {
model <- "lm"
fit_model <- paste0("fit_", model)
fit_model <- get(fit_model)
if(NROW(df) < 3) {
stop(paste0("Only "), NROW(df), " rows in the merged file.", call. = FALSE)
if(model == "cox") {
if(is.null(formula)) {
if(is.null(time)) stop("`time` is NULL.", call. = FALSE)
v_formula <- paste('survival::Surv(time = ', time, ', event = ', outcome ,') ~', paste(covars, sep= "", collapse = " + "))
outcome <- all.vars(as.formula(v_formula))[2]
} else {
outcome <- all.vars(as.formula(v_formula))[1]
if(verbose) {
cat(paste0("\nRun `", model, "` model for ", length(x_list), " features: \n"))
cat(v_formula, "+ `feature` \n")
if(ncpus > 1) {
future::plan(future::multiprocess, workers = ncpus)
lapply_parallel <- if(future::nbrOfWorkers() > 1) {
if(verbose) cat(paste0("Parallele runing with ncpus = ", future::nbrOfWorkers()), "\n")
} else {
v_ids <- 1L:length(x_list)
# progressr::handlers(global = TRUE)
p <- progressr::progressor(along = v_ids)
fit_res <- lapply_parallel(
X = v_ids,
FUN = function(i) {
p(sprintf("i=%g", i))
v_i <- x_list[i]
v_formula_i <- as.formula(paste0(v_formula, "+", v_i))
tryCatch(, args = list(data = df, formula = v_formula_i, keep = v_i, ...)),
error = function(e) {
paste0("Failed to fit model: ", e)
if(all( return(NA)
fit_res <- rbindlist(fit_res, fill=TRUE)
fit_res$outcome <- outcome
fit_res$model <- model
fit_res$p.value.adj <- stats::p.adjust(fit_res$p.value, method = p.adjust.method)
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