gwas_rest_api_base_url <- ""
user_agent_id <- httr::user_agent("gwasrapidd: GWAS R API Data Download")
#' Request a GWAS Catalog REST API endpoint
#' Performs a GET request on the specified \code{resource_url}.
#' @param resource_url Endpoint URL. The endpoint is internally appended to the
#' \code{base_url}. It should start with a forward slash (\code{/}).
#' @param base_url The GWAS REST API base URL (one should not need to change its
#' default value).
#' @param verbose Whether to be chatty.
#' @param warnings Whether to print warnings.
#' @param flatten Whether to flatten out the list returned by
#' \code{jsonlite::fromJSON}.
#' @return A list four named elements:
#' \describe{
#' \item{url}{The URL endpoint.}
#' \item{response_code}{\href{}{HTTP
#' status code}.}
#' \item{status}{A string describing the status of the response obtained. It is
#' "OK" if everything went OK or some other string describing the problem
#' otherwise.}
#' \item{content}{The parsed JSON as a nested list, as returned by
#' \code{jsonlite::fromJSON}.}
#' }
#' @keywords internal
gc_request <- function(resource_url = "/", base_url = gwas_rest_api_base_url,
verbose = FALSE, warnings = TRUE, flatten = FALSE) {
if(verbose) message(glue::glue("Base URL: {base_url}."))
url <- stringr::str_c(base_url, resource_url)
if(verbose) message(glue::glue("Requesting resource: {url}."))
if(verbose) message(glue::glue("Using the user agent: {user_agent_id$options$useragent}."))
response <- httr::GET(url, user_agent_id)
response_code <- httr::status_code(response)
if(verbose) message(glue::glue("Response code: {response_code}."))
# Response object (a list of four elements):
# - url: the resource URL
# - response_code: response code
# - status: short remark about what went wrong with the response,
# or OK if successful.
# - response content: the content of the parsed JSON response, or NULL if
# not successful.
obj <- list(url = url,
response_code = response_code,
status = NA_character_,
content = NULL)
# If response is not 200, i.e. if request did not complete successfully then
# return an empty response object (NULL) and warn about the response code.
if (!identical(response_code, 200L)) {
wrg_msg <-glue::glue("The request for {url} failed: response code was {response_code}.")
if(warnings) {
warning(wrg_msg, immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE)
obj$status <- wrg_msg
} else { # Else response code is 200 and we move on to JSON parsing.
# Check if the content type of the response is JSON.
content_type <- httr::http_type(response)
if(verbose) message(glue::glue("Response content type: {content_type}."))
if (!identical(content_type, "application/json")) {
if(warnings) {
wrg_msg <- glue::glue("Response to {url} did not return JSON!")
warning(wrg_msg, immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE)
obj$status <- "Response content was not application/json."
# Parse JSON content
content <- jsonlite::fromJSON(httr::content(response, "text"), flatten = flatten)
obj$status <- "OK"
# missing_to_na job here is to map those nasty NULLs to NA
# For more about this problem:
obj$content <- missing_to_na(content)
#obj$content <- content
#' Adds an element named <obj_type> to content sub-element.
#' This function takes a list, sees if it has an element named 'content' and
#' then checks if content contains an element named \code{obj_type}: if it does
#' not contain an element as passed in \code{obj_type} this function adds it,
#' otherwise it leaves the list \code{obj} untouched. The contents of 'content'
#' are set as value of \code{<obj>$content$<obj_type>}.
#' @param obj A list.
#' @param obj_type A non-empty string.
#' @return A list containing the \code{<obj>$content$<obj_type>}, whose value is
#' either \code{NULL} if it had not any value before or the value of
#' \code{<obj>$content}.
#' @keywords internal
add_object_tier <- function(obj, obj_type) {
stop("obj must be a list.")
stop("obj_type must be a string.")
if(identical(obj_type, ""))
stop("obj_type cannot be an empty string")
if(rlang::is_empty(obj)) {
lst <- list()
lst$content[obj_type] <- list(NULL)
has_tier_already <- rlang::has_name(obj$content, obj_type)
else {
content <- obj$content
obj$content <- NULL
obj$content[[obj_type]] <- content
#' Identify the GWAS object entity from the URL endpoint
#' This function takes URL endpoints and returns one of: studies, associations,
#' variants or traits.
#' @param resource_url A character vector of GWAS URL endpoints.
#' @return A character vector of either \code{"studies"}, \code{"associations"},
#' \code{"variants"} or \code{"traits"}.
#' @keywords internal
object_type_from_url <- Vectorize(function(resource_url) {
# Types of entities returned by the GWAS Catalog
obj_types <- c(studies = "studies",
associations = "associations",
variants = "variants",
traits = "traits")
patterns <- c(
studies = "^(\\w*/?)?$",
studies = "^(\\w+/study/?$",
studies = "^($",
studies = "^(\\w+/studies/?$",
studies = "^(*$",
associations = "^(\\w+/associations/?$",
associations = "^(\\w*/?)?$",
associations = "^($",
associations = "^(\\w+/associations/?$",
associations = "^(*$",
variants = "^(\\w+/snps/?$",
variants = "^(\\w+/snps/?$",
variants = "^([^/]*/?)?$",
variants = "^(*$",
traits = "^(\\w+/efoTraits/?$",
traits = "^(\\w+/efoTraits/?$",
traits = "^(\\w*/?)?$",
traits = "^(*$"
match <- stringr::str_detect(resource_url, patterns)
if(identical(as.integer(sum(match)), 0L))
stop("No pattern matched the URL: ", resource_url, ".")
# Only one object type should be matched.
obj_type <- unique(obj_types[names(patterns)[match]])
if(length(obj_type) > 1L) {
stop("More than one object type possible for the URL: ",
resource_url, ": ",
names(obj_type) <- NULL
#' Is the GWAS response paginated?
#' Checks if the response is paginated by checking if an element named 'page'
#' exists.
#' @param content The response content as return by \code{jsonlite::fromJSON}.
#' @return A logical value.
#' @keywords internal
is_paginated <- function(content) 'page' %in% names(content)
#' Request a paginated GWAS Catalog REST API endpoint
#' Performs a GET request on the specified \code{resource_url} and all its
#' pages.
#' @param resource_url Endpoint URL. The endpoint is internally appended to the
#' \code{base_url}. It should start with a forward slash (\code{/}).
#' @param base_url The GWAS REST API base URL (one should not need to change its
#' default value).
#' @param page_size Page parameter used in the URL endpoint.
#' @param verbose Whether to be chatty.
#' @param warnings Whether to print warnings.
#' @param progress_bar Whether to show a progress bar as the paginated resources
#' are retrieved.
#' @return A list four named elements:
#' \describe{
#' \item{url}{The URL endpoint.}
#' \item{response_code}{\href{}{HTTP
#' status code}.}
#' \item{status}{A string describing the status of the response obtained. It is
#' "OK" if everything went OK or some other string describing the problem
#' otherwise.}
#' \item{content}{The parsed JSON as a nested list, as returned by
#' \code{jsonlite::fromJSON}.}
#' }
#' @keywords internal
gc_request_all <- function(resource_url = "/",
base_url = gwas_rest_api_base_url,
page_size = 20L,
verbose = FALSE,
warnings = TRUE,
progress_bar = TRUE) {
# response object
obj <- gc_request(resource_url = resource_url, base_url = base_url,
verbose = verbose, warnings = warnings)
if(warnings && !identical(obj$status, "OK")) {
# Is the response paginated?
is_it_paginated <- is_paginated(obj$content)
# If it is not paginated return the obtained object.
if(!is_it_paginated) return(obj)
# Else, let's go after for those paginated resources.
pagination <- obj$content$page
# Check if page_size is within 1 and 1000.
if(!rlang::is_scalar_integer(page_size) || page_size < 1L || page_size > 1000L)
stop("page_size must be an integer scalar between 1 and 1000!")
# Now we calculate the number of pages needed to cover the number
# of elements in chunks of length = page_size
n_pages <- (pagination[["totalElements"]] - 1L) %/% page_size + 1L
# This is a hack!
# For instance the URL:
# has a page object but lists:
# $content$page$totalElements
# [1] 0
# So this next line deals with this exception.
if(identical(n_pages, 0L)) n_pages <- 1L
# Generate page indices, it starts at 0 and goes up to totalPages - 1.
page_indices <-, n_pages - 1)
# Generate each individual resource URL one per page
if(contains_question_mark(resource_url)) {
resource_url_by_page <- sprintf("%s&page=%d&size=%d", resource_url, page_indices, page_size)
} else {
resource_url_by_page <- sprintf("%s?page=%d&size=%d", resource_url, page_indices, page_size)
# Progress bar
if(progress_bar) {
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(total = n_pages,
show_after = 2,
format = " downloading [:bar] :percent eta: :eta")
gc_request2 <- function(resource_url = "/",
base_url = base_url,
verbose = FALSE,
warnings = TRUE,
flatten = FALSE) {
gc_request(resource_url = resource_url,
base_url = base_url,
verbose = verbose,
warnings = warnings,
flatten = flatten)
} else {
gc_request2 <- gc_request
# Each element of this list is a returned object from a page
objs <-purrr::map(resource_url_by_page,
base_url = base_url,
verbose = verbose,
warnings = warnings,
flatten = FALSE)
is_ok <- purrr::map_lgl(objs, ~ identical(.x$status, "OK"))
stop(glue::glue("Failed to get all pages of {resource_url}!"))
# Let's join all those pages into one object only
#' Is the GWAS response wrapped in an '_embedded' object?
#' Checks if the response is wrapped in an '_embedded' object by checking if an
#' element named '_embedded' exists.
#' @param obj The response object as return by \code{jsonlite::fromJSON}.
#' @return A logical value.
#' @keywords internal
is_embedded <- function(obj) utils::hasName(obj$content, '_embedded')
#' Normalise a JSON-list.
#' This function normalises a JSON-list. The concept of JSON-list is here
#' defined as an ordinary R list object whose elements are either all named or
#' none is named. These lists map naturally to JSON elements: objects and
#' arrays. What this function does is wrap certain elements of the nested
#' list \code{obj} in \code{list()} to make the tree structure of the \code{obj}
#' list homologous across different responses. This makes all responses of the
#' same entity type (studies, associations, variants or traits) homologous and
#' hence joinable with family functions \code{lst_*_join}.
#' This normalisation is GWAS object type specific. The parameter
#' \code{resource_url} should be mappable to either studies, associations,
#' variants or traits by \code{\link{object_type_from_url}}.
#' @param obj A JSON-list. This is just an ordinary list as returned by
#' \code{\link{gc_request}} or \code{\link{gc_request_all}}.
#' @param resource_url The URL endpoint used to obtain the JSON-list \code{obj}.
#' This is used to infer the type of GWAS entity returned. See
#' \code{\link{object_type_from_url}} for more details.
#' @return A normalised JSON-list.
#' @keywords internal
normalise_obj <- function(obj, resource_url) {
# If is embedded then object is not of scalar type
# and there is no need to normalise it, so it return it
# as is.
if (is_embedded(obj))
# We remove names from obj_type so that identical() down there works.
#obj_type <- unname(object_type_from_url(resource_url))
obj_type <- object_type_from_url(resource_url)
# n_obj: normalised object
n_obj <- obj
# normalise a studies object type
if(identical(obj_type, "studies")) {
n_obj <- add_object_tier(obj, "studies")
n_obj$content$studies$platforms <- list(n_obj$content$studies$platforms)
n_obj$content$studies$ancestries <- list(n_obj$content$studies$ancestries)
n_obj$content$studies$genotypingTechnologies <- list(n_obj$content$studies$genotypingTechnologies)
# normalise an associations object type
if(identical(obj_type, "associations")) {
n_obj <- add_object_tier(obj, "associations")
n_obj$content$associations$loci <- list(n_obj$content$associations$loci)
# normalise a variant object type
if(identical(obj_type, "variants")) {
n_obj <- add_object_tier(obj, "singleNucleotidePolymorphisms")
n_obj$content$singleNucleotidePolymorphisms$locations <- list(n_obj$content$singleNucleotidePolymorphisms$locations)
n_obj$content$singleNucleotidePolymorphisms$genomicContexts <- list(n_obj$content$singleNucleotidePolymorphisms$genomicContexts)
# normalise a traits object type
if(identical(obj_type, "traits")) {
n_obj <- add_object_tier(obj, "efoTraits")
# We should not get to this point. If obj_type was not one of:
# studies, associations, variants or traits then object_type_from_url would
# have already returned with an error.
#' Peels off the _embedded tier from a JSON-list.
#' This function removes an element named \code{_embedded} from the element
#' \code{content} moving all of its contents one level up. If
#' \code{obj$content$`_embedded`} does not exist then returns \code{obj}
#' untouched.
#' @param obj A JSON-list.
#' @return A JSON-list.
#' @keywords internal
peel_off_embedded <- function(obj) {
if(is_embedded(obj)) {
# peel off the _embedded tier
obj$content <- obj$content$`_embedded`
} else { # we're facing a scalar type of object.
#' Get a GWAS Catalog resource
#' This function gets a GWAS Catalog by URL endpoint. The response must
#' correspond to one of the four types of entities: studies, associations,
#' variants or traits.
#' @param resource_url Endpoint URL. The endpoint is internally appended to the
#' \code{base_url}. It should start with a forward slash (\code{/}).
#' @param base_url The GWAS REST API base URL (one should not need to change its
#' default value).
#' @param verbose Whether to be chatty.
#' @param warnings Whether to print warnings.
#' @param page_size Page parameter used in the URL endpoint.
#' @return A normalised JSON-list corresponding to either studies, associations,
#' variants or traits.
#' @keywords internal
gc_get <- function(resource_url,
base_url = gwas_rest_api_base_url,
verbose = FALSE,
warnings = TRUE,
page_size = 20L) {
stop('resource_url must be a single string.')
stop('base_url must be a single string.')
if(!rlang::is_scalar_integer(page_size) || page_size < 1L || page_size > 1000L)
stop("page_size must be an integer scalar between 1 and 1000!")
# If resource is paginated get all the paginated resources.
obj <- gc_request_all(resource_url = resource_url,
base_url = base_url,
verbose = verbose,
warnings = warnings,
page_size = page_size)
# If object is of scalar type, normalise it.
obj <- normalise_obj(obj, resource_url)
# Peel off the "_embedded" tier if that is the case.
obj <- peel_off_embedded(obj)
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.