#' Extract association identifiers from URLs
#' This function extracts association identifiers from URLs of the form:
#' \code{".*{association_id}$"}.
#' @param urls A character vector of URLs of the form
#' \code{".*{association_id}$"}.
#' @return A character vector of association identifiers.
#' @keywords internal
extract_association_id <- function(urls) {
assoc_ids <- stringr::str_extract(urls, "(\\d+)$")
#' Extract allele names from strings of the form rs123-G
#' This function parses strings of the form \code{"rs123-G"} and returns
#' the name of the allele; it uses the regex \code{([ATCG]+)$}.
#' @param risk_allele_names
#' @return A character vector of allele names.
#' @keywords internal
allele_name <- function(risk_allele_names) {
str <- stringr::str_extract(risk_allele_names, "-([ATCG]+)$") %>%
stringr::str_replace("-", "")
str[is_empty_str(str)] <- NA_character_
#' Extract variant identifiers from strings of the form rs123-G
#' This function parses strings of the form \code{"rs123-G"} and returns
#' the name of the variant; it uses the regex \code{-([ATCG\\?]+)?$}.
#' @param risk_allele_names
#' @return A character vector of variant names.
#' @keywords internal
variant_name <- function(risk_allele_names) {
str <- stringr::str_replace(risk_allele_names, "-([ATCG\\?]+)?$", "")
str[is_empty_str(str)] <- NA_character_
#' Is a string a valid rsID?
#' Find which strings are valid SNP reference IDs, i.e., of the form rs[0-9]+.
#' Please note that this only does a syntax validation on the strings. It does
#' not check whether the actual IDs exist in dbSNP.
#' @param str A character vector of putative SNP reference IDs of the form
#' rs[0-9]+.
#' @param convert_NA_to_FALSE Whether to preserve \code{NA}
#' (\code{convert_NA_to_FALSE = TRUE}) or whether to return \code{FALSE} when
#' an \code{NA} is found (\code{convert_NA_to_FALSE = FALSE}).
#' @return Returns a logical vector of the same length as \code{str},
#' \code{TRUE} for strings that are valid rs IDs, and \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @keywords internal
is_rs_id <- function(str, convert_NA_to_FALSE = TRUE) {
stop("str argument must be a character vector.")
if(identical(length(str), 0L))
stop("str contains no values, it must contain at least one string.")
# Replace NA with "".
if(convert_NA_to_FALSE) {
str2 <- str
str2[] <- ""
} else {
str2 <- str
is_rs_id <- stringr::str_detect(str2, "^rs\\d+$")
#' Is a string a GWAS Catalog association accession ID?
#' Find which strings are valid GWAS Catalog association IDs (returns
#' \code{TRUE}). Association IDs are tested against the following regular
#' expression: \code{^\\\\d+$}.
#' @param str A character vector of strings.
#' @param convert_NA_to_FALSE Whether to treat \code{NA} as \code{NA}
#' (\code{convert_NA_to_FALSE = FALSE}) or whether to return \code{FALSE} when
#' an \code{NA} is found (\code{convert_NA_to_FALSE = TRUE}).
#' @return A logical vector.
#' @keywords internal
is_association_id <- function(str, convert_NA_to_FALSE = TRUE) {
if (!is.character(str))
stop("str argument must be a character vector.")
if (identical(length(str), 0L))
stop("str contains no values, it must contain at least one string.")
# Replace NA with "".
if (convert_NA_to_FALSE) {
str2 <- str
str2[] <- ""
} else {
str2 <- str
is_accession <- stringr::str_detect(str2, "^\\d+$")
#' Is a string a human chromosome name?
#' Find which strings are valid human chromosome names. The valid chromosome
#' names can be specified via the argument \code{chromosomes}.
#' @param string A character vector of strings.
#' @param chromosomes A character vector of valid chromosome names. Default is
#' autosomal chromosomes 1 thru 22 and, X, Y, and MT.
#' @param convert_NA_to_FALSE Whether to treat \code{NA} as \code{NA}
#' (\code{convert_NA_to_FALSE = FALSE}) or whether to return \code{FALSE} when
#' an \code{NA} is found (\code{convert_NA_to_FALSE = TRUE}).
#' @return A logical vector.
#' @keywords internal
is_human_chromosome <- function(string,
chromosomes = c(seq_len(22), "X", "Y", "MT"),
convert_NA_to_FALSE = TRUE) {
# Replace NA with "".
if (convert_NA_to_FALSE) {
string2 <- string
string2[] <- ""
} else {
string2 <- string
chrom_regex <- stringr::str_c(chromosomes, collapse = "|")
regex <- sprintf("^(%s)$", chrom_regex)
return(stringr::str_detect(string2, regex))
#' Is a string an EFO trait ID?
#' Find which strings are valid EFO trait IDs (returns
#' \code{TRUE}). EFO trait IDs are tested against the following regular
#' expression: \code{^EFO_\\\\d\{7\}$}.
#' @param str A character vector of strings.
#' @param convert_NA_to_FALSE Whether to treat \code{NA} as \code{NA}
#' (\code{convert_NA_to_FALSE = FALSE}) or whether to return \code{FALSE} when
#' an \code{NA} is found (\code{convert_NA_to_FALSE = TRUE}).
#' @return A logical vector.
#' @keywords internal
is_efo_id <- function(str, convert_NA_to_FALSE = TRUE) {
if (!is.character(str))
stop("str argument must be a character vector.")
if (identical(length(str), 0L))
stop("str contains no values, it must contain at least one string.")
# Replace NA with "".
if (convert_NA_to_FALSE) {
str2 <- str
str2[] <- ""
} else {
str2 <- str
is_efo_trait <- stringr::str_detect(str2, "^EFO_\\d{7}$")
#' Is a string an EFO trait ID in the broad sense?
#' This function is more permissible than \code{\link[gwasrapidd]{is_efo_id}}.
#' This function matches EFO trait IDs against the following regular expression:
#' \code{^\\\\w+$}. This is very forgiving on the input, any sequence of word
#' characters are ok. This is useful to match EFO identifiers that do not follow
#' the regex \code{^EFO_\\\\d\{7\}$}, such as: \code{'GO_0097334'},
#' \code{'HP_0001268'}, \code{'Orphanet_182098'}, and \code{'NCIT_C74532'}.
#' @param str A character vector of strings.
#' @param convert_NA_to_FALSE Whether to treat \code{NA} as \code{NA}
#' (\code{convert_NA_to_FALSE = FALSE}) or whether to return \code{FALSE} when
#' an \code{NA} is found (\code{convert_NA_to_FALSE = TRUE}).
#' @return A logical vector.
#' @keywords internal
is_efo_id2 <- function(str, convert_NA_to_FALSE = TRUE) {
if (!is.character(str))
stop("str argument must be a character vector.")
if (identical(length(str), 0L))
stop("str contains no values, it must contain at least one string.")
# Replace NA with "".
if (convert_NA_to_FALSE) {
str2 <- str
str2[] <- ""
} else {
str2 <- str
is_efo_trait <- stringr::str_detect(str2, "^\\w+$")
#' Is a string a GWAS Catalog study accession ID?
#' Find which strings are valid GWAS Catalog study accession IDs (returns
#' \code{TRUE}). Study accession IDs are tested against the following regular
#' expression: \code{^GCST\\\\d+$}.
#' @param str A character vector of strings.
#' @param convert_NA_to_FALSE Whether to treat \code{NA} as \code{NA}
#' (\code{convert_NA_to_FALSE = FALSE}) or whether to return \code{FALSE} when
#' an \code{NA} is found (\code{convert_NA_to_FALSE = TRUE}).
#' @return A logical vector.
#' @keywords internal
is_study_id <- function(str, convert_NA_to_FALSE = TRUE) {
if (!is.character(str))
stop("str argument must be a character vector.")
if (identical(length(str), 0L))
stop("str contains no values, it must contain at least one string.")
# Replace NA with "".
if (convert_NA_to_FALSE) {
str2 <- str
str2[] <- ""
} else {
str2 <- str
is_accession <- stringr::str_detect(str2, "^GCST\\d+$")
#' Is a string a PubMed ID?
#' Find which strings are valid PubMed IDs (returns \code{TRUE}). PubMed IDs are
#' tested against the following regular expression: \code{^\\\\d+$}.
#' @param str A character vector of strings.
#' @param convert_NA_to_FALSE Whether to treat \code{NA} as \code{NA}
#' (\code{convert_NA_to_FALSE = FALSE}) or whether to return \code{FALSE} when
#' an \code{NA} is found (\code{convert_NA_to_FALSE = TRUE}).
#' @return A logical vector.
#' @keywords internal
is_pubmed_id <- function(str, convert_NA_to_FALSE = TRUE) {
if (!is.character(str))
stop("str argument must be a character vector.")
if (identical(length(str), 0L))
stop("str contains no values, it must contain at least one string.")
# Replace NA with "".
if (convert_NA_to_FALSE) {
str2 <- str
str2[] <- ""
} else {
str2 <- str
is_pubmed_id <- stringr::str_detect(str2, "^\\d+$")
#' Does a string contain a question mark?
#' Find which strings contain a question mark. This function uses the following
#' regular expression: \code{[\\?]}.
#' @param str A character vector of strings.
#' @param convert_NA_to_FALSE Whether to treat \code{NA} as \code{NA}
#' (\code{convert_NA_to_FALSE = FALSE}) or whether to return \code{FALSE} when
#' an \code{NA} is found (\code{convert_NA_to_FALSE = TRUE}).
#' @return A logical vector.
#' @keywords internal
contains_question_mark <- function(str, convert_NA_to_FALSE = TRUE) {
if (!is.character(str))
stop("str argument must be a character vector.")
if (identical(length(str), 0L))
stop("str contains no values, it must contain at least one string.")
# Replace NA with "".
if (convert_NA_to_FALSE) {
str2 <- str
str2[] <- ""
} else {
str2 <- str
contains_question_mark <- stringr::str_detect(str2, "[\\?]")
#' Is string empty or an all whitespace string?
#' Matches the \code{string} vector against \code{"^\\\s*$"}.
#' @param str A \code{\link[base]{character}} vector.
#' @param convert_NA_to_FALSE Whether to treat \code{NA} as \code{NA}
#' (\code{convert_NA_to_FALSE = FALSE}) or whether to return \code{FALSE} when
#' an \code{NA} is found (\code{convert_NA_to_FALSE = TRUE}).
#' @return A \code{\link[base]{logical}}.
#' @keywords internal
is_empty_str <- function(str, convert_NA_to_FALSE = TRUE) {
if (!is.character(str))
stop("str argument must be a character vector.")
if (identical(length(str), 0L))
stop("str contains no values, it must contain at least one string.")
# Replace NA with ".", i.e. a non-empty string.
if (convert_NA_to_FALSE) {
str2 <- str
str2[] <- "."
} else {
str2 <- str
stringr::str_detect(str2, "^\\s*$")
#' Convert a cytogenetic band string to genomic coordinates.
#' This function uses the provided \code{\link[gwasrapidd]{cytogenetic_bands}}
#' dataframe to convert cytogenetic band names to genomic coordinates.
#' @param bands A \code{\link[base]{character}} vector of cytogenetic bands.
#' @return A dataframe of genomic ranges. Columns are: chromosome, start and
#' end. Each row corresponds to a queried cytogenetic band (in the same order
#' as queried).
#' @keywords internal
cytogenetic_band_to_genomic_range <- function(bands) {
if (!is.character(bands))
stop("bands argument must be a character vector.")
if (identical(length(bands), 0L))
stop("bands contains no values, it must contain at least one string.")
# Is it a valid existing human cytogenetic band?
is_band <- bands %in% cytogenetic_bands$cytogenetic_band
stop("These are not valid cytogenetic bands: ",
concatenate::cc_and(bands[!is_band], oxford = TRUE), ".\n",
"Check `cytogenetic_bands` dataframe for valid names.")
cytogenetic_band <- rlang::expr(cytogenetic_band)
chromosome <- rlang::expr(chromosome)
start <- rlang::expr(start)
end <- rlang::expr(end)
# This alternative to dplyr::filter(cytogenetic_bands, cytogenetic_band %in%
# bands) preserves order of bands in final output.
genomic_ranges <-
~ dplyr::filter(cytogenetic_bands, !!cytogenetic_band %in% .x)) %>%
dplyr::select(!!chromosome, !!start, !!end)
#' Trim whitespace.
#' This function removes leading and trailing white space from strings. Note:
#' this function does no checking on input for performance reasons. So make sure
#' the input is really a character vector.
#' @param x A \code{\link[base]{character}} vector.
#' @return A character vector.
#' @keywords internal
tws <- function (x) stringr::str_trim(x)
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