#' Generate formatted results file
#' Generate formatted results file from result objects returned by limma,
#' DESeq2, and edgeR pipelines
#' @param y Expression data frame the model was run on. Default is NULL. See
#' Details for further description.
#' @param data.type Type of data being analyzed ("rnaseq", "microarray", "flow",
#' "metab"). Default is data.type="rnaseq".
#' @param method string denoting modeling method used ("limma","deseq2","edgeR")
#' @param object results object generated from \code{\link[limma]{eBayes}}
#' (limma), \code{\link[DESeq2]{results}} (DESeq2),
#' \code{\link[edgeR]{glmLRT}} or \code{\link[edgeR]{glmQLFTest}} (edgeR).
#' Objects generated from \code{results}, \code{glmLRT}, or \code{glmlQLFTest}
#' must be wrapped in a list. See Details for further description.
#' @param lm.Fit linear model fit object generated from
#' \code{\link[limma]{lmFit}} (limma). This parameter can can be left as NULL
#' when \code{method} equals "deseq2" or "edgeR".
#' @param comp.names Optional vector of comparison (contrast) names. Default
#' is NULL.
#' @param var.symbols Optional vector of additional annotations for the
#' variables. Otherwise, the rownames of the expression data are used. Default
#' is NULL.
#' @param gene.sets A list of gene sets. Default is NULL. See Details for
#' further description.
#' @param annotations A data frame of additional annotations for the gene sets.
#' Default is NULL. See Details for further description.
#' @details This function takes results obtained from differential analysis
#' pipelines found in \code{limma}, \code{DESeq2}, or \code{edgeR} and formats
#' them for the BART app.
#' The expression data \code{y} and \code{lm.Fit} objects are used to obtain
#' the residual matrix from the fitted model. These parameters are only needed
#' when method = "limma" and data.type = "rnaseq" or "microarray" and can
#' otherwise be left as NULL. It is important to remember that \code{y} should
#' be the expression data used for modeling (e.g. voom transformed data). The
#' residual matrix is stored as an element of the returned list and can be
#' used in downstream gene set analysis using \code{\link{runQgen}} (Please
#' visit for more details).
#' The \code{object} parameter takes as input model result objects returned by
#' functions in limma, DESeq2, or edgeR. When method = "limma", the expected
#' input is the single object returned by \code{\link[limma]{eBayes}} since it
#' is able to store results across multiple comparisons. When method =
#' "deseq2" or "edgeR", the result object(s) returned by
#' \code{\link[DESeq2]{results}}, \code{\link[edgeR]{glmLRT}}, or
#' \code{\link[edgeR]{glmQLFTest}} must be wrapped in a list in which each
#' element is an object containing the results for a single comparison.
#' The \code{comp.names} parameter is a character vector of comparison names
#' that is particularly useful when method = "deseq2" or "edgeR" since
#' comparison names are not extracted from the result objects generated by
#' either of those pipelines. When using limma, the comparison names can also
#' be defined in \code{\link[limma]{makeContrasts}}. It is important that the
#' names are written in the correct order. For example, if object = list(AvsB,
#' CvsD), where AvsB and CvsD are result objects for the comparisons "group A
#' vs group B" and "group C vs group D" respectively, then comp.names =
#' c("CvsD", "AvsB") would incorrectly assign the name "CvsD" to the
#' comparison "group A vs group B" and vice versa. The \code{var.symbols}
#' parameter is typically used to provide a character vector of gene symbols.
#' The vector provided must be the same length and in the same order as the
#' row names of the data used for modeling.
#' The \code{gene.sets} parameter is a list in which each element is a
#' character vector of gene names comprising a gene set. The gene names must
#' match the rownames of the data used for modeling. The gene sets are used to
#' create modular maps for each comparison in the DGE section of BART. The
#' \code{annotations} parameter is a data frame consisting of two columns. The
#' first column consists of gene set names and the second column consists of
#' additional descriptions for the gene sets.
#' @return \code{data.type} string denoting the type of data that was analyzed
#' @return \code{results} the formatted results returned as a data frame
#' @return \code{resids} data frame of residuals. Returned only if
#' data.type="microarray" or "rnaseq" and method="limma". Used to estimate the
#' VIFs when running the Qusage algorithm in \code{\link{runQgen}}.
#' @return \code{gene.sets} list of gene sets provided by the user. NULL if no
#' list provided.
#' @return \code{annotations} data frame of gene set annotations provided by the
#' user. Null if no annotations are provided.
#' @examples
#' # Example data
#' data(tb.expr)
#' data(
#' # Only use first 100 genes to demonstrate
#' dat <- tb.expr[1:100,]
#' # Generate lmFit and eBayes (limma) objects needed for genModelResults
#'$Group <- paste($clinical_status,$timepoint,sep = "")
#' grp <- factor($Group)
#' design2 <- model.matrix(~0+grp)
#' colnames(design2) <- levels(grp)
#' dupcor <- limma::duplicateCorrelation(dat, design2, block =$monkey_id)
#' fit <- limma::lmFit(dat, design2, block =$monkey_id,
#' correlation = dupcor$consensus.correlation)
#' contrasts <- limma::makeContrasts(A_20vsPre = Active20-Active0, A_42vsPre = Active42-Active0,
#' levels=design2)
#' fit2 <-, contrasts)
#' fit2 <- limma::eBayes(fit2, trend = FALSE)
#' # Format results
#' model.results <- genModelResults(y = dat, data.type = "microarray", object = fit2,
#' lm.Fit = fit, method = "limma")
#' @import limma
#' @export
genModelResults <- function (y = NULL, data.type = "rnaseq", method = "limma",
object, lm.Fit = NULL, comp.names = NULL,
var.symbols = NULL, gene.sets = NULL,
annotations = NULL) {
if (method != "limma") {
estimates <- zstats <- pvals <- fdr <- list()
if (method == "deseq2") {
for (i in 1:length(object)) {
object[[i]] <- data.frame(object[[i]])
estimates[[i]] <- object[[i]]$log2FoldChange
zstats[[i]] <- object[[i]]$stat
pvals[[i]] <- object[[i]]$pvalue
fdr[[i]] <- object[[i]]$padj
if (method == "edgeR") {
for (i in 1:length(object)) {
object[[i]] <- data.frame(object[[i]]$table)
estimates[[i]] <- object[[i]]$logFC
zstats[[i]] <- object[[i]][,3]
pvals[[i]] <- object[[i]]$PValue
fdr[[i]] <- p.adjust(object[[i]]$PValue, method = "fdr")
if(length(object) == 1){
estimates <- data.frame(estimates)
zstats <- data.frame(zstats)
pvals <- data.frame(pvals)
fdr <- data.frame(fdr)
} else {
estimates <- data.frame("cbind", estimates))
zstats <- data.frame("cbind", zstats))
pvals <- data.frame("cbind", pvals))
fdr <- data.frame("cbind", fdr))
if (is.null(comp.names)) {
colnames(estimates) <- paste0("Estimate.", colnames(estimates))
colnames(zstats) <- paste0("Test.statistic.", colnames(zstats))
colnames(pvals) <- paste0("P.Value.", colnames(pvals))
colnames(fdr) <- paste0("FDR.P.Value.", colnames(fdr))
if (!is.null(comp.names)) {
colnames(estimates) <- paste0("Estimate.", comp.names)
colnames(zstats) <- paste0("Test.statistic.", comp.names)
colnames(pvals) <- paste0("P.Value.", comp.names)
colnames(fdr) <- paste0("FDR.P.Value.", comp.names)
var.names <- as.character(rownames([[1]])))
if (is.null(var.symbols)) {
var.symbols <- as.character(var.names)
results <- cbind(var.names, var.symbols, estimates, zstats, pvals, fdr)
colnames(results)[1:2] <- c("Transcript.ID", "Gene.Symbol")
rownames(results) <- NULL
results <- data.frame(results)
for (i in 3:ncol(results)) {
results[, i] <- as.numeric(as.character(results[, i]))
results <- list(data.type = data.type, results = results, gene.sets =
gene.sets, annotations = annotations)
} else {
comp.count <- ncol(object)
df <- data.frame(matrix(rep(object$, comp.count),
ncol = comp.count))
estimates <- object$coefficients
tstats <- object$t
pvals <- object$p.value
fdr <- apply(pvals, 2, p.adjust, method = "fdr")
if (is.null(comp.names)) {
colnames(df) <- paste0("DF.", colnames(object$coefficients))
colnames(estimates) <- paste0("Estimate.", colnames(estimates))
colnames(tstats) <- paste0("Test.statistic.", colnames(tstats))
colnames(pvals) <- paste0("P.Value.", colnames(pvals))
colnames(fdr) <- paste0("FDR.P.Value.", colnames(fdr))
if (!is.null(comp.names)) {
colnames(df) <- paste0("DF.", comp.names)
colnames(estimates) <- paste0("Estimate.", comp.names)
colnames(tstats) <- paste0("Test.statistic.", comp.names)
colnames(pvals) <- paste0("P.Value.", comp.names)
colnames(fdr) <- paste0("FDR.P.Value.", comp.names)
var.names <- as.character(rownames(object))
if (is.null(var.symbols)) {
var.symbols <- as.character(var.names)
results <- cbind(var.names, var.symbols, df, estimates, tstats, pvals, fdr)
colnames(results)[1:2] <- c("Transcript.ID", "Gene.Symbol")
rownames(results) <- NULL
results <- data.frame(results)
for (i in 3:ncol(results)) {
results[, i] <- as.numeric(as.character(results[, i]))
resids <- limma::residuals.MArrayLM(lm.Fit, y)
resids <- data.frame(resids)
if (data.type %in% c("flow", "metab")) {
results <- results[, -1]
if (data.type == "flow") {
colnames(results)[1] <- "Flow.variable"
else {
colnames(results)[1] <- "Metab.variable"
results <- list(data.type = data.type, results = results, y = y)
} else {
results <- list(data.type = data.type, results = results, resids = resids,
gene.sets = gene.sets, annotations = annotations)
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