#' Generate modular (gene set) maps for plotting
#' @param meta list returned by \code{metaData}
#' @param gene.sets list of gene sets. See \code{\link{genModelResults}} for
#' additional formatting details.
#' @param sd.lim number of standard deviations away from the mean of the
#' reference samples. Default is 2.
#' @param annotations A data frame of additional annotations for the gene sets.
#' Default is NULL. See \code{\link{genModelResults}} for additional details.
#' @details This function calculates module scores for individual samples. In
#' cross sectional studies with controls, the control samples are used to
#' determine an upper and lower threshold (mean of controls +/- 2 sd). The
#' module proportion for each sample is then calculated based on the
#' percentage of genes within a module that are above or below this threshold.
#' For example, if 40\% of the genes within a module are above the threshold
#' and 15\% are below it, the final module score would be 25\% up (40-15). In
#' longitudinal settings, module scores are calculated with respect to
#' controls and baseline samples. In cross sectional studies without controls,
#' \code{genModules} cannot be used, since there are no reference samples with
#' which to calculate a threshold.
#' @return \code{scores.ctrl} data frame of module scores for all samples
#' with respect to controls.
#' @return \code{scores.base} data frame of module scores for all time point
#' samples with respect to their baseline.
#' @return \code{gene.sets} List of gene sets provided through \code{gene.sets}
#' @examples
#' # Example data
#' data(tb.expr)
#' data(
#' data(modules)
#' # Demonstrate on first 100 probes
#' dat <- tb.expr[1:100, ]
#' # Create desInfo object
#' <- metaData(y = tb.expr, design =, data.type = "microarray",
#' columnname = "columnname", long = TRUE, = "sample_id",
#' = "monkey_id", time.var = "timepoint",
#' baseline.var = "timepoint", baseline.val = 0)
#' # Generate module maps
#' mods <- genModScores(, modules)
#' @export
genModScores <- function(meta, gene.sets, sd.lim = 2, annotations = NULL) {
y <- data.frame(meta$y)
design <- meta$design
Transcript.ID <- rownames(y)
exprs <- cbind(Transcript.ID = Transcript.ID, y)
baseline.var <- meta$baseline.var
baseline.val <- meta$baseline.val
control.val <- meta$control.val
control.var <- meta$control.var <- meta$ <- meta$
time.var <- meta$time.var
long <- meta$long
genes <- unlist(gene.sets)
gset.names <- rep(names(gene.sets), times = lapply(gene.sets, length))
gsets <- data.frame(Transcript.ID = genes, Module = gset.names)
rownames(gsets) <- NULL
modExp <- merge(exprs, gsets, by = c("Transcript.ID"))
modOrdNum <- table(factor(gsets$Module))
modNames <- names(modOrdNum)
if (is.null(control.var)) {
if (long) {
if (is.null(baseline.var) || is.null(baseline.val)) {
warning("Baseline variable unspecified. Must define baseline variable
when long = TRUE. Returning NULL.")
z <- list(scores.ctrl = NULL, scores.base = NULL, gene.sets = NULL)
desOrd <- design
if (!is.null(time.var) & !is.null( {
desOrd <- design[order(design[, time.var], design[,]), ]
expOrd <- modExp[, match(desOrd[, "columnname"], colnames(modExp),
nomatch = 0)]
if (!is.null( {
colnames(expOrd) <- desOrd[,]
baseData <- expOrd[, which(desOrd[, baseline.var] == baseline.val)]
baseMean <- apply(baseData, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
baseSd <- apply(baseData, 1, sd, na.rm = TRUE)
finalData <- as.matrix(expOrd[, -which(colnames(expOrd) %in%
rownames(finalData) <- modExp$Module
signMat <- finalData
signMat[is.numeric(finalData)] <- 0
signMat[finalData < (baseMean - sd.lim * baseSd)] <- -1
signMat[finalData > (baseMean + sd.lim * baseSd)] <- 1
countMat <- c()
n <- length(modOrdNum)
for (i in 1:n) {
subset <- signMat[which(rownames(signMat) == modNames[i]), ]
if (is.vector(subset)) {
countMat <- rbind(countMat, subset)
if (is.matrix(subset)) {
if (dim(subset)[1] == 0) {
countMat <- rbind(countMat, rep(0, dim(signMat)[2]))
if (dim(subset)[1] > 1) {
countMat <- rbind(countMat, apply(subset, 2, sum, na.rm = TRUE))
rownames(countMat) <- modNames
percentMat <- countMat / as.vector(modOrdNum)
scores.base <- percentMat + 1
scores.ctrl <- NULL
} else {
warning("long = FALSE and no control variable specified.")
z <- list(scores.ctrl = NULL, scores.base = NULL, gene.sets = NULL)
} else {
desCtrl <- design[design[, control.var] == control.val, ]
expCtrl <- modExp[, match(desCtrl[, "columnname"], colnames(modExp),
nomatch = 0)]
desCase <- design[design[, control.var] != control.val, ]
expCase <- as.matrix(modExp[, match(desCase[, "columnname"],
colnames(modExp), nomatch = 0)])
rownames(expCase) <- modExp$Module
if (!is.null( {
colnames(expCase) <- desCase[,]
ctrlMean <- apply(expCtrl, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
ctrlSd <- apply(expCtrl, 1, sd, na.rm = TRUE)
signMat <- expCase
signMat[is.numeric(expCase)] <- 0
signMat[expCase < (ctrlMean - sd.lim * ctrlSd)] <- -1
signMat[expCase > (ctrlMean + sd.lim * ctrlSd)] <- 1
countMat <- c()
for (i in 1:length(modOrdNum)) {
subset <- signMat[which(rownames(signMat) == modNames[i]), ]
if (is.vector(subset)) {
countMat <- rbind(countMat, subset)
if (is.matrix(subset)) {
if (dim(subset)[1] == 0) {
countMat <- rbind(countMat, rep(0, dim(signMat)[2]))
if (dim(subset)[1] > 1) {
countMat <- rbind(countMat, apply(subset, 2, sum, na.rm = TRUE))
rownames(countMat) <- modNames
percentMat <- countMat / as.vector(modOrdNum)
scores.ctrl <- percentMat + 1
if (long) {
if (is.null(baseline.var) || is.null(baseline.val)) {
warning("Baseline variable unspecified. Must specify baseline variable
when long = TRUE to calculate scores.base.")
z <- list(scores.ctrl = scores.ctrl, scores.base = NULL, gene.sets =
desCase <- design[design[, control.var] != control.val, ]
desOrd <- desCase
if (!is.null(time.var) & !is.null( {
desOrd <- desCase[order(desCase[, time.var], desCase[,]), ]
expOrd <- modExp[, match(desOrd[, "columnname"], colnames(modExp),
nomatch = 0)]
if (!is.null( {
colnames(expOrd) <- desOrd[,]
baseData <- expOrd[, desOrd[, baseline.var] == baseline.val]
baseMean <- apply(baseData, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
baseSd <- apply(baseData, 1, sd, na.rm = TRUE)
finalData <- as.matrix(expOrd[, !colnames(expOrd) %in%
rownames(finalData) <- modExp$Module
signMat <- finalData
signMat[is.numeric(finalData)] <- 0
signMat[finalData < (baseMean - sd.lim * baseSd)] <- -1
signMat[finalData > (baseMean + sd.lim * baseSd)] <- 1
countMat <- c()
for (i in 1:length(modOrdNum)) {
subset <- signMat[which(rownames(signMat) == modNames[i]), ]
if (is.vector(subset)) {
countMat <- rbind(countMat, subset)
if (is.matrix(subset)) {
if (dim(subset)[1] == 0) {
countMat <- rbind(countMat, rep(0, dim(signMat)[2]))
if (dim(subset)[1] > 1) {
countMat <- rbind(countMat, apply(subset, 2, sum, na.rm = TRUE))
rownames(countMat) <- modNames
percentMat <- countMat / as.vector(modOrdNum)
scores.base <- percentMat + 1
} else {
scores.base <- NULL
if (!is.null(annotations)) {
if (!is.null(scores.ctrl)) {
rows.annot <- rownames(scores.ctrl)[rownames(scores.ctrl) %in%
annots <- annotations[match(rows.annot, annotations[,1], nomatch = 0), ]
rows.annot <- paste(rows.annot, as.character(annots[,2]), sep = " ")
rownames(scores.ctrl)[rownames(scores.ctrl) %in%
as.character(annotations[,1])] <- rows.annot
if (!is.null(scores.base)) {
rows.annot <- rownames(scores.base)[rownames(scores.base) %in%
annots <- annotations[match(rows.annot, annotations[,1], nomatch = 0), ]
rows.annot <- paste(rows.annot, as.character(annots[,2]), sep = " ")
rownames(scores.base)[rownames(scores.base) %in%
as.character(annotations[,1])] <- rows.annot
z <- list(scores.ctrl = scores.ctrl, scores.base = scores.base, gene.sets =
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