
Defines functions check.rank parse.cate.formula est.confounder.num cate.fit cate

Documented in cate cate.fit check.rank est.confounder.num parse.cate.formula

#' High dimensional factor analysis and confounder adjusted testing and estimation (CATE)
#' @description Provides several methods for factor analysis in high dimension (both n,p >> 1) and methods to adjust for possible confounders in multiple hypothesis testing.
#' @seealso \code{\link{factor.analysis}}, \code{\link{cate}}
#' @docType package
#' @name cate-package

#' The main function for confounder adjusted testing
#' @param formula a formula indicating the known covariates including both primary variables and nuisance variables, which are seperated by \code{|}. The variables before \code{|} are primary variables and the variables after \code{|} are nuisance variables. It's OK if there is no nuisance variables, then \code{|} is not needed and \code{formula} becomes a typical formula with all the covariates considered primary. When there is confusion about where the intercept should be put, \code{cate} will include it in X.nuis.
#' @param Y outcome, n*p matrix
#' @param X.data the data frame used for \code{formula}
#' @param fa.method factor analysis method
#' @param r number of latent factors, can be estimated using the function \code{est.confounder.num}
#' @param adj.method adjustment method
#' @param nc position of the negative controls,
#'           if d0 > 1, this should be a matrix with 2 columns
#' @param psi derivative of the loss function in robust regression
#' @param nc.var.correction correct asymptotic variance based on our formula
#' @param calibrate if TRUE, use the Median and the Mean Absolute Deviation(MAD) to calibrate the test statistics
#' @return a list of objects
#' \describe{
#' \item{alpha}{estimated alpha, r*d1 matrix}
#' \item{alpha.p.value}{asymptotic p-value for the global chi squared test of alpha, a vector of length d1}
#' \item{beta}{estimated beta, p*d1 matrix}
#' \item{beta.cov.row}{estimated row covariance of \code{beta}, a length p vector}
#' \item{beta.cov.col}{estimated column covariance of \code{beta}, a d1*d1 matrix}
#' \item{beta.t}{asymptotic z statistics for \code{beta}}
#' \item{beta.p.value}{asymptotic p-values for beta, based on \code{beta.t}}
#' \item{Y.tilde}{the transformed outcome matrix, an n*p matrix}
#' \item{Gamma}{estimated factor loadings, p*r matrix}
#' \item{Z}{estimated latent factors}
#' \item{Sigma}{estimated noise variance matrix, a length p vector}
#' }
#' @references {
#' J. Wang, Q. Zhao, T. Hastie, and A. B. Owen (2017). Confounder adjustment in multiple testing. Annals of Statistics, 45(5), 1863--1894.
#' }
#' @details
#' Ideally \code{nc} can either be a vector of numbers between 1 and p, if d0 = 1 or the negative controls are the same for every treatment variable, or a 2-column matrix specifying which positions of beta are known to be zero. But this is yet implemented.
#' @examples
#' ## simulate a dataset with 100 observations, 1000 variables and 5 confounders
#' data <- gen.sim.data(n = 100, p = 1000, r = 5)
#' X.data <- data.frame(X1 = data$X1)
#' ## linear regression without any adjustment
#' output.naive <- cate(~ X1 | 1, X.data, Y = data$Y, r = 0, adj.method = "naive")
#' ## confounder adjusted linear regression
#' output <- cate(~ X1 | 1, X.data, Y = data$Y, r = 5)
#' ## plot the histograms of unadjusted and adjusted regression statistics
#' par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
#' hist(output.naive$beta.t)
#' hist(output$beta.t)
#' @seealso \code{\link{wrapper}} for wrapper functions of some existing methods.
#' @import MASS
#' @export
cate <- function(formula,
                 X.data = NULL,
                 fa.method = c("ml", "pc", "esa"),
                 adj.method = c("rr", "nc", "lqs", "naive"),
                 psi = psi.huber,
                 nc = NULL,
                 nc.var.correction = TRUE,
                 calibrate = TRUE) {

 	X <- parse.cate.formula(formula, X.data)

    return(cate.fit(X$X.primary, X$X.nuis, Y, r, fa.method, adj.method, psi, nc,
    				nc.var.correction, calibrate))

#' @describeIn cate
#' Basic computing function called by \code{cate}
#' @param X.primary primary variables, n*d0 matrix or data frame
#' @param X.nuis nuisance covarites, n*d1 matrix
#' @examples
#' ## simulate a dataset with 100 observations, 1000 variables and 5 confounders
#' data <- gen.sim.data(n = 100, p = 1000, r = 5)
#' ## linear regression without any adjustment
#' output.naive <- cate.fit(X.primary = data$X1, X.nuis = NULL, Y = data$Y,
#'                          r = 0, adj.method = "naive")
#' ## confounder adjusted linear regression
#' output <- cate.fit(X.primary = data$X1, X.nuis = NULL, Y = data$Y, r = 5)
#' ## plot the histograms of unadjusted and adjusted regression statistics
#' par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
#' hist(output.naive$beta.t)
#' hist(output$beta.t)
#' @import MASS
#' @importFrom Matrix rankMatrix
#' @export
cate.fit <- function(X.primary,
                 X.nuis = NULL,
                 fa.method = c("ml", "pc", "esa"),
                 adj.method = c("rr", "nc", "lqs", "naive"),
                 psi = psi.huber,
                 nc = NULL,
                 nc.var.correction = TRUE,
                 calibrate = TRUE) {

    # dimension check
    n <- nrow(X.primary)
    d1 <- ncol(X.primary)
    p <- ncol(Y)
    X <- as.matrix(X.primary)
    if (!is.null(X.nuis)) {
      X.nuis <- as.matrix(X.nuis)

    if (nrow(Y) != nrow(X)) {
        stop("Dimensions of X and Y don't match!")
    if (!is.null(X.nuis)) {
        d0 <- ncol(X.nuis)
    } else {
        d0 <- 0
    ### comment: the check here should be if d + r >= n
    d <- d0 + d1

    if (d + r >= n) {
        stop("Observations too few to perform factor analysis!")

    check.rank(X.primary, X.nuis)

    # match argumennts
    fa.method <- match.arg(fa.method, c("ml", "pc", "esa"))
    adj.method <- match.arg(adj.method, c("rr", "nc", "lqs", "naive"))

    # argument check
    if ((adj.method == "nc") && (is.null(nc))) {
        stop("Using negative control adjustment but no negative control is given!")

    # naive tests
    X.full <- cbind(X.nuis, X)
    if (adj.method == "naive" | r == 0) {
        naive.lm <- lm(Y ~ X.full - 1)
        output <- list();
        s <- summary(naive.lm)
        output$beta <- t(sapply(1:p, function(j) {s[[j]]$coefficients[(d0+1):d,1,
                                drop = F]}))
        output$beta.t <- t(sapply(1:p, function(j) {s[[j]]$coefficients[(d0+1):d,3]}))
        if (d1 == 1) {
            output$beta <- t(output$beta)
            output$beta.t <- t(output$beta.t)
        rownames(output$beta) <- colnames(Y)
        colnames(output$beta) <- colnames(X)
        rownames(output$beta.t) <- colnames(Y)
        colnames(output$beta.t) <- colnames(X)
        if (calibrate) {
            output$beta.t <- apply(output$beta.t, 2, function(x) (x - median(x)) / mad(x))
        output$beta.p.value <- 2 * (1 - pnorm(abs(output$beta.t)))


    # scale X
    X.full <- scale(X.full, center = FALSE)
    sc <- attributes(X.full)[["scaled:scale"]]
    sc <- sc[(d0+1):d]

    # QR transformation
    O <- t(qr.Q(qr(X.full), complete = TRUE))
    U <- O[1:d,] %*% X.full
    Y.tilde <- O %*% Y
    U11 <- U[(d0+1):d, (d0+1):d, drop = FALSE]
    Y1.tilde.scale <- solve(U11) %*% Y.tilde[(d0+1):d, , drop = FALSE]
    Sigma.X <- t(X.full) %*% X.full / n

    # factor analysis
    fa.output <- factor.analysis(Y.tilde[-(1:d),],

    # adjustment after factor analysis
    output <- adjust.latent(t(Y1.tilde.scale),

    output$alpha.p.value <- apply(output$alpha, 2,
                                  function(v)pchisq(n * sum(v^2), r, lower.tail = F))

    # compute effect size and p-value
    output$beta.t <- t(t(output$beta / sqrt(output$beta.cov.row)) / sqrt(diag(output$beta.cov.col))) * sqrt(n)
    if (calibrate) { # calibrate the effect size
        output$beta.t <- apply(output$beta.t, 2, function(x) (x - median(x)) / mad(x))
    output$beta.p.value <- 2 * (1 - pnorm(abs(output$beta.t)))

    Z.tilde1 <- U[1:d, (d0+1):d, drop = F] %*% t(output$alpha)
    Z.tilde <- rbind(Z.tilde1, fa.output$Z)
    fa.output$Z <- t(O) %*% Z.tilde
    rownames(fa.output$Z) <- rownames(X)

    output$Y.tilde <- Y.tilde

    ## rescale alpha
    output$alpha <- output$alpha / sc

    ## rescale beta
    output$beta <- t(t(output$beta) / sc)
    output$beta.cov.col <- t(t(output$beta.cov.col / sc) / sc)

    return(c(fa.output, output))


#' Estimate the number of confounders
#' @inheritParams cate
#' @param method method to estimate the number of factors. There are currently two choices,
#' "ed" is the eigenvalue difference method proposed by Onatski (2010) and "bcv" is the
#' bi-cross-validation method proposed by Owen and Wang (2015). "bcv" tends to estimate more
#' weak factors and takes longer time
#' @param rmax the maximum number of factors to consider. If the estimated number of factors is rmax,
#'   then users are encouraged to increase rmax and run again. Default is 20.
#' @param nRepeat the number of repeats of bi-cross-validation. A larger nRepeat will result in a
#' more accurate estimate of the bcv error, but will need longer time to run.
#' @param bcv.plot whether to plot the relative bcv error versus the number of estimated
#' ranks. The relative bcv error is the entrywise mean square error devided by the average of
#' the estimated noise variance.
#' @param log if \code{log = "y"}, then the y-axis of the bcv plot is in log scale.
#' @return if \code{method} is "ed", then return the estimated number of confounders/factors.
#' If \code{method} is "bcv", then return the a list of objects
#' \describe{
#' \item{r}{estimated number of confounders/factors}
#' \item{errors}{the relative bcv errors of length \code{1 + rmax}}
#' }
#' @references {
#' A. B. Owen and J. Wang (2015), Bi-cross-validation for factor analysis. Statistical Science, 31(1), 119--139.
#' A. Onatski (2010), Determining the number of factors from empirical distribution of eigenvalues.
#' \emph{The Review of Economics and Statistics} 92(4).
#' }
#' @examples
#' ## example for est.confounder.num
#' data <- gen.sim.data(n = 50, p = 50, r = 5)
#' X.data <- data.frame(X1 = data$X1)
#' est.confounder.num(~ X1 | 1, X.data, data$Y, method = "ed")
#' est.confounder.num(~ X1 | 1, X.data, data$Y, method = "bcv")
#' @export
est.confounder.num <- function(formula,
                               X.data = NULL,
                               method = c("bcv", "ed"),
                               rmax = 20,
                               nRepeat = 20,
                               bcv.plot = TRUE, log = "") {

    method <- match.arg(method, c("bcv", "ed"))
    X <- parse.cate.formula(formula, X.data)

    X.primary <- X$X.primary
    X.nuis <- X$X.nuis

    # dimension check
    n <- nrow(X.primary)
    d1 <- ncol(X.primary)
    p <- ncol(Y)
    X <- as.matrix(X.primary)
    if (!is.null(X.nuis)) {
        X.nuis <- as.matrix(X.nuis)
    Y <- as.matrix(Y)

    if (nrow(Y) != nrow(X)) {
        stop("Dimensions of X and Y don't match!")
    if (!is.null(X.nuis)) {
        d0 <- ncol(X.nuis)
    } else {
        d0 <- 0
    d <- d0 + d1
    if (d >= n) {
        stop("Observations too few to perform factor analysis!")
    check.rank(X.primary, X.nuis)

    O <- t(qr.Q(qr(cbind(X.nuis, X)), complete = TRUE))
    Y.tilde <- O %*% Y

    est.factor.num(Y.tilde[-(1:d), ],
                   method = method, rmax = rmax, nRepeat = nRepeat, bcv.plot = bcv.plot)

#' Parse the formula in \code{cate}, and return a matrix of primary variables and a matrix of nuisance variables.
#' @keywords internal
parse.cate.formula <- function(formula, X.data = NULL) {

    formula <- as.formula(formula)
    parse.fm <- as.character(formula)

    if (length(parse.fm) == 2) {
    	covariates <- parse.fm[2] # the formula looks like "~x"
    } else if (length(parse.fm) == 3) {
    	covariates <- parse.fm[3] # the formula looks like "y ~ x"
    }	else {
    	stop("Unknown formula pattern!")

    covariates <- unlist(strsplit(covariates, "[|]"))
    if (length(covariates) > 2) {
    	stop("The formula should not contain more than one |!")
    if (length(covariates) == 1) {
    	X.primary <- model.matrix(as.formula(paste("~", covariates)), data = X.data)
        X.nuis <- NULL
    } else {
        ## If there is |, always put interecept in X.nuis
    	X.primary <- model.matrix(as.formula(paste("~", covariates[1])), data = X.data)[, -1, drop = FALSE]
    	X.nuis <- model.matrix(as.formula(paste("~", covariates[2])), data = X.data)

    return(list(X.primary = X.primary, X.nuis = X.nuis))

#' Check linear dependence
#' Checks if \code{X.primary} has full rank and is linearly independent of \code{x.nuis}.
#' @details X.nuis is allowed to not have full rank.
#' @keywords internal
check.rank <- function(X.primary, X.nuis) {
    if (Matrix::rankMatrix(X.primary) < ncol(X.primary)) {
        stop("X.primary is not full rank!")
    r0 <- 0
    if (!is.null(X.nuis)) {
        r0 <- Matrix::rankMatrix(X.nuis)
    if (Matrix::rankMatrix(cbind(X.nuis, X.primary)) != ncol(X.primary) + r0) {
        stop("Some columns in X.primary linearly depend on X.nuis!")

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