#' @keywords internal
#' @aliases alakazam-package
# Alakazam package documentation and import directives
#' The Alakazam package
#' \code{alakazam} in a member of the Immcantation framework of tools and serves five main
#' purposes:
#' \itemize{
#' \item Providing core functionality for other R packages in Immcantation. This
#' includes common tasks such as file I/O, basic DNA sequence manipulation, and
#' interacting with V(D)J segment and gene annotations.
#' \item Providing an R interface for interacting with the output of the pRESTO and
#' Change-O tool suites.
#' \item Performing clonal abundance and diversity analysis on lymphocyte repertoires.
#' \item Performing lineage reconstruction on clonal populations of immunoglobulin
#' (Ig) sequences.
#' \item Performing physicochemical property analyses of lymphocyte receptor sequences.
#' }
#' For additional details regarding the use of the \code{alakazam} package see the
#' vignettes:\cr
#' \code{browseVignettes("alakazam")}
#' @section File I/O:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \link{readChangeoDb}: Input Change-O style files.
#' \item \link{writeChangeoDb}: Output Change-O style files.
#' }
#' @section Sequence cleaning:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \link{maskSeqEnds}: Mask ragged ends.
#' \item \link{maskSeqGaps}: Mask gap characters.
#' \item \link{collapseDuplicates}: Remove duplicate sequences.
#' }
#' @section Lineage reconstruction:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \link{makeChangeoClone}: Clean sequences for lineage reconstruction.
#' \item \link{buildPhylipLineage}: Perform lineage reconstruction of Ig sequences.
#' }
#' @section Lineage topology analysis:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \link{tableEdges}: Tabulate annotation relationships over edges.
#' \item \link{testEdges}: Significance testing of annotation edges.
#' \item \link{testMRCA}: Significance testing of MRCA annotations.
#' \item \link{summarizeSubtrees}: Various summary statistics for subtrees.
#' \item \link{plotSubtrees}: Plot distributions of summary statistics
#' for a population of trees.
#' }
#' @section Diversity analysis:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \link{countClones}: Calculate clonal abundance.
#' \item \link{estimateAbundance}: Bootstrap clonal abundance curves.
#' \item \link{alphaDiversity}: Generate clonal alpha diversity curves.
#' \item \link{plotAbundanceCurve}: Plot clone size distribution as a rank-abundance
#' \item \link{plotDiversityCurve}: Plot clonal diversity curves.
#' \item \link{plotDiversityTest}: Plot testing at given diversity hill indicex.
#' }
#' @section Ig and TCR sequence annotation:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \link{countGenes}: Calculate Ig and TCR allele, gene and family usage.
#' \item \link{extractVRegion}: Extract CDRs and FWRs sub-sequences.
#' \item \link{getAllele}: Get V(D)J allele names.
#' \item \link{getGene}: Get V(D)J gene names.
#' \item \link{getFamily}: Get V(D)J family names.
#' \item \link{junctionAlignment}: Junction alignment properties
#' }
#' @section Sequence distance calculation:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \link{seqDist}: Calculate Hamming distance between two sequences.
#' \item \link{seqEqual}: Test two sequences for equivalence.
#' \item \link{pairwiseDist}: Calculate a matrix of pairwise Hamming distances for a
#' set of sequences.
#' \item \link{pairwiseEqual}: Calculate a logical matrix of pairwise equivalence for a
#' set of sequences.
#' }
#' @section Amino acid propertes:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \link{translateDNA}: Translate DNA sequences to amino acid sequences.
#' \item \link{aminoAcidProperties}: Calculate various physicochemical properties of amino acid
#' sequences.
#' \item \link{countPatterns}: Count patterns in sequences.
#' }
#' @name alakazam
#' @docType package
#' @references
#' \enumerate{
#' \item Vander Heiden JA, Yaari G, et al. pRESTO: a toolkit for processing
#' high-throughput sequencing raw reads of lymphocyte receptor repertoires.
#' Bioinformatics. 2014 30(13):1930-2.
#' \item Stern JNH, Yaari G, Vander Heiden JA, et al. B cells populating the multiple
#' sclerosis brain mature in the draining cervical lymph nodes.
#' Sci Transl Med. 2014 6(248):248ra107.
#' \item Wu Y-CB, et al. Influence of seasonal exposure to grass pollen on local and
#' peripheral blood IgE repertoires in patients with allergic rhinitis.
#' J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2014 134(3):604-12.
#' \item Gupta NT, Vander Heiden JA, et al. Change-O: a toolkit for analyzing
#' large-scale B cell immunoglobulin repertoire sequencing data.
#' Bioinformatics. 2015 Oct 15;31(20):3356-8.
#' }
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import graphics
#' @import methods
#' @import utils
#' @importFrom airr read_rearrangement write_rearrangement
#' @importFrom ape read.fastq read.tree di2multi reorder.phylo root ladderize
#' @importFrom dplyr do n desc %>%
#' bind_cols bind_rows combine arrange left_join
#' group_by ungroup
#' filter slice select
#' mutate mutate_at
#' one_of
#' right_join rowwise
#' summarize summarize_at all_of
#' transmute rename
#' @importFrom igraph V E graph_from_data_frame as_data_frame as_edgelist
#' make_graph make_directed_graph make_undirected_graph
#' vertex_attr set_vertex_attr
#' degree shortest_paths all_shortest_paths distances
#' graph_from_adjacency_matrix components groups
#' @importFrom Matrix sparseMatrix rowSums
#' @importFrom progress progress_bar
#' @importFrom readr read_delim read_tsv write_delim write_tsv cols
#' @importFrom rlang := sym syms enquo
#' @importFrom scales log2_trans log10_trans trans_breaks trans_format
#' math_format percent scientific pretty_breaks
#' @importFrom seqinr translate s2c
#' @importFrom stats na.omit setNames ecdf sd cor cov median mad
#' dbinom pbinom qbinom rbinom
#' dnorm pnorm qnorm rnorm
#' dmultinom rmultinom
#' @importFrom stringi stri_dup stri_flatten stri_join stri_length
#' stri_count_boundaries stri_count_fixed
#' stri_count_regex stri_extract_all_regex
#' stri_extract_first_regex stri_replace_all_regex
#' stri_replace_first_regex stri_split_fixed
#' stri_pad_left stri_pad_right
#' stri_detect_fixed stri_paste
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @importFrom tidyr complete gather
#' @importFrom Rcpp evalCpp
#' @importFrom Biostrings BString extractAt
#' @importFrom GenomicAlignments explodeCigarOps explodeCigarOpLengths
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges
#' @useDynLib alakazam, .registration=TRUE
# Package loading actions
.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname) {
msg <- citation(pkgname)
msg <-paste(c(format(msg,"citation")),collapse="\n\n")
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