
Defines functions rc.feature.normalize.qc

Documented in rc.feature.normalize.qc

#' rc.feature.normalize.qc
#' extractor for xcms objects in preparation for clustering
#' @param ramclustObj ramclustObj containing MSdata with optional MSMSdata (MSe, DIA, idMSMS)
#' @param batch integer vector with length equal to number of injections in xset or csv file
#' @param order integer vector with length equal to number of injections in xset or csv file
#' @param p.cut numeric when run order correction is applied, only features showing a run order vs signal with a linear p-value (after FDR correction) < p.cut will be adjusted.  also requires r-squared < rsq.cut.
#' @param rsq.cut numeric when run order correction is applied, only features showing a run order vs signal with a linear r-squared > rsq.cut will be adjusted. also requires p values < p.cut.
#' @param qc logical vector with length equal to number of injections in xset or csv file or dataframe
#' @param p.adjust which p-value adjustment should be used? default = "none", see ?p.adjust
#' @param output.plot logical: if TRUE (default), plots are output to PDF.
#' @details This function offers normalization by run order, batch number, and QC sample signal intensity.
#' @details Each input vector should be the same length, and equal to the number of samples in the $MSdata set.
#' @details Input vector order is assumed to be the same as the sample order in the $MSdata set.
#' @return  ramclustR object with normalized data.
#' @references Broeckling CD, Afsar FA, Neumann S, Ben-Hur A, Prenni JE. RAMClust: a novel feature clustering method enables spectral-matching-based annotation for metabolomics data. Anal Chem. 2014 Jul 15;86(14):6812-7. doi: 10.1021/ac501530d.  Epub 2014 Jun 26. PubMed PMID: 24927477.
#' @concept ramclustR
#' @concept RAMClustR
#' @concept metabolomics
#' @concept mass spectrometry
#' @concept clustering
#' @concept feature
#' @concept MSFinder
#' @concept xcms
#' @author Corey Broeckling
#' @export

rc.feature.normalize.qc <- function(ramclustObj = NULL,
                                    order = NULL,
                                    batch = NULL,
                                    qc = NULL,
                                    output.plot = FALSE,
                                    p.cut = 0.05,
                                    rsq.cut = 0.1,
                                    p.adjust = "none") {
  if (is.null(ramclustObj)) {
      "existing ramclustObj required as input", "\n",
      "       see rc.get.xcms.data function for one approach to do so", "\n"

  if (is.null(order)) {
      "order = NULL; run order correction can not be applied.", "\n",
      "       only batch effect will be corrected.", "\n"
    do.order <- FALSE
  } else {
    if (!is.numeric(order)) {
      stop("order must be numeric.", "\n")
    do.order <- TRUE

  if (is.null(batch)) {
    warning("batch = NULL; data will be treated as single batch experiment", "\n")
    batch <- rep(1, nrow(ramclustObj$MSdata))

  # Check if there are any QC samples
  if (!any(qc) | sum(qc) == 1) {
    stop("Less than 2 QC samples found. QC-based run order correction cannot be applied.")

  if (is.null(qc)) {
      "qc = NULL; QC based run order correction can not be applied.", "\n",
      "       An assumption of random run order is required for this to be a valid approach.", "\n"
    qc <- rep(TRUE, nrow(ramclustObj$MSdata))

  params <- c(
    "qc" = qc,
    "p.cut" = p.cut,
    "rsq.cut" = rsq.cut

  if (!is.logical(qc)) {
    stop("qc must be a logical vector", "\n")

  if (!all.equal(length(batch), length(qc), length(order), nrow(ramclustObj$MSdata))) {
      "all lengths must be identical and are not: ", "\n",
      "  length(batch) = ", length(batch), "\n",
      "  length(order) = ", length(order), "\n",
      "  length(qc) = ", length(qc), "\n",
      "  number of injections = ", nrow(data1), "\n"

  data1 <- ramclustObj$MSdata
  data1.orig <- data1

  mslev <- 1
  if (!is.null(ramclustObj$MSMSdata)) {
    data2 <- ramclustObj$MSMSdata
    data2.org <- data2
    mslev <- 2

  ord.corrected <- rep(FALSE, ncol(data1))

  data1.median <- apply(data1, 2, "median", na.rm = TRUE)
  data1.min <- apply(data1, 2, "min", na.rm = TRUE)

  data1.qc <- data1[which(qc), ]
  data1.qc.median <- apply(data1.qc, 2, "median", na.rm = TRUE)
  nar <- which(is.na(data1.qc.median))
  if (length(nar) > 0) {
    data1.qc.median[nar] <- data1.min[nar]

  if (mslev == 2) {
    data2.median <- apply(data2, 2, "median", na.rm = TRUE)
    data2.min <- apply(data2, 2, "min", na.rm = TRUE)

    data1.qc <- data1[which(qc), ]
    data1.qc.median <- apply(data1.qc, 2, "median", na.rm = TRUE)
    nar <- which(is.na(data1.qc.median))
    if (length(nar) > 0) {
      data1.qc.median[nar] <- data1.min[nar]
    data2.qc <- data2[which(qc), ]
    data2.qc.median <- apply(data2.qc, 2, "median", na.rm = TRUE)
    nar <- which(is.na(data2.qc.median))
    if (length(nar) > 0) {
      data2.qc.median[nar] <- data2.min[nar]

  batches <- unique(batch)

  for (i in unique(batch)) {
    ## identify which samples are from batch i
    use <- which((batch == i))

    ## identify which are qc samples and from batch i
    use.qc <- which(qc & (batch == i))

    ## subset
    data1.batch <- data1[use, ]
    data1.qc.batch <- data1[use.qc, ]

    ## calculate batch median value for qc samples.
    data1.qc.batch.median <- apply(data1.qc.batch, 2, "median", na.rm = TRUE)

    ## if any are NA values, replace with global qc median
    nar <- which(is.na(data1.qc.batch.median))
    if (length(nar) > 0) {
      data1.qc.batch.median[nar] <- data1.qc.median[nar]

    ## calculate global:batch QC fold change and apply correction
    ## this will bring the median signal intensity to similar scales
    ## across batches.
    data1.qc.batch.fc <- data1.qc.batch.median / data1.qc.median
    ## assume all fc values > 1000 are artifacts
    odd <- which(data1.qc.batch.fc > 100 | data1.qc.batch.fc < 1 / 100)
    data1.qc.batch.fc[odd] <- 1
    cols <- rep(1, length(data1.qc.batch.fc))
    cols[odd] <- 2
    # plot(log10(data1.qc.batch.median), log10(data1.qc.median), main = i, col = cols, pch = 19)
    # Sys.sleep(3)
    data1[use, ] <- data1.batch / data1.qc.batch.fc

    if (do.order) {
      ## re-subset
      data1.batch <- data1[use, ]
      data1.qc.batch <- data1[use.qc, ]
      data1.qc.batch.median <- apply(
        data1.qc.batch, 2, "median",
        na.rm = TRUE

      data1.qc.batch.fc <- data1.qc.batch
      for (j in 1:nrow(data1.qc.batch.fc)) {
        data1.qc.batch.fc[j, ] <- data1.qc.batch[j, ] / data1.qc.batch.median

      x <- order[use.qc]
      y <- data1.qc.batch.fc[, 1:ncol(data1.qc.batch.fc)]

      ## only correct those featues with significant trendline
      pval <- sapply(1:ncol(y), FUN = function(z) {
            stats::cor.test(x, y[, z])$p.val
          error = function(x) {
      pval <- p.adjust(pval, method = p.adjust)

      rsqval <- as.vector(cor(x, y[, 1:ncol(y)])^2)

      do.ord.correct <- which((pval < p.cut) & (rsqval > rsq.cut))

      if (length(do.ord.correct) == 0) next

      ## record which features have experienced correction
      ord.corrected[do.ord.correct] <- TRUE

      y <- data1.qc.batch.fc[, do.ord.correct, drop = FALSE]

      p <- predict(
        object = lm(y ~ x),
        newdata = data.frame(x = use)
      p <- data1[use, do.ord.correct, drop = FALSE] / p

      # z <- 300; plot(x, y[,z]); Sys.sleep(2); plot(x, p[use.qc,z])

      data1[use, do.ord.correct] <- p[, 1:ncol(p)]
    data1[which(data1 < 0, arr.ind = TRUE)] <- 0
    ramclustObj$MSdata <- data1

  if (!is.null(ramclustObj$MSMSdata)) {
    for (i in unique(batch)) {
      ## identify which samples are from batch i
      use <- which((batch == i))

      ## identify which are qc samples and from batch i
      use.qc <- which(qc & (batch == i))

      ## subset
      data2.batch <- data2[use, ]
      data2.qc.batch <- data2[use.qc, ]

      ## calculate batch median value for qc samples.
      data2.qc.batch.median <- apply(data2.qc.batch, 2, "median", na.rm = TRUE)

      ## if any are NA values, replace with global qc median
      nar <- which(is.na(data2.qc.batch.median))
      if (length(nar) > 0) {
        data2.qc.batch.median[nar] <- data2.qc.median[nar]

      ## calculate global:batch QC fold change and apply correction
      ## this will bring the median signal intensity to similar scales
      ## across batches.
      data2.qc.batch.fc <- data2.qc.batch.median / data2.qc.median
      data2[use, ] <- data2.batch / data2.qc.batch.fc

      if (do.order) {
        ## re-subset
        data2.batch <- data2[use, ]
        data2.qc.batch <- data2[use.qc, ]
        data2.qc.batch.median <- apply(
          data2.qc.batch, 2, "median",
          na.rm = TRUE

        data2.qc.batch.fc <- data2.qc.batch
        for (j in 1:nrow(data2.qc.batch.fc)) {
          data2.qc.batch.fc[j, ] <- data2.qc.batch[j, ] / data2.qc.batch.median

        x <- order[use.qc]
        y <- data2.qc.batch.fc[, 1:ncol(data2.qc.batch.fc)]

        ## only correct those featues with significant trendline
        pval <- sapply(1:ncol(y), FUN = function(z) {
              stats::cor.test(x, y[, z])$p.val
            error = function(x) {
        pval <- p.adjust(pval, method = "fdr")

        rsqval <- as.vector(cor(x, y[, 1:ncol(y)])^2)

        do.ord.correct <- which((pval < p.cut) & (rsqval > rsq.cut))

        if (length(do.ord.correct) == 0) next

        ## record which features have experienced correction
        ord.corrected[do.ord.correct] <- TRUE
        y <- data2.qc.batch.fc[, do.ord.correct, drop = FALSE]

        p <- predict(
          object = lm(y ~ x),
          newdata = data.frame(x = use)
        p <- data1[use, do.ord.correct, drop = FALSE] / p

        # z <- 300; plot(x, y[,z]); Sys.sleep(2); plot(x, p[use.qc,z])

        data2[use, do.ord.correct] <- p[, 1:ncol(p)]
      data2[which(data2 < 0, arr.ind = TRUE)] <- 0
      ramclustObj$MSMSdata <- data2

  ramclustObj$history$normalize.qc <- paste0(
    "Features were normalized ",
    if (!is.null(ramclustObj$history$normalize.tic)) {
      "additionally "
    "by linearly regressing run order versus qc feature intensities to account for instrument signal intensity drift.",
    " Only features with a regression pvalue less than ", p.cut,
    " and an r-squared greater than ", rsq.cut, " were corrected.",
    "  Of ", length(ord.corrected), " features, ", length(which(ord.corrected)),
    if (length(which(ord.corrected)) > 1) {
      " were corrected"
    } else {
      " was corrected"
    " for run order effects",
    if (length(batches) > 1) {
      " in at least one batch.  Batch effects were normalized to median intensity for each feature."
    } else {

  if (is.null(ramclustObj$params)) {
    ramclustObj$params <- list()
  ramclustObj$params$rc.feature.normalize.qc <- params



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RAMClustR documentation built on Oct. 20, 2023, 5:08 p.m.