#' use pubchem rest and view APIs to retreive structures, CIDs (if a name or inchikey is given), synonyms, and optionally vendor data, when available.
#' @details useful for moving from chemical name to digital structure represtation. greek letters are assumed to be 'UTF-8' encoded, and are converted to latin text before searching. if you are reading in your compound name list, do so with 'encoding' set to 'UTF-8'.
#' @param seq file name/path to sequence file - expect filenames in column 1 and sample names in column 2. filenames should match those in spec.abund
#' @param spec.abund file name/path to adap-big export of signal intensities. .csv file expected
#' @param msp file name/path to .msp file created by adap-big
#' @param annotations file name/path to annotations .xlsx file. generally 'simple_export.xlsx'
#' @param mzdec mz decimals to report for internal storage/reporting. generally we want 0 for adap kdb
#' @param min.score 700 (out of 1000) by default
#' @param when looking up inchikey/names, should manual input be used to fill ambiguous names? generally recommend TRUE
#' @param qc.tag a character string by which to recognize a sample as a qc sample. i.e. 'QC' or 'qc'.
#' @param blank.tag a character string by which to recognize a sample as a blank sample. i.e. 'blank' or 'Blank'.
#' @param factor.names factor names
#' @return returns a ramclustR structured object suitable for down stream processing steps.
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @author Corey Broeckling
#' @export
#' <- function(
seq = 'seq.csv',
spec.abund = 'signal.csv',
msp = 'spectra.msp',
annotations = 'annotations.xlsx',
mzdec = 1, # mzdec = 1
min.score = 700, = FALSE,
qc.tag = "qc",
blank.tag = "blank",
factor.names = c()
) {
if (!requireNamespace("MSnbase", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("The use of this function requires package 'MSnbase'.")
if (!requireNamespace("readxl", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("The use of this function requires package 'readxl'.")
## read sequence file into R
if(is.null(seq)) {
seq <- read.csv("seq.csv",
header = TRUE,
check.names = FALSE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
} else {
seq <- read.csv(seq,
header = TRUE,
check.names = FALSE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
## try reading in experimental design
if(file.exists("ExpDes.Rdata")) load("ExpDes.Rdata")
if(file.exists("datasets/ExpDes.Rdata")) load("datasets/ExpDes.Rdata")
if(exists("ExpDes")) {
ExpDes <- get("ExpDes")
factor.names <- ExpDes[[1]][grep("fact", row.names(ExpDes[[1]])),1]
} else {
if(ncol(seq)>2) {
factor.names <- names(seq)[3:length(names(seq))]
} else {
stop("need factor names")
## create empty ramclustObj as standard list
ramclustObj <- list()
## read spectra into R and parse
if(is.null(msp)) {
msp <- readLines("ADAP_BIG/spectra.msp")
} else {
msp <- readLines(msp)
names <- gsub("Name: ", "", msp[grep("Name: ", msp)])
rts <- as.numeric(gsub("RT: ", "", msp[grep("RT: ", msp)]))
npeaks <- as.numeric(gsub("Num Peaks: ", "", msp[grep("Num Peaks: ", msp)]))
ms.start <- 1 + grep("Num Peaks: ", msp)
ms.stop <- c(((grep("Name: ", msp)[2:length(names)])-2), (length(msp)-1))
if(length(names) != length(rts)) stop("unequal lengths")
if(length(names) != length(npeaks)) stop('unequal lengths')
spectra <- rep(NA, length(names))
names(spectra) <- paste0(
formatC(1:length(spectra), width = nchar(length(spectra)), format = "d", flag = "0")
spectra <- as.list(spectra)
for(i in 1:length(spectra)) {
s <- msp[ms.start[i]:ms.stop[i]]
mz <- round(as.numeric(sapply(1:length(s), FUN = function(x) {
unlist(strsplit(s[x], " "))[1]
})), digits = mzdec)
int <- as.numeric(sapply(1:length(s), FUN = function(x) {
unlist(strsplit(s[x], " "))[2]
s <- new("Spectrum1",
mz = mz,
polarity = 1L,
centroided = TRUE,
intensity = int,
rt = round(60*rts[i], digits = 1))
spectra[[i]] <- s
## read intensities into R and parse
spec.abund <- read.csv(
header = TRUE,
check.names = FALSE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
ramclustObj$history$adap.big <- paste(
"ADAP-BIG (Smirnov 2019) was used to detect peaks, align samples, and deconvolve spectra. ",
"Results were exported from ADAP and imported into R using the function. ")
spec.abund <- spec.abund[, endsWith(names(spec.abund), " area")]
file.names <- gsub(" area", "", names(spec.abund))
spec.abund <- t(spec.abund)
if(dim(seq)[1] == dim(spec.abund)[1]) {
row.names(spec.abund) <- seq[,1]
dimnames(spec.abund)[[2]] <- names(spectra)
pheno <- seq[,1:2]
names(pheno) <- c("filename", "sample.names")
} else {
row.names(spec.abund) <- file.names
pheno <- data.frame(
"filename" = file.names,
"sample.names" = rep(NA, length(file.names))
for(i in 1:nrow(pheno)) {
mtch <- grep(unlist(basename(tools::file_path_sans_ext(file.names[i]))), seq[,1], = TRUE)
if(length(mtch) !=1) {
cat("please select raw (cdf) file directory")
raw.dir <- utils::choose.dir()
pheno[i,2] <- seq[mtch,2]
## import annotations file
if(is.null(annotations)) {
annotations <- NA
} else {
annotations <- readxl::read_xlsx(
annotations, sheet = 2,
skip = 1)
unannotated <- unique(c(
which($'Compound Name')),
grep("Unknown", annotations$'Compound Name')
annotations <- annotations[-unannotated,]
annotations <- annotations[
annotations$`Fragmentation Score by matching with Experimental spectra` > min.score
ramclustObj$history$adap.kdb <- paste(
"ADAP-KDB (Smirnov 2021) was for assigning annotations to library spectra and consensus spectra from Metabolomics Workbench. ",
"These annotations were exported and imported into R. ")
cmpd <- names(spectra)
ann <- rep(NA, length(cmpd))
adap.score <- rep(NA, length(cmpd))
if( {
for(i in 1:length(spectra)) {
use <- annotations[which(annotations$`Numerical Signal ID assigned by ADAP-KDB` == i),]
if(length(use) == 0) next
use <- use[order(use$`Fragmentation Score by matching with Experimental spectra`, decreasing = TRUE),]
ann[i] <- use$'Compound Name'[1]
adap.score[i] <- use$`Fragmentation Score by matching with Experimental spectra`[1]
# ann <- sapply(1:length(ann), FUN = function(x) trimws(unlist(strsplit( ann[x], "]"))[2]))
flag <- rep(FALSE, length(ann))
met.names <- rep(NA, length(ann))
for(i in 1:length(ann)) { # 182 and 188
if([i])) next <- ann[i] <- trimws(unlist(strsplit(, ",", fixed = TRUE)))
if(length( == 1) flag[i] <- TRUE <-[!grepl("derivative",] <-[!grepl("TMS",] <-[!grepl("trimethylsilyl",] <-[!grepl("methyloxime",] <-[!grepl("methoxime",]
if(length(>1) flag[i] <- TRUE
nc <- nchar( <-[which(nc>2)] <- paste(, collapse = ",")
met.names[i] <-
if( & flag[i]) {
tmp <- readline(prompt=paste("Enter metabolite name (or 'enter' to accept current: ", met.names[i], " "))
if(nchar(tmp) > 0) {
met.names[i] <- tmp
phosinchikey <- rep(NA, length(ann))
inchi <- rep(NA, length(ann))
inchikey <- rep(NA, length(ann))
smiles <- rep(NA, length(ann))
formula <- rep(NA, length(ann))
pubchem.cid <- rep(NA, length(ann))
do.met.names <- which(!
if(length(do.met.names)>0) {
pc <- rc.cmpd.get.pubchem(cmpd.names = met.names[do.met.names], all.props = FALSE,
get.synonyms = FALSE, get.bioassays = FALSE, = TRUE,
manual.entry =, write.csv = FALSE)
inchikey[do.met.names] <- pc$properties$InChIKey
inchi[do.met.names] <- pc$properties$InChI
smiles[do.met.names] <- pc$properties$CanonicalSMILES
pubchem.cid[do.met.names] <- pc$pubchem$cid
formula[do.met.names] <- pc$properties$MolecularFormula
} else {
inchikey <- rep(NA, length(cmpd))
inchi <- rep(NA, length(cmpd))
smiles <- rep(NA, length(cmpd))
pubchem.cid <- rep(NA, length(cmpd))
formula <- rep(NA, length(cmpd))
is.qc <- grep(qc.tag, pheno[,2])
is.blank <- grep(blank.tag, pheno[,2])
spec.abund.samp <- spec.abund[-unique(c(is.qc, is.blank)),, drop = FALSE]
spec.abund.qc <- spec.abund[is.qc,, drop = FALSE]
spec.abund.blank <- spec.abund[is.blank, , drop = FALSE]
phenoData.samp <- pheno[-unique(c(is.qc, is.blank)),, drop = FALSE]
phenoData.qc <- pheno[is.qc,,drop = FALSE]
phenoData.blank <- pheno[is.blank,,drop = FALSE]
if(any(ls()=="factor.names")) {
ramclustObj$factor.names <- factor.names
ramclustObj$phenoData <- pheno
ramclustObj$SpecAbund <- apply(spec.abund, 2, FUN = "median", na.rm = TRUE)
ramclustObj$ <- {
apply(spec.abund[is.qc,], 2, FUN = "sd", na.rm = TRUE)/apply(spec.abund[is.qc,], 2, FUN = "mean", na.rm = TRUE)
ramclustObj$cmpd <- cmpd
ramclustObj$clrt <- rts
met.names[which(] <- cmpd[which(]
ann[which(] <- cmpd[which(]
ramclustObj$ann <- met.names
ramclustObj$ann.derivitive <- ann
ramclustObj$annconf <- "2"
ramclustObj$SpecAbund <- spec.abund
# ramclustObj$qc.spec.abund <- spec.abund.qc
# ramclustObj$qc.phenoData <- phenoData.qc
# ramclustObj$blank.spec.abund <- spec.abund.blank
# ramclustObj$blank.phenoData <- phenoData.blank
ramclustObj$formula <- formula
ramclustObj$inchikey <- inchikey
ramclustObj$smiles <- smiles
ramclustObj$pubchem.cid <- pubchem.cid
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