# @RdocClass PSCBS
# @title "The PSCBS class"
# \description{
# @classhierarchy
# A PSCBS is an object containing results from parent-specific copy-number
# (PSCN) segmentation.
# }
# \usage{PSCBS(fit=list(), ...)}
# \arguments{
# \item{fit}{A @list structure containing the PSCN segmentation results.}
# \item{...}{Not used.}
# }
# \section{Fields and Methods}{
# @allmethods "public"
# }
# @author "HB"
# \seealso{
# @see "PairedPSCBS".
# }
setConstructorS3("PSCBS", function(fit=list(), ...) {
# Argument 'fit':
if (!is.list(fit)) {
stop("Argument 'fit' is not a list: ", class(fit)[1])
extend(AbstractCBS(fit, ...), "PSCBS")
setMethodS3("", "PSCBS", function(x, ...) {
getSegments(x, splitters=TRUE, ...)
}, protected=TRUE)
setMethodS3("getLocusSignalNames", "PSCBS", function(fit, ...) {
c("CT", "rho")
}, protected=TRUE)
setMethodS3("getSegmentTrackPrefixes", "PSCBS", function(fit, ...) {
c("tcn", "dh")
}, protected=TRUE)
setMethodS3("getLocusData", "PSCBS", function(fit, indices=NULL, fields=c("asis"), ...) {
# Argument 'indices':
if (!is.null(indices)) {
indices <- Arguments$getIndices(indices)
# Argument 'fields':
fields <- match.arg(fields)
data <- fit$data
# Return requested indices
if (!is.null(indices)) {
# Map of final indices to current indices
map <- match(indices, data$index)
# Extract/expand...
data <- data[map,]
# Sanity check
.stop_if_not(nrow(data) == length(indices))
}, protected=TRUE) # getLocusData()
setMethodS3("isSegmentSplitter", "PSCBS", function(fit, ...) {
segs <- fit$output
isSplitter <- lapply(segs[-1],
isSplitter <- Reduce("&", isSplitter)
}, protected=TRUE)
# @RdocMethod getSegments
# @title "Gets the segments"
# \description{
# @get "title".
# }
# @synopsis
# \arguments{
# \item{simplify}{If @TRUE, redundant and intermediate information is dropped.}# \item{splitters}{If @TRUE, "splitters" between chromosomes are
# preserved, otherwise dropped.}
# \item{...}{Not used.}
# }
# \value{
# Returns a SxK @data.frame, where S in the number of segments,
# and K is the number of segment-specific fields.
# }
# @author "HB"
# \seealso{
# @seeclass
# }
setMethodS3("getSegments", "PSCBS", function(fit, simplify=FALSE, splitters=TRUE, addGaps=FALSE, ...) {
# Argument 'splitters':
splitters <- Arguments$getLogical(splitters)
segs <- fit$output
# Drop chromosome splitters?
if (!splitters) {
isSplitter <- isSegmentSplitter(fit)
segs <- segs[!isSplitter,]
# Add splitters for "gaps"...
if (splitters && addGaps) {
# Chromosome gaps
n <- nrow(segs)
chrs <- segs$chromosome
gapsAfter <- which(diff(chrs) != 0L)
gapsAfter <- gapsAfter[![gapsAfter])]
nGaps <- length(gapsAfter)
if (nGaps > 0L) {
idxs <- seq_len(n)
values <- rep(NA_integer_, times=nGaps)
idxs <- insert(idxs, ats=gapsAfter+1L, values=values)
segs <- segs[idxs,]
# Other gaps
n <- nrow(segs)
chrs <- segs$chromosome
starts <- segs$tcnStart[-1L]
ends <- segs$tcnEnd[-n]
gapsAfter <- which(starts != ends)
onSameChr <- (chrs[gapsAfter+1L] == chrs[gapsAfter] )
gapsAfter <- gapsAfter[onSameChr]
nGaps <- length(gapsAfter)
if (nGaps > 0L) {
idxs <- seq_len(n)
values <- rep(NA_integer_, times=nGaps)
idxs <- insert(idxs, ats=gapsAfter+1L, values=values)
segs <- segs[idxs,]
## if (nrow(segs) > 0) {
## segs$id <- getSampleName(fit)
## }
if (simplify) {
# If joinSegments was used (i.e. (start,end) are equal for TCN and DH)...
if (fit$params$joinSegments) {
# Sanity check
.stop_if_not(all(segs$tcnStart == segs$dhStart, na.rm=TRUE))
.stop_if_not(all(segs$tcnEnd == segs$dhEnd, na.rm=TRUE))
names <- colnames(segs)
keep <- !is.element(names, c("dhStart", "dhEnd"))
segs <- segs[,keep]
names <- colnames(segs)
names[names == "tcnStart"] <- "start"
names[names == "tcnEnd"] <- "end"
colnames(segs) <- names
# Drop bootstrap columns, if any
names <- colnames(segs)
keep <- (regexpr("_[0-9]+(|[.][0-9]+)%$", names) == -1)
segs <- segs[,keep]
}, private=TRUE)
setMethodS3("getChangePoints", "PSCBS", function(fit, ...) {
# Already available?
cps <- fit$changepoints
if (!is.null(cps)) return(cps)
segs <- getSegments(fit, splitters=TRUE)
tcn <- segs[["tcnMean"]]
dh <- segs[["dhMean"]]
C1 <- (1-dh) * tcn / 2
C2 <- tcn - C1
n <- length(tcn)
# Calculate observed (alpha, radius, manhattan, dc1, dc2) data
D1 <- C1[-n] - C1[-1L]
D2 <- C2[-n] - C2[-1L]
cps <- data.frame(
alpha = atan2(D2, D1), # Changepoint angles in (0,2*pi)
radius = sqrt(D2^2 + D1^2),
manhattan = abs(D2) + abs(D1),
d1 = D1,
d2 = D2
}, private=TRUE) # getChangePoints()
setMethodS3("normalizeTotalCNs", "PSCBS", function(fit, targetTCN=2, ...) {
## Fit using locus-level data
data <- getLocusData(fit, ...)
C <- data$CT
mu <- median(C, na.rm=TRUE)
scale <- targetTCN / mu
## (a) Rescale locus-level data
C <- scale * C
data$CT <- C
fitN <- setLocusData(fit, data)
## (b) Rescale segment-level data
segs <- getSegments(fit)
fields <- colnames(segs)
cnFields <- grep("^(tcn|c1|c2)", fields, value=TRUE)
cnFields <- grep("(Id|Start|End|NbrOf)", cnFields, value=TRUE, invert=TRUE)
for (field in cnFields) {
segs[[field]] <- scale * segs[[field]]
fitN <- setSegments(fitN, segs)
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