#' longitudinalmfuzz Function
#' This function allows you to identify gene/feature trajectory over
#' longitudinal points. The function uses mfuzz package (for more information
#' refer to
#' @param data_object Input \emph{PALMO} S4 object. It contains annotation information
#' and expression data from Bulk or single cell data.
#' @param group_column User-defined group name like 'group','celltype'
#' @param timeColumn User-defined time column name like 'Time'
#' @param donorColumn User-defined donor/participant column name like 'PTID'
#' @param timeOrder (Optional) User-defined order of time variable like
#' ('D1','D2','D3')
#' @param baseline_timepoint (Optional) If baseline donors known (like 'PTID1')
#' @param featurelist (Optional) User-defined genes/features of interest
#' @param group_oi User-defined groups to consider for example from celltypes
#' select few
#' @param mfuzz_thres \code{mfuzz:thres} threshold for excluding genes
#' @param mfuzz_min.std \code{mfuzz:min.std} threshold for minimum standard
#' deviation
#' @param max_cluster Number of clusters to explore (Default 2^n)
#' @param delta \code{mfuzz:delta} threshold for minimum standard deviation
#' @param plotsize Size of plot width and height. Default 10 (in).
#' @param cl Number of clusters. Use nCores-1 to run parallel. Default 2
#' @param fileName User-defined file name, Default outputFile
#' @param filePATH User-defined output directory \emph{PATH} Default, current
#' directory
#' @keywords longitudinalmfuzz
#' @return longitudinal trajectory dataframe
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' longitudinalmfuzz(data_object=palmo_obj, group_column='group',
#' timeColumn='Time', donorColumn='PTID')
#' }
longitudinalmfuzz <- function(data_object, group_column = "group",
timeColumn = "Time", timeOrder = NULL,
donorColumn = "PTID", baseline_timepoint = NULL,
featurelist = NULL, group_oi = NULL,
mfuzz_thres = 0.25, mfuzz_min.std = 0,
max_cluster = NULL, delta = 0.5,
plotsize = 10, cl = 2,
fileName = NULL, filePATH = NULL) {
message(date(), ": Identifying Longitudinal Trajectories")
## If filename or filepath null
if (is.null(fileName)) {
fileName <- "outputFile"
if (is.null(filePATH)) {
filePATH <- data_object@filePATH
## get the data
ann <- data_object@curated$anndata
mat <- data_object@curated$data
check_data <- all.equal(row.names(ann), colnames(mat))
if (check_data == FALSE) {
stop(date(), ": Annotation of samples (rows) and datamatrix columns
do not match")
## By user defined group
ann$bygroup <- ann[, group_column]
ann <- ann[!$bygroup), ]
ann$Sample_bygroup <- paste(ann$Sample, ann$bygroup, sep = ":")
## Define donor column
ann$donorGroup <- ann[, donorColumn]
ann <- ann[!$donorGroup), ]
uniDonor <- sort(unique(ann$donorGroup))
## Input group of interest
ann <- ann[ann$bygroup %in% group_oi, ]
mat <- mat[, row.names(ann)]
ann <- ann[order(ann$donorGroup, ann$bygroup), ]
uniGroup <- sort(unique(ann$bygroup))
uniSample_group <- unique(ann$Sample_bygroup)
# print(uniGroup)
## By user defined time
ann$bytime <- ann[, timeColumn]
ann <- ann[!$bytime), ]
uniTime <- sort(unique(na.omit(ann$bytime)))
if (!is.null(timeOrder)) {
uniTime <- intersect(timeOrder, uniTime)
message(date(), ": Time order->", uniTime, ".\n>>To change time order
use parameter timeOrder=c('t1', 't2', 't3').")
## User defined genelist/featurelist
if (is.null(featurelist)) {
geneList <- as.character(row.names(mat))
} else {
geneList <- intersect(featurelist, row.names(mat))
## Define maximum clusters
if (is.null(max_cluster)) {
max_cluster <- 2^(length(uniTime))
} else {
max_cluster <- as.numeric(max_cluster)
## by group
res_group <- lapply(uniGroup, function(uIG) {
## by donor
res_donor <- lapply(uniDonor, function(uID) {
message(date(), "Running ::", uID, "-", uIG)
ann_sub <- ann[ann$bygroup %in% uIG & ann$donorGroup %in% uID, ]
mat_sub <- mat[geneList, row.names(ann_sub)]
uniTime_sub <- intersect(uniTime, unique(ann_sub$bytime))
op <- pboptions(type = "timer") # default
res <- pblapply(geneList, cl = cl, function(gL) {
df <- data.frame(gene = as.numeric(mat_sub[gL, ]),
time = ann_sub$bytime, blank = 0)
suppressMessages(df1 <- df %>% group_by(time, blank) %>%
summarise(val = median(gene)) %>%
data.frame() %>%
column_to_rownames(var = "time"),
classes = "message")
df1 <- df1[uniTime_sub, ]
res <- data.frame(, res))
colnames(res) <- uniTime_sub
row.names(res) <- geneList
res <- data.frame(res, check.names=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
## Define maximum cluster
nCluster <- 2^(length(uniTime_sub))
if (nCluster > max_cluster) {
nCluster <- max_cluster
## Mfuzz based clustering set.seed(1234)
expDF <- new("ExpressionSet", exprs = as.matrix(res))
possible_clusters <- nCluster
labels <- uniTime_sub
expDF <- filter.NA(expDF, thres = mfuzz_thres)
expDF <- filter.std(expDF, min.std = mfuzz_min.std, visu = FALSE)
## Check baseline timepoint
if(is.null(baseline_timepoint)) {
expDF <- standardise(expDF)
} else {
if(length(intersect(colnames(res), baseline_timepoint)) == 1) {
expDF <- standardise2(expDF, timepoint = baseline_timepoint)
} else {
stop(date(), ": Baseline timepoint is not found")
## Estimate m
m1 <- mestimate(expDF) <- mfuzz(expDF, c = possible_clusters, m = m1)
temp <- data.frame($centers, check.names = FALSE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
temp1 <- apply(temp, 1, function(x) {
diff <- lapply(2:length(x), function(y) {
y1 <- x[y] - x[y - 1]
y1 <- sign(y1) * ifelse(abs(y1) >= delta, 1, 0)
diff <- as.numeric(unlist(diff))
y <- paste(paste(diff, collapse = ":"), sep = "")
temp <- data.frame(temp, trajectory_direction = temp1,
cluster = row.names(temp), check.names = FALSE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Cluster information
temp$group <- uIG
temp$donor <- uID
write.csv(temp, file = paste(filePATH, "/longitudinal_",
fileName, "_", uID, "_", uIG, ".csv",
sep = ""), quote = FALSE)
plot_panels <- ceiling(sqrt(nCluster))
pdf(paste(filePATH, "/longitudinal_", fileName, "_", uID, "_", uIG,
".pdf", sep = ""), width = plotsize, height = plotsize)
mfuzz.plot(expDF, cl =, time.labels = labels,
mfrow = c(plot_panels, plot_panels), new.window = FALSE)
mRes <- data.frame(Genes = names([["cluster"]]),
cluster =[["cluster"]],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
write.csv(mRes, file = paste(filePATH, "/longitudinal_",
fileName, "_", uID, "_", uIG, "_geneclustering.csv",
sep = ""), quote = FALSE)
mRes <- mRes[geneList, ]
row.names(mRes) <- geneList
colnames(mRes)[2] <- paste(uID, uIG, sep = ":")
res_donor <-, res_donor)
res_donor <- res_donor[, setdiff(colnames(res_donor), "Genes")]
res_group <-, res_group)
data_object@result$mclust_longitudinal <- res_group
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