#' CREAM is the main function for CORE identification
#' @param in_path Path to the input file (The file inclusing the functional
#' regions)
#' Note. You have to make sure that there is no overlapping regions within the
#' input file
#' @param MinLength Criteria for the minimum number of functional regions in the
#'  input file
#' @param peakNumMin Minimum number of peaks for CORE identification
#' @param WScutoff Threshold used to identify WS within distribution of maximum
#' distance between peaks for each order of CORE
#' @return Bed file including the identified COREs
#' @examples
#' CREAM(system.file("extdata", "A549_Chr21.bed", package = "CREAM"),
#' MinLength = 1000, peakNumMin = 2)
#' @importFrom utils read.table write.table
#' @export
CREAM <- function(in_path, WScutoff = 1.5, MinLength = 1000, peakNumMin = 2){
  InputData   <- read.table(in_path, sep="\t")
  colnames(InputData) <- c("chr", "start", "end")
  print(paste("Please make sure there is no overlap between the input genomic regions.",
              "Overlap between the input regions may cause error."))
  ########################### Checking total number of input regions
  if(nrow(InputData) < MinLength){
    stop(paste( "Number of functional regions is less than ", MinLength, ".", sep = "", collapse = ""))
  ##################### Checking if there are chromosomes with low number of input regions
  ChrRegNum <- table(InputData[,"chr"])
  LowNumChr_Ind <- which(ChrRegNum < 200)
  if(length(LowNumChr_Ind) > 0){
    warning(paste("There are chromosome with low number of regions and you may get error.",
                  "The reason is that highest Order may become larger than the number of regions in a chromosome.",
                  "Hence, there will not be enough regions in that chromosome for clustering."))
  WindowVecFinal <- WindowVec(InputData, peakNumMin, WScutoff)
  OutputList <- ElementRecog(InputData, WindowVecFinal, (1+length(WindowVecFinal)), peakNumMin)
  WidthSeq_Vec    <-  OutputList[[1]]
  StartSeq_Vec    <-  OutputList[[2]]
  EndSeq_Vec      <-  OutputList[[3]]
  ChrSeq_Vec      <-  OutputList[[4]]
  OrderSeq_Vec    <-  OutputList[[5]]
  WinSizeSeq_Vec  <-  OutputList[[6]]
    SortedOrderInd <- sort(OrderSeq_Vec, decreasing = T, index.return = T)[[2]]
    CombinedData <- cbind(ChrSeq_Vec[SortedOrderInd],
    colnames(CombinedData) <- c("Chr", "Start", "End", "Order", "Width", "WindowSize")

    MinPeaks <- PeakMinFilt(CombinedData, WindowVecFinal)

    RemovePeaks <- which(as.numeric(CombinedData[,"Order"]) < MinPeaks)
    if(length(RemovePeaks) > 0){
      CombinedData <- CombinedData[-RemovePeaks,]

    CombinedData <- CombinedData[,c(1:3)]
    colnames(CombinedData) <- NULL

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CREAM documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:57 a.m.