#' @describeIn zinbsurf Y is a
#' \code{\link[SummarizedExperiment]{SummarizedExperiment}}.
#' @export
#' @param X The design matrix containing sample-level covariates, one sample per
#' row. If missing, X will contain only an intercept. If Y is a
#' SummarizedExperiment object, X can be a formula using the variables in the
#' colData slot of Y.
#' @param V The design matrix containing gene-level covariates, one gene
#' per row. If missing, V will contain only an intercept. If Y is a
#' SummarizedExperiment object, V can be a formula using the variables in the
#' rowData slot of Y.
#' @param K integer. Number of latent factors. Specify \code{K = 0} if only
#' computing observational weights.
#' @param zeroinflation Whether or not a ZINB model should be fitted. If FALSE,
#' a negative binomial model is fitted instead.
#' @param which_assay numeric or character. Which assay of Y to use. If missing,
#' if `assayNames(Y)` contains "counts" then that is used. Otherwise, the
#' first assay is used.
#' @param which_genes character. Which genes to use to estimate W (see details).
#' Ignored if \code{fitted_model} is provided.
#' @param prop_fit numeric between 0 and 1. The proportion of cells to use for
#' the zinbwave fit.
#' @param BPPARAM object of class \code{bpparamClass} that specifies the
#' back-end to be used for computations. See
#' \code{\link[BiocParallel]{bpparam}} for details.
#' @param verbose Print helpful messages.
#' @details This function implements an approximate strategy, in which the full
#' \code{zinbwave} model is fit only on a random subset of the data
#' (controlled by the \code{prop_fit} parameter). The rest of the samples are
#' subsequently projected onto the low-rank space. This strategy is much
#' faster and uses less memory than the full \code{\link{zinbwave}} method. It
#' is recommended with extremely large datasets.
#' @details By default \code{zinbsurf} uses all genes to estimate \code{W}.
#' However, we recommend to use the top 1,000 most variable genes for this
#' step. In general, a user can specify any custom set of genes to be used to
#' estimate \code{W}, by specifying either a vector of gene names, or a single
#' character string corresponding to a column of the \code{rowData}.
#' @examples
#' se <- SingleCellExperiment(assays = list(counts = matrix(rpois(60, lambda=5),
#' nrow=10, ncol=6)),
#' colData = data.frame(bio = gl(2, 3)))
#' colnames(se) <- paste0("sample", 1:6)
#' m <- zinbsurf(se, X="~bio", K = 1, prop_fit = .5, which_assay = 1,
#' BPPARAM=BiocParallel::SerialParam())
setMethod("zinbsurf", "SummarizedExperiment",
function(Y, X, V, K, which_assay, which_genes,
zeroinflation = TRUE, prop_fit = .1,
BPPARAM=BiocParallel::bpparam(), verbose = FALSE, ...) {
if(prop_fit <= 0 | prop_fit >=1) {
stop("`prop_fit` must be in (0, 1).")
if(is.null(colnames(Y))) {
stop("to use `zinbsurf` `Y` needs to have colnames.")
if(K == 0) {
stop("please specify `K > 0`.")
out <- as(Y, "SingleCellExperiment")
if(!missing(which_genes)) {
if(length(which_genes) == 1) {
if(!which_genes %in% colnames(rowData(Y))) {
stop("if `which_genes` has length 1, it must be the name of a column of `rowData(Y)`.")
which_genes <- rowData(Y)[,which_genes]
Y <- Y[which_genes,]
sample_idx <- sample(seq_len(NCOL(Y)), size = floor(NCOL(Y) * prop_fit))
out_idx <- setdiff(seq_len(NCOL(Y)), sample_idx)
Ysub <- Y[,sample_idx,drop=FALSE]
Yout <- Y[,out_idx,drop=FALSE]
if(verbose) {
message("Fitting zinbwave model using ", length(sample_idx),
" cells.")
if(!missing(V)) {
if(!is.matrix(V)) {
f <- as.formula(V)
V <- model.matrix(f, data=rowData(Y))
error = function(e) {
stop("V must be a matrix or a formula with variables in rowData(Y)")
if(!missing(X)) {
if(!is.matrix(X)) {
f <- as.formula(X)
X <- model.matrix(f, data=colData(Y))
error = function(e) {
stop("X must be a matrix or a formula with variables in colData(Y)")
Xsub <- X[sample_idx,,drop=FALSE]
Xout <- X[out_idx,,drop=FALSE]
fit <- zinbFit(Ysub, Xsub, V, K, BPPARAM=BPPARAM,
verbose = verbose,
zeroinflation = zeroinflation, ...)
newm <- zinbModel(n=NCOL(Yout), J=NROW(Yout),
X = Xout, V = V, K = K, ...)
} else {
fit <- zinbFit(Ysub, X, V, K, BPPARAM=BPPARAM,
verbose = verbose,
zeroinflation = zeroinflation, ...)
newm <- zinbModel(n=NCOL(Yout), J=NROW(Yout),
X = X, V = V, K = K, ...)
if(missing(which_assay)) {
if("counts" %in% assayNames(Yout)) {
dataY <- assay(Yout, "counts")
} else {
warning("No assay named `counts`, using first assay.",
"Use `assay` to specify a different assay.")
dataY <- assay(Yout)
} else {
if(!(is.character(which_assay) | is.numeric(which_assay))) {
stop("assay needs to be a numeric or character specifying which assay to use")
} else {
dataY <- assay(Yout, which_assay)
## realize in memory or make non-sparse
dataY <- as.matrix(dataY)
if(verbose) {
message("Projecting the remaining ", length(out_idx),
" cells.")
if(zeroinflation) {
epsilonleft <- c(getEpsilon_gamma_mu(fit),
getEpsilon_gamma_pi(fit), getEpsilon_W(fit))
nleft <- c(length(getEpsilon_gamma_mu(fit)),
newfit <- matrix(unlist(
bplapply(seq_along(out_idx), function(i) {
t(getW(newm)[i,]), dataY[,i],
getAlpha_mu(fit), getX_mu(newm)[i,],
getBeta_mu(fit), newm@O_mu[i,],
getAlpha_pi(fit), getX_pi(newm)[i,],
newm@O_pi[i,], getZeta(fit), epsilonleft)
}, BPPARAM = BPPARAM)), nrow=sum(nleft))
} else {
epsilonleft <- c(getEpsilon_gamma_mu(fit),
nleft <- c(length(getEpsilon_gamma_mu(fit)),
newfit <- matrix(unlist(
bplapply(seq_along(out_idx), function(i) {
t(getW(newm)[i,]), dataY[,i],
getAlpha_mu(fit), getX_mu(newm)[i,],
getBeta_mu(fit), newm@O_mu[i,],
getZeta(fit), epsilonleft)
}, BPPARAM = BPPARAM)), nrow=sum(nleft))
newW <- t(newfit[-(seq_len(sum(nleft[1:2]))), ,drop = FALSE])
W <- rbind(getW(fit), newW)
o <- orthogonalizeTraceNorm(W, cbind(getAlpha_mu(fit),
fit@epsilon_W, fit@epsilon_alpha)
W <- o$U
rownames(W) <- c(colnames(Ysub), colnames(Yout))
colnames(W) <- paste0('W', seq_len(nFactors(fit)))
reducedDim(out, "zinbwave") <- W[colnames(Y), , drop=FALSE]
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