# This function provides data import interfaces by mimicing MS Excel's
# Text Wizard. read.table will be used to import the data.
# filename - an optional character string for the name of the file to
# be imported
# maxRow - an integer for the maximum number of rows to be
# displayed. Large row numbers may slow down the machine
# Copyright 2002, J. Zhang, all rights reserved.
importWizard <- function(filename = NULL, maxRow = 400){
argsSet <- FALSE
# Creates an environment to make some variables available to all
# related functions
workEnv <- new.env(hash = TRUE, parent = emptyenv())
# A string to keep track of the current state
assignCState("state1", env = workEnv)
lineNums <- length(readFileByLines(filename))
argsSet <- setArgsList(filename, workEnv)
# Otherwise, assign an empty list to argsList and colInfo
assignArgs(list(), workEnv)
#setColInfos(env = workEnv)
lineNums <- maxRow
argsSet <- TRUE
# Number of row to be displayed
assignShowNum(ifelse(maxRow > lineNums, lineNums,
maxRow), env = workEnv)
# Initializes the interface
readFileByLines <- function(filename){
conn <- safeFileOpen(filename)
if(inherits(conn, "connection")){
lines <- readLines(conn)
tkmessageBox(title = "IO Error",
message = paste("can't open file because", conn),
icon = "error", type = "ok")
# Using function guess.sep to figure out the the header, sep, and data
# type of a file and sets the argument list and colInfo
setArgsList <- function(filename, env, isFile = TRUE, init = TRUE){
options(show.error.messages = FALSE, warn = -1)
fileInfo <- try(guess.sep( = filename, numLine = 40,
isFile = isFile))
options(show.error.messages = TRUE, warn = 0)
if(inherits(fileInfo, "try-error")){
tkmessageBox(title = "Incorrect File Name",
message = paste("An error message:\n\n", fileInfo,
"\nwas generated while reading file",
filename, "."), icon = "error", type = "ok")
env$rowNameCol <- 0
argsList <- list()
temp <- formals("read.table")
temp[["file"]] <- filename
temp[["header"]] <- fileInfo[["header"]]
temp[["sep"]] <- fileInfo[["separator"]]
#chrNBothtemp[["quote"]] <- ""
# Reassign fill with the value of blank.lines.skip
temp[["fill"]] <- !temp[["blank.lines.skip"]]
argsList[["state1"]] <- as.list(temp)
argsList <- getArgs(env)
argsList[["state1"]][["header"]] <- fileInfo[["header"]]
argsList[["state1"]][["sep"]] <- fileInfo[["separator"]]
assignArgs(argsList, env)
#setColInfos(fileInfo[["type"]], env)
fileLines <- readFileByLines(filename)
getShowNum(env))], env)
assignShowNum(min(length(fileLines), getShowNum(env)), env)
assignLineData(filename, env)
# Set the temp data read as lines with a maxmun number
assignLineData <- function(lineData, env){
assign("lineData", lineData, env = env)
# Get the temp data stroed as lines with a maxmun number
getLineData <- function(env){
# Set and get methods for argument list
assignArgs <- function(value, env){
assign("argsList", value, env = env)
getArgs <- function(env){
# Set and get methods for number to show in the interface
assignShowNum <- function(value, env){
assign("showNum", value, env)
getShowNum <- function(env){
# Set and get methods for current state to keep track of the state
assignCState <- function(value, env){
assign("currentState", value, env)
getCState <- function(env){
# Set and get methods for colInfo that is a list of colInfo objects to
# keep column name, type, and drop info
assignColInfo <- function(value, env){
assign("colInfos", value, env)
getColInfo <- function(env){
# Creates colInfo objects and sets the value of 'colInfos' list
setColInfos <- function(types, env){
# initColInfo()
assignColInfo(list(), env)
temp <- list()
for(i in 1:length(types)){
# name = "", type = types[i], dropOrNot = FALSE
temp[[i]] <- colInfo("", types[i], FALSE)
assignColInfo(temp, env)
# This function initializes the interface for importWizard by creating
# a widget with an empty top canvas and bottom frame filled with four buttons
initImportWizard <- function(env){
# A list to be returned that contains an argument list and data
# imported using read.table
dataList <- NULL
# A variable to keep the frame that is currently displayed
#currentFrame <- NULL
# Destroy the window
end <- function(){
nextState <- function(){
args <- getArgs(env)
tkmessageBox(title = "Import Error",
message = "I do not know what file to import!",
icon = "error",
type = "ok")
tempFrame <- changeState(canvas, backBut, nextBut, env, TRUE,
endBut, viewBut)
tkpack(tempFrame, fill = "both", expand = TRUE)
currentFrame <<- tempFrame
preState <- function(){
tempFrame<- changeState(canvas, backBut, nextBut, env, FALSE,
endBut, viewBut)
tkpack(tempFrame, fill = "both", expand = TRUE)
currentFrame <<- tempFrame
redraw <- function(){
tempFrame <- getAFrame(canvas, env)
tkpack(tempFrame, fill = "both", expand = TRUE)
currentFrame <<- tempFrame
finishClicked <- function(){
dataList <<- finish(env)
## Set up the interface
top <- tktoplevel()
tktitle(top) <- "BioC Data Import Wizard"
# Set the empty canvas that will be filled later
canvas <- getTopCan(top, env)
# Sets current frame to state1 now
currentFrame <- getAFrame(canvas, env)
tkpack(currentFrame, fill = "both", expand = TRUE)
#tkcreate(canvas, "window", 0, 0, anchor = "nw", window = currentFrame)
## The bottom frame contains the buttons that allow users to
## navigate the importing process
butFrame <- tkframe(top)
viewBut <- tkbutton(butFrame, text = "View", width = 8,
state = "disabled", command = redraw)
canBut <- tkbutton(butFrame, text = "Cancel", width = 8,
command = end)
backBut <- tkbutton(butFrame, text = "< Back", width = 8,
state = "disabled", command = preState)
nextBut <- tkbutton(butFrame, text = "Next >", width = 8,
command = nextState)
endBut <- tkbutton(butFrame, text = "Finish", width = 8,
state = "disabled", command = finishClicked)
tkpack(canBut, backBut, nextBut, endBut, side = "left")
tkpack(butFrame, pady = 10, fill = "y", expand = TRUE)
args <- getArgs(env)
# Creates a top frame of an empty canvas
getTopCan <- function(base, env){
WIDTH <- 730
HEIGHT <- 400
## The canvas has widgets for the relevant
## arguments and preview of the original data. The content various
## depending on the state
canvas <- makeViewer(base, vWidth = WIDTH, vHeight = HEIGHT,
vScroll = FALSE, hScroll = FALSE,
what = "canvas", side = "top")
# Changes the state and thus the interface
changeState <- function(canvas, backBut, nextBut, env, forward = TRUE,
endBut, viewBut){
# Sets the current state
setNewState(env, backBut, nextBut, forward, endBut, viewBut)
return(getAFrame(canvas, env))
# tkcreate(canvas, "window", 0, 0, anchor = "nw", window = newFrame)
# Sets the string for the new state (next or previous) and
# actviates/inactivates buttons depending on the state
setNewState <- function(env, backBut, nextBut, forward = TRUE,
endBut, viewBut){
if(getCState(env) == "state1"){
assignCState("state2", env)
tkconfigure(backBut, state = "normal")
tkconfigure(viewBut, state = "normal")
assignCState("state3", env)
tkconfigure(nextBut, state = "disabled")
tkconfigure(endBut, state = "normal")
tkconfigure(viewBut, state = "disabled")
if(getCState(env) == "state2"){
env$rowNameCol <- 0
assignCState("state1", env)
tkconfigure(nextBut, state = "normal")
tkconfigure(backBut, state = "disabled")
tkconfigure(viewBut, state = "disabled")
assignCState("state2", env)
tkconfigure(nextBut, state = "normal")
tkconfigure(endBut, state = "disabled")
tkconfigure(viewBut, state = "normal")
# Add a new state arguments list to argsList
addArgs <- function(env){
temp <- getArgs(env)
if(length(temp) == 1){
temp[["state2"]] <- temp[[length(temp)]]
assignArgs(temp, env)
temp[["state3"]] <- temp[[length(temp)]]
assignArgs(temp, env)
# Drop a state arguments list from argsList when the back button is clicked
dropArgs <- function(env){
temp <- getArgs(env)
if(length(temp) > 1){
temp <- temp[-length(temp)]
assignArgs(temp, env)
# Gets a frame based on which state is of interest
getAFrame <- function(base, env){
"state1" = return(getState1Frame(base, env)),
"state2" = return(getState2Frame(base, env)),
"state3" = return(getState3Frame(base, env)))
# The importing process ends. Return a list with argument list and
# data read using read.table as elements
finish <- function(env){
args <- getArgs(env)[["state3"]]
args[["quote"]] <- "\"'"
dataName <- getName4Data(args[["file"]], "data frame")
conn <- safeFileOpen(args[["file"]])
if(inherits(conn, "connection")){
args[["file"]] <- conn
options(show.error.messages = FALSE)
dataFile <- try(, args))
options(show.error.messages = TRUE)
if(inherits(dataFile, "try-error")){
tkmessageBox(title = "Import Error",
message = paste("An error message:\n\n", dataFile,
"\nwas generated while reading file ",
args[["file"]], "."), icon = "error", type = "ok")
if(env$rowNameCol != 0){
rownames(dataFile) <- dataFile[, env$rowNameCol]
dataFile <- dataFile[, - env$rowNameCol]
colInfos <- getColInfo(env)
colNames <- NULL
colToDrop <- NULL
for(i in 1:length(colInfos)){
colToDrop <- c(colToDrop, i)
"Character" = dataFile[, i] <-
as.character(dataFile[, i]),
"Numeric" = dataFile[, i] <-
as.numeric(dataFile[, i]))
colNames <- c(colNames, colName(colInfos[[i]]))
# Drop the columns
dataFile <- dataFile[, -colToDrop]
# In case there is only one column left
dataFile <- data.frame(matrix(dataFile, ncol = 1))
names(dataFile) <- colNames
colnames(dataFile) <- colNames
assign(dataName, dataFile, env = .GlobalEnv)
return(list(args = args, data = dataFile))
tkmessageBox(title = "IO Error",
message = paste("Can't open file because", conn),
icon = "error", type = "ok")
# Gets the frame containing the interface for the top frame of
# importWizard for state1
getState1Frame <- function(base, env){
# A frame containing the interface that will be returned
frame <- tkframe(base)
# The bottom frame contains a list box showing the data. The
# bottom frame is set first to make the list box available for
# updating by the top frame
bottomFrame <- tkframe(frame)
dataViewer <- setState1BFrame(bottomFrame, env)
# The mid frame contains the delimiter and number line
# information.
midFrame <- tkframe(frame)
delims <- setState1MFrame(midFrame, env, dataViewer)
# The top frame contains a entry box and a browse button that
# allows for browing directories for a file name
topFrame <- tkframe(frame)
setState1TFrame(topFrame, dataViewer, delims, env, delims[["start"]])
tkpack(topFrame, pady = 5, padx = 5, fill = "both", expand = TRUE)
tkpack(midFrame, padx = 5, fill = "both", expand = TRUE)
# Pack the bottom frame last
tkpack(bottomFrame, pady = 5, padx = 5, fill = "both", expand = TRUE)
# Sets the botton frame for state1
setState1BFrame <- function(frame, env){
# A list box to show the original data
viewFrame <- tkframe(frame)
dataViewer <- makeViewer(viewFrame, vWidth = 50, vHeight = 10,
vScroll = TRUE, hScroll = TRUE,
what = "list", side = "top")
tkpack(viewFrame, anchor = "w", pady = 10, fill = "both",
expand = TRUE)
# Sets the top frame for state1
setState1TFrame <- function(frame, viewer, delims, env, startList){
fName <- tclVar()
# Populate the entry box for file name when the brose button is
# clicked
browse <- function(){
filename <- tclvalue(tkgetOpenFile())
if(filename != ""){
writeList(nameEntry, filename, clear = TRUE)
argsSet <- setArgsList(filename, env)
showData4State1(viewer, env)
popStartLine(startList, env)
# Get the file
getFile <- function(){
argsSet <- setArgsList(tclvalue(fName), env)
showData4State1(viewer, env)
# Frame to hole the widgets
nameFrame <- tkframe(frame)
label1 <- tklabel(nameFrame, text = "File name: ")
tkpack(label1, side = "left")
# An entry box to hold the result of fileBrowser
nameEntry <- tkentry(nameFrame, width = 20, textvariable = fName)
tkbind(nameEntry, "<KeyPress-Return>", getFile)
# If a file name is given, fill the widget with data
writeList(nameEntry, getArgs(env)[["state1"]][["file"]], clear = TRUE)
showData4State1(viewer, env)
if(length(getArgs(env)[["state1"]][["sep"]]) != 0){
tkpack(nameEntry, side = "left", fill = "x", expand = TRUE)
# A button to envoke fileBrowser
browseBut <- tkbutton(nameFrame, width = 6, text = "Browse",
command = browse)
getBut <- tkbutton(nameFrame, width = 6, text = "Get",
command = getFile)
tkpack(browseBut, side = "left", fill = "x")
tkpack(getBut, side = "left", fill = "x")
tkpack(nameFrame, fill = "both", expand = TRUE)
# Show the data read in using readLines for state1
showData4State1 <- function(widget, env){
#skip <- getArgs(env)[["state1"]][["skip"]]
dataFile <- getLineData(env)
# showNum <- getShowNum(env)
# if(length(dataFile) > showNum){
# dataFile <- dataFile[(skip + 1):showNum]
# }else{
# dataFile <- dataFile[(skip + 1):length(dataFile)]
# }
# dataFile <- getLineData(env)
# Preventing the header to be shown
dataFile <- dataFile[2:length(dataFile)]
# determines how many lines to show
if(length(dataFile) > getShowNum(env)){
writeList(widget, paste(1:getShowNum(env), ": ",
dataFile[1:getShowNum(env)], sep = ""), TRUE)
writeList(widget, paste(1:length(dataFile), ": ",
dataFile, sep = ""), TRUE)
# Sets the mid frame for state1
setState1MFrame <- function(frame, env, dataViewer){
# Executed when values in start at row list box is clicked
startClicked <- function(){
args <- getArgs(env)
if(length(args) != 0 && args[["state1"]][["file"]] != ""){
setSkip(startList, env)
#args <- getArgs(env)
#skip <- as.numeric(as.character(tkget(startList,
# tkcurselection(startList)))) - 1
#skip <- as.numeric(args[["state1"]][["skip"]])
#assignShowNum((getShowNum(env) + skip), env)
#dataFile <- getLineData(env)
#showNum <- getShowNum(env)
#if(length(dataFile) > showNum){
# dataFile <- dataFile[(skip + 1):showNum]
# dataFile <- dataFile[(skip + 1):length(dataFile)]
#setArgsList(args[["state1"]][["file"]], env, TRUE, FALSE)
# showData4State1(dataViewer, env)
leftPan <- tkframe(frame)
delimit <- tclVar()
delimitRadio <- tkradiobutton(leftPan, text = paste("Delimited",
" - Files are separated by a character",
" such as a comma, tab ...", sep =""),
value = "delim", variable = delimit,
anchor = "nw")
tkpack(delimitRadio, anchor = "w", expand = TRUE, fill = "x")
fixedRadio <- tkradiobutton(leftPan, text = paste("Fixed",
" width - Fields are aligned in columns",
" with spaces between fields", sep = ""),
value = "fixed", variable = delimit,
anchor = "nw")
tkpack(fixedRadio, anchor = "w", expand = TRUE, fill = "x")
tkpack(leftPan, side = "top", anchor = "w",
pady = 5, padx = 5, fill = "x", expand = TRUE)
rightPan <- tkframe(frame, borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove")
paraLabel2 <- tklabel(rightPan, text = paste("Start importing data from",
"line "))
tkpack(paraLabel2, side = "left", anchor = "ne")
startFrame <- tkframe(rightPan)
startList <- makeViewer(startFrame, vWidth = 2, vHeight = 1,
what = "list", side = "top")
tkconfigure(startList, selectmode = "single")
tkbind(startList, "<B1-ButtonRelease>", startClicked)
popStartLine(startList, env)
tkpack(startFrame, anchor = "w", side = "left",
fill = "x", expand = TRUE)
tkpack(tklabel(rightPan, text = " of the file shown below"),
side = "left", expand = FALSE, anchor = "ne")
tkpack(rightPan, side = "top", padx = 5, pady = 5,
expand = TRUE, fill = "x")
return(list(delimit = delimitRadio, fixed = fixedRadio,
start = startList))
popStartLine <- function(startList, env){
args <- getArgs(env)
if(length(args) != 0 && args[["state1"]][["file"]] != ""){
writeList(startList, 1:(getShowNum(env) - 1), clear = TRUE)
startLine <- getArgs(env)
if(length(startLine) == 0 ||
length(startLine[["state1"]][["skip"]]) == 0){
line2Start <- 0
line2Start <- startLine[["state1"]][["skip"]]
tkselection.set(startList, line2Start)
# Sets the value for skip when user selects line to start in
# state1
setSkip <- function(widget, env, state = "state1"){
temp <- getArgs(env)
temp[[state]][["skip"]] <- as.numeric(as.character(tkget(widget,
tkcurselection(widget)))) - 1
assignArgs(temp, env)
# Gets a frame for state2
getState2Frame <- function(base, env, state = "state2",
reset = FALSE){
bottomFrame <- NULL
applySep <- function(){
tkdelete(dataView, "0.0", "end")
showData4State2(dataView, env)
#args <- getArgs(env)
#setArgsList(args[["state2"]][["file"]], env,
# isFile = TRUE, init = FALSE, state = "state2")
frame <- tkframe(base)
# Shows the name of the file
label1 <- tklabel(frame, text = paste("File:",
font = "Helvetica 11 bold")
tkpack(label1, pady = 5, padx = 5)
midFrame <- tkframe(frame)
applyBut <- setState2MFrame(midFrame, env)
tkbind(applyBut, "<B1-ButtonRelease>", applySep)
tkpack(midFrame, pady = 5, padx = 5, fill = "x", expand = TRUE)
bottomFrame <- tkframe(frame)
dataView <- setState2BFrame(bottomFrame, env)
tkpack(bottomFrame, fill = "both", expand = TRUE)
# Sets the state2 mid frame containing radio buttons for delimiters
# and a list box for quote selection
setState2MFrame <- function(frame, env){
if(env$rowNameCol == 0){
rowNames <- tclVar()
rowNames <- tclVar(env$rowNameCol)
rowNameEntered <- function(){
if(tclvalue(rowNames) != ""){
options(warn = -1)
tkmessageBox(title = "Entry Error",
message = "Column number shold be numerical",
icon = "error", type = "ok")
tkdelete(rowNameEntry, "0", "end")
if(as.numeric(tclvalue(rowNames)) > env$numCols){
tkmessageBox(title = "Entry Error",
message = paste("Column number can't be",
"greater than", env$numCols),
icon = "error", type = "ok")
tkdelete(rowNameEntry, "0", "end")
if(env$rowNameCol != 0){
env$rowNameCol <- 0
env$rowNameCol <- as.numeric(tclvalue(rowNames))
options(warn = 0)
env$rowNameCol <- 0
mainFrame <- tkframe(frame, borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove")
# Radio buttons for delimiters
leftFrame <- tkframe(mainFrame)
applyBut <- setSepRadios(leftFrame, env)
# A list for quote selecttion (" or/and ')
rightFrame <- tkframe(mainFrame)
setQuoteList(rightFrame, env)
tkpack(leftFrame, side = "left", anchor = "w", fill = "x",
expand = TRUE)
tkpack(rightFrame, side = "left", fill = "x", expand = TRUE)
tkpack(mainFrame, side = "top")
rowNameFrame <- tkframe(frame, borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove")
tkpack(tklabel(rowNameFrame, text = "Use column number "), side = "left")
rowNameEntry <- tkentry(rowNameFrame, textvariable = rowNames,
width = 4, background = "white")
tkbind(rowNameEntry, "<KeyRelease>", rowNameEntered)
tkpack(rowNameEntry, side = "left", expand = FALSE)
tkpack(tklabel(rowNameFrame, text = " for row names"), side = "left",
expand = FALSE)
tkpack(rowNameFrame, side = "top", expand = TRUE, pady = 5,
anchor = "w", fill = "x")
# Sets the radio buttons for separators for state2 mid frame
setSepRadios <- function(frame, env, state = "state2"){
rowNames <- tclVar()
labelFrame <- tkframe(frame)
label <- tklabel(labelFrame, text = "File Delimiter:")
tkpack(label, side = "left", anchor = "nw")
tkpack(labelFrame, side = "left")
sepFrame <- tkframe(frame)
sepVar <- tclVar()
sepButs <- list()
sepButFun <- function(){
if(tclvalue(sepVar) != "other"){
temp <- getArgs(env)
temp[[state]][["sep"]] <- tclvalue(sepVar)
assignArgs(temp, env)
tkconfigure(otherEntry, state = "disabled")
tkconfigure(otherEntry, state = "normal")
sepEntered <- function(){
temp <- getArgs(env)
temp[[state]][["sep"]] <- as.character(tkget(otherEntry))
assignArgs(temp, env)
sepButs[["tab"]] <- tkradiobutton(sepFrame, text = "Tab",
variable = sepVar, width = 9,
value = "\t", anchor = "nw",
command = sepButFun)
sepButs[["semi"]] <- tkradiobutton(sepFrame, text = "Semicolon",
variable = sepVar, width = 9,
value = ";", anchor = "nw",
command = sepButFun)
sepButs[["comma"]] <- tkradiobutton(sepFrame, text = "Comma",
variable = sepVar, value = ",",
width = 9, anchor = "nw",
command = sepButFun)
sepButs[["space"]] <- tkradiobutton(sepFrame, text = "Space",
variable = sepVar, value = "\"\"",
width = 9, anchor = "nw",
command = sepButFun)
# Puts the buttons in two rows. First row now
tkgrid(sepButs[["tab"]], sepButs[["semi"]], sepButs[["comma"]],
sepButs[["newline"]] <- tkradiobutton(sepFrame, text = "Newline",
variable = sepVar, value = "\n",
width = 9, anchor = "nw",
command = sepButFun)
sepButs[["other"]] <- tkradiobutton(sepFrame, text = "Other:",
variable = sepVar, value = "other",
width = 9, anchor = "nw",
command = sepButFun)
otherEntry <- tkentry(sepFrame, width = 10, state = "disabled")
tkbind(otherEntry, "<KeyRelease>", sepEntered)
applyBut <- tkbutton(sepFrame, text = "Apply", width = 9)
# Second row with an entry box for delimiters other those given here
tkgrid(sepButs[["newline"]], sepButs[["other"]], otherEntry, applyBut)
tkpack(sepFrame, side = "left", anchor = "ne", fill = "x",
expand = TRUE)
# Sets the list box for quotes for state2 mid frame
setQuoteList <- function(frame, env){
quoteSelected <- function(){
setQuote(quoteList, env)
label1 <- tklabel(frame, text = " Quote:")
tkpack(label1, side = "left", anchor = "ne")
quoteFrame <- tkframe(frame)
quoteList <- makeViewer(quoteFrame, vWidth = 8, vHeight = 1,
what = "list", side = "top")
tkconfigure(quoteList, selectmode = "extended")
tkbind(quoteList, "<B1-ButtonRelease>", quoteSelected)
writeList(quoteList, c("\"", "'"), clear = TRUE)
tkpack(quoteFrame, anchor = "w", fill = "x", expand = TRUE)
# Sets the value for quote when user selects quote in the list for
# quotes in state2
setQuote <- function(listBox, env, state = "state2"){
quotes <- ""
# Quote can be multiple (" and/or ')
selIndex <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(tkcurselection(listBox)), " "))
for(i in selIndex){
quotes <- paste(quotes, tkget(listBox, i), sep = "")
temp <- getArgs(env)
temp[[state]][["quote"]] <- quotes
assignArgs(temp, env)
# Sets the canvas holding the preview of data for state2
setState2BFrame <- function(frame, env){
viewFrame <- tkframe(frame)
dataView2 <- makeViewer(viewFrame, vScroll = TRUE, hScroll = TRUE,
vWidth = 30, vHeight = 20,
what = "text", side = "top")
tkpack(viewFrame, anchor = "w", padx = 5, pady = 5, fill = "both",
expand = TRUE)
showData4State2(dataView2, env)
# Populates the data preview list of state2
showData4State2 <- function(canvas, env, state = "state2"){
writeColList <- function(i){
tempList <- tklistbox(tempFrame, height = 0, width = 0,
background = "white")
writeList(tempList, dataFile[,i])
#tkinsert(tempList, "end", dataFile[,i])
tkpack(tempList, side = "left", fill = "both", expand = TRUE)
# Only show the number of rows defined
temp <- getArgs(env)[[state]]
tempFrame <- tkframe(canvas)
# Puts n in temporaly
temp[["nrows"]] = getShowNum(env)
conn <- safeFileOpen(temp[["file"]])
if(inherits(conn, "connection")){
temp[["file"]] <- conn
options(show.error.messages = FALSE)
dataFile <- try(, temp))
options(show.error.messages = TRUE)
if(inherits(dataFile, "try-error")){
tkmessageBox(title = "Import Error",
message = paste("An error message:\n\n", dataFile,
"\nwas generated while reading file ",
args[["file"]], "."), icon = "error", type = "ok")
# For data without a separater
env$numCols <- length(dataFile)
for(i in 1:ncol(dataFile)){
env$numCols <- ncol(dataFile)
tkmessageBox(title = "IO Error",
message = paste("Can't open file because", conn),
icon = "error", type = "ok")
tkwindow.create(canvas, "end", window = tempFrame)
#tkcreate(canvas, "window", 0, 0, anchor = "nw", window = tempFrame)
# Gets the frame containing the interface for the top frame of
# importWizard for state3
getState3Frame <- function(base, env){
# A frame containing the interface that will be returned
frame <- tkframe(base)
label1 <- tklabel(frame, text = paste("File:",
font ="Helvetica 11 bold")
tkpack(label1, pady = 5)
topFrame <- tkframe(frame)
setState3TFrame(topFrame, env)
tkpack(topFrame, anchor = "nw", fill = "x", expand = TRUE)
bottomFrame <- tkframe(frame)
setState3BFrame(bottomFrame, env)
tkpack(bottomFrame, padx = 5, pady = 5, fill = "both", expand = TRUE)
# Creates the left bottom portion of state3 frame
setState3TFrame <- function(frame, env){
# More arguments for read.table
moreClicked <- function(){
label <- tklabel(frame, text = paste("Editable column names are",
" shown in the first entry box on top of data",
" columns.\nEditable data type of columns is",
" shown in the entry box following column",
" names\nClick the check box on top of a column",
" to drop the column.\nClick 'More Args' button",
" for more arguments.", sep = ""),
width = 80, height = 4, justify = "left")
tkpack(label, anchor = "w", pady = 5, side = "left", padx = 5)
moreBut <- tkbutton(frame, text = "More Args...", width = 10,
command = moreClicked)
tkpack(moreBut, side = "left", padx = 5, pady = 15)
# Read the other arguments from a widget for read.table arguments
moreArgs <- function(env){
temp <- getArgs(env)
moreArgs <- getMoreArgs()
for(i in names(moreArgs)){
temp[[getCState(env)]][[i]] <- moreArgs[[i]]
assignArgs(temp, env)
# Creates the right bottom portion of state3 frame
setState3BFrame <- function(frame, env){
# Creat a canvas to hold the other widget elements
rCanv <- makeViewer(frame, vWidth = 700, vHeight = 280,
vScroll = TRUE, hScroll = TRUE,
what = "canvas", side = "top")
tempFrame <- tkframe(rCanv)
argsList <- getArgs(env)[["state3"]]
argsList[["nrows"]] <- getShowNum(env)
conn <- safeFileOpen(argsList[["file"]])
if(inherits(conn, "connection")){
argsList[["file"]] <- conn
options(show.error.messages = FALSE)
dataFile <- try(, argsList))
options(show.error.messages = TRUE)
if(inherits(dataFile, "try-error")){
tkmessageBox(title = "Import Error",
message = paste("An error message:\n\n", dataFile,
"\nwas generated while reading file ",
args[["file"]], "."), icon = "error", type = "ok")
if(env$rowNameCol != 0){
# Take out the column that will be used for row names
dataFile <- dataFile[, -env$rowNameCol]
setColInfos(find.type(dataFile, argsList[["state3"]][["sep"]],
isFile = FALSE), env)
# Cut to right size of file if longer than maxRow
# if(nrow(dataFile) > getShowNum(env)){
# dataFile <- dataFile[1:getShowNum(env),]
# }
# Finds the data type for columns
colInfos <- getColInfo(env)
writeCol4Matrix(tempFrame, dataFile, colInfos, env)
tkmessageBox(title = "IO Error",
message = paste("Can't open file because", conn),
icon = "error", type = "ok")
tkcreate(rCanv, "window", 0, 0, anchor = "nw", window = tempFrame)
# Create a group of list boxes with entry boxes and a radio button on
# top to allow for user inputs.
writeCol4Matrix <- function(tempFrame, dataFile, colInfos, env){
# For text files, row names are hard to guess. Check col value
# here instead
#if(ncol(dataFile) > length(colInfos)){
# dataFile <- dataFile[, 2:ncol(dataFile)]
writeDataCol <- function(i, data){
colFrame <- tkframe(tempFrame)
dropCMD[[i]] <- function(){}
body <- list("{"),
substitute(eval(dropColumn(j, env)), list(j = i)))
body(dropCMD[[i]]) <-
var <- tclVar()
dropCheck[[i]] <- tkcheckbutton(colFrame, text = "Drop",
variable = var, command = dropCMD[[i]])
tkpack(dropCheck[[i]], side = "top", fill = "x", expand = TRUE)
nameEntry[[i]] <- tkentry(colFrame, width = 0)
# Also updates the value of colInfos
temp <- colInfos[[i]]
writeList(nameEntry[[i]], colnames(data))
colName(temp) <- colnames(data)
writeList(nameEntry[[i]], paste("V", i, sep = ""))
colName(temp) <- paste("V", i, sep = "")
colInfos[[i]] <<- temp
nameCMD[[i]] <- function(){}
body <- list("{"), substitute(eval(setColName(j,
nameEntry[[j]], env)), list(j = i)))
body(nameCMD[[i]]) <-
tkbind(nameEntry[[i]], "<KeyRelease>", nameCMD[[i]])
tkpack(nameEntry[[i]], side = "top", fill = "x", expand = TRUE)
typeEntry[[i]] <- tkentry(colFrame, width = 0)
writeList(typeEntry[[i]], colType(colInfos[[i]]))
typeCMD[[i]] <- function(){}
body <- list("{"), substitute(eval(setColType(j,
typeEntry[[j]], env)), list(j = i)))
body(typeCMD[[i]]) <-
tkbind(typeEntry[[i]], "<KeyRelease>", typeCMD[[i]])
tkpack(typeEntry[[i]], side = "top", fill = "x", expand = TRUE)
colList[[i]] <- tklistbox(colFrame, width = 0,
height = 0, background = "white")
writeList(colList[[i]], data)
# tkinsert(colList[[i]], "end", data)
tkpack(colList[[i]], side = "top", fill = "x", expand = TRUE)
tkpack(colFrame, side = "left", fill = "both", expand = TRUE)
typeEntry <- list()
dropCheck <- list()
nameEntry <- list()
# Lists to keep the command associated with the radio buttons of
# entry boxex
dropCMD <- list()
nameCMD <- list()
typeCMD <- list()
colList <- list()
writeDataCol(1, dataFile)
for(i in 1:ncol(dataFile)){
writeDataCol(i, dataFile[,i])
# Sets values for colInfo object
assignColInfo(colInfos, env)
# Set the value of slot 'drop' of a colInfo object
dropColumn <- function(index, env){
colInfos <- getColInfo(env)
temp <- colInfos[[index]]
temp <- colInfos[[index]]
dropOrNot(temp) <- FALSE
dropOrNot(temp) <- TRUE
colInfos[[index]] <- temp
assignColInfo(colInfos, env)
# Set the value of slot (column) 'name' of a colInfo object
setColName <- function(index, entryBox, env){
colInfos <- getColInfo(env)
entry <- as.character(tkget(entryBox))
temp <- colInfos[[index]]
colName(temp) <- entry
colInfos[[index]] <- temp
assignColInfo(colInfos, env)
# Set the value of slot 'type' of a colInfo object
setColType <- function(index, entryBox, env){
colInfos <- getColInfo(env)
entry <- as.character(tkget(entryBox))
temp <- colInfos[[index]]
colType(temp) <- entry
colInfos[[index]] <- temp
assignColInfo(colInfos, env)
# Gets the word representation of delimiters
whatDeli <- function(delimiter){
"\t" = return("tab"),
";" = return("semi"),
" " = return("space"),
"," = return("comma"),
"\n" = return("newline"),
# This function generates a widget using widgetTools to collect all
# the arguments for read.table that are not yet collected by importWizard
getMoreArgs <- function(){
args <- formals(read.table)
args <- args[setdiff(names(args),
c("file", "header", "sep", "skip","quote",
"row.names", "col.names"))]
# Argument fill has to be defined using the value of
# blank.lines.skip.
args[["fill"]] <- !args[["blank.lines.skip"]]
# This function provides the interface for uers to decide whether to
# save the imported data in the global environment
getName4Data <- function(filename, objType = "object"){
# Gets ride of the separaters
temp <- gsub(paste("^.*", .Platform$file.sep,
"(.*)", sep = ""), "\\1", filename)
# Gets ride of the extensions
temp <- strsplit(temp, "\\.")[[1]][1]
var <- tclVar(temp)
# Destroy the window
end <- function(){
# Save the data
save <- function(){
temp <<- tclvalue(var)
if(temp == ""){
tkmessageBox(title = "I/O Error",
message = "No name entered\nPlease try again",
icon = "error",
type = "ok")
# Do not save the data
noSave <- function(){
temp <<- NULL
## Set up the interface
top <- tktoplevel()
tktitle(top) <- "BioC Data Import Wizard"
tkpack(tklabel(top, text = paste("Would you like to save the", objType)),
side = "top", pady = 5, padx = 5)
nameFrame <- tkframe(top)
inst <- tklabel(nameFrame, text = "Save as: ")
tkpack(inst, side = "left")
nameEntry <- tkentry(nameFrame, width = 10, textvariable = var)
tkpack(nameEntry, side = "left")
tkpack(nameFrame, side = "top", pady = 5, padx = 5)
butFrame <- tkframe(top)
noSaveBut <- tkbutton(butFrame, text = "Don't Save", width = 10,
command = noSave)
saveBut <- tkbutton(butFrame, text = "Save", width = 10,
command = save)
tkpack(noSaveBut, saveBut, side = "left")
tkpack(butFrame, side = "top", pady = 5, padx = 5)
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.