# This function lists all the rda files in the data directory of a
# Bioconductor data package and thus allow users to explorer the data
# sets.
# Copyrihgt, 2003, J. Zhang, all rights reserved
##FIXME: the selection of keys for returning needs to grab the environment
## as well, right now we merely try to use the last environment selected
## and that is not quite what we would like
DPExplorer <- function (pkgName = "", title = "BioC Data Package Explorer",
getFocus = TRUE){
quit <- FALSE
dataName <- NULL
keyName <- NULL
keySelection <- NULL
currentList <- list()
if(typeof(pkgName) != "character"){
tkmessageBox(title = "Argument Error",
message = "Package name must be a character string",
icon = "error",
type = "ok")
loadDP <- function(){
pkgName <<- tclvalue(nameVar)
if(pkgName == ""){
tkmessageBox(title = "No Entry Error",
message = "Please enter a package name",
icon = "error",
type = "ok")
rdas <- loadDataPkg(pkgName)
writeList(dataNameList, rdas)
activeLoadBut <- function(){
tkconfigure(loadBut, state = "normal")
dataSelected <- function(){
dName <- as.character(tkget(dataNameList,
if(!is.environment(get(dName, pos = grep(pkgName, search())))){
writeList(valueList, sort(capture.output(get(dName))))
dataName <<- dName
currentList <<- as.list(get(dataName,
pos = grep(pkgName, search())))
#keys <- ls(get(dataName, pos = grep(pkgName, search())))
writeList(keyList, sort(names(currentList)))
tkdelete(valueList, "0", "end")
keySelected <- function(){
keyName <<- paste(as.character(tkget(keyList,
sep = "", collapse = " ")
#values <- get(keyName, get(dataName, pos = grep(pkgName, search())))
#writeList(valueList, values)
writeList(valueList, currentList[[keyName]])
tkconfigure(selectBut, state = "normal")
select <- function(){
keySelection <<- unique(c(keySelection, keyName))
writeList(selectionList, keySelection)
tkconfigure(selectBut, state = "disabled")
tkconfigure(clearBut, state = "normal")
drop <- function(){
keySelection <<- keySelection[keySelection != keyName]
writeList(selectionList, keySelection)
tkconfigure(dropBut, state = "disabled")
clear <- function(){
keySelection <<- NULL
writeList(selectionList, NULL)
tkconfigure(clearBut, state = "disabled")
selectionSelected <- function(){
keyName <<- as.character(tkget(selectionList,
tkconfigure(dropBut, state = "normal")
cancel <- function(){
quit <- TRUE
finish <- function(){
if(pkgName != ""){
nameVar <- tclVar(pkgName)
nameVar <- tclVar("")
base <- getTopLevel(title)
# Pack the top frame with an entry button for package name
nameFrame <- tkframe(base)
label <- tklabel(nameFrame, text = "Data Package: ")
entry <- tkentry(nameFrame, width = 15, textvariable = nameVar)
tkbind(entry, "<KeyPress>", activeLoadBut)
tkbind(entry, "<Return>", loadDP)
loadBut <- tkbutton(nameFrame, width = 8, text = "Load",
command = loadDP, state = "disabled")
tkpack(label, side = "left")
tkpack(entry, side = "left", expand = TRUE, fill = "x")
tkpack(loadBut, side = "left")
tkpack(nameFrame, expand = FALSE, fill = "x", pady = 5, padx = 5)
# Pack the frame with lists for data
dataFrame <- tkframe(base)
# Frame for a list for names of data sets
dataListFrame <- tkframe(dataFrame)
dataLabel <- tklabel(dataListFrame, text = "Data:")
tempFrame <- tkframe(dataListFrame)
dataNameList <- makeViewer(tempFrame, vWidth = NULL, vHeight = NULL,
hScroll = TRUE, vScroll = TRUE,
what = "list", side = "bottom")
tkconfigure(dataNameList, exportselection = FALSE)
tkbind(dataNameList, "<B1-ButtonRelease>", dataSelected)
tkpack(dataLabel, side = "top")
tkpack(tempFrame, side = "bottom", expand = TRUE, fill ="both")
tkpack(dataListFrame, side = "left", expand = FALSE, fill = "y")
# Frame for a list for names of keys
keyListFrame <- tkframe(dataFrame)
keyLabel <- tklabel(keyListFrame, text = "Keys:")
tempFrame <- tkframe(keyListFrame)
keyList <- makeViewer(tempFrame, vWidth = 13, vHeight = 15,
hScroll = TRUE, vScroll = TRUE,
what = "list", side = "bottom")
tkconfigure(keyList, exportselection = FALSE)
tkbind(keyList, "<B1-ButtonRelease>", keySelected)
tkpack(keyLabel, side = "top")
tkpack(tempFrame, side = "bottom", expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
tkpack(keyListFrame, side = "left", expand = FALSE, fill = "y")
# Frame for a list for displaying values of selected keys
valueFrame <- tkframe(dataFrame)
valueLabel <- tklabel(valueFrame, text = "Value(s)")
temp <- tkframe(valueFrame)
valueList <- makeViewer(temp, vWidth = 25, vHeight = 15,
hScroll = TRUE, vScroll = TRUE,
what = "list", side = "bottom")
selectBut <- tkbutton(valueFrame, text = "Select Key", width = 16,
command = select, state = "disabled")
dropBut <- tkbutton(valueFrame, text = "Drop Key", width = 16,
command = drop, state = "disabled")
clearBut <- tkbutton(valueFrame, text = "Clear Selection", width = 16,
comman = clear, state = "disabled")
tkpack(clearBut, side = "bottom", expand = FALSE, fill = "x")
tkpack(dropBut, side = "bottom", expand = FALSE, fill = "x")
tkpack(selectBut, side = "bottom", expand = FALSE, fill = "x")
tkpack(temp, side = "bottom", expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
tkpack(valueLabel, side = "bottom")
tkpack(valueFrame, side = "left", expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
# Frame for a list for selected keys
selectionListFrame <- tkframe(dataFrame)
selectionLabel <- tklabel(selectionListFrame, text = "Selected keys:")
viewFrame <- tkframe(selectionListFrame)
selectionList <- makeViewer(viewFrame, vWidth = 13, vHeight = 15,
hScroll = FALSE, vScroll = TRUE,
what = "list", side = "bottom")
tkbind(selectionList, "<B1-ButtonRelease>", selectionSelected)
tkpack(selectionLabel, side = "top")
tkpack(viewFrame, side = "bottom", expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
tkpack(selectionListFrame, side = "left", expand = FALSE, fill = "y")
# Pack the frame for data lists
tkpack(dataFrame, expand = TRUE, fill = "both", padx = 5)
# Frame for the buttons
butFrame <- tkframe(base)
cancelBut <- tkbutton(butFrame, text = "Cancel", width = 8,
command = cancel)
finishBut <- tkbutton(butFrame, text = "Finish", width = 8,
comman = finish)
tkgrid(cancelBut, finishBut, padx = 10)
tkpack(butFrame, side = "top", expand = FALSE, fill = "x")
if(pkgName != ""){
if(length(keySelection) == 1){
get(dataName, pos = grep(pkgName, search()))))
get(dataName, pos = grep(pkgName,
search())), ifnotfound=NA))
getTopLevel <- function(title){
base <- tktoplevel()
tktitle(base) <- title
##fixme: surely this should do something smarter
loadDataPkg <- function(pkgName){
where <-, list(pkgName, quietly=TRUE))
tkmessageBox(title = "Invalid Package Name",
message = paste("Package", pkgName,
"is not valid or has not been loaded yet!"),
icon = "error",
type = "ok")
rdas <- gsub("\\.rda$", "", ls(paste("package:", pkgName, sep="")))
rdas <- setdiff(rdas, c(pkgName,
paste(pkgName, "QC", sep = "")))
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