mb.MANOVA <-
function (object, times, D, size, nu = NULL, Lambda = NULL, beta.d = NULL,
beta = NULL, alpha.d = NULL, alpha = NULL, condition.grp,
time.grp = NULL, rep.grp = NULL, p = 0.02)
res <- as.list(NULL)
geneNames <- desc <- NULL
if (is(object, "MAList") || is(object, "list"))
M <- object$M
if (is(object, "marrayNorm")) {
M <- object@maM
geneNames <- rownames(M)
desc <- object@maGnames@maLabels
if (is(object, "ExpressionSet")) {
M <- exprs(object)
geneNames <- rownames(M)
if (is.null(M))
M <- as.matrix(object)
tr <- function(X) {
G <- nrow(M)
if (missing(times))
stop("The number of time points is missing.")
if (missing(size))
stop("The sample sizes are missing.")
if (missing(D))
stop("The number of biological conditions is missing.")
if (missing(condition.grp))
stop("Biological condition assignments are missing.")
if (length(unique(condition.grp)) != D)
stop("The biological condition group assignments are \n incorrect!")
if (!is.null(size)) {
max.size <- apply(size, 2, max)
if (ncol(size) != D)
stop("The sample sizes are incorrect!")
for (i in 1:D) {
if ((max.size[i] * times) != sum(condition.grp ==
stop("The sample sizes or the biological condition group assignments are incorrect!")
if (is.null(time.grp)) {
time.grp <- rep(1:times, ncol(M)/times)
cat("Time group assignments are set to default.", "\n")
if (length(unique(time.grp)) != times)
stop("The number of time points or the time group \n assignments is incorrect!")
if (is.null(rep.grp)) {
rep.grp <- rep(1:(ncol(M)/times), rep(times, ncol(M)/times))
cat("Replicate group assignments are set to default.",
mydata <- M
indx <- order(condition.grp, rep.grp, time.grp)
M <- M[, indx]
mis <- apply(!apply(M, 1,, 2, sum)
mis <- sum((mis/times - floor(mis/times)) != 0)
if (mis > 0)
stop(mis, " genes may have within replicate missing values.")
N <- apply(size, 1, sum)
Sp <- apply(M, 1, matrix.cov, times, trans = FALSE, c.grp = condition.grp)
diagSp <- apply(Sp, 2, function(x) diag(matrix(x, ncol = times)))
Sp.avg <- matrix(apply(Sp, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE), ncol = times)
if (is.null(nu) || is.null(Lambda)) {
nu.lim <- times + 6
if (!is.null(nu)) {
nu0 <- nu
nu <- max(nu0, nu.lim)
if (is.infinite(nu) & is.null(Lambda)) {
Lambda <- Sp.avg
if (is.finite(nu) & is.null(Lambda)) {
Lambda <- (nu - times - 1) * Sp.avg/nu
nu <- nu0
if (is.null(nu)) {
nu0 <- mean(sapply(1:times, function(x) squeezeVar(diagSp[x,
], N - D)$df.prior))
nu <- max(nu0, nu.lim)
if (is.infinite(nu) & is.null(Lambda)) {
Lambda <- Sp.avg
if (is.finite(nu) & is.null(Lambda)) {
Lambda <- (nu - times - 1) * Sp.avg/nu
nu <- nu0
max.size <- apply(size, 2, max)
xbar.d <- as.list(NULL)
for (i in 1:D) {
grp.indx <- condition.grp == sort(unique(condition.grp))[i]
xbar.d[[i]] <- apply(M[, grp.indx], 1, function(x) apply(matrix(x,
byrow = TRUE, ncol = times), 2, mean, na.rm = TRUE))
simple.stat <- NULL
for(i in 1:(D-1))
for(j in (i+1):D)
simple.stat <- cbind(simple.stat, apply(abs(xbar.d[[i]]-xbar.d[[j]]),2,sum,na.rm=TRUE))
simple.stat <- apply(simple.stat,1,sum,na.rm=TRUE)
simple.rank <- G-rank(simple.stat)+1
indx1 <- simple.rank<=G*p
xbar <- sapply(1:G, function(x) apply(matrix(M[x, ], byrow = TRUE,
ncol = times), 2, mean, na.rm = TRUE))
if (is.null(alpha.d))
alpha.d <- sapply(1:D, function(x) apply(xbar.d[[x]][,indx1],
1, mean, na.rm = TRUE))
if (is.null(alpha))
alpha <- apply(xbar[,!indx1], 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
if (is.null(beta.d) || is.null(beta)) {
U.d <- lapply(1:D, function(x) apply(xbar.d[[x]][,indx1] - alpha.d[,
x], 2, function(y) y %*% t(y)))
U <- apply(xbar[,!indx1] - alpha, 2, function(y) y %*% t(y))
Ubar.d <- sapply(1:D, function(x) apply(U.d[[x]], 1,
mean, na.rm = TRUE))
Ubar <- apply(U, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
if (is.null(beta.d)){
Sp <- apply(M[indx1,], 1, matrix.cov, times, trans = FALSE, c.grp = condition.grp)
Sp.avg <- matrix(apply(Sp, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE), ncol = times)
beta.d <- sapply(1:D, function(x) tr(Sp.avg)/tr(matrix(Ubar.d[,
x], ncol = times)))
if (is.null(beta)){
Sp <- apply(M[!indx1,], 1, matrix.cov, times, trans = FALSE, c.grp = condition.grp)
Sp.avg <- matrix(apply(Sp, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE), ncol = times)
beta <- tr(Sp.avg)/tr(matrix(Ubar, ncol = times))
Sp <- apply(M, 1, matrix.cov, times, trans = FALSE, c.grp = condition.grp)
Sp.avg <- matrix(apply(Sp, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE), ncol = times)
U.d <- lapply(1:D, function(x) apply(xbar.d[[x]] - alpha.d[,
x], 2, function(y) y %*% t(y)))
U <- apply(xbar- alpha, 2, function(y) y %*% t(y))
total <- (N - 1) * apply(M, 1, matrix.cov, times, trans = FALSE,
c.grp = rep(1, ncol(M)))
within <- Sp * (N - D)
if (sum(N == max(N)) == G)
M <- U/(N[1]^(-1) + beta^(-1))
if (sum(N == max(N)) < G)
M <- sapply(1:G, function(x) U[, x]/(N[x]^(-1) + beta^(-1)))
M.d <- as.list(NULL)
for (i in 1:D) {
if (sum(size[, i] == max.size[i]) == G)
M.d[[i]] <- U.d[[i]]/(size[1, i]^(-1) + beta.d[i]^(-1))
if (sum(size[, i] == max.size[i]) < G)
M.d[[i]] <- sapply(1:G, function(x) U.d[[i]][, x]/(size[x,
i]^(-1) + beta.d[i]^(-1)))
M1 <- matrix(0, nrow = times^2, ncol = G)
for (i in 1:D) M1 <- M1 + M.d[[i]]
tol <- .Machine$double.eps
res$M <- mydata
res$prop <- p
res$nu <- nu
res$Lambda <- Lambda
res$alpha <- alpha
res$alpha.d <- alpha.d
res$beta <- beta
res$beta.d <- beta.d
if (nu < 0)
stop("The estimation of prior degrees of freedom <0 !")
if (is.finite(nu) & nu > tol) {
MB1 <- log(p, 10) - log(1 - p, 10)
MB2 <- 0.5 * times * (log(N + beta, 10) - log(beta, 10))
MB3 <- 0.5 * times * apply((log(beta.d, 10) - log(size +
beta.d, 10)), 1, sum)
MB4 <- sapply(1:G, function(x) 0.5 * (N[x] + nu) * (log(det(matrix(total[,
x], ncol = times) + matrix(M[, x], ncol = times) +
nu * Lambda), 10) - log(det(matrix(within[, x], ncol = times) +
matrix(M1[, x], ncol = times) + nu * Lambda), 10)))
MB <- MB1 + MB2 + MB3 + MB4
if (is.infinite(nu)) {
MB1 <- log(p, 10) - log(1 - p, 10)
MB2 <- 0.5 * times * (log(N + beta, 10) - log(beta, 10))
MB3 <- 0.5 * times * apply((log(beta.d, 10) - log(size +
beta.d, 10)), 1, sum)
MB4 <- sapply(1:G, function(x) tr(matrix(total[, x],
ncol = times) - matrix(within[, x], ncol = times) +
matrix(M[, x], ncol = times) - matrix(M1[, x], ncol = times)) -
MB <- MB1 + MB2 + MB3 + MB4
if (nu < tol & nu >= 0) {
MB1 <- log(p, 10) - log(1 - p, 10)
MB2 <- 0.5 * times * (log(N + beta, 10) - log(beta, 10))
MB3 <- 0.5 * times * apply((log(beta.d, 10) - log(size +
beta.d, 10)), 1, sum)
MB4 <- sapply(1:G, function(x) 0.5 * N[x] * (log(det(matrix(total[,
x], ncol = times) + matrix(M[, x], ncol = times)),
10) - log(det(matrix(within[, x], ncol = times) +
matrix(M1[, x], ncol = times)), 10)))
MB <- MB1 + MB2 + MB3 + MB4
res$size <- size
res$ <- condition.grp
res$ <- rep.grp
res$ <- time.grp
res$MB <- MB
res$pos.MB <- order(MB, decreasing = TRUE)
res$geneNames <- geneNames
res$descriptions <- desc
new("MArrayTC", res)
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