.run_DESeq2 <- function (countDF, targets, cmp, independent = FALSE,
prefilter = 1,
lfcShrink = TRUE, lfcShrink_type = "normal",
pg_id = "", lfc_filter = 0,
fdr_filter = 1,
session = getDefaultReactiveDomain()) {
if (all(!inherits(cmp, "matrix") & length(cmp) == 2))
cmp <- t(as.matrix(cmp))
samples <- as.character(targets$Factor)
names(samples) <- paste(as.character(targets$SampleName),
"", sep = "")
countDF <- countDF[, names(samples)]
countDF[] <- 0
deseqDF <- data.frame(row.names = rownames(countDF))
deseqDF <- deseqDF[rowSums(deseqDF) >= as.numeric(prefilter), ]
if (independent == TRUE) {
loopv <- seq(along = cmp[, 1])
else {
loopv <- 1
cmp_len <- nrow(cmp)
deg_res <- list()
for (j in loopv) {
if (independent == TRUE) {
subset <- samples[samples %in% cmp[j, ]]
countDFsub <- countDF[, names(subset)]
dds <- DESeq2::DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = as.matrix(countDFsub),
colData = data.frame(condition = as.factor(subset)), design = ~condition)
mycmp <- cmp[j, , drop = FALSE]
session, pg_id, j, cmp_len,
title = paste("Now comparing", glue_collapse(mycmp[1, ], " vs. ")),
status = if(j < cmp_len/3) "danger" else if(j < cmp_len/3*2) "warning" else "success"
else {
dds <- DESeq2::DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = as.matrix(countDF),
colData = data.frame(condition = as.factor(samples)), design = ~condition)
mycmp <- cmp
dds <- DESeq2::DESeq(dds, quiet = TRUE)
for (i in seq(along = mycmp[, 1])) {
if(!independent & emptyIsFalse(session)){
session, pg_id, i, cmp_len,
title = paste("Now comparing", glue_collapse(cmp[i, ], " vs. ")),
status = if(i < cmp_len/3) "danger" else if(i < cmp_len/3*2) "warning" else "success"
if (lfcShrink) {
dds$condition <- stats::relevel(dds$condition, ref = mycmp[i, 2])
dds <- DESeq2::nbinomWaldTest(dds)
res <- DESeq2::lfcShrink(
coef = paste0("condition_", paste0(mycmp[i, ], collapse = "_vs_")),
type = lfcShrink_type
} else {
res <- DESeq2::results(dds, contrast = c("condition", mycmp[i, ]))
res[[, "padj"]), "padj"] <- 1
res[[, "log2FoldChange"]), "log2FoldChange"] <- 0
res[["pass_filter"]] <- ifelse(
abs(res[["log2FoldChange"]]) >= as.numeric(lfc_filter) & res[["padj"]] <= as.numeric(fdr_filter)
, 1, 0
deg_res[[paste0(mycmp[i, ], collapse = "_")]] <- res
deg <-
colnames(deg)[colnames(deg) %in% c("log2FoldChange")] <- c("logFC")
colnames(deg) <- paste(paste(mycmp[i, ], collapse = "-"),
colnames(deg), sep = "_")
deseqDF <- cbind(deseqDF, deg[rownames(deseqDF), ])
bigtable = deseqDF,
table_list = SummarizedExperiment::SummarizedExperiment(deg_res)
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