# Copyright Shuyu Zheng and Jing Tang - All Rights Reserved
# Unauthorized copying of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited
# Proprietary and confidential
# Written by Shuyu Zheng <>, March 2021
# SynergyFinder
# Functions in this page:
# ReshapeData: pre-process the response data for further calculation and plot.
# Auxiliary functions:
# .AdjustColumnName: Adjust column names of input data table
# ExtractSingleDrug: Extract Single Drug Dose Response
#' Pre-process the Response Data for Further Calculation and Plot
#' A function to transform the response data from data frame format to
#' dose-response matrices. Several processes could be chose to add noise, impute
#' missing values or correct base line to the dose-response matrix.
#' @details The input data must contain the following columns:
#' (block_id/BlockId/PairIndex), (drug_row/DrugRow/Drug1),
#' (drug_col/DrugCol/Drug2), (response/Response/inhibition/Inhibition),
#' (conc_r/ConcRow/Conc1), (conc_c/ConcCol/Conc2), and
#' (ConcUnit/conc_r_unit, conc_c_unit/ConcUnit1, ConcUnit2, ConcUnit3)
#' @param data drug combination response data in a data frame format
#' @param impute a logical value. If it is \code{TRUE}, the \code{NA} values
#' will be imputed by \code{\link[mice]{mice}}. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param impute_method a single string. It sets the \code{method} parameter
#' in function \code{\link[mice]{mice}} to specify the imputation method.
#' Please check the documentation of \code{\link[mice]{mice}} to find the
#' available methods.
#' @param noise a logical value. It indicates whether or not adding noise to
#' to the "response" values in the matrix. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param seed a single value, interpreted as an integer, or NULL. It is the
#' random seed for calculating the noise. Default setting is \code{NULL}
#' @param data_type a parameter to specify the response data type which can be
#' either "viability" or "inhibition".
#' @param iteration An integer. It indicates the number of iterations for
#' synergy scores calculation on data with replicates.
#' @return a list of the following components:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{drug_pairs} A data frame contains the name of all the
#' tested drugs, concentration unit, block IDs and a logical column
#' "replicate" to indicate whether there are replicates in the corresponding
#' block.
#' \item \strong{response} A data frame contains the columns: "concX"
#' concentrations for drugs from input data; "response_origin" response
#' values from input data; "response" \% inhibition value for downstream
#' analysis.
#' \item \strong{response_statistics} A data frame. It will be output if
#' there is block have replicated response values. It contains the
#' block ID, the concentrations for all the tested drugs, and statistics for
#' \% inhibition values across replicates (including mean, standard
#' deviation, standard error of mean and 95\% confidence interval).
#' }
#' @author
#' \itemize{
#' \item Shuyu Zheng \email{}
#' \item Jing Tang \email{}
#' }
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("mathews_screening_data")
#' # set a random number seed for generating the noises
#' set.seed(1)
#' data <- ReshapeData(mathews_screening_data)
ReshapeData <- function(data,
impute = TRUE,
impute_method = NULL,
noise = FALSE,
seed = NULL,
iteration = 10,
data_type = "viability") {
data <- .AdjustColumnName(data)
data <- dplyr::as_tibble(data)
# 1 check column names
if (!all(c(
"block_id", "drug1", "drug2", "response", "conc1", "conc2",
) %in%
colnames(data))) {
"The input data must contain the following columns:",
"(block_id/BlockId/PairIndex), ",
"(drug_row/DrugRow/Drug1/drug1), ",
"(drug_col/DrugCol/Drug2/drug2), ",
"(conc_r/ConcRow/Conc1/conc1), ",
"(conc_c/ConcCol/Conc2/conc2), ",
# Complete the conc_unit columns
drugs <- grep("drug\\d", colnames(data), value = TRUE)
conc_unit <- sub("drug", "conc_unit", drugs)
conc_unit <- setdiff(conc_unit, grep("conc_unit\\d", colnames(data), value = TRUE))
if (length(conc_unit) > 0) {
for (i in conc_unit) {
data[[i]] <- data$conc_unit1
if (!impute & sum($response))) {
"There are missing values in input data. Please fill it up or run ",
"'ReshapeData' with 'impute=TRUE'."
drugs <- grep("drug\\d+", colnames(data), value = TRUE)
conc_units <- gsub("conc_unit", "drug", drugs)
for (i in 1:length(conc_units)) {
if (!conc_units[i] %in% colnames(data)) {
data[conc_units[i]] <- data$conc_unit1
# 2. Split data
drug_pairs <- data %>%
dplyr::select(block_id, dplyr::starts_with(c("drug", "conc_unit"))) %>%
dplyr::arrange(block_id) %>%
response <- data %>%
dplyr::matches("conc\\d", perl = TRUE),
) %>%
dplyr::arrange(block_id) %>%
dplyr::mutate(response_origin = response)# %>%
# unique()
# 3. make sure the response values are % inhibition
if (data_type == "viability") {
response$response <- 100 - response$response
} else if (data_type == "inhibition") {
response$response <- response$response
} else {
"Please specify the data type of response valuse: 'viability' or ",
drug_pairs$input_type <- data_type
# 4. Add random noise
if (noise) {
response$response <- response$response +
stats::rnorm(nrow(response), 0, 0.001)
# 5.Impute missing values
# Whether all blocks are full matrices
concs <- grep("conc\\d+", colnames(response), value = TRUE)
combs <- response %>%
dplyr::select(-response, -response_origin) %>%
dplyr::group_by(block_id) %>%
tidyr::nest(data = dplyr::all_of(concs)) %>%
data = purrr::map(
function(d) {
expand.grid(lapply(d, function(x) unique(x)))
) %>%
tidyr::unnest(cols = c(data)) %>%
dplyr::left_join(response, by = c("block_id", concs))
non_complete_block <- combs$block_id[$response)]
if (length(non_complete_block) > 0) {
if (!impute){
"The blocks: ", paste(non_complete_block, sep = ", "),
" are not full combination matrices.",
"Please complete them manually or run 'ReshapeData' with 'impute=TRUE'."
} else {
" missing values are imputed."
imp <- suppressWarnings(
mice::mice(combs, method = impute_method, printFlag = FALSE)
response <- suppressWarnings(mice::complete(imp)) %>%
dplyr::select(-response_origin) %>%
response %>%
by = c("block_id", concs)
# 6. Dealing with replicates
replicate_response <- response %>%
dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across(c(-response, -response_origin)))%>%
response_sd = stats::sd(response),
response_mean = mean(response),
response_origin_sd = stats::sd(response_origin),
response_origin_mean = mean(response_origin),
n = dplyr::n(), .groups = "keep"
) %>%
dplyr::filter(n > 1) %>%
response_sem = response_sd / sqrt(n),
response_CI95 = stats::qt(0.975, df = n - 1) * response_sem,
response_ci_left = response_mean - response_CI95,
response_ci_right = response_mean + response_CI95,
response_origin_sem = response_origin_sd / sqrt(n),
response_origin_CI95 = stats::qt(0.975, df = n - 1) * response_origin_sem,
response_origin_ci_left = response_origin_mean - response_origin_CI95,
response_origin_ci_right = response_origin_mean + response_origin_CI95,
) %>%
dplyr::select(-dplyr::ends_with("_sd"), -dplyr::ends_with("_CI95"), -dplyr::ends_with("_z"))
dup_blocks <- replicate_response$block_id
drug_pairs$replicate <- drug_pairs$block_id %in% dup_blocks
# p value
if (any(drug_pairs$replicate)){
drug_pairs$response_p_value <- rep(NA, nrow(drug_pairs))
drug_pairs$response_origin_p_value <- rep(NA, nrow(drug_pairs))
blocks <- drug_pairs$block_id[drug_pairs$replicate]
for (b in blocks) {
# Calculate synergy score. Different work flow for replicated data
replicate <- drug_pairs$replicate[drug_pairs$block_id == b]
response_one_block <- response %>%
dplyr::filter(block_id == b) %>%
dplyr::select(-block_id) %>%
concs <- grep("conc\\d", colnames(response_one_block), value = TRUE)
iter_response <- pbapply::pblapply(seq(1, iteration), function(x){
response_boot <- .Bootstrapping(response_one_block)
s <- response_boot[, c("response", "response_origin")] %>%
s <-
}) %>%
p <- apply(iter_response, 2, function(x){
z <- abs(mean(x)) / stats::sd(x)
p <- exp(-0.717 * z - 0.416 * z ^2)
p <- formatC(p, format = "e", digits = 2, zero.print = "< 2e-324")
names(p) <- paste0(names(p), "_p_value")
drug_pairs$response_p_value[drug_pairs$block_id == b] <- p["response_p_value"]
drug_pairs$response_origin_p_value[drug_pairs$block_id == b] <- p["response_origin_p_value"]
# 7. assemble output data
data <- list(drug_pairs = drug_pairs, response = response)
if (any(drug_pairs$replicate)){
data$response_statistics <- replicate_response
# Auxiliary functions -----------------------------------------------------
#' Adjust Column Names of Input Data Table
#' This function changes the column names in other format into the style:
#' block_id, drug1, drug2, conc1, conc2, response, conc_unit1, conc_unit2.
#' @param data A data frame. It is the input data for function
#' \link{ReshapeData}
#' @return The data frame with the changed column names.
#' @author
#' \itemize{
#' \item Shuyu Zheng \email{}
#' \item Jing Tang \email{}
#' }
#' @export
.AdjustColumnName <- function(data) {
colnames <- colnames(data)
colnames <- tolower(
gsub("([a-z])([A-Z])", "\\1_\\L\\2", colnames, perl = TRUE)
colnames <- gsub("^conc_col$", "conc2", colnames, perl = TRUE)
colnames <- gsub("^conc_row$", "conc1", colnames, perl = TRUE)
colnames <- gsub("^pair_index$", "block_id", colnames, perl = TRUE)
colnames <- gsub("^drug_row$", "drug1", colnames, perl = TRUE)
colnames <- gsub("^drug_col$", "drug2", colnames, perl = TRUE)
colnames <- gsub("^conc_r$", "conc1", colnames, perl = TRUE)
colnames <- gsub("^conc_c$", "conc2", colnames, perl = TRUE)
colnames <- gsub("^conc_unit$", "conc_unit1", colnames, perl = TRUE)
colnames <- gsub("^conc_r_unit$", "conc_unit1", colnames, perl = TRUE)
colnames <- gsub("^conc_c_unit$", "conc_unit2", colnames, perl = TRUE)
# if the column name for response is "inhibition
colnames[which(colnames == "inhibition")] <- "response"
colnames(data) <- colnames
#' Extract Single Drug Dose Response
#' \code{ExtractSingleDrug} extracts the dose-response values of single drug
#' from a drug combination dose-response matrix.
#' @param response A data frame. It must contain the columns: "conc1", "conc2",
#' ..., for the concentration of the combined drugs and "response" for the
#' observed \%inhibition at certain combination.
#' @return A list contains several data frames each of which contains 2 columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{dose} The concertration of drug.
#' \item \strong{response} The cell's response (inhibation rate) to
#' corresponding drug concertration.
#' }
#' @author
#' \itemize{
#' \item Shuyu Zheng \email{}
#' \item Jing Tang \email{}
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("mathews_screening_data")
#' data <- ReshapeData(mathews_screening_data)
#' response <- data$response[data$response$block_id == 1,
#' c("conc1", "conc2", "response")]
#' single <- ExtractSingleDrug(response)
ExtractSingleDrug <- function(response) {
concs <- grep("conc\\d", colnames(response), value = TRUE)
single_drug <- vector("list", length(concs))
names(single_drug) <- concs
conc_sum <- rowSums(response[, concs])
for (conc in concs) {
index <- which(response[, conc] == conc_sum)
single_drug[[conc]] <- data.frame(
dose = unlist(response[index, conc]),
response = response[index, "response"],
row.names = NULL,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
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