# Functions to scrape P-values from Pubmed abstracts
# Date: 7-1-12
# Copyright (C) 2011 Jeffrey T. Leek ( and Leah R. Jager
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details, see <>.
# Note: These functions were written on a Mac and may have difficulties when
# read on windows machines.
# A function to get all abstracts and pubmed ids for papers from the journal "journaltitle" in the year "year"
# by scraping the Pubmed API.
getAbstractsPmids = function(journaltitle,year){
# esearch
url <- ""
q = paste("db=pubmed&term=",gsub(" ","+",journaltitle),"[ta]+AND+",year,"[dp]&usehistory=y",sep="")
esearch <- xmlTreeParse(getURL(paste(url, q, sep="")), useInternal = T)
webenv <- xmlValue(getNodeSet(esearch, "//WebEnv")[[1]])
key <- xmlValue(getNodeSet(esearch, "//QueryKey")[[1]])
# efetch
url <- ""
q <- "db=pubmed&retmode=xml&rettype=abstract"
efetch <- xmlTreeParse(getURL(paste(url, q, "&WebEnv=", webenv, "&query_key=", key, sep="")), useInternal = T)
r = xmlRoot(efetch)
n = xmlSize(r)
abstracts = pmid = titles = rep(NA,n)
for(i in 1:n){abstracts[i] = xmlValue(r[[i]][[1]][["Article"]][["Abstract"]]); pmid[i] = xmlValue(r[[i]][[1]][["PMID"]]); titles[i] = xmlValue(r[[i]][[1]][["Article"]][["ArticleTitle"]]) }
#A function to remove trailing zeros from the P-value strings
removeTrailing = function(string){
while(length(grep("[0-9]",strsplit(string,"")[[1]][nchar(string)])) == 0){
string = substr(string,1,(nchar(string)-1))
# A function to convert the scientific notation used by journals into
# numeric values that can be analyzed.
convertScientific = function(string){
string = strsplit(string,"[[:punct:]][[:space:]]")[[1]][1]
string = removeTrailing(string)
string = gsub("[:space:]","",string)
tmp1 = as.numeric(strsplit(string,"[×x]")[[1]][1])
tmp2 = as.numeric(strsplit(strsplit(string,"[×x]")[[1]][2],"[???-]")[[1]][2])
# A function to scrape the P-values from a vector of abstracts with corresponding
# pubmed ids
getPvalues = function(abstract,pmid){
pvalues = numeric(0)
trunc = numeric(0)
ids = numeric(0)
# Get the truncated p-values
ind = grep("[Pp][[:space:]]?[<???]",abstract)
for(i in 1:length(ind)){
tmp = strsplit(abstract[ind[i]],"[[:space:](][Pp][[:space:]]?[<???]")[[1]]
n = length(tmp)
for(j in 1:n){
if(length(grep("[.0123456789]",substr(tmp[j],1,2))) > 0){
tmp2 = strsplit(tmp[j],"[^[:punct:][:digit:]x[:space:]]")[[1]][1]
tmp2 = removeTrailing(tmp2)
tmp2 = gsub(" ","",tmp2)
tmp2 = convertScientific(tmp2)
pvalues = c(pvalues,as.numeric(tmp2))
trunc = c(trunc,1)
ids = c(ids,pmid[ind[i]])
# Get the truncated p-values
ind = grep("[Pp][[:space:]]?=",abstract)
for(i in 1:length(ind)){
tmp = strsplit(abstract[ind[i]],"[[:space:](][Pp][[:space:]]?=")[[1]]
n = length(tmp)
for(j in 1:n){
if(length(grep("[.0123456789]",substr(tmp[j],1,2))) > 0){
tmp2 = strsplit(tmp[j],"[^[:punct:][:space:][:digit:]x[:space:]]")[[1]][1]
tmp2 = removeTrailing(tmp2)
tmp2 = gsub(" ","",tmp2)
tmp2 = convertScientific(tmp2)
pvalues = c(pvalues,as.numeric(tmp2))
trunc = c(trunc,0)
ids = c(ids,pmid[ind[i]])
## Run the above functions over a specified set of journals and years
## to obtain P-values
journals = c("JAMA","New England Journal of Medicine","BMJ","American Journal of Epidemiology","Lancet")
years = 2000:2010
journals_pVals = matrix(NA,nrow=1,ncol=6)
colnames(journals_pVals) = c("pvalue","pvalueTruncated","pubmedID","year","abstract","title")
npapers = matrix(NA,nrow=length(journals),ncol=length(years))
for(i in 1:length(journals)){
for(j in 1:length(years)){
cat(journals[i]); cat(" "); cat(years[j]); cat(" ");
tmpData = getAbstractsPmids(journals[i],years[j])
while(length(tmpData$abstracts) ==1 &$abstracts[1])){tmpData = getAbstractsPmids(journals[i],years[j])}
cat("Downloaded"); cat(" ");
npapers[i,j] = length(tmpData$abstracts)
tmpOut = getPvalues(tmpData$abstracts,tmpData$pmid)
nPvalues = length(tmpOut$pvalues)
aa = match(tmpOut$ids,tmpData$pmid)
tmpMatrix = cbind(tmpOut$pvalues,tmpOut$trunc,as.numeric(tmpOut$ids),rep(years[j],nPvalues),tmpData$abstracts[aa],tmpData$titles[aa])
rownames(tmpMatrix) = rep(journals[i],nPvalues)
journals_pVals = rbind(journals_pVals,tmpMatrix)
## These come from the paper Pubmed ID = 20876667 and are reports from
## a GWAS. Update some P-values that are incorrectly scraped because of
## variation in scientific notation.
journals_pVals[journals_pVals[,1] == 10,1] = 10e-7
journals_pVals = journals_pVals[-1,]
## These come from the Lancet, with missed periods in the P-values
journals_pVals[13392,1] = 0.003
journals_pVals[13413,1] = 0.014
journals_pVals[13414,1] = 0.004
## This one comes from the Lancet too, where an incorrect P-value is grabbed.
journals_pVals = journals_pVals[-14674,]
# Remove rows with P-values that are
journals_pVals = journals_pVals[![,1]),]
# This one for some reason replaced a period with "small middle dot"
journals_pVals[which(journals_pVals[,3] == 11943262),1] = 1e-4
# This one has a <<< in the P-value definition
journals_pVals = journals_pVals[-which(journals_pVals[,3]=="16421237"),]
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