spliceR <- function(transcriptData, compareTo, filters, expressionCutoff=0, useProgressBar=T)
startTime <- Sys.time()
# Check class and GRanges
if (!class(transcriptData)[1]=="SpliceRList") stop("transcriptData argument is not of class SpliceRList")
if ( class(transcriptData$"transcript_features") != "GRanges" || class(transcriptData$"exon_features") != "GRanges" ) stop("transcriptData must have GRanges objects in slots 'transcript_features' and 'exon_features'")
# Validate required columns in spliceRList
t_colNames <- colnames(mcols(transcriptData$"transcript_features"))
"isoform_id", "sample_1", "sample_2", "gene_id", "iso_value_1", "iso_value_2", "iso_q_value") %in% substr(t_colNames, 9, nchar(t_colNames))
) stop("Transcript features GRanges not compatible with spliceR - see documentation for more details")
e_colNames <- colnames(mcols(transcriptData$"exon_features"))
"isoform_id","gene_id") %in% substr(e_colNames, 9, nchar(e_colNames))
) stop("Exon features GRanges not compatible with spliceR - see documentation for more details")
# check correct user input
conditionNames <- transcriptData[['conditions']]
if(!compareTo %in% c('preTranscript', conditionNames)) {
stop(paste('Error in determining compareTo, must be one of: \'preTranscript\' \'', paste(conditionNames, collapse="', '"), "\'. See ?spliceR for more information", sep='') )
dataOrigin <- transcriptData[["source_id"]]
if(! dataOrigin %in% c('cufflinks', 'granges') ) {
stop('The input data was not recogniced, please see ?SpliceRList for more information about the input files')
# Check if the filters supplied are OK:
if(dataOrigin == 'cufflinks') { okFilters <- c('none','expressedGenes','geneOK', 'sigGenes', 'isoOK', 'expressedIso', 'isoClass', 'sigIso', 'singleExon') }
if(dataOrigin == 'granges') { okFilters <- c('none', 'SingleExon') } # ok since it forces the user to acknowledge that no filters are used
if('PTC' %in% filters) { # if asked to filter on PTC
if('spliceR.PTC' %in% colnames($"transcript_features"[1,]))) { # check whether the spliceR object contain PTC info
okFilters <- c(okFilters, 'PTC')
} else {
stop('spliceR cannot filter on PTC since no PTC info is advailable. PTC information can be obtained through annotatePTC() ')
if(any(!filters %in% okFilters)) { # if one or more of the supplied filters are not recogniced
stop('One or more of the supplied filters are not recogniced, please see ?determineAStypes for more information about the filters')
message("Preparing transcript data...")
# Create placeholder rows
#Create backup spliceRList with GRanges before converting to dataframes for output
originalTranscriptData <- transcriptData
message("Converting to internal objects...")
#Convert Granges to dataframe
tempDF <-[["transcript_features"]])
tempDF <- data.frame(lapply(tempDF, function(x) {if (class(x)=="factor") as.character(x) else (x)}), stringsAsFactors=FALSE) # remove factors
colnames(tempDF) <- c(colnames(tempDF)[1:5], substr(colnames(tempDF)[6:ncol(tempDF)],9,nchar(colnames(tempDF)[6:ncol(tempDF)])))
#remove columns not needed here
transcriptData[["transcript_features"]] <- tempDF
tempDF <-[["exon_features"]])
tempDF <- data.frame(lapply(tempDF, function(x) {if (class(x)=="factor") as.character(x) else (x)}), stringsAsFactors=FALSE) # remove factors
colnames(tempDF) <- c(colnames(tempDF)[1:5], substr(colnames(tempDF)[6:ncol(tempDF)],9,nchar(colnames(tempDF)[6:ncol(tempDF)])))
tempDF <- tempDF[,c("start", "end", "strand", "isoform_id")]
transcriptData[["exon_features"]] <- tempDF
message(length(unique(transcriptData[["transcript_features"]]$isoform_id)), " isoforms pre-filtering...")
### Filter transcript info
isoformsToAnalyzeIndex <- 1:nrow(transcriptData[["transcript_features"]])
# Optional filters
if('geneOK' %in% filters) { isoformsToAnalyzeIndex <- .filterOKGenes( transcriptData, isoformsToAnalyzeIndex) }
if('expressedGenes' %in% filters) { isoformsToAnalyzeIndex <- .filterExpressedGenes( transcriptData, isoformsToAnalyzeIndex, expressionCutoff) }
if('sigGenes' %in% filters) { isoformsToAnalyzeIndex <- .filterSigGenes( transcriptData, isoformsToAnalyzeIndex) }
if('isoOK' %in% filters) { isoformsToAnalyzeIndex <- .filterOKIso( transcriptData, isoformsToAnalyzeIndex) }
if('expressedIso' %in% filters) { isoformsToAnalyzeIndex <- .filterExpressedIso( transcriptData, isoformsToAnalyzeIndex, expressionCutoff) }
if('isoClass' %in% filters) { isoformsToAnalyzeIndex <- .filterIsoClassCode( transcriptData, isoformsToAnalyzeIndex) }
if('sigIso' %in% filters) { isoformsToAnalyzeIndex <- .filterSigIso( transcriptData, isoformsToAnalyzeIndex) }
if('singleExon' %in% filters) { isoformsToAnalyzeIndex <- .filterSingleExonIsoAll( transcriptData, isoformsToAnalyzeIndex) }
if('PTC' %in% filters) { isoformsToAnalyzeIndex <- .filterPTC( transcriptData, isoformsToAnalyzeIndex) }
# Mandatory filters
isoformsToAnalyzeIndex <- .filterSingleIsoform(transcriptData, isoformsToAnalyzeIndex, conditionNames) # Remove genes with only one isoform left
message(length(unique(transcriptData[["transcript_features"]]$isoform_id[isoformsToAnalyzeIndex])), " isoforms post-filtering...")
### Extract unique gene name
geneIDs <- unique(transcriptData[["transcript_features"]]$gene_id[isoformsToAnalyzeIndex])
numberOfGenes <- length(geneIDs)
### Extract gene names of all genes that ought to be analyzed
geneIdsToAnalyze <- transcriptData[["transcript_features"]]$gene_id[isoformsToAnalyzeIndex]
message("Preparing exons...")
### Split exon info
# It is fasters to split on isoform id than on genID when scaling up, probably because no exoninfo not used is extracted.
isoformIDs <- unique(transcriptData[["transcript_features"]]$isoform_id[isoformsToAnalyzeIndex])
temp <- transcriptData[["exon_features"]][which(transcriptData[["exon_features"]]$isoform_id %in% isoformIDs),]
isoformFeaturesSplit <- split(temp, f=temp$"isoform_id")
## Determine whether major is chosen or not
if(compareTo == 'preTranscript') {
# A logic indicating whether preTranscrip comparason or major is chosen
major <- FALSE
} else {
### Find major isoform if that option is toggeled
major <- TRUE
message('Analyzing transcripts...')
# Create statusbar (this statement also automaticlly prints the statusbar)
if (useProgressBar) pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = numberOfGenes, style = 3)
for(geneIndex in 1:numberOfGenes) {
#################### Extract indexs of isoforms belonging to the genes ####################
### extract information about the gene
isoformsToAnalyzeWithinGeneIndexGlobal <- isoformsToAnalyzeIndex[which(geneIdsToAnalyze == geneIDs[geneIndex])] # get the global indexes for the gene analyzed now #Indexing moved outside of loop
isoformsToAnalyze <- transcriptData[["transcript_features"]][isoformsToAnalyzeWithinGeneIndexGlobal,] # extract info about the gene analyzed now #OBS, IMPROVE SPEED
# extract unique isoforms indexes
uniqIsoformNames <- unique(isoformsToAnalyze$isoform_id)
uniqueIsoformsIndex <- match(uniqIsoformNames, isoformsToAnalyze$isoform_id)
### annotate which have been analyzed
isoformsToAnalyze$analyzed <- 'yes'
isoformsToAnalyze$MEE <- 0 # these are not nessesarely overwritten else
#### Determine whether major or preTranscript
## Extract all exons to analyze belonging to this gene
exonList <- isoformFeaturesSplit[ uniqIsoformNames ] # this list is used several times
### Create preTranscript
################################ SLOW ######################
# !!! Improved !!! KVS
allUniqueExons <- unique(,exonList)[,c('start','end','strand')])
if(nrow(allUniqueExons) > 1) {
exonInfoPreTranscript <- .getPreRNA( allUniqueExons ) # only pass unique coordinates to the function
} else {
next # for the special occation where a gene with multiple identical transcripts with only one exon
################################ SLOW ######################
### see whether the minimum requirements for MEE are there (to speed up the calculations)
areMEEposible <- all( length(which(sapply(exonList, nrow) >= 3)) >= 2 , nrow(exonInfoPreTranscript) >=4)
if(major) { ## Check if major is toggeled
# ###Determine which isoform is major
# if(dataOrigin == 'cufflinks') {
# maxIsoformIndex <- .getMajorIsoCuffDB(isoformsToAnalyze, compareTo)
# } else {
maxIsoformIndex <- .getMajorIsoCuffDB(isoformsToAnalyze, compareTo)
# }
if(length(maxIsoformIndex) == 0) { next } # since it means that no transcript from refrence sample is expressed in for this gene
# make sure all rows with the transcripts are annotated included in the maxIsoformIndex (nessesary when having more than two samples since else there will be rows with the isoform, but not containing the refrence sample)
maxIsoformIndex <- which(isoformsToAnalyze$isoform_id == isoformsToAnalyze$isoform_id[maxIsoformIndex[1]])
# extract exon info from the major isoform
majorExonInfo <- exonList[[ isoformsToAnalyze$isoform_id[maxIsoformIndex[1]] ]]
# annotate which is major and which is not
isoformsToAnalyze[,'major'] <- 'no'
isoformsToAnalyze[maxIsoformIndex,'major'] <- 'yes'
####################### Compare isoforms ####################
################# Check for MEE #################
### Create an empty list with the exons to ignore for each of the isoforms
exonsToIgnoreList <- lapply(1:length(uniqueIsoformsIndex),function(x) NULL)
if(areMEEposible) { # if not major Generate list to store the overlapping info from
### Create a dataframe to indicate whether the exons are included or not - used to find mutually exclusive exons
exonIncluded <- data.frame(matrix(0, ncol=length(uniqueIsoformsIndex), nrow=nrow(exonInfoPreTranscript)))
colnames(exonIncluded) <- uniqIsoformNames
if(!major) {
overlapList <- list(NULL) # it is faster to store the overlaps in a list than to redo them - even for small transcript
identicalList <- list(NULL) # it is faster to store the overlaps in a list than to redo them - even for small transcript
# Loop over genes and extract info of which exons are expressed in which transcripts
for(i in 1:length(uniqueIsoformsIndex)) {
## extract exon features of minor isoform
isoformExonInfo <- exonList[[ uniqIsoformNames[i] ]]
overlapIdenticalList <- .findOverlap(exonInfoPreTranscript,isoformExonInfo)
if(!major) {
## save the overlap tables so I dont need to create them again (they are not used again if major is choseccn)
overlapList[[i]] <- overlapIdenticalList$overlap
identicalList[[i]] <- overlapIdenticalList$idenctial
exonIncluded[overlapIdenticalList$overlap$isoform1,i] <- overlapIdenticalList$overlap$isoform1
# Add collum with expressed info to the data.frame
} # end of loop over unique isoforms
# Change to binary table
exonIncludedTF <- apply((exonIncluded > 0),2,function(x) as.integer(x))
# Determine MEE based on the exons included table pair else they are ends
startExons <- apply(exonIncludedTF,2,function(x) match(1, x))
endExons <- nrow(exonIncludedTF) + 1 - apply(exonIncludedTF,2,function(x) match(1, rev(x)))
for(i in 1:(nrow(exonIncludedTF)-1)) {
if( sum(exonIncludedTF[i,]) == 1 & sum(exonIncludedTF[i+1,]) == 1 ) {
expressedIn1 <- which(as.logical(exonIncludedTF[i,])) # get the transcript index
expressedIn2 <- which(as.logical(exonIncludedTF[i+1,])) # get the transcript index
if( expressedIn1 != expressedIn2 ) {
if(i != startExons[expressedIn1] & i != endExons[expressedIn1] & i+1 != startExons[expressedIn2] & i+1 != endExons[expressedIn2]) {
# annotate the number of MEE
MEEindexes1 <- which(isoformsToAnalyze$isoform_id == isoformsToAnalyze$isoform_id[uniqueIsoformsIndex[expressedIn1]])
MEEindexes2 <- which(isoformsToAnalyze$isoform_id == isoformsToAnalyze$isoform_id[uniqueIsoformsIndex[expressedIn2]])
isoformsToAnalyze$MEE[c(MEEindexes1,MEEindexes2)] <- isoformsToAnalyze$MEE[c(MEEindexes1,MEEindexes2)] + 1
# add the exons to the ignore list
exonsToIgnoreList[[expressedIn2]] <- c(exonsToIgnoreList[[expressedIn2]], exonIncluded[i,expressedIn1]) #exonsToIgnoreList[[expressedIn2]] is used instead of expressedIn1 since I want the exon not expressed in this isoform
exonsToIgnoreList[[expressedIn1]] <- c(exonsToIgnoreList[[expressedIn1]], exonIncluded[i+1,expressedIn2])
# annotate the positions of MEE
if($MEE.start[MEEindexes1[1]])) {
isoformsToAnalyze$MEE.start[MEEindexes1] <- paste(exonInfoPreTranscript$start[i])
isoformsToAnalyze$MEE.end[MEEindexes1] <- paste(exonInfoPreTranscript$end[i])
} else {
isoformsToAnalyze$MEE.start[MEEindexes1] <- paste(isoformsToAnalyze$MEE.start[MEEindexes1],exonInfoPreTranscript$start[i],sep=';')
isoformsToAnalyze$MEE.end[MEEindexes1] <- paste(isoformsToAnalyze$MEE.end[MEEindexes1],exonInfoPreTranscript$end[i],sep=';')
if($MEE.end[MEEindexes2[1]])) {
isoformsToAnalyze$MEE.start[MEEindexes2] <- paste(exonInfoPreTranscript$start[i+1])
isoformsToAnalyze$MEE.end[MEEindexes2] <- paste(exonInfoPreTranscript$end[i+1])
} else {
isoformsToAnalyze$MEE.start[MEEindexes2] <- paste(isoformsToAnalyze$MEE.start[MEEindexes2],exonInfoPreTranscript$start[i+1],sep=';')
isoformsToAnalyze$MEE.end[MEEindexes2] <- paste(isoformsToAnalyze$MEE.end[MEEindexes2],exonInfoPreTranscript$end[i+1],sep=';')
## Make sure every exon is only reppresented once (a special case where an exon is envolved in two MEE events)
exonsToIgnoreList <- lapply(exonsToIgnoreList, function(x) unique(x))
} # end of is MEE posible
### Determine which of the indexes is major (only nessesary if any exons ought to be skipped)
if(major) {
majorIndex <- which(uniqIsoformNames %in% isoformsToAnalyze$isoform_id[maxIsoformIndex[1]]) # get the index of major
######## Classify the rest of the AS types ########
# loop over the unique isoforms to make the AS type comparason
for(i in 1:length(uniqueIsoformsIndex)) {
if(major) { # if I compare to major
if(uniqueIsoformsIndex[i] %in% maxIsoformIndex) {next} # if this isoform is the major
## extract exon features of minor isoform
isoformExonInfo <- exonList[[ uniqIsoformNames[i] ]]
# Get indexes for all rows containing this transcript so they can all be annotated (many samples == many rows)
thisIsoformIndex <- which(isoformsToAnalyze$isoform_id == isoformsToAnalyze$isoform_id[uniqueIsoformsIndex[i]])
### Determine AS classification and overlap
if(!major) { # if pre-transcript
## Determine which exons to ignore
exonsToIgnore <- list(exonsToIgnoreList[[i]], NULL) # NULL since I know no exons is skipped in pre-transcripted, switched since the skipping is going to occure in the OPPOSITE transcript
### annotate all instances of this isoform with the Alternative splicing found
if(areMEEposible) {
isoformsToAnalyze[thisIsoformIndex, c(
'ESI.start', 'ESI.end','MESI.start','MESI.end','ISI.start','ISI.end','A5.start','A5.end',
)] <- .determineAStypeOverlap(exonInfoPreTranscript,isoformExonInfo,overlapList[[i]],identicalList[[i]], exonsToIgnore)
} else {
overlapListLocal <- .findOverlap(exonInfoPreTranscript,isoformExonInfo)
isoformsToAnalyze[thisIsoformIndex, c(
'ESI.start', 'ESI.end','MESI.start','MESI.end','ISI.start','ISI.end','A5.start','A5.end',
)] <- .determineAStypeOverlap(exonInfoPreTranscript,isoformExonInfo,overlapListLocal[[1]],overlapListLocal[[2]], exonsToIgnore)
} else { # if major
### Determine which exons to ignore
exonsToIgnore <- list(exonsToIgnoreList[[i]], exonsToIgnoreList[[majorIndex]]) # switched since the skipping is going to occure in the OPPOSITE transcript
### Determine overlapping exons between major and minor
temp <- .findOverlap(majorExonInfo,isoformExonInfo)
### annotate all instances of this isoform with the Alternative splicing found
isoformsToAnalyze[thisIsoformIndex, c(
'ESI.start', 'ESI.end','MESI.start','MESI.end','ISI.start','ISI.end','A5.start','A5.end',
)] <- .determineAStypeOverlap(majorExonInfo,isoformExonInfo,temp[[1]],temp[[2]], exonsToIgnore)
} # end of loop over isoforms
### Anotate IF and dIF values
# get total expression of all the isoforms to analyze for EACH condition (is different than the expression of the gene - because i exclude some transcripts)
totalIsoformExpression <- NULL
for(conditionName in conditionNames) {
maxOFthisIsoform <- sum(
isoformsToAnalyze$iso_value_1[which(isoformsToAnalyze$sample_1 == conditionName)],
isoformsToAnalyze$iso_value_2[which(isoformsToAnalyze$sample_2 == conditionName)]
totalIsoformExpression <- c(totalIsoformExpression , maxOFthisIsoform)
# Extract info about which collums are the ones that contain the wanted info
sampleCol1 <- which(colnames(transcriptData[["transcript_features"]])=="sample_1") #spliceR.sample_1
isoValCol1 <- which(colnames(transcriptData[["transcript_features"]])=="iso_value_1") #spliceR.iso_value_1
IFvalCol1 <- which(colnames(transcriptData[["transcript_features"]])=="IF1") #spliceR.IF1
# print(cat(colnames(transcriptData[["transcript_features"]])))
# print(cat(isoValCol1))
# print(cat(PSIvalCol1))
# if(dataOrigin == 'cufflinks') { # in this way we can controle the different indexes for different input files
# # sampleCol1 <- 7 #spliceR.sample_1
# # isoValCol1 <- 24 #spliceR.iso_value_1
# # PSIvalCol1 <- 31 #spliceR.PSI1
# sampleCol1 <- which(colnames(transcriptData[["transcript_features"]]))=="spliceR.sample_1") #spliceR.sample_1
# isoValCol1 <- which(colnames(transcriptData[["transcript_features"]]))=="spliceR.iso_value_1") #spliceR.iso_value_1
# PSIvalCol1 <- which(colnames(transcriptData[["transcript_features"]]))=="spliceR.PSI1") #spliceR.PSI1
# }
# if(dataOrigin == 'granges') { # in this way we can controle the different indexes for different input files
# sampleCol1 <- NULL
# isoValCol1 <- NULL
# PSIvalCol1 <- NULL
# }
# # loop over all indexes to analyze to calculte IF values
# for(isoformIndex in 1:nrow(isoformsToAnalyze)) {
# # if isoform is major annotate it
# if(major) {
# if(isoformIndex %in% maxIsoformIndex) { next }
# }
# for(i in 0:1) { #loop over indexes so i can calculate IF for both the sample_1 and sample_2 collumns
# # Get condition name
# myCondition <- isoformsToAnalyze[isoformIndex,(sampleCol1+i)] # get condition name (which is in collumn 2 and 3)
# # get total expression of isoforms within that gene
# totalExpValue <- totalIsoformExpression[conditionNames %in% myCondition]
# if(totalExpValue == 0) {
# isoformsToAnalyze[isoformIndex,(IFvalCol1+i)] <- 0 # else I would devide by zero
# } else {
# # calculate IF value
# isoformsToAnalyze[isoformIndex,(IFvalCol1+i)] <- round( isoformsToAnalyze[isoformIndex,(isoValCol1+i)] / totalExpValue * 100 ,digits = 2)
# }
# }
# }
# # annotate dIF
# isoformsToAnalyze$dIF <- isoformsToAnalyze$IF2 - isoformsToAnalyze$IF1
# write local data to global dataframe (so everything is stored and can be returned)
# this is faster than replacing the full dataset and also faster (and more readiable) than using c(26:40)
transcriptData[["transcript_features"]][isoformsToAnalyzeWithinGeneIndexGlobal,c("major","IF1","IF2","dIF","ESI","MEE","MESI","ISI","A5","A3","ATSS","ATTS","analyzed",'ESI.start', 'ESI.end','MEE.start','MEE.end','MESI.start','MESI.end','ISI.start','ISI.end','A5.start','A5.end','A3.start','A3.end','ATSS.start','ATSS.end','ATTS.start','ATTS.end')] = isoformsToAnalyze[,c("major","IF1","IF2","dIF","ESI","MEE","MESI","ISI","A5","A3","ATSS","ATTS","analyzed",'ESI.start', 'ESI.end','MEE.start','MEE.end','MESI.start','MESI.end','ISI.start','ISI.end','A5.start','A5.end','A3.start','A3.end','ATSS.start','ATSS.end','ATTS.start','ATTS.end')] #slow index - THE RATE LIMITING STEP
#paste(difftime(Sys.time(),t10,u='sec'),'Time to write to global file',sep=' ')
### Update progressbar
if (useProgressBar) setTxtProgressBar(pb, geneIndex)
} # belongs to loop over genes
### Annotate IF values
transcriptData$transcript_features$IF1[isoformsToAnalyzeIndex] <- round(transcriptData$transcript_features$iso_value_1[isoformsToAnalyzeIndex] / transcriptData$transcript_features$gene_value_1[isoformsToAnalyzeIndex] * 100, digits=4)
transcriptData$transcript_features$IF2[isoformsToAnalyzeIndex] <- round(transcriptData$transcript_features$iso_value_2[isoformsToAnalyzeIndex] / transcriptData$transcript_features$gene_value_2[isoformsToAnalyzeIndex] * 100, digits=4)
transcriptData$transcript_features$dIF[isoformsToAnalyzeIndex] <- transcriptData$transcript_features$IF2[isoformsToAnalyzeIndex] - transcriptData$transcript_features$IF1[isoformsToAnalyzeIndex]
#close progress bar
if (useProgressBar) close(pb)
message('Preparing output...')
ori_col_names <- colnames(mcols(originalTranscriptData[[1]]))
ori_col_names_no_spliceR <- substr(ori_col_names, 9, nchar(ori_col_names))
for (i in 1:length(ori_col_names))
mcols(originalTranscriptData[[1]])[ori_col_names[i]] <- transcriptData[[1]][,ori_col_names_no_spliceR[i]]
#Add filters to spliceR object
originalTranscriptData[['filter_params']] <- filters
endTime <- Sys.time()
message('Done in ', format(difftime(endTime,startTime), digits=2))
# return data list to give back all annotation
#return GRanges
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