generateGTF <- function(transcriptData, filters=NULL,expressionCutoff=0, scoreMethod='local', filePrefix='spliceR_transcripts', shortDescription="SpliceR Transcripts", longDescription="Transcripts generated by SpliceR", useProgressBar=T)
# Check class and GRanges
if (!class(transcriptData)[1]=="SpliceRList") stop("transcriptData argument is not of class SpliceRList")
if ( class(transcriptData$"transcript_features") != "GRanges" || class(transcriptData$"exon_features") != "GRanges" ) stop("transcriptData must have GRanges objects in slots 'transcript_features' and 'exon_features'")
# Validate required columns in transcriptData
tColNames <- colnames(mcols(transcriptData$"transcript_features"))
"isoform_id", "sample_1", "sample_2", "gene_id", "iso_value_1", "iso_value_2", "iso_q_value") %in% substr(tColNames, 9, nchar(tColNames))
) stop("Transcript features GRanges not compatible with spliceR - see documentation for more details")
eColNames <- colnames(mcols(transcriptData$"exon_features"))
"isoform_id","gene_id") %in% substr(eColNames, 9, nchar(eColNames))
) stop("Exon features GRanges not compatible with spliceR - see documentation for more details")
message("Preparing transcript data...")
# Check if the filters supplied are OK:
dataOrigin <- transcriptData[["source_id"]]
if(dataOrigin == 'cufflinks') { okFilters <- c('none','expressedGenes','geneOK', 'sigGenes', 'isoOK', 'expressedIso', 'isoClass', 'sigIso', 'PTC', 'singleExon') }
if(dataOrigin == 'granges') { okFilters <- c('none','SingleExon') }
if(is.null(filters)) {
if(is.null(transcriptData[['filter_params']] )) {
filters <- 'none'
} else {
filters <- transcriptData[['filter_params']]
if('PTC' %in% filters) { # if asked to filter on PTC
if('spliceR.PTC' %in% colnames($"transcript_features"[1,]))) { # check whether the spliceR object contain PTC info
okFilters <- c(okFilters, 'PTC')
} else {
stop('spliceR cannot filter on PTC since no PTC info is advailable. PTC information can be obtained through annotatePTC() ')
if(any(!filters %in% okFilters)) { # if one or more of the supplied filters are not recogniced
stop('One or more of the supplied filters are not recogniced, please see ?determineAStypes for more information about the filters')
if(length(scoreMethod) != 1 ) {
stop('the scoreMethod paramter must be of length 1')
if(!scoreMethod %in% c('local','global')) {
stop('the scoreMethod parameter must be one of \'local\' or \'global\' ' )
message(length(unique(transcriptData[["transcript_features"]]$spliceR.isoform_id)), " isoforms pre-filtering...")
message("Converting to internal objects...")
#Convert to dataframe
tempDF <-[["transcript_features"]])
tempDF <- data.frame(lapply(tempDF, function(x) {if (class(x)=="factor") as.character(x) else (x)}), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
colnames(tempDF) <- c(colnames(tempDF)[1:5], substr(colnames(tempDF)[6:ncol(tempDF)],9,nchar(colnames(tempDF)[6:ncol(tempDF)])))
transcriptData[["transcript_features"]] <- tempDF
tempDF <-[["exon_features"]])
tempDF <- data.frame(lapply(tempDF, function(x) {if (class(x)=="factor") as.character(x) else (x)}), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
colnames(tempDF) <- c(colnames(tempDF)[1:5], substr(colnames(tempDF)[6:ncol(tempDF)],9,nchar(colnames(tempDF)[6:ncol(tempDF)])))
transcriptData[["exon_features"]] <- tempDF
isoformsToAnalyzeIndex <- 1:nrow(transcriptData[["transcript_features"]])
# Apply the chosen filters
if('geneOK' %in% filters) { isoformsToAnalyzeIndex <- .filterOKGenes( transcriptData, isoformsToAnalyzeIndex) }
if('expressedGenes' %in% filters) { isoformsToAnalyzeIndex <- .filterExpressedGenes( transcriptData, isoformsToAnalyzeIndex, expressionCutoff) }
if('sigGenes' %in% filters) { isoformsToAnalyzeIndex <- .filterSigGenes( transcriptData, isoformsToAnalyzeIndex) }
if('isoOK' %in% filters) { isoformsToAnalyzeIndex <- .filterOKIso( transcriptData, isoformsToAnalyzeIndex) }
if('expressedIso' %in% filters) { isoformsToAnalyzeIndex <- .filterExpressedIso( transcriptData, isoformsToAnalyzeIndex, expressionCutoff) }
if('isoClass' %in% filters) { isoformsToAnalyzeIndex <- .filterIsoClassCode( transcriptData, isoformsToAnalyzeIndex) }
if('sigIso' %in% filters) { isoformsToAnalyzeIndex <- .filterSigIso( transcriptData, isoformsToAnalyzeIndex) }
if('singleExon' %in% filters) { isoformsToAnalyzeIndex <- .filterSingleExonIsoAll( transcriptData, isoformsToAnalyzeIndex) }
if('PTC' %in% filters) { isoformsToAnalyzeIndex <- .filterPTC( transcriptData, isoformsToAnalyzeIndex) }
message(length(unique(transcriptData[["transcript_features"]]$isoform_id[isoformsToAnalyzeIndex])), " isoforms post-filtering...")
# Get isoform indexes
isoformNamesToAnalyze <- unique(transcriptData[["transcript_features"]]$"isoform_id"[isoformsToAnalyzeIndex])
nrOfIsoformsToAnalyze <- length(isoformNamesToAnalyze)
# Splitting the dataset like this is faster than doing it one-at-the-time in the loop
# extract the features of those isoforms those that should be analyzed
isoformsToAnalyze <- transcriptData[["exon_features"]][ which( transcriptData[["exon_features"]]$"isoform_id" %in% isoformNamesToAnalyze ) ,]
# Split these features
isoformFeaturesSplit <- split( isoformsToAnalyze , f=isoformsToAnalyze$"isoform_id")
### Calculate gene expressen based on
#geneScoreSplit <- split( transcriptData[["transcript_features"]][isoformsToAnalyzeIndex,c('isoform_id','gene_id','')] , f=isoformsToAnalyze$"isoform_id")
# Create dataframe for storing the GTF file (must be done here so i dont have to use rbind)
numberOfisoforms <- nrow(isoformsToAnalyze)
gtfFileGlobal <- data.frame(matrix(NA, ncol=9, nrow=numberOfisoforms), stringsAsFactors=F)
colnames(gtfFileGlobal) <- c('chr','seqSource','feature','start','end','score','strand','frame','group')
# Get condtion names
conditionNames <- transcriptData$conditions
# Make data.frame to store scores
scoresGlobal <- data.frame(matrix(NA, ncol=length(conditionNames)+1, nrow=numberOfisoforms), stringsAsFactors=F)
colnames(scoresGlobal) <- c('gene', conditionNames)
message('Generating GTFs...')
if (useProgressBar) pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = nrOfIsoformsToAnalyze, style = 3)
rowCounter <- 1 # the row number form which to insert the localGTF file into the Global GTF file
for(i in 1:nrOfIsoformsToAnalyze) { # loop over all isoforms to analyze
# Extract expression/test info
transcriptInfo <- transcriptData[["transcript_features"]][ which( transcriptData[["transcript_features"]]$"isoform_id" == isoformNamesToAnalyze[i] ), ] # just grap the first transcript with the correct name
myExonInfo <- isoformFeaturesSplit[[isoformNamesToAnalyze[i]]]
if(is.null(myExonInfo)) {
warning('Some exons were not found. Please make sure transcriptData[["exon_features"]] contains the nessesary information')
next # else it will result in errors
nrOfExons <- nrow(myExonInfo)
### Annotate scores
myLocalScore <- NULL
for(j in 2:(length(conditionNames)+1)) {
localScoreIndex <- match( conditionNames[j-1], c(transcriptInfo$sample_1, transcriptInfo$sample_2 ))
localScore <- c(transcriptInfo$iso_value_1, transcriptInfo$iso_value_2 )[localScoreIndex]
myLocalScore <- c(myLocalScore, localScore)
scoresGlobal[rowCounter:(rowCounter + (nrOfExons-1)),j] <- localScore
scoresGlobal[rowCounter:(rowCounter + (nrOfExons-1)),1] <- transcriptInfo$"gene_id"[1]
# Determine feature type
if(nrOfExons == 1) {
featureType <- 'transcript'
} else {
featureType <- 'exon'
# Correct chr names from Ensamble
if(length(grep('chr', myExonInfo$seqnames[1])) == 1) {
myChr <- myExonInfo$seqnames[1]
} else {
if(myExonInfo$seqnames[1] == 'MT') {
myChr <- 'chrM'
} else {
myChr <- paste('chr',myExonInfo$seqnames[1],sep='')
# Generate local GTF
gtfFileLocal <- data.frame( chr=myChr,
score= NA,
paste('isoform id', transcriptInfo$isoform_id[1], sep=' '),
paste('gene id', transcriptInfo$gene_id[1], sep=' '),
paste('gene short name', transcriptInfo$gene_short_name[1], sep=' '),
paste('nearest refrence id', transcriptInfo$nearest_ref_id[1], sep=' '),
paste(paste('FPKM score',conditionNames, myLocalScore, sep=' '),collapse='; '),
sep='; '),
stringsAsFactors=F, row.names=NULL)
# Append local GTF to global GTF
gtfFileGlobal[rowCounter:(rowCounter + (nrOfExons-1)),] <- gtfFileLocal
# Add to counter so the next itteration will set in correctly
rowCounter <- rowCounter + nrOfExons
if (useProgressBar) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
} # End of loop over isoforms
if (useProgressBar) close(pb)
### Calculate Scores
if(scoreMethod == 'local') {
## log the fpkm values
scoresGlobal[,2:ncol(scoresGlobal)] <- log2(scoresGlobal[,2:ncol(scoresGlobal)] + 1)
## split on gene level
scoresGlobalSplit <- split(scoresGlobal, f=scoresGlobal$gene)
calculateGeneScores <- function(df) {
maxForThisGene <- max(df[2:ncol(df)])
if(maxForThisGene == 0) {
} else {
normalizedScores <- apply(df[,2:ncol(df)], 2, function(x) x* 1000/maxForThisGene)
## Normalize FPKM values to geneome browser scores, for each gene.
#myNormalizedScores <- ldply(scoresGlobalSplit, function(x) calculateGeneScores(x)) # gives an error I cannot expain
temp <- lapply(scoresGlobalSplit, function(x) calculateGeneScores(x))
myNormalizedScores <-, temp)
} else {
### Calculate Scores
maxVal <- quantile( log2(c(transcriptData$transcript_features$iso_value_1[isoformsToAnalyzeIndex],transcriptData$transcript_features$iso_value_2[isoformsToAnalyzeIndex])+1) , 0.99)
multiplyFactor <- 1000/maxVal
myNormalizedScores <- scoresGlobal
myNormalizedScores[,2:ncol(scoresGlobal)] <- log2(scoresGlobal[,2:ncol(scoresGlobal)] +1) * multiplyFactor
### Qucik fix to correct the error in the Genome browser with score 0 beeing interpred as score 1000
correctUCSCscoreProblem <- function(x) {
x[which(x == 0)] <- 1 # which will result in the same color coding
return( x )
myNormalizedScores <- apply(myNormalizedScores, 2, function(x) correctUCSCscoreProblem(x) )
gtfFileGlobal$strand[which(! gtfFileGlobal$strand %in% c('+','-','.'))] <- '.' # change * to . (since granges changes it that way and the official way is with '.')
### Generate list of GTF files
gtfList <- lapply(1:length(conditionNames), function(x) NA)
for(j in 1:length(conditionNames)) {
localGTF <- gtfFileGlobal
localGTF$score <- myNormalizedScores[,j]
gtfList[[j]] <- localGTF
names(gtfList) <- conditionNames
message('Writing GTFs...')
for(i in 1:length(conditionNames)) {
# Generate header
shortDescrip <- paste(shortDescription,'from',conditionNames[i],sep=' ')
longDescrip <- paste(longDescription,'form',conditionNames[i],sep=' ')
header <- sprintf('track name="%s" description="%s" useScore=1 visibility=full', shortDescrip, longDescrip)
# Write header
myFilename <- paste(filePrefix,"_",conditionNames[i],'.GTF',sep='')
fileConn<-file(myFilename, open='w') # overwrites the file if it exists - else it creates it
writeLines(header, fileConn)
# Write GTF
write.table(gtfList[[i]], file=myFilename, sep='\t', quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, append=TRUE) # append the GTF info to the file
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