#'The sparsenetgls() function
#'@description The sparsenetgls functin is a combination of the graph structure
#'learning and generalized least square regression.
#'It is designed for multivariate regression uses penalized and/or regularised
#'approach to deriving the precision and covariance Matrix of the multivariate
#'Gaussian distributed responses. Gaussian Graphical model is used to learn the
#'structure of the graph and construct the precision and covariance matrix.
#'Generalized least squared regression is used to derive the sandwich
#'estimation of variances-covariance matrix for the regression coefficients
#'of the explanatory variables, conditional on the solutions of the precision
#'and covariance matrix.
#'@import Matrix MASS huge
#'@importFrom methods new
#'@importFrom stats coef cor cov median sd var
#'@importFrom utils stack
#'@importFrom graphics legend lines par plot points segments
#'@param responsedata It is a data matrix of multivariate normal distributed
#'response variables. Each row represents one observation sample and each
#'column represents one variable.
#'@param predictdata It is a data matrix of explanatory variables and has the
#'same number of rows as the response data.
#'@param nlambda It is an interger recording the number of lambda value used
#'in the penalized path for estimating the precision matrix.
#'The default value is 10.
#'@param ndist It is an interger recording the number of distant value used in
#'the penalized path for estimating the covariance matrix.
#'The default value is 5.
#'@param method It is the option parameter for selecting the penalized method
#'to derive the precision matrix in the calculation of the sandwich estimator
#'of regression coefficients and their variance-covariance
#'matrix. The options are 'glasso', 'lasso','elastic', and 'mb'. 'glasso' use
#'the graphical lasso method documented in Yuan and lin (2007) and Friedman,
#'Hastie et al (2007). It used the imported function from
#'R package 'huge'. 'lasso' use the penalized liner regression among the
#'response variables (Y[,j]~Y[,1]+...Y[,j-1],Y[,j+1] +...Y[,p]) to estimate
#'the precision matrix. 'elastic' uses the enet-regularized linear
#'regression among the response variables to estimate the precision matrix.
#'Both of these methods utilize the coordinate descending algorithm documentd
#'in Friedman, J., Hastie, T. and Tibshirani, R. (2008) and use the
#'imported function from R package 'glmnet'. 'mb' use the Meinshausen and
#'Buhlmann penalized linear regression and the neighbourhood selection with
#'the lasso approach (2006) to select the covariance terms and derive the
#'corresponding precision matrix ; It uses the imported function from 'huge'
#'in function sparsenetgls().
#'@param lambda.min.ratio It is the default parameter set in function huge()
#'in the package 'huge'. Quoted from huge(),
#'it is the minial value of lambda, being a fraction of the uppperbound (MAX)
#'of the regularization/thresholding parameter
#'that makes all the estimates equal to 0. The default value is 0.001.
#'It is only applicable when 'glasso' and 'mb' method is used.
#'@return Return the list of regression results including the regression
#'coefficients, array of variance-covariance matrix
#'for different lambda and distance values, lambda and distance (power) values,
#'bic and aic for model fitting, and the
#'list of precision matrices on the penalized path.
#'ndox=5; p=3; n=1000
#'VARknown <- rWishart(1, df=4, Sigma=matrix(c(1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1),
#'normc <- mvrnorm(n=n,mu=rep(0,p),Sigma=VARknown[,,1])
#'u <- rep(1,ndox)
#'X <- mvrnorm(n=n,mu=rep(0,ndox),Sigma=Diagonal(ndox,rep(1,ndox)))
#'X00 <- scale(X,center=TRUE,scale=TRUE)
#'X0 <- cbind(rep(1,n),X00)
#'#Add predictors of simulated CNA
#'abundance1 <- scale(Y0,center=TRUE,scale=TRUE)+as.vector(X00%*%as.matrix(u))
#'fitgls <- sparsenetgls(responsedata=abundance1,predictdata=X00,
#'##rescale regression coefficients from sparsenetgls
#'#betagls <- matrix(nrow=nlambda, ncol=ndox+1)
#'#for (i in seq_len(nlambda))
#'#betagls[i,] <- convertbeta(Y=abundance1, X=X00, q=ndox+1,
sparsenetgls <- function(responsedata, predictdata,
nlambda = 10, ndist = 5, method = c("lasso", "glasso",
"elastic", "mb"), lambda.min.ratio = 1e-05) {
method <- match.arg(method); colnameprotein <- colnames(responsedata)
# Add predictors(subset Y)
p <- dim(responsedata)[2]; ndox <- dim(predictdata)[2]
n <- dim(responsedata)[1]; Y1 <- scale(responsedata)
X0 <- cbind(rep(1, n), scale(predictdata))
# Stack Y and X
nodes <- seq_len(p); units <- seq_len(n)
colnames(Y1) <- nodes; response <- data.frame(Y1)
responsedata <- stack(response); index <- rep(seq_len(p), n)
responsedata$ind <- sort(index); stunits <- rep(units, p)
X <- apply(X0, 2, rep, p); colnames(X) <- colnames(X0)
Y <- responsedata$values
beta0 <- solve(t(X) %*% X) %*% crossprod(X, Y)
covy <- cov(Y1 - as.vector(crossprod(t(X0), beta0)))
D <- as.matrix(Diagonal(x = diag(covy)))
beta <- array(dim = c(ndox + 1, nlambda))
covBeta <- array(dim = c(ndox + 1, ndox + 1, ndist, nlambda))
# This series uses the sample data PREC and COV(Y1-X%*%BETA)
if (method == "glasso") {
penalized_seq <- huge(covy, lambda.min.ratio = lambda.min.ratio,
nlambda = nlambda, scr = FALSE, cov.output = TRUE,method = "glasso")
PREC_seq = penalized_seq$icov
lambdav = penalized_seq$lambda
} else if (method == "mb") {
penalized_seq <- huge(Y1, lambda.min.ratio = lambda.min.ratio,
nlambda = nlambda, scr = TRUE, sym = "and", method = "mb")
PREC_seq <- convert_prec(adjm = penalized_seq$path,
nlambda = nlambda, sample_var = covy, Y = Y1, p = p)
lambdav = penalized_seq$lambda
} else if (method == "lasso") {
fitlasso <- lassoglmnet(Y1, nlambda = nlambda, alpha = 1)
lambdav = fitlasso$lambda
PREC_ar <- beta_to_omega(Beta = fitlasso$coef_glmnet,
resid = fitlasso$resid_glmnet, pathnumber = nlambda)
PREC_seq <- lapply(seq(nlambda), function(x) PREC_ar[,,x])
} else if (method == "elastic") {
fitlasso_enet <- lassoglmnet(Y1, nlambda = nlambda, alpha = 0.5)
lambdav = fitlasso_enet$lambda
PREC_ar <- beta_to_omega(Beta = fitlasso_enet$coef_glmnet,
resid = fitlasso_enet$resid_glmnet, pathnumber = nlambda)
PREC_seq <- lapply(seq(nlambda), function(x) PREC_ar[,,x])
# Derive the path sandwich parameter and its
# variance using the chosen cov of tuning parameter d
dist_adj <- dist_tune(covy = covy, covstart = PREC_seq[[round(nlambda/2,
0)]], ndist = ndist, p = p)
cov_adj <- dist_adj$cov_adj
B = array(dim = c(ndox + 1, ndox + 1, ndist, nlambda))
aic = bic = array(dim = c(dist_adj$power, nlambda))
for (lambda in seq_len(nlambda)) {
power = 1
while (power <= dist_adj$power) {
cov_adj_kron <- as.matrix(bdiag(rep(list(cov_adj[,, power]), n)))
V_1_kron <- as.matrix(bdiag(rep(list(as.matrix(PREC_seq[[lambda]])),
B[, , power, lambda] <- t(X) %*% V_1_kron %*% cov_adj_kron %*%
(V_1_kron %*% X)
power = power + 1
for (lambda in seq_len(nlambda)) {
for (s in seq_len(dist_adj$power)) {
V_1_kron <- as.matrix(bdiag(rep(list(as.matrix(PREC_seq[[lambda]])),n)))
L <- solve(t(X) %*% V_1_kron %*% X)
H <- t(X) %*% as.matrix(V_1_kron)
beta[, lambda] <- L %*% (H %*% Y)
covBeta[, , s, lambda] <- L %*% B[, , s,lambda] %*% L
bic[s, lambda] <- -Matrix::determinant(PREC_seq[[lambda]])$modulus[1]
+t(Y - X %*% beta[, lambda]) %*% V_1_kron %*%(Y - X %*% beta[, lambda])
+density(PREC_seq[[lambda]], p) * log(n)/n
aic[s, lambda] <- -Matrix::determinant(PREC_seq[[lambda]])$modulus[1]
+t(Y - X %*% beta[, lambda]) %*% V_1_kron %*%
(Y - X %*% beta[, lambda])+density(PREC_seq[[lambda]], p)/n
return(list(beta = beta, covBeta = covBeta[, ,
seq_len(dist_adj$power), ], lambda = lambdav,
power = power, bic = bic, aic = aic, PREC_seq = PREC_seq))
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