#'The lassoglmnet() function
#'@description The lassoglmnet function is designed to learn the graph
#'structure by using the lasso and elastics net methods.
#'@import glmnet Matrix MASS
#'@param Y0 The data matrix for the GGM model.
#'@param nlambda The number of interval used in the penalized path in lasso
#'and elastics. It results in the number of lambda values to be used in the
#'penalization. The default value is 10.
#'@param alpha The value to be used in enet, it has values between 0 and 1.
#'The value of 0 is corresponding to l-1 penalization,
#'and 1 is corresponding to the l-2 regularization (Ridge regression).
#'The other values between 0 and 1 will result in a
#'combination of l1-l2 norm regularization named as elastic net.
#'@return Return the regression coefficients of glmnet 'coef_glmnet',
#'residuals from the glmnet 'resid_glmnet' and lambda.
#'VARknown <- rWishart(1,df=4,Sigma=matrix(c(1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1),nrow=3,ncol=3))
#'Y0 <- mvrnorm(n=n,mu=rep(0.5,3),Sigma=VARknown[,,1])
#'fitlasso <- lassoglmnet(Y0=Y0,alpha=0.5)
lassoglmnet <- function(Y0, nlambda = 10, alpha) {
p <- dim(Y0)[2]
n <- dim(Y0)[1]
coef_fit_glmnet <- array(rep(0, nlambda * p * p),
dim = c(p, p, nlambda))
resid_fit_glmnet <- array(dim = c(n, p, nlambda))
for (i in seq_len(p)) {
Y_X = Y0[, -i]
Y = Y0[, i]
# glmnet
glmnetfit <- glmnet(Y_X, Y, intercept = TRUE,
nlambda = 5, alpha = alpha)
maxlambda <- glmnetfit$lambda[1]
minlambda <- glmnetfit$lambda[5]
fit_glmnet <- glmnet(Y_X, Y, intercept = TRUE,
lambda = seq(from = 0, to = maxlambda,
length.out = nlambda), alpha = alpha,
lambda.min.ratio = 0.1)
B_glmnet <- as.matrix(coef(fit_glmnet))
coef_fit_glmnet[2:p, i, ] <- B_glmnet[2:p,
] #exclude intercept term
response <- predict.glmnet(newx = Y_X, fit_glmnet,
type = "response", exact = TRUE) #row=obs and col=slambda
resid_fit_glmnet[, i, ] <- (response - Y)
lambda <- fit_glmnet$lambda
# set symmetrical index
B = apply(coef_fit_glmnet, c(1, 3), t)
tf <- function(X) {
BL = X[lower.tri(X, diag = TRUE)][-seq_len(dim(B)[1])]
B2 = X
B2[lower.tri(B2)] = BL
diag(B2) = 0
for (l in seq_len(nlambda)) coef_fit_glmnet[, ,
l] <- tf(B[, , l])
return(list(coef_glmnet = coef_fit_glmnet, resid_glmnet = resid_fit_glmnet,
lambda = lambda))
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