#' @include singscore.R rankAndScoring.R
#'@title single-sample gene-set scoring method
#'@description This function computes 'singscores' using an **unmodified**
#' ranked gene expression matrix obtained from the [rankGenes()] function and a
#' gene set or a pair of up-regulated and down-regulated gene sets. It returns
#' a data.frame of scores and dispersions for each sample. The gene sets can be
#' in vector format or as GeneSet objects (from GSEABase packages). If samples
#' need to be scored against a single gene set, the \code{upSet} argument
#' should be used to pass the gene set while the \code{downSet} argument is set
#' to \code{NULL}. This setting is ideal for gene sets representing gene
#' ontologies where the nature of the genes is unknown (up- or down-regulated).
#'@param rankData A matrix object, ranked gene expression matrix data generated
#' using the [rankGenes()] function (make sure this matrix is not modified, see
#' details)
#'@param subSamples A vector of sample labels/indices that will be used to
#' subset the rankData matrix. All samples will be scored if not provided
#'@param upSet A GeneSet object or character vector of gene IDs of up-regulated
#' gene set or a gene set where the nature of genes is not known
#'@param downSet A GeneSet object or character vector of gene IDs of
#' down-regulated gene set or NULL where only a single gene set is provided
#'@param centerScore A Boolean, specifying whether scores should be centered
#' around 0, default as TRUE. Note: scores never centered if `knownDirection =
#'@param dispersionFun A function, dispersion function with default being `mad`
#'@param knownDirection A boolean, determining whether the gene set should be
#' considered to be directional or not. A gene set is directional if the type
#' of genes in it are known i.e. up- or down-regulated. This should be set to
#' TRUE if the gene set is composed of both up- AND down-regulated genes.
#' Defaults to TRUE. This parameter becomes irrelevant when both upSet(Colc)
#' and downSet(Colc) are provided.
#'@return A data.frame consists of singscores and dispersions for all samples
#'@details Signature scores can be computed using transcriptome-wide
#' measurements or using a smaller set of measuremnts. If ranks are computed
#' using the default invocation of `rankgenes`, the former method is applied
#' where the rank of each gene in the signature is computed relative to all
#' other genes in the dataset. Accuracy of this approximation of the relative
#' expression of a gene will be improved if all or most transctripts are
#' measured in the experiment. This was the approach proposed in the original
#' manucript of singscore (Foroutan M, Bhuva DD, et al 2018).
#' If instead a selected panel of genes is measured (such as from nanostring or
#' RT-qPCR), a different rank approximation methods using a small set of stable
#' genes can be used. This approach only requires measurements of genes in the
#' signature and a small set of stable genes. This approach of scoring can be
#' invoked by producing a rank matrix by passing in the `stableGenes` argument
#' of `rankGenes`. Stable genes in solid cancers and in blood can be retrieved
#' using `getStableGenes`. Upon providing a set of stable genes, `rankGenes`
#' automatically ranks all genes relative to these stable genes. When
#' `simpleScore` is provided with a rank matrix constructed using stable genes,
#' it automatically computes scores using a new approach. Details of the set of
#' stable genes, the new rank estimation approach and the new scoring approach
#' will soon be published (manuscript in preparation).
#' ranked <- rankGenes(toy_expr_se)
#' scoredf <- simpleScore(ranked, upSet = toy_gs_up, downSet = toy_gs_dn)
#' # toy_gs_up is a GeneSet object, alternatively a vector of gene ids may also
#' # be supplied.
#'@seealso \code{\link{rankGenes}}, \code{\link{getStableGenes}},
#' \code{\link{rank}}, \code{"\linkS4class{GeneSet}"}
#'@references Foroutan, M., Bhuva, D. D., Lyu, R., Horan, K., Cursons, J., &
#' Davis, M. J. (2018). Single sample scoring of molecular phenotypes. BMC
#' bioinformatics, 19(1), 1-10.
downSet = NULL,
subSamples = NULL,
centerScore = TRUE,
dispersionFun = mad,
knownDirection = TRUE)
#' @rdname simpleScore
setMethod("simpleScore", signature(
rankData = 'matrix',
upSet = 'vector',
downSet = 'missing'
downSet = NULL,
subSamples = NULL,
centerScore = TRUE,
dispersionFun = mad,
knownDirection = TRUE) {
stopifnot(is.logical(centerScore), is.logical(knownDirection))
upSet = GSEABase::GeneSet(as.character(upSet))
df = singleSingscore(
downSet = downSet,
subSamples = subSamples,
centerScore = centerScore,
dispersionFun = mad,
knownDirection = knownDirection
#' @rdname simpleScore
setMethod("simpleScore", signature(
rankData = 'matrix',
upSet = 'GeneSet',
downSet = 'missing'
downSet = NULL,
subSamples = NULL,
centerScore = TRUE,
dispersionFun = mad,
knownDirection = TRUE) {
stopifnot(is.logical(centerScore), is.logical(knownDirection))
df = singleSingscore(
downSet = downSet,
subSamples = subSamples,
centerScore = centerScore,
dispersionFun = mad,
knownDirection = knownDirection
#' @rdname simpleScore
setMethod("simpleScore", signature(
rankData = 'matrix',
upSet = 'vector',
downSet = 'vector'
downSet = NULL,
subSamples = NULL,
centerScore = TRUE,
dispersionFun = mad,
knownDirection = TRUE) {
stopifnot(is.logical(centerScore), is.logical(knownDirection))
upSet = GSEABase::GeneSet(as.character(upSet))
downSet = GSEABase::GeneSet(as.character(downSet))
df = singleSingscore(
downSet = downSet,
subSamples = subSamples,
centerScore = centerScore,
dispersionFun = mad,
knownDirection = knownDirection
#' @rdname simpleScore
setMethod("simpleScore", signature(
rankData = 'matrix',
upSet = 'GeneSet',
downSet = 'GeneSet'
downSet = NULL,
subSamples = NULL,
centerScore = TRUE,
dispersionFun = mad,
knownDirection = TRUE) {
stopifnot(is.logical(centerScore), is.logical(knownDirection))
df = singleSingscore(
downSet = downSet,
subSamples = subSamples,
centerScore = centerScore,
dispersionFun = mad,
knownDirection = knownDirection
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