cghCall2maximumSubset <- function(CNdata, featuresAndWeights, chr, bpstart, bpend, ncpus=1, verbose=TRUE){
# function shrinks cghCall-object to a subset of the features
# check input
if (verbose){ cat("perform input checks...", "\n") }
if (as.character(class(CNdata)) != "cghCall"){ stop("CNdata not of class cghCall.") }
# if (!(as.character(class(featureSubset))=="numeric" | as.character(class(featureSubset))=="integer" )){ stop("featureSubset of wrong class.") }
# if (!(as.character(class(weights))=="numeric" | as.character(class(weights))=="integer" )){ stop("weights of wrong class.") }
# if ( !(length(featureSubset) >= 1) ){ stop("featureSubset contains no row numbers.") }
# if ( !(min(featureSubset) >= 1 | max(featureSubset) <= nrow(fData(CNdata))) ){ stop("featureSubset contains illegal row numbers.") }
# if ( length(featureSubset) != length(weights) ){ stop("featureSubset and weights of unequal length.") }
if (!(as.character(class(chr))=="numeric" | as.character(class(chr))=="integer" )){ stop("chr of wrong class.") }
if (length(chr) != 1){ stop("chr of wrong length.") }
if ( !(chr >= 1 | chr <= ncol(fData(CNdata))) ){ stop("chr exceeds number of columns in featureData.") }
if (!(as.character(class(bpstart))=="numeric" | as.character(class(bpstart))=="integer" )){ stop("bpstart of wrong class.") }
if (length(bpstart) != 1){ stop("bpstart of wrong length.") }
if ( !(bpstart >= 1 | bpstart <= ncol(fData(CNdata))) ){ stop("bpstart exceeds number of columns in featureData.") }
if (!(as.character(class(bpend))=="numeric" | as.character(class(bpend))=="integer" )){ stop("bpend of wrong class.") }
if (length(bpend) != 1){ stop("bpend of wrong length.") }
if ( !(bpend >= 1 | chr <= ncol(fData(CNdata))) ){ stop("bpend exceeds number of columns in featureData.") }
# disecting the cghCall-object
amplifications <- FALSE
copynumberMat <- CGHbase::copynumber(CNdata)
segmentedMat <- CGHbase::segmented(CNdata)
problossMat <- CGHbase::probloss(CNdata)
probnormMat <- CGHbase::probnorm(CNdata)
probgainMat <- CGHbase::probgain(CNdata)
if (!is.null(CGHbase::probamp(CNdata))){ probampMat <- CGHbase::probamp(CNdata); amplifications <- TRUE }
if (!is.null(CGHbase::probdloss(CNdata))){ probdlossMat <- CGHbase::probdloss(CNdata); doubleLoss <- TRUE }
CNann <- fData(CNdata)
# identify maximum deviating features
if (verbose){ cat("identify maximum deviating features ...", "\n") }
if (ncpus == 1){ idMat <- t(sapply(featuresAndWeights, .slhFuncMaxCGHcallData, segmentedMat, simplify=TRUE)) }
if (ncpus > 1){
sfInit(parallel=TRUE, cpus=ncpus)
sfLibrary(package="sigaR", verbose=FALSE, character.only=TRUE)
idMat <- t(sfSapply(featuresAndWeights, .slhFuncMaxCGHcallData, segmentedMat, simplify=TRUE))
# subsetting of segmented data
if (verbose){ cat("generate subsetted matrices ...", "\n") }
if (ncpus == 1){ copynumberMat <- t(sapply(1:nrow(idMat), .slhFunctMaxFeatures, featuresAndWeights, idMat, copynumberMat, simplify=TRUE)) }
if (ncpus > 1){ copynumberMat <- t(sfSapply(1:nrow(idMat), .slhFunctMaxFeatures, featuresAndWeights, idMat, copynumberMat, simplify=TRUE)) }
if (ncpus == 1){ segmentedMat <- t(sapply(1:nrow(idMat), .slhFunctMaxFeatures, featuresAndWeights, idMat, segmentedMat, simplify=TRUE)) }
if (ncpus > 1){ segmentedMat <- t(sfSapply(1:nrow(idMat), .slhFunctMaxFeatures, featuresAndWeights, idMat, segmentedMat, simplify=TRUE)) }
if (ncpus == 1){ problossMat <- t(sapply(1:nrow(idMat), .slhFunctMaxFeatures, featuresAndWeights, idMat, problossMat, simplify=TRUE)) }
if (ncpus > 1){ problossMat <- t(sfSapply(1:nrow(idMat), .slhFunctMaxFeatures, featuresAndWeights, idMat, problossMat, simplify=TRUE)) }
if (ncpus == 1){ probnormMat <- t(sapply(1:nrow(idMat), .slhFunctMaxFeatures, featuresAndWeights, idMat, probnormMat, simplify=TRUE)) }
if (ncpus > 1){ probnormMat <- t(sfSapply(1:nrow(idMat), .slhFunctMaxFeatures, featuresAndWeights, idMat, probnormMat, simplify=TRUE)) }
if (ncpus == 1){ probgainMat <- t(sapply(1:nrow(idMat), .slhFunctMaxFeatures, featuresAndWeights, idMat, probgainMat, simplify=TRUE)) }
if (ncpus > 1){ probgainMat <- t(sfSapply(1:nrow(idMat), .slhFunctMaxFeatures, featuresAndWeights, idMat, probgainMat, simplify=TRUE)) }
if (amplifications){
if (ncpus == 1){ probampMat <- t(sapply(1:nrow(idMat), .slhFunctMaxFeatures, featuresAndWeights, idMat, probampMat, simplify=TRUE)) }
if (ncpus > 1){ probampMat <- t(sfSapply(1:nrow(idMat), .slhFunctMaxFeatures, featuresAndWeights, idMat, probampMat, simplify=TRUE)) }
if (doubleLoss){
if (ncpus == 1){ probdlossMat <- t(sapply(1:nrow(idMat), .slhFunctMaxFeatures, featuresAndWeights, idMat, probdlossMat, simplify=TRUE)) }
if (ncpus > 1){ probdlossMat <- t(sfSapply(1:nrow(idMat), .slhFunctMaxFeatures, featuresAndWeights, idMat, probdlossMat, simplify=TRUE)) }
# subsetting of call data
if (verbose){ cat("generate subsetted call matrices ...", "\n") }
callsMat <- numeric()
for (i in 1:ncol(problossMat)){
if (!amplifications & !doubleLoss){
if (ncpus == 1){ callsMat <- cbind(callsMat, apply(cbind(problossMat[,i], probnormMat[,i], probgainMat[,i]), 1, which.max) - 2) }
if (ncpus > 1){ callsMat <- cbind(callsMat, sfApply(cbind(problossMat[,i], probnormMat[,i], probgainMat[,i]), 1, which.max) - 2) }
if (amplifications & !doubleLoss){
if (ncpus == 1){ callsMat <- cbind(callsMat, apply(cbind(problossMat[,i], probnormMat[,i], probgainMat[,i], probampMat[,i]), 1, which.max) - 2) }
if (ncpus > 1){ callsMat <- cbind(callsMat, sfApply(cbind(problossMat[,i], probnormMat[,i], probgainMat[,i], probampMat[,i]), 1, which.max) - 2) }
if (!amplifications & doubleLoss){
if (ncpus == 1){ callsMat <- cbind(callsMat, apply(cbind(probdlossMat[,i], problossMat[,i], probnormMat[,i], probgainMat[,i]), 1, which.max) - 3) }
if (ncpus > 1){ callsMat <- cbind(callsMat, sfApply(cbind(probdlossMat[,i], problossMat[,i], probnormMat[,i], probgainMat[,i]), 1, which.max) - 3) }
if (amplifications & doubleLoss){
if (ncpus == 1){ callsMat <- cbind(callsMat, apply(cbind(probdlossMat[,i], problossMat[,i], probnormMat[,i], probgainMat[,i], probampMat[,i]), 1, which.max) - 3) }
if (ncpus > 1){ callsMat <- cbind(callsMat, sfApply(cbind(probdlossMat[,i], problossMat[,i], probnormMat[,i], probgainMat[,i], probampMat[,i]), 1, which.max) - 3) }
# weighted subsetting of annotation data
if (verbose){ cat("reorganize annotation ...", "\n") }
if (ncpus == 1){ annotation <- t(sapply(featuresAndWeights, .slhFuncWeightedCGHcallExpressionSetAnnotation, CNann, chr, bpstart, bpend, simplify=TRUE)) }
if (ncpus > 1){ annotation <- t(sfSapply(featuresAndWeights, .slhFuncWeightedCGHcallExpressionSetAnnotation, CNann, chr, bpstart, bpend, simplify=TRUE)) }
colnames(annotation) <- c("Chromosome", "Start", "End")
if (ncpus == 1){ rownames(annotation) <- as.character(sapply(featuresAndWeights, .slhFuncCombineFeatureNames, rownames(CNann), simplify=TRUE)) }
if (ncpus > 1){ rownames(annotation) <- as.character(sfSapply(featuresAndWeights, .slhFuncCombineFeatureNames, rownames(CNann), simplify=TRUE)) }
if (length(rownames(annotation)) != length(unique(rownames(annotation)))){
warning("modified feature names are returned")
newRowNames <- rownames(annotation)
slh <- rep(1, length(newRowNames))
for (i in 1:length(unique(newRowNames))){
ids <- which(newRowNames == unique(newRowNames)[i])
slh[ids] <- 1:length(ids)
newRowNames <- paste(newRowNames, slh, sep="__")
rownames(annotation) <- newRowNames
fInfo <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data=data.frame(annotation), varMetadata=data.frame(labelDescription=c("Chromosome", "Start", "End")))
if (ncpus > 1){ sfStop() }
rownames(copynumberMat) <- rownames(annotation)
rownames(segmentedMat) <- rownames(annotation)
rownames(problossMat) <- rownames(annotation)
rownames(probnormMat) <- rownames(annotation)
rownames(probgainMat) <- rownames(annotation)
rownames(callsMat) <- rownames(annotation)
if (amplifications){ rownames(probampMat) <- rownames(annotation) }
if (doubleLoss){ rownames(probdlossMat) <- rownames(annotation) }
# make cghCall object
if (verbose){ cat("merge into cghCall object ...", "\n") }
if (!amplifications & !doubleLoss){
CNdata <- new('cghCall',
copynumber = data.matrix(data.frame(copynumberMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
segmented = data.matrix(data.frame(segmentedMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
calls = data.matrix(data.frame(callsMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
probloss = data.matrix(data.frame(problossMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
probnorm = data.matrix(data.frame(probnormMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
probgain = data.matrix(data.frame(probgainMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
featureData = fInfo)
if (amplifications & !doubleLoss){
CNdata <- new('cghCall',
copynumber = data.matrix(data.frame(copynumberMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
segmented = data.matrix(data.frame(segmentedMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
calls = data.matrix(data.frame(callsMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
probloss = data.matrix(data.frame(problossMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
probnorm = data.matrix(data.frame(probnormMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
probgain = data.matrix(data.frame(probgainMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
probamp = data.matrix(data.frame(probampMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
featureData = fInfo)
if (!amplifications & doubleLoss){
CNdata <- new('cghCall',
copynumber = data.matrix(data.frame(copynumberMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
segmented = data.matrix(data.frame(segmentedMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
calls = data.matrix(data.frame(callsMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
probdloss = data.matrix(data.frame(probdlossMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
probloss = data.matrix(data.frame(problossMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
probnorm = data.matrix(data.frame(probnormMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
probgain = data.matrix(data.frame(probgainMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
featureData = fInfo)
if (amplifications & doubleLoss){
CNdata <- new('cghCall',
copynumber = data.matrix(data.frame(copynumberMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
segmented = data.matrix(data.frame(segmentedMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
calls = data.matrix(data.frame(callsMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
probdloss = data.matrix(data.frame(probdlossMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
probloss = data.matrix(data.frame(problossMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
probnorm = data.matrix(data.frame(probnormMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
probgain = data.matrix(data.frame(probgainMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
probamp = data.matrix(data.frame(probampMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
featureData = fInfo)
cghCall2weightedSubset <- function(CNdata, featuresAndWeights, chr, bpstart, bpend, ncpus=1, verbose=TRUE){
# function shrinks cghCall-object to a subset of the features
# check input
if (verbose){ cat("perform input checks...", "\n") }
if (as.character(class(CNdata)) != "cghCall"){ stop("CNdata not of class cghCall.") }
# if (!(as.character(class(featureSubset))=="numeric" | as.character(class(featureSubset))=="integer" )){ stop("featureSubset of wrong class.") }
# if (!(as.character(class(weights))=="numeric" | as.character(class(weights))=="integer" )){ stop("weights of wrong class.") }
# if ( !(length(featureSubset) >= 1) ){ stop("featureSubset contains no row numbers.") }
# if ( !(min(featureSubset) >= 1 | max(featureSubset) <= nrow(fData(CNdata))) ){ stop("featureSubset contains illegal row numbers.") }
# if ( length(featureSubset) != length(weights) ){ stop("featureSubset and weights of unequal length.") }
if (!(as.character(class(chr))=="numeric" | as.character(class(chr))=="integer" )){ stop("chr of wrong class.") }
if (length(chr) != 1){ stop("chr of wrong length.") }
if ( !(chr >= 1 | chr <= ncol(fData(CNdata))) ){ stop("chr exceeds number of columns in featureData.") }
if (!(as.character(class(bpstart))=="numeric" | as.character(class(bpstart))=="integer" )){ stop("bpstart of wrong class.") }
if (length(bpstart) != 1){ stop("bpstart of wrong length.") }
if ( !(bpstart >= 1 | bpstart <= ncol(fData(CNdata))) ){ stop("bpstart exceeds number of columns in featureData.") }
if (!(as.character(class(bpend))=="numeric" | as.character(class(bpend))=="integer" )){ stop("bpend of wrong class.") }
if (length(bpend) != 1){ stop("bpend of wrong length.") }
if ( !(bpend >= 1 | chr <= ncol(fData(CNdata))) ){ stop("bpend exceeds number of columns in featureData.") }
# disecting the cghCall-object
amplifications <- FALSE
doubleLoss <- FALSE
copynumberMat <- copynumber(CNdata)
segmentedMat <- segmented(CNdata)
problossMat <- probloss(CNdata)
probnormMat <- probnorm(CNdata)
probgainMat <- probgain(CNdata)
if (!is.null(probamp(CNdata))){ probampMat <- probamp(CNdata); amplifications <- TRUE }
if (!is.null(CGHbase::probdloss(CNdata))){ probdlossMat <- CGHbase::probdloss(CNdata); doubleLoss <- TRUE }
CNann <- fData(CNdata)
# weighted subsetting of raw copy number data
if (verbose){ cat("generate subsetted raw copy number matrix ...", "\n") }
if (ncpus == 1){ copynumberMat <- t(sapply(featuresAndWeights, .slhFuncWeightedCGHcallExpressionSetData, copynumberMat, simplify=TRUE)) }
if (ncpus > 1){
sfInit(parallel=TRUE, cpus=ncpus)
sfLibrary(package="sigaR", verbose=FALSE, character.only=TRUE)
copynumberMat <- t(sfSapply(featuresAndWeights, .slhFuncWeightedCGHcallExpressionSetData, copynumberMat, simplify=TRUE))
# weighted subsetting of segmented data
if (verbose){ cat("generate subsetted segmented matrix ...", "\n") }
if (ncpus == 1){ segmentedMat <- t(sapply(featuresAndWeights, .slhFuncWeightedCGHcallExpressionSetData, segmentedMat, simplify=TRUE)) }
if (ncpus > 1){ segmentedMat <- t(sfSapply(featuresAndWeights, .slhFuncWeightedCGHcallExpressionSetData, segmentedMat, simplify=TRUE)) }
# weighted subsetting of call probability data
if (verbose){ cat("generate subsetted call probability matrices ...", "\n") }
if (ncpus == 1){ problossMat <- t(sapply(featuresAndWeights, .slhFuncWeightedCGHcallExpressionSetData, problossMat, simplify=TRUE)) }
if (ncpus > 1){ problossMat <- t(sfSapply(featuresAndWeights, .slhFuncWeightedCGHcallExpressionSetData, problossMat, simplify=TRUE)) }
if (ncpus == 1){ probnormMat <- t(sapply(featuresAndWeights, .slhFuncWeightedCGHcallExpressionSetData, probnormMat, simplify=TRUE)) }
if (ncpus > 1){ probnormMat <- t(sfSapply(featuresAndWeights, .slhFuncWeightedCGHcallExpressionSetData, probnormMat, simplify=TRUE)) }
if (ncpus == 1){ probgainMat <- t(sapply(featuresAndWeights, .slhFuncWeightedCGHcallExpressionSetData, probgainMat, simplify=TRUE)) }
if (ncpus > 1){ probgainMat <- t(sfSapply(featuresAndWeights, .slhFuncWeightedCGHcallExpressionSetData, probgainMat, simplify=TRUE)) }
if (amplifications){
if (ncpus == 1){ probampMat <- t(sapply(featuresAndWeights, .slhFuncWeightedCGHcallExpressionSetData, probampMat, simplify=TRUE)) }
if (ncpus > 1){ probampMat <- t(sfSapply(featuresAndWeights, .slhFuncWeightedCGHcallExpressionSetData, probampMat, simplify=TRUE)) }
if (doubleLoss){
if (ncpus == 1){ probdlossMat <- t(sapply(featuresAndWeights, .slhFuncWeightedCGHcallExpressionSetData, probdlossMat, simplify=TRUE)) }
if (ncpus > 1){ probdlossMat <- t(sfSapply(featuresAndWeights, .slhFuncWeightedCGHcallExpressionSetData, probdlossMat, simplify=TRUE)) }
# subsetting of call data
if (verbose){ cat("generate subsetted call matrices ...", "\n") }
callsMat <- numeric()
for (i in 1:ncol(problossMat)){
if (!amplifications & !doubleLoss){
if (ncpus == 1){ callsMat <- cbind(callsMat, apply(cbind(problossMat[,i], probnormMat[,i], probgainMat[,i]), 1, which.max) - 2) }
if (ncpus > 1){ callsMat <- cbind(callsMat, sfApply(cbind(problossMat[,i], probnormMat[,i], probgainMat[,i]), 1, which.max) - 2) }
if (amplifications & !doubleLoss){
if (ncpus == 1){ callsMat <- cbind(callsMat, apply(cbind(problossMat[,i], probnormMat[,i], probgainMat[,i], probampMat[,i]), 1, which.max) - 2) }
if (ncpus > 1){ callsMat <- cbind(callsMat, sfApply(cbind(problossMat[,i], probnormMat[,i], probgainMat[,i], probampMat[,i]), 1, which.max) - 2) }
if (!amplifications & doubleLoss){
if (ncpus == 1){ callsMat <- cbind(callsMat, apply(cbind(probdlossMat[,i], problossMat[,i], probnormMat[,i], probgainMat[,i]), 1, which.max) - 3) }
if (ncpus > 1){ callsMat <- cbind(callsMat, sfApply(cbind(probdlossMat[,i], problossMat[,i], probnormMat[,i], probgainMat[,i]), 1, which.max) - 3) }
if (amplifications & doubleLoss){
if (ncpus == 1){ callsMat <- cbind(callsMat, apply(cbind(probdlossMat[,i], problossMat[,i], probnormMat[,i], probgainMat[,i], probampMat[,i]), 1, which.max) - 3) }
if (ncpus > 1){ callsMat <- cbind(callsMat, sfApply(cbind(probdlossMat[,i], problossMat[,i], probnormMat[,i], probgainMat[,i], probampMat[,i]), 1, which.max) - 3) }
# weighted subsetting of annotation data
if (verbose){ cat("reorganize annotation ...", "\n") }
if (ncpus == 1){ annotation <- t(sapply(featuresAndWeights, .slhFuncWeightedCGHcallExpressionSetAnnotation, CNann, chr, bpstart, bpend, simplify=TRUE)) }
if (ncpus > 1){ annotation <- t(sfSapply(featuresAndWeights, .slhFuncWeightedCGHcallExpressionSetAnnotation, CNann, chr, bpstart, bpend, simplify=TRUE)) }
colnames(annotation) <- c("Chromosome", "Start", "End")
if (ncpus == 1){ rownames(annotation) <- as.character(sapply(featuresAndWeights, .slhFuncCombineFeatureNames, rownames(CNann), simplify=TRUE)) }
if (ncpus > 1){ rownames(annotation) <- as.character(sfSapply(featuresAndWeights, .slhFuncCombineFeatureNames, rownames(CNann), simplify=TRUE)) }
if (length(rownames(annotation)) != length(unique(rownames(annotation)))){
warning("modified feature names are returned")
newRowNames <- rownames(annotation)
slh <- rep(1, length(newRowNames))
for (i in 1:length(unique(newRowNames))){
ids <- which(newRowNames == unique(newRowNames)[i])
slh[ids] <- 1:length(ids)
newRowNames <- paste(newRowNames, slh, sep="__")
rownames(annotation) <- newRowNames
fInfo <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data=data.frame(annotation), varMetadata=data.frame(labelDescription=c("Chromosome", "Start", "End")))
if (ncpus > 1){ sfStop() }
rownames(copynumberMat) <- rownames(annotation)
rownames(segmentedMat) <- rownames(annotation)
rownames(problossMat) <- rownames(annotation)
rownames(probnormMat) <- rownames(annotation)
rownames(probgainMat) <- rownames(annotation)
rownames(callsMat) <- rownames(annotation)
if (amplifications){ rownames(probampMat) <- rownames(annotation) }
if (doubleLoss){ rownames(probdlossMat) <- rownames(annotation) }
# make cghCall object
if (verbose){ cat("merge into cghCall object ...", "\n") }
if (!amplifications & !doubleLoss){
CNdata <- new('cghCall',
copynumber = data.matrix(data.frame(copynumberMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
segmented = data.matrix(data.frame(segmentedMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
calls = data.matrix(data.frame(callsMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
probloss = data.matrix(data.frame(problossMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
probnorm = data.matrix(data.frame(probnormMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
probgain = data.matrix(data.frame(probgainMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
featureData = fInfo)
if (amplifications & !doubleLoss){
CNdata <- new('cghCall',
copynumber = data.matrix(data.frame(copynumberMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
segmented = data.matrix(data.frame(segmentedMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
calls = data.matrix(data.frame(callsMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
probloss = data.matrix(data.frame(problossMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
probnorm = data.matrix(data.frame(probnormMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
probgain = data.matrix(data.frame(probgainMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
probamp = data.matrix(data.frame(probampMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
featureData = fInfo)
if (!amplifications & doubleLoss){
CNdata <- new('cghCall',
copynumber = data.matrix(data.frame(copynumberMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
segmented = data.matrix(data.frame(segmentedMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
calls = data.matrix(data.frame(callsMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
probdloss = data.matrix(data.frame(probdlossMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
probloss = data.matrix(data.frame(problossMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
probnorm = data.matrix(data.frame(probnormMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
probgain = data.matrix(data.frame(probgainMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
featureData = fInfo)
if (amplifications & doubleLoss){
CNdata <- new('cghCall',
copynumber = data.matrix(data.frame(copynumberMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
segmented = data.matrix(data.frame(segmentedMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
calls = data.matrix(data.frame(callsMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
probdloss = data.matrix(data.frame(probdlossMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
probloss = data.matrix(data.frame(problossMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
probnorm = data.matrix(data.frame(probnormMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
probgain = data.matrix(data.frame(probgainMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
probamp = data.matrix(data.frame(probampMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
featureData = fInfo)
cghCall2maximumSubset <- function(CNdata, featuresAndWeights, chr, bpstart, bpend, ncpus=1, verbose=TRUE){
# function shrinks cghCall-object to a subset of the features
# check input
if (verbose){ cat("perform input checks...", "\n") }
if (as.character(class(CNdata)) != "cghCall"){ stop("CNdata not of class cghCall.") }
# if (!(as.character(class(featureSubset))=="numeric" | as.character(class(featureSubset))=="integer" )){ stop("featureSubset of wrong class.") }
# if (!(as.character(class(weights))=="numeric" | as.character(class(weights))=="integer" )){ stop("weights of wrong class.") }
# if ( !(length(featureSubset) >= 1) ){ stop("featureSubset contains no row numbers.") }
# if ( !(min(featureSubset) >= 1 | max(featureSubset) <= nrow(fData(CNdata))) ){ stop("featureSubset contains illegal row numbers.") }
# if ( length(featureSubset) != length(weights) ){ stop("featureSubset and weights of unequal length.") }
if (!(as.character(class(chr))=="numeric" | as.character(class(chr))=="integer" )){ stop("chr of wrong class.") }
if (length(chr) != 1){ stop("chr of wrong length.") }
if ( !(chr >= 1 | chr <= ncol(fData(CNdata))) ){ stop("chr exceeds number of columns in featureData.") }
if (!(as.character(class(bpstart))=="numeric" | as.character(class(bpstart))=="integer" )){ stop("bpstart of wrong class.") }
if (length(bpstart) != 1){ stop("bpstart of wrong length.") }
if ( !(bpstart >= 1 | bpstart <= ncol(fData(CNdata))) ){ stop("bpstart exceeds number of columns in featureData.") }
if (!(as.character(class(bpend))=="numeric" | as.character(class(bpend))=="integer" )){ stop("bpend of wrong class.") }
if (length(bpend) != 1){ stop("bpend of wrong length.") }
if ( !(bpend >= 1 | chr <= ncol(fData(CNdata))) ){ stop("bpend exceeds number of columns in featureData.") }
# disecting the cghCall-object
amplifications <- FALSE
copynumberMat <- copynumber(CNdata)
segmentedMat <- segmented(CNdata)
problossMat <- probloss(CNdata)
probnormMat <- probnorm(CNdata)
probgainMat <- probgain(CNdata)
if (!is.null(probamp(CNdata))){ probampMat <- probamp(CNdata); amplifications <- TRUE }
CNann <- fData(CNdata)
# identify maximum deviating features
if (verbose){ cat("generate subsetted segmented matrix ...", "\n") }
if (ncpus == 1){ idMat <- t(sapply(featuresAndWeights, .slhFuncMaxCGHcallData, segmentedMat, simplify=TRUE)) }
if (ncpus > 1){
sfInit(parallel=TRUE, cpus=ncpus)
sfLibrary(package="sigaR", verbose=FALSE, character.only=TRUE)
idMat <- t(sfSapply(featuresAndWeights, .slhFuncMaxCGHcallData, segmentedMat, simplify=TRUE))
# subsetting of segmented data
if (ncpus == 1){ copynumberMat <- t(sapply(1:nrow(idMat), .slhFunctMaxFeatures, featuresAndWeights, idMat, copynumberMat, simplify=TRUE)) }
if (ncpus > 1){ copynumberMat <- t(sfSapply(1:nrow(idMat), .slhFunctMaxFeatures, featuresAndWeights, idMat, copynumberMat, simplify=TRUE)) }
if (ncpus == 1){ segmentedMat <- t(sapply(1:nrow(idMat), .slhFunctMaxFeatures, featuresAndWeights, idMat, segmentedMat, simplify=TRUE)) }
if (ncpus > 1){ segmentedMat <- t(sfSapply(1:nrow(idMat), .slhFunctMaxFeatures, featuresAndWeights, idMat, segmentedMat, simplify=TRUE)) }
if (ncpus == 1){ problossMat <- t(sapply(1:nrow(idMat), .slhFunctMaxFeatures, featuresAndWeights, idMat, problossMat, simplify=TRUE)) }
if (ncpus > 1){ problossMat <- t(sfSapply(1:nrow(idMat), .slhFunctMaxFeatures, featuresAndWeights, idMat, problossMat, simplify=TRUE)) }
if (ncpus == 1){ probnormMat <- t(sapply(1:nrow(idMat), .slhFunctMaxFeatures, featuresAndWeights, idMat, probnormMat, simplify=TRUE)) }
if (ncpus > 1){ probnormMat <- t(sfSapply(1:nrow(idMat), .slhFunctMaxFeatures, featuresAndWeights, idMat, probnormMat, simplify=TRUE)) }
if (ncpus == 1){ probgainMat <- t(sapply(1:nrow(idMat), .slhFunctMaxFeatures, featuresAndWeights, idMat, probgainMat, simplify=TRUE)) }
if (ncpus > 1){ probgainMat <- t(sfSapply(1:nrow(idMat), .slhFunctMaxFeatures, featuresAndWeights, idMat, probgainMat, simplify=TRUE)) }
if (amplifications){
if (ncpus == 1){ probampMat <- t(sapply(1:nrow(idMat), .slhFunctMaxFeatures, featuresAndWeights, idMat, probampMat, simplify=TRUE)) }
if (ncpus > 1){ probampMat <- t(sfSapply(1:nrow(idMat), .slhFunctMaxFeatures, featuresAndWeights, idMat, probampMat, simplify=TRUE)) }
# subsetting of call data
if (verbose){ cat("generate subsetted call matrices ...", "\n") }
callsMat <- numeric()
for (i in 1:ncol(problossMat)){
if (!amplifications){
if (ncpus == 1){ callsMat <- cbind(callsMat, apply(cbind(problossMat[,i], probnormMat[,i], probgainMat[,i]), 1, which.max) - 2) }
if (ncpus > 1){ callsMat <- cbind(callsMat, sfApply(cbind(problossMat[,i], probnormMat[,i], probgainMat[,i]), 1, which.max) - 2) }
} else {
if (ncpus == 1){ callsMat <- cbind(callsMat, apply(cbind(problossMat[,i], probnormMat[,i], probgainMat[,i], probampMat[,i]), 1, which.max) - 2) }
if (ncpus > 1){ callsMat <- cbind(callsMat, sfApply(cbind(problossMat[,i], probnormMat[,i], probgainMat[,i], probampMat[,i]), 1, which.max) - 2) }
# weighted subsetting of annotation data
if (verbose){ cat("reorganize annotation ...", "\n") }
if (ncpus == 1){ annotation <- t(sapply(featuresAndWeights, .slhFuncWeightedCGHcallExpressionSetAnnotation, CNann, chr, bpstart, bpend, simplify=TRUE)) }
if (ncpus > 1){ annotation <- t(sfSapply(featuresAndWeights, .slhFuncWeightedCGHcallExpressionSetAnnotation, CNann, chr, bpstart, bpend, simplify=TRUE)) }
colnames(annotation) <- c("Chromosome", "Start", "End")
if (ncpus == 1){ rownames(annotation) <- as.character(sapply(featuresAndWeights, .slhFuncCombineFeatureNames, rownames(CNann), simplify=TRUE)) }
if (ncpus > 1){ rownames(annotation) <- as.character(sfSapply(featuresAndWeights, .slhFuncCombineFeatureNames, rownames(CNann), simplify=TRUE)) }
if (length(rownames(annotation)) != length(unique(rownames(annotation)))){
warning("modified feature names are returned")
newRowNames <- rownames(annotation)
slh <- rep(1, length(newRowNames))
for (i in 1:length(unique(newRowNames))){
ids <- which(newRowNames == unique(newRowNames)[i])
slh[ids] <- 1:length(ids)
newRowNames <- paste(newRowNames, slh, sep="__")
rownames(annotation) <- newRowNames
fInfo <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data=data.frame(annotation), varMetadata=data.frame(labelDescription=c("Chromosome", "Start", "End")))
if (ncpus > 1){ sfStop() }
rownames(copynumberMat) <- rownames(annotation)
rownames(segmentedMat) <- rownames(annotation)
rownames(problossMat) <- rownames(annotation)
rownames(probnormMat) <- rownames(annotation)
rownames(probgainMat) <- rownames(annotation)
rownames(callsMat) <- rownames(annotation)
if (amplifications){ rownames(probampMat) <- rownames(annotation) }
# make cghCall object
if (verbose){ cat("merge into cghCall object ...", "\n") }
if (!amplifications){
CNdata <- new('cghCall',
copynumber = data.matrix(data.frame(copynumberMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
segmented = data.matrix(data.frame(segmentedMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
calls = data.matrix(data.frame(callsMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
probloss = data.matrix(data.frame(problossMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
probnorm = data.matrix(data.frame(probnormMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
probgain = data.matrix(data.frame(probgainMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
featureData = fInfo)
} else {
CNdata <- new('cghCall',
copynumber = data.matrix(data.frame(copynumberMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
segmented = data.matrix(data.frame(segmentedMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
calls = data.matrix(data.frame(callsMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
probloss = data.matrix(data.frame(problossMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
probnorm = data.matrix(data.frame(probnormMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
probgain = data.matrix(data.frame(probgainMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
probamp = data.matrix(data.frame(probampMat, row.names=rownames(annotation))),
featureData = fInfo)
cghCall2subset <- function(CNdata, featureSubset, verbose=TRUE){
# function shrinks cghCall-object to a subset of the features
# check input
if (verbose){ cat("perform input checks...", "\n") }
if (as.character(class(CNdata)) != "cghCall"){ stop("CNdata not of class cghCall.") }
if (!(as.character(class(featureSubset))=="numeric" | as.character(class(featureSubset))=="integer" )){ stop("featureSubset of wrong class.") }
if ( !(length(featureSubset) >= 1) ){ stop("featureSubset contains no row numbers.") }
if ( !(min(featureSubset) >= 1 | max(featureSubset) <= nrow(fData(CNdata))) ){ stop("featureSubset contains illegal row numbers.") }
# sort out new annotation info
fd <- fData(CNdata)[featureSubset, , drop=FALSE]
newRowNames <- rownames(copynumber(CNdata))[featureSubset]
if (length(newRowNames) != length(unique(newRowNames))){
warning("modified feature names are returned")
slh <- rep(1, length(newRowNames))
for (i in 1:length(unique(newRowNames))){
ids <- which(newRowNames == unique(newRowNames)[i])
slh[ids] <- 1:length(ids)
newRowNames <- paste(newRowNames, slh, sep="__")
rownames(fd) <- newRowNames
# sNames <- sampleNames(CNdata)
metaData <- data.frame(labelDescription=colnames(fd))
fd <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data=data.frame(fd), varMetadata=metaData)
if (is.null(CGHbase::probdloss(CNdata)[featureSubset, , drop=FALSE])){
if (is.null(probamp(CNdata)[featureSubset, , drop=FALSE])){
CNdata <- new('cghCall',
copynumber = data.matrix(data.frame(copynumber(CNdata)[featureSubset, , drop=FALSE], row.names=newRowNames)),
segmented = data.matrix(data.frame(segmented(CNdata)[featureSubset, , drop=FALSE], row.names=newRowNames)),
calls = data.matrix(data.frame(calls(CNdata)[featureSubset, , drop=FALSE], row.names=newRowNames)),
probloss = data.matrix(data.frame(probloss(CNdata)[featureSubset, , drop=FALSE], row.names=newRowNames)),
probnorm = data.matrix(data.frame(probnorm(CNdata)[featureSubset, , drop=FALSE], row.names=newRowNames)),
probgain = data.matrix(data.frame(probgain(CNdata)[featureSubset, , drop=FALSE], row.names=newRowNames)),
featureData = fd)
} else {
CNdata <- new('cghCall',
copynumber = data.matrix(data.frame(copynumber(CNdata)[featureSubset, , drop=FALSE], row.names=newRowNames)),
segmented = data.matrix(data.frame(segmented(CNdata)[featureSubset, , drop=FALSE], row.names=newRowNames)),
calls = data.matrix(data.frame(calls(CNdata)[featureSubset, , drop=FALSE], row.names=newRowNames)),
probloss = data.matrix(data.frame(probloss(CNdata)[featureSubset, , drop=FALSE], row.names=newRowNames)),
probnorm = data.matrix(data.frame(probnorm(CNdata)[featureSubset, , drop=FALSE], row.names=newRowNames)),
probgain = data.matrix(data.frame(probgain(CNdata)[featureSubset, , drop=FALSE], row.names=newRowNames)),
probamp = data.matrix(data.frame(probamp(CNdata)[featureSubset, , drop=FALSE], row.names=newRowNames)),
featureData = fd)
} else {
if (is.null(probamp(CNdata)[featureSubset, , drop=FALSE])){
CNdata <- new('cghCall',
copynumber = data.matrix(data.frame(copynumber(CNdata)[featureSubset, , drop=FALSE], row.names=newRowNames)),
segmented = data.matrix(data.frame(segmented(CNdata)[featureSubset, , drop=FALSE], row.names=newRowNames)),
calls = data.matrix(data.frame(calls(CNdata)[featureSubset, , drop=FALSE], row.names=newRowNames)),
probdloss = data.matrix(data.frame(CGHbase::probdloss(CNdata)[featureSubset, , drop=FALSE], row.names=newRowNames)),
probloss = data.matrix(data.frame(probloss(CNdata)[featureSubset, , drop=FALSE], row.names=newRowNames)),
probnorm = data.matrix(data.frame(probnorm(CNdata)[featureSubset, , drop=FALSE], row.names=newRowNames)),
probgain = data.matrix(data.frame(probgain(CNdata)[featureSubset, , drop=FALSE], row.names=newRowNames)),
featureData = fd)
} else {
CNdata <- new('cghCall',
copynumber = data.matrix(data.frame(copynumber(CNdata)[featureSubset, , drop=FALSE], row.names=newRowNames)),
segmented = data.matrix(data.frame(segmented(CNdata)[featureSubset, , drop=FALSE], row.names=newRowNames)),
calls = data.matrix(data.frame(calls(CNdata)[featureSubset, , drop=FALSE], row.names=newRowNames)),
probdloss = data.matrix(data.frame(CGHbase::probdloss(CNdata)[featureSubset, , drop=FALSE], row.names=newRowNames)),
probloss = data.matrix(data.frame(probloss(CNdata)[featureSubset, , drop=FALSE], row.names=newRowNames)),
probnorm = data.matrix(data.frame(probnorm(CNdata)[featureSubset, , drop=FALSE], row.names=newRowNames)),
probgain = data.matrix(data.frame(probgain(CNdata)[featureSubset, , drop=FALSE], row.names=newRowNames)),
probamp = data.matrix(data.frame(probamp(CNdata)[featureSubset, , drop=FALSE], row.names=newRowNames)),
featureData = fd)
merge2cghCalls <- function(CNdata1, CNdata2, verbose=TRUE){
# function merges cghCall-objects into one cghCall-object
# check input
if (verbose){ cat("perform input checks...", "\n") }
if (as.character(class(CNdata1)) != "cghCall"){ stop("CNdata1 not of class cghCall.") }
if (as.character(class(CNdata2)) != "cghCall"){ stop("CNdata2 not of class cghCall.") }
if ( dim(CNdata1)[2] != dim(CNdata2)[2] ){ stop("CNdata1 and CNdata2 have an unequal number of samples.") }
if ( dim(fData(CNdata1))[2] != dim(fData(CNdata2))[2] ){ stop("CNdata1 and CNdata2 have an unequal annotation columns.") }
amp1 <- is.null(probamp(CNdata1))
amp2 <- is.null(probamp(CNdata2))
if (!(amp1 == amp2)){ stop("One of the cghCall-objects has amplification probabilities whereas the other has not.") }
# prepare new annotation
annotation <- rbind(fData(CNdata1), fData(CNdata2))
newRowNames <- c(rownames(fData(CNdata1)), rownames(fData(CNdata2)))
if (length(newRowNames) != length(unique(newRowNames))){
warning("modified feature names are returned")
slh <- rep(1, length(newRowNames))
for (i in 1:length(unique(newRowNames))){
ids <- which(newRowNames == unique(newRowNames)[i])
slh[ids] <- 1:length(ids)
newRowNames <- paste(newRowNames, slh, sep="__")
rownames(annotation) <- newRowNames
metaData <- data.frame(labelDescription=colnames(annotation))
annotation <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data=data.frame(annotation), varMetadata=metaData)
if (is.null(CGHbase::probdloss(CNdata1))){
if (is.null(probamp(CNdata1))){
CNdata <- new('cghCall',
copynumber = data.matrix(data.frame(rbind(copynumber(CNdata1), copynumber(CNdata2)), row.names=newRowNames)),
segmented = data.matrix(data.frame(rbind(segmented(CNdata1), segmented(CNdata2)), row.names=newRowNames)),
calls = data.matrix(data.frame(rbind(calls(CNdata1), calls(CNdata2)), row.names=newRowNames)),
probloss = data.matrix(data.frame(rbind(probloss(CNdata1), probloss(CNdata2)), row.names=newRowNames)),
probnorm = data.matrix(data.frame(rbind(probnorm(CNdata1), probnorm(CNdata2)), row.names=newRowNames)),
probgain = data.matrix(data.frame(rbind(probgain(CNdata1), probgain(CNdata2)), row.names=newRowNames)),
featureData = annotation)
} else {
CNdata <- new('cghCall',
copynumber = data.matrix(data.frame(rbind(copynumber(CNdata1), copynumber(CNdata2)), row.names=newRowNames)),
segmented = data.matrix(data.frame(rbind(segmented(CNdata1), segmented(CNdata2)), row.names=newRowNames)),
calls = data.matrix(data.frame(rbind(calls(CNdata1), calls(CNdata2)), row.names=newRowNames)),
probloss = data.matrix(data.frame(rbind(probloss(CNdata1), probloss(CNdata2)), row.names=newRowNames)),
probnorm = data.matrix(data.frame(rbind(probnorm(CNdata1), probnorm(CNdata2)), row.names=newRowNames)),
probgain = data.matrix(data.frame(rbind(probgain(CNdata1), probgain(CNdata2)), row.names=newRowNames)),
probamp = data.matrix(data.frame(rbind(probamp(CNdata1), probamp(CNdata2)), row.names=newRowNames)),
featureData = annotation)
} else {
if (is.null(probamp(CNdata1))){
CNdata <- new('cghCall',
copynumber = data.matrix(data.frame(rbind(copynumber(CNdata1), copynumber(CNdata2)), row.names=newRowNames)),
segmented = data.matrix(data.frame(rbind(segmented(CNdata1), segmented(CNdata2)), row.names=newRowNames)),
calls = data.matrix(data.frame(rbind(calls(CNdata1), calls(CNdata2)), row.names=newRowNames)),
probdloss = data.matrix(data.frame(rbind(CGHbase::probdloss(CNdata1), probloss(CNdata2)), row.names=newRowNames)),
probloss = data.matrix(data.frame(rbind(probloss(CNdata1), probloss(CNdata2)), row.names=newRowNames)),
probnorm = data.matrix(data.frame(rbind(probnorm(CNdata1), probnorm(CNdata2)), row.names=newRowNames)),
probgain = data.matrix(data.frame(rbind(probgain(CNdata1), probgain(CNdata2)), row.names=newRowNames)),
featureData = annotation)
} else {
CNdata <- new('cghCall',
copynumber = data.matrix(data.frame(rbind(copynumber(CNdata1), copynumber(CNdata2)), row.names=newRowNames)),
segmented = data.matrix(data.frame(rbind(segmented(CNdata1), segmented(CNdata2)), row.names=newRowNames)),
calls = data.matrix(data.frame(rbind(calls(CNdata1), calls(CNdata2)), row.names=newRowNames)),
probdloss = data.matrix(data.frame(rbind(CGHbase::probdloss(CNdata1), probloss(CNdata2)), row.names=newRowNames)),
probloss = data.matrix(data.frame(rbind(probloss(CNdata1), probloss(CNdata2)), row.names=newRowNames)),
probnorm = data.matrix(data.frame(rbind(probnorm(CNdata1), probnorm(CNdata2)), row.names=newRowNames)),
probgain = data.matrix(data.frame(rbind(probgain(CNdata1), probgain(CNdata2)), row.names=newRowNames)),
probamp = data.matrix(data.frame(rbind(probamp(CNdata1), probamp(CNdata2)), row.names=newRowNames)),
featureData = annotation)
cghCall2order <- function(CNdata, chr, bpstart, verbose=TRUE){
# function that orders cghCall-object genomically
# check input
if (verbose){ cat("perform input checks...", "\n") }
if (as.character(class(CNdata)) != "cghCall"){ stop("CNdata not of class cghCall.") }
if (!(as.character(class(chr))=="numeric" | as.character(class(chr))=="integer" )){ stop("chr of wrong class.") }
if (length(chr) != 1){ stop("chr of wrong length.") }
if ( !(chr >= 1 | chr <= ncol(fData(CNdata))) ){ stop("chr exceeds number of columns in featureData.") }
if (!(as.character(class(bpstart))=="numeric" | as.character(class(bpstart))=="integer" )){ stop("bpstart of wrong class.") }
if (length(bpstart) != 1){ stop("bpstart of wrong length.") }
if ( !(bpstart >= 1 | bpstart <= ncol(fData(CNdata))) ){ stop("GEbpstart exceeds number of columns in featureData.") }
# extract annotation data for ordering
CNann <- fData(CNdata)[, c(chr, bpstart), drop=FALSE]
# in case columns are of wrong class ....
for (i in 1:2){
if (is.factor(CNann[,i])){ CNann[,i] <- as.numeric(levels(CNann[,i]))[CNann[,i]] }
if (is.character(CNann[,i])){ CNann[,i] <- as.numeric(CNann[,i]) }
# order ExpressionSet-object genomically
fData(CNdata) <- fData(CNdata)[order(CNann[,1], CNann[,2]),]
copynumber(CNdata) <- copynumber(CNdata)[order(CNann[,1], CNann[,2]),]
segmented(CNdata) <- segmented(CNdata)[order(CNann[,1], CNann[,2]),]
calls(CNdata) <- calls(CNdata)[order(CNann[,1], CNann[,2]),]
probloss(CNdata) <- probloss(CNdata)[order(CNann[,1], CNann[,2]),]
probnorm(CNdata) <- probnorm(CNdata)[order(CNann[,1], CNann[,2]),]
probgain(CNdata) <- probgain(CNdata)[order(CNann[,1], CNann[,2]),]
if (is.null(probamp(CNdata))){ } else { probamp(CNdata) <- probamp(CNdata)[order(CNann[,1], CNann[,2]),] }
if (is.null(CGHbase::probdloss(CNdata))){ } else { CGHbase::probdloss(CNdata) <- CGHbase::probdloss(CNdata)[order(CNann[,1], CNann[,2]),] }
cghSeg2order <- function(CNdata, chr, bpstart, verbose=TRUE){
# function that orders cghCall-object genomically
# check input
if (verbose){ cat("perform input checks...", "\n") }
if (as.character(class(CNdata)) != "cghSeg"){ stop("CNdata not of class cghSeg.") }
if (!(as.character(class(chr))=="numeric" | as.character(class(chr))=="integer" )){ stop("chr of wrong class.") }
if (length(chr) != 1){ stop("chr of wrong length.") }
if ( !(chr >= 1 | chr <= ncol(fData(CNdata))) ){ stop("chr exceeds number of columns in featureData.") }
if (!(as.character(class(bpstart))=="numeric" | as.character(class(bpstart))=="integer" )){ stop("bpstart of wrong class.") }
if (length(bpstart) != 1){ stop("bpstart of wrong length.") }
if ( !(bpstart >= 1 | bpstart <= ncol(fData(CNdata))) ){ stop("bpstart exceeds number of columns in featureData.") }
# extract annotation data for ordering
CNann <- fData(CNdata)[, c(chr, bpstart), drop=FALSE]
# in case columns are of wrong class ....
for (i in 1:2){
if (is.factor(CNann[,i])){ CNann[,i] <- as.numeric(levels(CNann[,i]))[CNann[,i]] }
if (is.character(CNann[,i])){ CNann[,i] <- as.numeric(CNann[,i]) }
# order ExpressionSet-object genomically
fData(CNdata) <- fData(CNdata)[order(CNann[,1], CNann[,2]),]
copynumber(CNdata) <- copynumber(CNdata)[order(CNann[,1], CNann[,2]),]
segmented(CNdata) <- segmented(CNdata)[order(CNann[,1], CNann[,2]),]
cghCall2cghSeg <- function (CNdata, verbose = TRUE){
if (verbose) {
cat("perform input checks...", "\n")
if (as.character(class(CNdata)) != "cghCall") {
stop("CNdata not of class cghCall.")
fd <- fData(CNdata)
newRowNames <- rownames(copynumber(CNdata))
if (length(newRowNames) != length(unique(newRowNames))) {
warning("modified feature names are returned")
slh <- rep(1, length(newRowNames))
for (i in 1:length(unique(newRowNames))) {
ids <- which(newRowNames == unique(newRowNames)[i])
slh[ids] <- 1:length(ids)
newRowNames <- paste(newRowNames, slh, sep = "__")
rownames(fd) <- newRowNames
metaData <- data.frame(labelDescription = colnames(fd))
fd <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data = data.frame(fd), varMetadata = metaData)
CNdata <- new("cghSeg", copynumber = data.matrix(data.frame(copynumber(CNdata), row.names = newRowNames)),
segmented = data.matrix(data.frame(segmented(CNdata), row.names = newRowNames)), featureData = fd)
cghSeg2subset <- function (CNdata, featureSubset, verbose = TRUE){
if (verbose) {
cat("perform input checks...", "\n")
if (as.character(class(CNdata)) != "cghSeg") {
stop("CNdata not of class cghSeg.")
if (!(as.character(class(featureSubset)) == "numeric" | as.character(class(featureSubset)) ==
"integer")) {
stop("featureSubset of wrong class.")
if (!(length(featureSubset) >= 1)) {
stop("featureSubset contains no row numbers.")
if (!(min(featureSubset) >= 1 | max(featureSubset) <= nrow(fData(CNdata)))) {
stop("featureSubset contains illegal row numbers.")
fd <- fData(CNdata)[featureSubset, , drop = FALSE]
newRowNames <- rownames(copynumber(CNdata))[featureSubset]
if (length(newRowNames) != length(unique(newRowNames))) {
warning("modified feature names are returned")
slh <- rep(1, length(newRowNames))
for (i in 1:length(unique(newRowNames))) {
ids <- which(newRowNames == unique(newRowNames)[i])
slh[ids] <- 1:length(ids)
newRowNames <- paste(newRowNames, slh, sep = "__")
rownames(fd) <- newRowNames
metaData <- data.frame(labelDescription = colnames(fd))
fd <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data = data.frame(fd), varMetadata = metaData)
CNdata <- new("cghSeg", copynumber = data.matrix(data.frame(copynumber(CNdata)[featureSubset,
, drop = FALSE], row.names = newRowNames)), segmented = data.matrix(data.frame(segmented(CNdata)[featureSubset,
, drop = FALSE], row.names = newRowNames)), featureData = fd)
cghSeg2weightedSubset <- function (CNdata, featuresAndWeights, chr, bpstart, bpend, ncpus = 1, verbose = TRUE){
if (verbose) {
cat("perform input checks...", "\n")
if (as.character(class(CNdata)) != "cghSeg") {
stop("CNdata not of class cghSeg.")
if (as.character(class(CNdata)) != "cghSeg") {
stop("CNdata not of class cghSeg.")
if (!(as.character(class(chr)) == "numeric" | as.character(class(chr)) ==
"integer")) {
stop("chr of wrong class.")
if (length(chr) != 1) {
stop("chr of wrong length.")
if (!(chr >= 1 | chr <= ncol(fData(CNdata)))) {
stop("chr exceeds number of columns in featureData.")
if (!(as.character(class(bpstart)) == "numeric" | as.character(class(bpstart)) ==
"integer")) {
stop("bpstart of wrong class.")
if (length(bpstart) != 1) {
stop("bpstart of wrong length.")
if (!(bpstart >= 1 | bpstart <= ncol(fData(CNdata)))) {
stop("bpstart exceeds number of columns in featureData.")
if (!(as.character(class(bpend)) == "numeric" | as.character(class(bpend)) ==
"integer")) {
stop("bpend of wrong class.")
if (length(bpend) != 1) {
stop("bpend of wrong length.")
if (!(bpend >= 1 | chr <= ncol(fData(CNdata)))) {
stop("bpend exceeds number of columns in featureData.")
copynumberMat <- copynumber(CNdata)
segmentedMat <- segmented(CNdata)
CNann <- fData(CNdata)
if (verbose) {
cat("generate subsetted raw copy number matrix ...",
if (ncpus == 1) {
copynumberMat <- t(sapply(featuresAndWeights, .slhFuncWeightedCGHcallExpressionSetData,
copynumberMat, simplify = TRUE))
if (ncpus > 1) {
sfInit(parallel = TRUE, cpus = ncpus)
sfLibrary(package="sigaR", verbose = FALSE, character.only=TRUE)
copynumberMat <- t(sfSapply(featuresAndWeights, .slhFuncWeightedCGHcallExpressionSetData,
copynumberMat, simplify = TRUE))
if (verbose) {
cat("generate subsetted segmented matrix ...", "\n")
if (ncpus == 1) {
segmentedMat <- t(sapply(featuresAndWeights, .slhFuncWeightedCGHcallExpressionSetData,
segmentedMat, simplify = TRUE))
if (ncpus > 1) {
segmentedMat <- t(sfSapply(featuresAndWeights, .slhFuncWeightedCGHcallExpressionSetData,
segmentedMat, simplify = TRUE))
if (verbose) {
cat("generate subsetted call matrices ...", "\n")
if (verbose) {
cat("reorganize annotation ...", "\n")
if (ncpus == 1) {
annotation <- t(sapply(featuresAndWeights, .slhFuncWeightedCGHcallExpressionSetAnnotation,
CNann, chr, bpstart, bpend, simplify = TRUE))
if (ncpus > 1) {
annotation <- t(sfSapply(featuresAndWeights, .slhFuncWeightedCGHcallExpressionSetAnnotation,
CNann, chr, bpstart, bpend, simplify = TRUE))
colnames(annotation) <- c("Chromosome", "Start", "End")
if (ncpus == 1) {
rownames(annotation) <- as.character(sapply(featuresAndWeights,
.slhFuncCombineFeatureNames, rownames(CNann), simplify = TRUE))
if (ncpus > 1) {
rownames(annotation) <- as.character(sfSapply(featuresAndWeights,
.slhFuncCombineFeatureNames, rownames(CNann), simplify = TRUE))
if (length(rownames(annotation)) != length(unique(rownames(annotation)))) {
warning("modified feature names are returned")
newRowNames <- rownames(annotation)
slh <- rep(1, length(newRowNames))
for (i in 1:length(unique(newRowNames))) {
ids <- which(newRowNames == unique(newRowNames)[i])
slh[ids] <- 1:length(ids)
newRowNames <- paste(newRowNames, slh, sep = "__")
rownames(annotation) <- newRowNames
fInfo <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data = data.frame(annotation),
varMetadata = data.frame(labelDescription = c("Chromosome",
"Start", "End")))
if (ncpus > 1) {
rownames(copynumberMat) <- rownames(annotation)
rownames(segmentedMat) <- rownames(annotation)
if (verbose) {
cat("merge into cghSeg object ...", "\n")
CNdata <- new("cghSeg", copynumber = data.matrix(data.frame(copynumberMat,
row.names = rownames(annotation))), segmented = data.matrix(data.frame(segmentedMat,
row.names = rownames(annotation))), featureData = fInfo)
splitMatchingAtBreakpoints <- function(matchedIDs, CNdata){
# function splits matching list-object at breakpoints
nSamplesWithBreakpoint <- function(X, CNdata){
sum(apply(segmented(CNdata)[X[,2], , drop=FALSE], 2, function(Z){ length(unique(Z)) }) > 1)
matrixRows2listwithReg <- function(X, regInfo){
subList <- sapply(1:nrow(regInfo), function(u, Z, regInfo){ Z[regInfo[u,1]:regInfo[u,2], , drop=FALSE] }, Z=X, regInfo, simplify=FALSE)
names(subList) <- rep(X[1, 1], nrow(X))
makeRegions <- function(CNsegData){
# determine regions
splitter <- list()
splitter[[1]] <- c(1)
index.temp <- 1
j <- 1
for (i in 1:(dim(CNsegData)[1]-1)){
if (all(CNsegData[i,] == CNsegData[i+1,])){
index.temp <- c(index.temp,i+1)
splitter[[j]] <- index.temp
} else {
index.temp <- i+1
j <- j + 1
splitter[[j]] <- index.temp
regDetails <- NULL
for (i in 1:length(splitter)){
regDetails <- rbind(regDetails, c(min(splitter[[i]]),max(splitter[[i]])))
expandMatches <- function(id, matchedIDs, CNdata){
nEntries <- length(matchedIDs)
mFeatures <- nrow(matchedIDs[[id]])
regionsWithinGene <- makeRegions(segmented(CNdata)[as.numeric(matchedIDs[[id]][,2]),,drop=FALSE])
mIDsInsert <- matrixRows2listwithReg(matchedIDs[[id]], regionsWithinGene)
if (id < nEntries){ mIDsEnd <- matchedIDs[(id+1):length(matchedIDs)] } else { mIDsEnd <- NULL }
if (id > 1){ mIDsBegin <- matchedIDs[1:(id-1)] } else { mIDsBegin <- NULL }
if (id > 1 & id < nEntries){
matchedIDs <- mIDsBegin
matchedIDs[(length(matchedIDs)+1):(length(matchedIDs)+mFeatures)] <- mIDsInsert
names(matchedIDs)[(length(matchedIDs)-mFeatures+1):length(matchedIDs)] <- names(mIDsInsert)
matchedIDs[(length(matchedIDs)+1):(length(matchedIDs)+length(mIDsEnd))] <- mIDsEnd
names(matchedIDs)[(length(matchedIDs)-length(mIDsEnd)+1):length(matchedIDs)] <- names(mIDsEnd)
if (id == 1 & id < nEntries){
matchedIDs <- mIDsInsert
matchedIDs[(length(matchedIDs)+1):(length(matchedIDs)+length(mIDsEnd))] <- mIDsEnd
names(matchedIDs)[(length(matchedIDs)-length(mIDsEnd)+1):length(matchedIDs)] <- names(mIDsEnd)
if (id > 1 & id == nEntries){
matchedIDs <- mIDsBegin
matchedIDs[(length(matchedIDs)+1):(length(matchedIDs)+mFeatures)] <- mIDsInsert
names(matchedIDs)[(length(matchedIDs)-mFeatures+1):length(matchedIDs)] <- names(mIDsInsert)
# determine matches with breakpoints
IDs <- sort(which(sapply(matchedIDs, nSamplesWithBreakpoint, CNdata, simplify=TRUE) > 1), decreasing=TRUE)
# split at breakpoints
if (length(IDs) > 0){
for (j in 1:length(IDs)){
matchedIDs <- expandMatches(IDs[j], matchedIDs, CNdata)
merge2ExpressionSets <- function(GEdata1, GEdata2, verbose=TRUE){
# function merges ExpressionSet-objects into one ExpressionSet-object
# check input
if (verbose){ cat("perform input checks...", "\n") }
if ( !(as.character(class(GEdata1)) == "ExpressionSet" | as.character(class(GEdata1)) == "eSet") ){ stop("GEdata1 not of class ExpressionSet.") }
if ( !(as.character(class(GEdata2)) == "ExpressionSet" | as.character(class(GEdata2)) == "eSet") ){ stop("GEdata2 not of class ExpressionSet.") }
if ( dim(GEdata1)[2] != dim(GEdata2)[2] ){ stop("GEdata1 and GEdata2 have an unequal number of samples.") }
if ( dim(fData(GEdata1))[2] != dim(fData(GEdata2))[2] ){ stop("GEdata1 and GEdata2 have an unequal annotation columns.") }
# prepare new annotation
annotation <- rbind(fData(GEdata1), fData(GEdata2))
newRowNames <- c(rownames(fData(GEdata1)), rownames(fData(GEdata2)))
if (length(newRowNames) != length(unique(newRowNames))){
warning("modified feature names are returned")
slh <- rep(1, length(newRowNames))
for (i in 1:length(unique(newRowNames))){
ids <- which(newRowNames == unique(newRowNames)[i])
slh[ids] <- 1:length(ids)
newRowNames <- paste(newRowNames, slh, sep="__")
rownames(annotation) <- newRowNames
metaData <- data.frame(labelDescription=colnames(annotation))
probeinfo <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data=data.frame(annotation), varMetadata=metaData)
expMat <- rbind(exprs(GEdata1), exprs(GEdata2))
rownames(expMat) <- newRowNames
return(new("ExpressionSet", exprs=expMat, featureData = probeinfo))
nBreakpoints <- function(featuresAndWeights, CNdata){
# function calculates the number of samples with at least one breakpoint
# within the transcript to which the DNA copy number data have been matched
nSamplesWithBreakpoint <- function(X, CNdata){
sum(apply(segmented(CNdata)[X[,1], , drop=FALSE], 2, function(Z){ length(unique(Z)) }) > 1)
return(sapply(featuresAndWeights, nSamplesWithBreakpoint, CNdata, simplify=TRUE))
expandMatching2singleIDs <- function(matchedIDs){
# function unfolds matching list-object
expandMatches <- function(id, matchedIDs){
nEntries <- length(matchedIDs)
mFeatures <- nrow(matchedIDs[[id]])
mIDsInsert <- .matrixRows2list(matchedIDs[[id]])
if (id < nEntries){ mIDsEnd <- matchedIDs[(id+1):length(matchedIDs)] } else { mIDsEnd <- NULL }
if (id > 1){ mIDsBegin <- matchedIDs[1:(id-1)] } else { mIDsBegin <- NULL }
if (id > 1 & id < nEntries){
matchedIDs <- mIDsBegin
matchedIDs[(length(matchedIDs)+1):(length(matchedIDs)+mFeatures)] <- mIDsInsert
names(matchedIDs)[(length(matchedIDs)-mFeatures+1):length(matchedIDs)] <- names(mIDsInsert)
matchedIDs[(length(matchedIDs)+1):(length(matchedIDs)+length(mIDsEnd))] <- mIDsEnd
names(matchedIDs)[(length(matchedIDs)-length(mIDsEnd)+1):length(matchedIDs)] <- names(mIDsEnd)
if (id == 1 & id < nEntries){
matchedIDs <- mIDsInsert
matchedIDs[(length(matchedIDs)+1):(length(matchedIDs)+length(mIDsEnd))] <- mIDsEnd
names(matchedIDs)[(length(matchedIDs)-length(mIDsEnd)+1):length(matchedIDs)] <- names(mIDsEnd)
if (id > 1 & id == nEntries){
matchedIDs <- mIDsBegin
matchedIDs[(length(matchedIDs)+1):(length(matchedIDs)+mFeatures)] <- mIDsInsert
names(matchedIDs)[(length(matchedIDs)-mFeatures+1):length(matchedIDs)] <- names(mIDsInsert)
# actual expansion
IDs <- sort(as.numeric(which(sapply(matchedIDs, function(X){ nrow(X) }, simplify=TRUE) > 1)), decreasing=TRUE)
if (length(IDs) > 1){
for (j in 1:length(IDs)){
matchedIDs <- expandMatches(IDs[j], matchedIDs)
ExpressionSet2weightedSubset <- function(GEdata, featuresAndWeights, chr, bpstart, bpend, ncpus=1, verbose=TRUE){
# function shrinks ExpressionSet-object to a weighted subset of the features
# check input
if (verbose){ cat("perform input checks...", "\n") }
if ( !(as.character(class(GEdata)) == "ExpressionSet" | as.character(class(GEdata)) == "eSet") ){ stop("GEdata not of class ExpressionSet.") }
if (!(as.character(class(featuresAndWeights))=="list")){ stop("featuresAndWeights of wrong class.") }
if (!(as.character(class(chr))=="numeric" | as.character(class(chr))=="integer" )){ stop("chr of wrong class.") }
if (length(chr) != 1){ stop("chr of wrong length.") }
if ( !(chr >= 1 | chr <= ncol(fData(GEdata))) ){ stop("chr exceeds number of columns in featureData.") }
if (!(as.character(class(bpstart))=="numeric" | as.character(class(bpstart))=="integer" )){ stop("bpstart of wrong class.") }
if (length(bpstart) != 1){ stop("bpstart of wrong length.") }
if ( !(bpstart >= 1 | bpstart <= ncol(fData(GEdata))) ){ stop("bpstart exceeds number of columns in featureData.") }
if (!(as.character(class(bpend))=="numeric" | as.character(class(bpend))=="integer" )){ stop("bpend of wrong class.") }
if (length(bpend) != 1){ stop("bpend of wrong length.") }
if ( !(bpend >= 1 | chr <= ncol(fData(GEdata))) ){ stop("bpend exceeds number of columns in featureData.") }
# disecting the ExpressionSet-object
exprMat <- exprs(GEdata)
GEann <- fData(GEdata)
# weighted subsetting of expression data
if (verbose){ cat("generate matched expression matrix ...", "\n") }
if (ncpus == 1){ exprMat <- t(sapply(featuresAndWeights, .slhFuncWeightedCGHcallExpressionSetData, exprMat, simplify=TRUE)) }
if (ncpus > 1){
sfInit(parallel=TRUE, cpus=ncpus)
sfLibrary(package="sigaR", verbose=FALSE, character.only=TRUE)
exprMat <- t(sfSapply(featuresAndWeights, .slhFuncWeightedCGHcallExpressionSetData, exprMat, simplify=TRUE))
# weighted subsetting of annotation data
if (verbose){ cat("reorganize annotation ...", "\n") }
if (ncpus == 1){ annotation <- t(sapply(featuresAndWeights, .slhFuncWeightedCGHcallExpressionSetAnnotation, GEann, chr, bpstart, bpend, simplify=TRUE)) }
if (ncpus > 1){ annotation <- t(sfSapply(featuresAndWeights, .slhFuncWeightedCGHcallExpressionSetAnnotation, GEann, chr, bpstart, bpend, simplify=TRUE)) }
colnames(annotation) <- c("Chromosome", "Start", "End")
if (ncpus == 1){ rownames(annotation) <- as.character(sapply(featuresAndWeights, .slhFuncCombineFeatureNames, rownames(GEann), simplify=TRUE)) }
if (ncpus > 1){ rownames(annotation) <- as.character(sfSapply(featuresAndWeights, .slhFuncCombineFeatureNames, rownames(GEann), simplify=TRUE)) }
if (length(rownames(annotation)) != length(unique(rownames(annotation)))){
warning("modified feature names are returned")
newRowNames <- rownames(annotation)
slh <- rep(1, length(newRowNames))
for (i in 1:length(unique(newRowNames))){
ids <- which(newRowNames == unique(newRowNames)[i])
slh[ids] <- 1:length(ids)
newRowNames <- paste(newRowNames, slh, sep="__")
rownames(annotation) <- newRowNames
fInfo <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data=data.frame(annotation), varMetadata=data.frame(labelDescription=c("Chromosome", "Start", "End")))
if (ncpus > 1){ sfStop() }
rownames(exprMat) <- rownames(annotation)
# make ExpressionSet object
if (verbose){ cat("merge into ExpressionSet object ...", "\n") }
return(new("ExpressionSet", exprs=exprMat, featureData=fInfo))
matchCGHcall2ExpressionSet <- function(CNdata, GEdata, CNchr, CNbpstart, CNbpend, GEchr, GEbpstart, GEbpend, method="distance", reference=1, ncpus=1, verbose=TRUE){
# function that matches features from cghCall and ExpressionSet-objects on genomic location
# check input
if (verbose){ cat("perform input checks...", "\n") }
if (as.character(class(CNdata)) != "cghCall"){ stop("CNdata not of class cghCall.") }
if ( !(as.character(class(GEdata)) == "ExpressionSet" | as.character(class(GEdata)) == "eSet") ){ stop("GEdata not of class ExpressionSet.") }
if ( !(method %in% c("distance", "overlap", "overlapPlus")) ){ stop("method wrongly specified.") }
if (!(as.character(class(GEchr))=="numeric" | as.character(class(GEchr))=="integer" )){ stop("GEchr of wrong class.") }
if (length(GEchr) != 1){ stop("GEchr of wrong length.") }
if ( !(GEchr >= 1 | GEchr <= ncol(fData(GEdata))) ){ stop("GEchr exceeds number of columns in featureData.") }
if (!(as.character(class(GEbpstart))=="numeric" | as.character(class(GEbpstart))=="integer" )){ stop("GEbpstart of wrong class.") }
if (length(GEbpstart) != 1){ stop("GEbpstart of wrong length.") }
if ( !(GEbpstart >= 1 | GEbpstart <= ncol(fData(GEdata))) ){ stop("GEbpstart exceeds number of columns in featureData.") }
if (!(as.character(class(GEbpend))=="numeric" | as.character(class(GEbpend))=="integer" )){ stop("GEbpend of wrong class.") }
if (length(GEbpend) != 1){ stop("GEbpend of wrong length.") }
if ( !(GEbpend >= 1 | GEbpend <= ncol(fData(GEdata))) ){ stop("GEbpend exceeds number of columns in featureData.") }
if (!(as.character(class(CNchr))=="numeric" | as.character(class(CNchr))=="integer" )){ stop("CNchr of wrong class.") }
if (length(CNchr) != 1){ stop("CNchr of wrong length.") }
if ( !(CNchr >= 1 | CNchr <= ncol(fData(CNdata))) ){ stop("CNchr exceeds number of columns in featureData.") }
if (!(as.character(class(CNbpstart))=="numeric" | as.character(class(CNbpstart))=="integer" )){ stop("CNbpstart of wrong class.") }
if (length(CNbpstart) != 1){ stop("CNbpstart of wrong length.") }
if ( !(CNbpstart >= 1 | CNbpstart <= ncol(fData(CNdata))) ){ stop("GEbpstart exceeds number of columns in featureData.") }
if (!(as.character(class(CNbpend))=="numeric" | as.character(class(CNbpend))=="integer" )){ stop("CNbpend of wrong class.") }
if (length(CNbpend) != 1){ stop("CNbpend of wrong length.") }
if ( !(CNbpend >= 1 | CNbpend <= ncol(fData(CNdata))) ){ stop("CNbpend exceeds number of columns in featureData.") }
# extract annotation info
CNann <- cbind(fData(CNdata)[, c(CNchr, CNbpstart, CNbpend), drop=FALSE], c(1:nrow(fData(CNdata))))
GEann <- cbind(fData(GEdata)[, c(GEchr, GEbpstart, GEbpend), drop=FALSE], c(1:nrow(fData(GEdata))))
# in case columns are of wrong class ....
for (i in 1:4){
if (is.factor(CNann[,i])){ CNann[,i] <- as.numeric(levels(CNann[,i]))[CNann[,i]] }
if (is.factor(GEann[,i])){ GEann[,i] <- as.numeric(levels(GEann[,i]))[GEann[,i]] }
if (is.character(CNann[,i])){ CNann[,i] <- as.numeric(CNann[,i]) }
if (is.character(GEann[,i])){ GEann[,i] <- as.numeric(GEann[,i]) }
# ensure data from gene expression platform is genomicly ordered.
if (verbose){ cat("order both data sets genomically...", "\n") }
GEdata <- ExpressionSet2order(GEdata, GEchr, GEbpstart, verbose=verbose)
GEann <- GEann[order(GEann[,1], GEann[,2]), ]
# ensure data from copy number platform is genomicly ordered.
CNdata <- cghCall2order(CNdata, CNchr, CNbpstart, verbose=verbose)
CNann <- CNann[order(CNann[,1], CNann[,2]), ]
# filter genes with complete annotation
if (verbose){ cat("select probes with complete annotation...", "\n") }
GEfeaturesKept <- which(apply(GEann, 1, function(x){ all( == FALSE) }))
if (length(GEfeaturesKept) < 1){ stop("no annotation info for GE-array features provided") }
GEann <- GEann[GEfeaturesKept, , drop=FALSE]
CNfeaturesKept <- which(apply(CNann, 1, function(x){ all( == FALSE) }))
if (length(CNfeaturesKept) < 1){ stop("no annotation info for CN-array features provided") }
CNann <- CNann[CNfeaturesKept, , drop=FALSE]
# chromosomes with genes on the expression array
if (verbose){ cat("select probes on chromosomes present in both data sets...", "\n") }
GEchrs <- sort(unique(GEann[,1]))
CNfeaturesKept.2 <- which(CNann[,1] %in% GEchrs)
CNann <- CNann[CNfeaturesKept.2, , drop=FALSE]
CNfeaturesKept <- CNfeaturesKept[CNfeaturesKept.2]
# chromosomes with features on the CN array
CNchrs <- sort(unique(CNann[,1]))
GEfeaturesKept.2 <- which(GEann[,1] %in% CNchrs)
GEann <- GEann[GEfeaturesKept.2, , drop=FALSE]
GEfeaturesKept <- GEfeaturesKept[GEfeaturesKept.2]
# match by percentage of overlap
if (verbose){ cat("start actual matching procedure...", "\n") }
if (ncpus > 1){
sfInit(parallel=TRUE, cpus=ncpus)
sfLibrary(package="sigaR", verbose=FALSE, character.only=TRUE)
if (method == "overlap"){
# find features with biggest overlap and remove features without any overlap
if (ncpus == 1){ CNGEmatched.features <- apply(GEann[,-4], 1, .overlapPercentage_CGHcall2ExpressionSet, CNann[,-4], reference) }
if (ncpus > 1){ CNGEmatched.features <- sfApply(GEann[,-4], 1, .overlapPercentage_CGHcall2ExpressionSet, CNann[,-4], reference) }
no.match.found <- ( == FALSE)
GEfeaturesKept <- GEfeaturesKept[no.match.found]
CNGEmatched.features <- CNGEmatched.features[no.match.found]
CNfeaturesKept <- CNfeaturesKept[CNGEmatched.features]
# match by percentage of overlap with some interpolation
if (method == "overlapPlus"){
# find features with biggest overlap and remove features without any overlap
if (ncpus == 1){ CNGEmatched.features <- apply(GEann[,-4], 1, .overlapPlusInterpolation_CGHcall2ExpressionSet, CNann[,-4], segmented(CNdata)[CNfeaturesKept, , drop=FALSE], reference) }
if (ncpus > 1){ CNGEmatched.features <- sfApply(GEann[,-4], 1, .overlapPlusInterpolation_CGHcall2ExpressionSet, CNann[,-4], segmented(CNdata)[CNfeaturesKept, , drop=FALSE], reference) }
no.match.found <- ( == FALSE)
GEfeaturesKept <- GEfeaturesKept[no.match.found]
CNGEmatched.features <- CNGEmatched.features[no.match.found]
CNfeaturesKept <- CNfeaturesKept[CNGEmatched.features]
# match by distance of mid base pair
if (method == "distance"){
# determine mid base pair
CNannTemp <- cbind(CNann[,1], apply(CNann[,2:3,drop=FALSE], 1, mean, na.rm=TRUE))
GEannTemp <- cbind(GEann[,1], apply(GEann[,2:3,drop=FALSE], 1, mean, na.rm=TRUE))
# per chromosome find CN-features closed to GE-features
if (ncpus == 1){ CNGEmatched.features <- apply(GEannTemp, 1, .minDistCghFeature_CGHcall2ExpressionSet, CNannTemp) }
if (ncpus > 1){ CNGEmatched.features <- sfApply(GEannTemp, 1, .minDistCghFeature_CGHcall2ExpressionSet, CNannTemp) }
CNfeaturesKept <- CNfeaturesKept[CNGEmatched.features]
if (ncpus > 1){ sfStop() }
# in the unlikely event that some genes could not be matched: remove
if (sum( > 0){
GEfeaturesKept <- GEfeaturesKept[ == FALSE]
CNfeaturesKept <- CNfeaturesKept[ == FALSE]
# in the unlikely event that nothing could be matched: stop
if ((length(CNfeaturesKept) == 0) | (length(GEfeaturesKept) == 0)){
stop("No features could be matched. Check format of annotation information.")
matchedFeatures <- cbind(CNann[CNfeaturesKept,4], GEann[GEfeaturesKept,4])
uniqGenomicInfo <- function(chr, bpstart, bpend, verbose=FALSE){
# function shrinks ExpressionSet-object to a weighted subset of the features
# check input
if (verbose){ cat("perform input checks ...", "\n") }
if (!(as.character(class(chr))=="numeric" | as.character(class(chr))=="integer" )){ stop("chr of wrong class.") }
if (!(as.character(class(bpstart))=="numeric" | as.character(class(bpstart))=="integer" )){ stop("bpstart of wrong class.") }
if (!(as.character(class(bpend))=="numeric" | as.character(class(bpend))=="integer" )){ stop("bpend of wrong class.") }
if (length(chr) != length(bpstart) | length(chr) != length(bpend) | length(bpstart) != length(bpend)){ stop("chr, bpstart and bpend do not have identical length.") }
# create identifier of unique genomic info's
if (verbose){ cat("find features with identical genomic info ...", "\n") }
ann <- cbind(chr, bpstart, bpend)[order(chr, bpstart, bpend),]
uniques <- apply(cbind(ann[-nrow(ann),], ann[-1,]), 1, function(Z){ !all(Z[1:3] == Z[4:6]) })
uniques <- c(1, cumsum(uniques) + 1)
# put features with identical genomic info in list object
ann <- cbind(1:nrow(ann), ann)
colnames(ann)[1] <- "featureNo"
slhFunc <- function(Z, uniques, ann){ ann[which(uniques==Z), , drop=FALSE] }
uniqueGenomicInfo <- lapply(1:max(uniques), slhFunc, uniques, ann)
matchAnn2Ann <- function(chr1, bpstart1, bpend1, chr2, bpstart2, bpend2, method="distance", maxDist=10000, minPerc=0, reference=1, ncpus=1, verbose=TRUE){
# function that matches annotation of to sets of features on genomic location
# check input
if (verbose){ cat("perform input checks ...", "\n") }
if (as.character(class(chr1)) != "numeric" & as.character(class(chr1)) != "integer"){ stop("chr1 of wrong class.") }
if (as.character(class(bpstart1)) != "numeric" & as.character(class(bpstart1)) != "integer"){ stop("bpstart1 of wrong class.") }
if (as.character(class(bpend1)) != "numeric" & as.character(class(bpend1)) != "integer"){ stop("bpend1 of wrong class.") }
if ((length(chr1) != length(bpstart1)) & (length(chr1) != length(bpend1)) & (length(bpstart1) != length(bpend1))){ stop("length of chr1, bpstart1, and bpend1 do not match") }
if (any(bpstart1 > bpend1)){ stop("inconsistency in bpstart1 and bpend1: for some feature bpstart1 > bpend1") }
if (as.character(class(chr2)) != "numeric" & as.character(class(chr2)) != "integer"){ stop("chr2 of wrong class.") }
if (as.character(class(bpstart2)) != "numeric" & as.character(class(bpstart2)) != "integer"){ stop("bpstart2 of wrong class.") }
if (as.character(class(bpend2)) != "numeric" & as.character(class(bpend2)) != "integer"){ stop("bpend2 of wrong class.") }
if ((length(chr2) != length(bpstart2)) & (length(chr2) != length(bpend2)) & (length(bpstart2) != length(bpend2))){ stop("length of chr2, bpstart2, and bpend2 do not match") }
if (any(bpstart2 > bpend2)){ stop("inconsistency in bpstart2 and bpend2: for some feature bpstart2 > bpend2") }
if ( !(method %in% c("distance", "overlap")) ){ stop("method wrongly specified.") }
if (as.character(class(maxDist)) != "numeric" & as.character(class(maxDist)) != "integer"){ stop("maxDist of wrong class.") }
if (as.character(class(minPerc)) != "numeric" & as.character(class(minPerc)) != "integer"){ stop("minPerc of wrong class.") }
if (as.character(class(ncpus)) != "numeric" & as.character(class(ncpus)) != "integer"){ stop("ncpus of wrong class.") }
if (maxDist < 1){ stop("maxDist wrongly specified.") }
if (minPerc < 0 & minPerc > 1){ stop("minPerc wrongly specified.") }
# extract annotation info
ann1 <- cbind(chr1, bpstart1, bpend1, 1:length(chr1))
colnames(ann1)[4] <- "probeNo1"
ann2 <- cbind(chr2, bpstart2, bpend2, 1:length(chr2))
colnames(ann2)[4] <- "probeNo2"
# rm(chr1, chr2, bpstart1, bpstart2, bpend1, bpend2)
# in case columns are of wrong class ....
for (i in 1:3){
if (is.factor(ann1[,i])){ ann1[,i] <- as.numeric(levels(ann1[,i]))[ann1[,i]] }
if (is.factor(ann2[,i])){ ann2[,i] <- as.numeric(levels(ann2[,i]))[ann2[,i]] }
if (is.character(ann1[,i])){ ann1[,i] <- as.numeric(ann1[,i]) }
if (is.character(ann2[,i])){ ann2[,i] <- as.numeric(ann2[,i]) }
# ensure data from gene expression platform is genomicly ordered.
if (verbose){ cat("order both data sets genomically ...", "\n") }
ann1 <- ann1[order(ann1[,1], ann1[,2]), ]
ann2 <- ann2[order(ann2[,1], ann2[,2]), ]
# filter features with complete annotation for platform 1
if (verbose){ cat("select features with complete annotation ...", "\n") }
featuresKept1 <- which(apply(ann1, 1, function(x){ all( == FALSE) }))
if (length(featuresKept1) < 1){ stop("no annotation info for features of platform 1 provided") }
ann1 <- ann1[featuresKept1, , drop=FALSE]
ann1removed <- ann1[-featuresKept1, , drop=FALSE]
# filter features with complete annotation for platform 2
featuresKept2 <- which(apply(ann2, 1, function(x){ all( == FALSE) }))
if (length(featuresKept2) < 1){ stop("no annotation info for features of platform 2 provided") }
ann2removed <- ann2[-featuresKept2, , drop=FALSE]
ann2 <- ann2[featuresKept2, , drop=FALSE]
# chromosomes with features on platform 2
if (verbose){ cat("select features on chromosomes present in both data sets ...", "\n") }
chrs2 <- sort(unique(ann2[,1]))
featuresKept1 <- which(ann1[,1] %in% chrs2)
ann1removed <- rbind(ann1removed, ann1[-featuresKept1, , drop=FALSE])
ann1 <- ann1[featuresKept1, , drop=FALSE]
# chromosomes with features on platform 1
chrs1 <- sort(unique(ann1[,1]))
featuresKept2 <- which(ann2[,1] %in% chrs1)
ann2removed <- rbind(ann2removed, ann2[-featuresKept2, , drop=FALSE])
ann2 <- ann2[featuresKept2, , drop=FALSE]
# match by distance of mid base pair
if (verbose){ cat("start actual matching procedure ...", "\n") }
if (ncpus > 1){
sfInit(parallel=TRUE, cpus=ncpus)
sfLibrary(package="sigaR", verbose=FALSE, character.only=TRUE)
if (method == "distance"){
# determine mid base pair
ann1temp <- cbind(ann1[,1], apply(ann1[,2:3,drop=FALSE], 1, mean, na.rm=TRUE), ann1[,4])
ann2temp <- cbind(ann2[,1], apply(ann2[,2:3,drop=FALSE], 1, mean, na.rm=TRUE), ann2[,4])
# per chromosome find CN-features closed to GE-features
if (ncpus == 1){ matchedFeatures <- apply(ann2temp, 1, .minDistFeature, ann1temp, maxDist) }
if (ncpus > 1){ matchedFeatures <- sfApply(ann2temp, 1, .minDistFeature, ann1temp, maxDist) }
# match by percentage of overlap
if (method == "overlap"){
# find features with biggest overlap and remove features without any overlap
if (ncpus == 1){ matchedFeatures <- apply(ann2, 1, .overlapPercentage, ann1, minPerc, reference) }
if (ncpus > 1){ matchedFeatures <- sfApply(ann2, 1, .overlapPercentage, ann1, minPerc, reference) }
if (ncpus > 1){ sfStop() }
if (!is.list(matchedFeatures)){ matchedFeatures <- .matrixRows2list(matchedFeatures) }
# reformatting
if (verbose){ cat("reformat matching results ...", "\n") }
names(matchedFeatures) <- as.character(ann2[,4])
idsNull <- as.numeric(which(sapply(matchedFeatures, is.null, simplify=TRUE)))
if (length(idsNull) > 1){ matchedFeatures <- matchedFeatures[-idsNull] }
getSegFeatures <- function(featureNo, CNdata, verbose=TRUE){
# function that determine features with similar CN signature as featureNo
# check input
if (verbose){ cat("perform input checks...", "\n") }
if (as.character(class(CNdata)) != "cghCall"){ stop("CNdata not of class cghCall.") }
if (!(as.character(class(featureNo))=="numeric" | as.character(class(featureNo))=="integer" )){ stop("featureSubset of wrong class.") }
if ( length(featureNo) != 1 ){ stop("featureNo wrongly specified.") }
if ( !(featureNo >= 1 | featureNo <= nrow(fData(CNdata))) ){ stop("featureNo out of range.") }
# get features
CNfeaturesKept <- which(chromosomes(CNdata) == chromosomes(CNdata)[featureNo])
segSignature <- segmented(CNdata)[featureNo, , drop=FALSE]
CNfeaturesKept <- CNfeaturesKept[apply(segmented(CNdata)[CNfeaturesKept, , drop=FALSE], 1, function(Y, Z){ all(as.numeric(Y) == as.numeric(Z)) }, Z=segSignature)]
# in case possible gap between features with same signature
idTemp <- which(CNfeaturesKept == featureNo)
if (idTemp == 1){
checkSeq <- c(0:(length(CNfeaturesKept)-idTemp))
} else {
checkSeq <- c(-c((idTemp-1):1), c(0:(length(CNfeaturesKept)-idTemp)))
CNfeaturesKept <- CNfeaturesKept[which(checkSeq == (CNfeaturesKept - featureNo))]
ExpressionSet2subset <- function(GEdata, featureSubset, verbose=TRUE){
# function shrinks ExpressionSet-object to a subset of the features
# check input
if (verbose){ cat("perform input checks...", "\n") }
if ( !(as.character(class(GEdata)) == "ExpressionSet" | as.character(class(GEdata)) == "eSet") ){ stop("GEdata not of class ExpressionSet.") }
if (!(as.character(class(featureSubset))=="numeric" | as.character(class(featureSubset))=="integer" )){ stop("featureSubset of wrong class.") }
if ( !(length(featureSubset) >= 1) ){ stop("featureSubset contains no row numbers.") }
if ( !(min(featureSubset) >= 1 | max(featureSubset) <= nrow(fData(GEdata))) ){ stop("featureSubset contains illegal row numbers.") }
# subsetting
# fData(GEdata) <- fData(GEdata)[featureSubset, , drop=FALSE]
# exprs(GEdata) <- exprs(GEdata)[featureSubset, , drop=FALSE]
GEdata <- GEdata[featureSubset,,drop=FALSE]
ExpressionSet2order <- function(GEdata, chr, bpstart, verbose=TRUE){
# function that orders ExpressionSet-object genomically
# check input
if (verbose){ cat("perform input checks...", "\n") }
if ( !(class(GEdata) == "ExpressionSet" | class(GEdata) == "eSet") ){ stop("GEdata not of class ExpressionSet.") }
if (!(class(chr)=="numeric" | class(chr)=="integer" )){ stop("chr of wrong class.") }
if (length(chr) != 1){ stop("chr of wrong length.") }
if ( !(chr >= 1 | chr <= ncol(fData(GEdata))) ){ stop("chr exceeds number of columns in featureData.") }
if (!(class(bpstart)=="numeric" | class(bpstart)=="integer" )){ stop("bpstart of wrong class.") }
if (length(bpstart) != 1){ stop("bpstart of wrong length.") }
if ( !(bpstart >= 1 | bpstart <= ncol(fData(GEdata))) ){ stop("bpstart exceeds number of columns in featureData.") }
# extract annotation data for ordering
GEann <- fData(GEdata)[, c(chr, bpstart), drop=FALSE]
# in case columns are of wrong class ....
for (i in 1:2){
if (is.factor(GEann[,i])){ GEann[,i] <- as.numeric(levels(GEann[,i]))[GEann[,i]] }
if (is.character(GEann[,i])){ GEann[,i] <- as.numeric(GEann[,i]) }
# order ExpressionSet-object genomically
exprs(GEdata) <- exprs(GEdata)[order(GEann[,1], GEann[,2]), ]
fData(GEdata) <- fData(GEdata)[order(GEann[,1], GEann[,2]), ]
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