# source("")
# cisEffectTuning(CNdata, GEdata, "wcvm", nGenes=150, nPerm=250, minCallProbMass=0.10, verbose=TRUE)
# testRes <- cisEffectTesting(CNdata, GEdata, genes2test, 1, "univariate", "wcvm", nPerm=100)
cisEffectTest <- function(CNdata, GEdata, genes2test=NULL, GEchr, analysisType="univariate", testStatistic="wcvm", nPerm=10000, lowCiThres=0.10, verbose=TRUE){
# wrapper function for testing
# input checks
if (verbose){ cat("perform input checks...", "\n") }
if (as.character(class(CNdata)) != "cghCall"){ stop("CNdata not of class cghCall.") }
if ( !(as.character(class(GEdata)) == "ExpressionSet" | as.character(class(GEdata)) == "eSet") ){ stop("GEdata not of class ExpressionSet.") }
# actual start testing
if (verbose){ cat("formatting data for testing...", "\n") }
CNdata <- cghCall2subset(CNdata, genes2test, verbose)
GEdata <- ExpressionSet2subset(GEdata, genes2test, verbose)
# extract data from objects
nosamp <- ncol(exprs(GEdata))
cghdata.probs <- numeric()
for (i in 1:dim(calls(CNdata))[2]){
if (is.null(probamp(CNdata)[,i])){
cghdata.probs <- cbind(cghdata.probs, cbind(probloss(CNdata)[,i], probnorm(CNdata)[,i], probgain(CNdata)[,i]))
} else {
cghdata.probs <- cbind(cghdata.probs, cbind(probloss(CNdata)[,i], probnorm(CNdata)[,i], probgain(CNdata)[,i] + probamp(CNdata)[,i]))
nclass <- dim(cghdata.probs)[2] / dim(calls(CNdata))[2]
annInfo <- fData(GEdata)
chrInfo <- annInfo[, GEchr]
# Estimate alpha parameters per clone, a0 classes
if (verbose){ cat("pre-test...", "\n") }
alphamat <- t(apply(cghdata.probs, 1, .alphaest, nosamp=nosamp, a=nclass))
# Perform pre-test and merge columns
datacgh2 <- as.matrix(t(apply(cbind(alphamat, cghdata.probs), 1, .pretest)))
lossorgain <- datacgh2[,1]
alphas2 <- datacgh2[,2:3]
datafortest <- as.matrix(cbind(datacgh2, exprs(GEdata))[,-(1:3)])
# Estimate new alpha and bivariate alpha parameters per clone
alphabivmat <- t(apply(datafortest, 1, .alphabivariate, nosamp=nosamp, a=2))
colnames(alphabivmat) <- c("a11", "a22", "a12")
rm(GEdata, CNdata)
# actual start testing
results <- NULL
for (chr in 1:length(unique(chrInfo))){
chrs.present <- unique(chrInfo)
genes.per.time <- which(chrInfo == chrs.present[chr])
data.both <- datafortest[genes.per.time, , drop=FALSE]
if (dim(data.both)[1] == 1){ <- TRUE
data.both <- rbind(data.both, data.both)
} else { <- FALSE
if (verbose){ cat(paste("chromosome ", chrs.present[chr], " started...", sep=""), "\n") }
if (verbose){ cat(paste(length(genes.per.time), " genes to be tested...", sep=""), "\n") }
# "Robustly" estimate effect sizes. These are used for generating empirical distribution of shift parameter
if ({
alleffects <- sapply(1:nrow(data.both), .shift.est, data2=data.both, alphabmat=alphabivmat[rep(genes.per.time, 2), ], alphanmat=alphas2[rep(genes.per.time, 2), , drop=FALSE], nosamp=nosamp, a=2, minalphathr=10)
} else {
alleffects <- sapply(1:nrow(data.both), .shift.est, data2=data.both, alphabmat=alphabivmat[genes.per.time, , drop=FALSE], alphanmat=alphas2[genes.per.time, , drop=FALSE], nosamp=nosamp, a=2, minalphathr=10)
R2 <- .R2.stat(data.both, 2, nosamp)
R2[] <- NA
if (analysisType == "univariate"){
# Univariate analysis, calculates the p-values, raw and adjusted.
if (testStatistic == "wcvm"){
adjpvals <-, nosamp, 2, nPerm,, verbose=verbose)
if (testStatistic == "wmw"){
adjpvals <-, nosamp, 2, nPerm,, verbose=verbose)
results.temp <- data.frame()
if ({
results.temp <- c(genes2test[genes.per.time],
round(alphas2[genes.per.time,], digits=4),
round(alleffects[1], digits=4),
round(R2[1], digits=4), round(adjpvals[1,2:3], digits=4))
names(results.temp)[1:6] <- c("", "comparison", "av.probs.1", "av.probs.2", "effect.size", "R2")
results <- rbind(results, c(annInfo[genes.per.time,], results.temp))
rownames(results)[nrow(results)] <- rownames(annInfo)[genes.per.time]
} else {
results.temp <- cbind(genes2test[genes.per.time],
round(alphas2[genes.per.time,], digits=4),
round(alleffects, digits=4),
round(R2, digits=4), round(adjpvals[,2:3], digits=4))
colnames(results.temp)[1:6] <- c("", "comparison", "av.probs.1", "av.probs.2", "effect.size", "R2")
results <- rbind(results, cbind(annInfo[genes.per.time,], results.temp))
if (analysisType == "regional"){
# Regional analysis, calculates the p-values, raw and adjusted.
if (testStatistic == "wcvm"){
adjpvals <-, nosamp, 2, nPerm,,[,c(1:(2*nosamp))], verbose=verbose)
if (testStatistic == "wmw"){
adjpvals <-, nosamp, 2, nPerm,,[,c(1:(2*nosamp))], verbose=verbose)
results.temp <- data.frame()
# "Robustly" estimate effect sizes. These are used for generating empirical distribution of shift parameters
# alleffects <- sapply(1:nrow(data.both), .shift.est, data2=data.both, alphabmat=alphabivmat[genes.per.time, , drop=FALSE], alphanmat=alphas2[genes.per.time, , drop=FALSE], nosamp=nosamp, a=2, minalphathr=10)
R2 <- .R2.stat(data.both, 2, nosamp)
R2[] <- NA
if ({
results.temp <- c(genes2test[genes.per.time],
round(alphas2[genes.per.time,], digits=4),
round(alleffects[1], digits=4),
round(R2[1], digits=4), adjpvals[1,-1])
names(results.temp)[1:6] <- c("", "comparison", "av.probs.1", "av.probs.2", "effect.size", "R2")
results.temp[12] <- round(results.temp[12], digits=4)
results.temp[11] <- round(results.temp[11], digits=4)
results.temp[9] <- results.temp[8]
results <- rbind(results, c(annInfo[genes.per.time,], results.temp))
rownames(results)[nrow(results)] <- rownames(annInfo)[genes.per.time]
} else {
results.temp <- cbind(genes2test[genes.per.time],
round(alphas2[genes.per.time,], digits=4),
round(alleffects, digits=4),
round(R2, digits=4), adjpvals[,-1])
colnames(results.temp)[1:6] <- c("", "comparison", "av.probs.1", "av.probs.2", "effect.size", "R2")
results.temp[,12] <- round(results.temp[,12], digits=4)
results.temp[,11] <- round(results.temp[,11], digits=4)
results <- rbind(results, cbind(annInfo[genes.per.time,], results.temp))
if (verbose){ cat(paste("chromosome ", chrs.present[chr], " done...", sep=""), "\n") }
if (is.list(results[,dim(results)[2]-1])){
results[,dim(results)[2]] <- p.adjust(unlist(results[,dim(results)[2]-1]), "BH")
} else {
results[,dim(results)[2]] <- p.adjust(results[,dim(results)[2]-1], "BH")
if (verbose){ cat("ready: testing done", "\n") }
# format output
if (analysisType == "univariate"){
testRes <- new("cisTest", geneInfo = results[,1:(ncol(results)-8)], geneId = results[,ncol(results)-7],
comparison = results[,ncol(results)-6], av.prob1 = results[,ncol(results)-5],
av.prob2 = results[,ncol(results)-4], effectSize = results[,ncol(results)-3],
R2 = results[,ncol(results)-2], p.value = results[,ncol(results)-1], adjP.value = results[,ncol(results)],
testStatistic = testStatistic, analysisType = analysisType, nPerm = nPerm)
if (analysisType == "regional"){
testRes <- new("cisTest", geneInfo = results[,1:(ncol(results)-12)], geneId = results[,ncol(results)-11],
comparison = results[,ncol(results)-10], av.prob1 = results[,ncol(results)-9],
av.prob2 = results[,ncol(results)-8], effectSize = results[,ncol(results)-7],
R2 = results[,ncol(results)-6],
regId = results[,ncol(results)-5], beginReg = results[,ncol(results)-4],
endReg = results[,ncol(results)-3], shrinkage = results[,ncol(results)-2],
p.value = results[,ncol(results)-1], adjP.value = results[,ncol(results)],
testStatistic = testStatistic, analysisType = analysisType, nPerm = nPerm)
cisEffectPlot <- function (geneId, CNdata, GEdata, verbose=FALSE){
# plot expression vs. copy number
# input checks
if (as.character(class(CNdata)) != "cghCall"){ stop("CNdata not of class cghCall.") }
if ( !(as.character(class(GEdata)) == "ExpressionSet" | as.character(class(GEdata)) == "eSet") ){ stop("GEdata not of class ExpressionSet.") }
# actual start testing
if (verbose){ cat("formatting data for testing...", "\n") }
CNdata <- cghCall2subset(CNdata, rep(geneId, 2), verbose)
GEdata <- ExpressionSet2subset(GEdata, rep(geneId, 2), verbose)
# extract data from objects
nosamp <- ncol(exprs(GEdata))
cghdata.probs <- numeric()
for (i in 1:dim(calls(CNdata))[2]){
if (is.null(probamp(CNdata)[,i])){
cghdata.probs <- cbind(cghdata.probs, cbind(probloss(CNdata)[,i], probnorm(CNdata)[,i], probgain(CNdata)[,i]))
} else {
cghdata.probs <- cbind(cghdata.probs, cbind(probloss(CNdata)[,i], probnorm(CNdata)[,i], probgain(CNdata)[,i] + probamp(CNdata)[,i]))
nclass <- dim(cghdata.probs)[2] / dim(calls(CNdata))[2]
annInfo <- fData(GEdata)
# chrInfo <- annInfo[, GEchr]
# Estimate alpha parameters per clone, a0 classes
if (verbose){ cat("pre-test...", "\n") }
alphamat <- t(apply(cghdata.probs, 1, sigaR:::.alphaest, nosamp=nosamp, a=nclass))
# Perform pre-test and merge columns
datacgh2 <- as.matrix(t(apply(cbind(alphamat, cghdata.probs), 1, sigaR:::.pretest)))
lossorgain <- datacgh2[,1]
alphas2 <- datacgh2[,2:3]
datafortest <- as.matrix(cbind(datacgh2, exprs(GEdata))[,-(1:3)])
# Estimate new alpha and bivariate alpha parameters per clone
alphabivmat <- t(apply(datafortest, 1, sigaR:::.alphabivariate, nosamp=nosamp, a=2))
colnames(alphabivmat) <- c("a11", "a22", "a12")
# <- which(data.tuned$genestotest==geneId)
cgh.em <- datafortest[1, ]
alphasbiv <- sigaR:::.alphabivariate(cgh.em[c(1:(2 * nosamp))], nosamp, 2)
alphas <- sigaR:::.alphaest(cgh.em[c(1:(2 * nosamp))], nosamp, 2)
cgh.em <- cbind(matrix(cgh.em[c(1:(2 * nosamp))], ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE), cgh.em[c((2 * nosamp + 1):((2 + 1) * nosamp))])
c1 <- (alphasbiv[1]/alphasbiv[3] - alphas[1]/alphas[2])^(-1)
c2 <- (alphasbiv[2]/alphasbiv[3] - alphas[2]/alphas[1])^(-1)
mu1 <- (1/nosamp) * sum(cgh.em[, 3] * (cgh.em[,1] * alphas[2] - alphasbiv[3])/(alphasbiv[1] * alphas[2] - alphas[1] * alphasbiv[3]))
mu2 <- (1/nosamp) * sum(cgh.em[, 3] * (cgh.em[,2] * alphas[1] - alphasbiv[3])/(alphasbiv[2] * alphas[1] - alphas[2] * alphasbiv[3])) <- cbind(c(1:2), cbind(alphas, c(mu1, mu2))) <- cbind(rep(c(1:2), nosamp), datafortest[1, c(1:(2 * nosamp))], as.numeric(t(matrix(rep(datafortest[1, c((2 * nosamp + 1):((2 + 1) * nosamp))], 2), nrow = nosamp))))
symbols([, 1],[, 3], circles =[, 2]/3, fg = "red", bg = "indianred1", ylim = c(min([,
3]) - 3/4, max([, 3]) + 3/4), xlim = c(1/2, 2 + 1/2), ylab = "gene expression", xlab = "DNA copy number", xaxt = "n", inches = FALSE, lwd = 3, main = rownames(datafortest)[1])
if (lossorgain[1] == 1) {
axis(1, at = c(1:2), labels = c("loss", "no-loss"))
} else {
axis(1, at = c(1:2), labels = c("no-gain", "gain"))
symbols([, 1],[, 3], circles =[,2]/3, fg = "blue", add = TRUE, inches = FALSE)
cisEffectTable <- function (testRes, number = 10, = NULL){
# returns top results
# input checks
if (as.character(class(testRes)) != "cisTest"){ stop("testRes not of class cisTest.") }
# determine top
if (is.null({
top <- 1:number
} else {
if ( == "p.value"){
top <- which(rank(testRes@p.value, ties.method="first") <= number)
top <- top[rank(testRes@p.value[top], ties.method="first")]
if ( == "R2"){
top <- which(rank(testRes@R2, ties.method="first") > length(testRes@R2) - number)
top <- top[number - rank(testRes@R2[top], ties.method="first") + 1]
if ( == "effect"){
top <- which(rank(testRes@effectSize, ties.method="first") > length(testRes@R2) - number)
top <- top[number - rank(testRes@effectSize[top], ties.method="first") + 1]
# construct table
if (testRes@analysisType == "univariate"){
if (dim(testRes@geneInfo)[2] > 1){
tab <- data.frame(testRes@geneInfo[top,], geneId = testRes@geneId[top],
comparison = testRes@comparison[top], av.prob1 = testRes@av.prob1[top],
av.prob2 = testRes@av.prob2[top], effectSize = testRes@effectSize[top],
R2 = testRes@R2[top], p.value = testRes@p.value[top], adjP.value = testRes@adjP.value[top])
} else {
tab <- data.frame(testRes@geneInfo[top], geneId = testRes@geneId[top],
comparison = testRes@comparison[top], av.prob1 = testRes@av.prob1[top],
av.prob2 = testRes@av.prob2[top], effectSize = testRes@effectSize[top],
R2 = testRes@R2[top], p.value = testRes@p.value[top], adjP.value = testRes@adjP.value[top])
if (testRes@analysisType == "regional"){
if (dim(testRes@geneInfo)[2] > 1){
tab <- data.frame(testRes@geneInfo[top,], geneId = testRes@geneId[top],
comparison = testRes@comparison[top], av.prob1 = testRes@av.prob1[top],
av.prob2 = testRes@av.prob2[top], effectSize = testRes@effectSize[top],
R2 = testRes@R2[top], regId = testRes@regId[top], beginReg = testRes@beginReg[top],
endReg = testRes@endReg[top], shrinkage = testRes@shrinkage[top],
p.value = testRes@p.value[top], adjP.value = testRes@adjP.value[top])
} else {
tab <- data.frame(testRes@geneInfo[top,], geneId = testRes@geneId[top],
comparison = testRes@comparison[top], av.prob1 = testRes@av.prob1[top],
av.prob2 = testRes@av.prob2[top], effectSize = testRes@effectSize[top],
R2 = testRes@R2[top], regId = testRes@regId[top], beginReg = testRes@beginReg[top],
endReg = testRes@endReg[top], shrinkage = testRes@shrinkage[top],
p.value = testRes@p.value[top], adjP.value = testRes@adjP.value[top])
cisEffectTune <- function(CNdata, GEdata, testStatistic, nGenes=250, nPerm=250, minCallProbMass=0.10, verbose=TRUE){
# function that filters genes that have a low probability of becoming significant
# and determines which test is performed: loss-vs-no.loss or no.gain-vs-gain.
# check for presence missing values.
if (sum( > 0){
stop("Gene expression matrix contains missing values: not allowed.")
# check for equal number of samples.
if (dim(exprs(GEdata))[2] != dim(copynumber(CNdata))[2]){
stop("Gene expression and copy number matrices contain unequal number of samples.")
# check for equal number of probes.
if (dim(exprs(GEdata))[1] != dim(copynumber(CNdata))[1]){
stop("Gene expression and copy number matrices contain unequal number of samples: impossible after matching.")
# extract data from objects
data <- list()
data$ann <- fData(GEdata)
data$em <- exprs(GEdata)
nosamp <- ncol(exprs(GEdata))
cghdata.probs <- numeric()
for (i in 1:dim(calls(CNdata))[2]){
if (is.null(probamp(CNdata)[,i])){
cghdata.probs <- cbind(cghdata.probs, cbind(probloss(CNdata)[,i], probnorm(CNdata)[,i], probgain(CNdata)[,i]))
} else {
cghdata.probs <- cbind(cghdata.probs, cbind(probloss(CNdata)[,i], probnorm(CNdata)[,i], probgain(CNdata)[,i] + probamp(CNdata)[,i]))
data$cgh <- cghdata.probs
nclass <- dim(cghdata.probs)[2] / dim(calls(CNdata))[2]
# Estimate alpha parameters per clone, a0 classes
if (verbose){ cat("pre-test...", "\n") }
alphamat <- t(apply(data$cgh, 1, .alphaest, nosamp=nosamp, a=nclass))
# Perform pre-test and merge columns
datacgh2 <- as.matrix(t(apply(cbind(alphamat, data$cgh), 1, .pretest)))
lossorgain <- datacgh2[,1]
alphas2 <- datacgh2[,2:3]
data.both <- as.matrix(cbind(datacgh2, data$em)[,-(1:3)])
# remove features with too little spread in call probs mass
suffCPM <- which(apply(alphas2, 1, min) > minCallProbMass)
data$ann <- data$ann[suffCPM,]
data$cgh <- data$cgh[suffCPM,]
data$em <- data$em[suffCPM,]
alphamat <- alphamat[suffCPM,]
datacgh2 <- datacgh2[suffCPM,]
lossorgain <- lossorgain[suffCPM]
alphas2 <- alphas2[suffCPM,]
data.both <- data.both[suffCPM,]
init.prop.kept <- length(suffCPM)/dim(exprs(GEdata))[1]
# Estimate new alpha and bivariate alpha parameters per clone
# alphanewmat <- alphas2
alphabivmat <- t(apply(data.both, 1, .alphabivariate, nosamp=nosamp, a=2))
colnames(alphabivmat) <- c("a11", "a22", "a12")
# start of tuning
if (verbose){ cat("tuning started...", "\n") }
# Calculate the measure of unbalance and estimate the effect sizes
# UNBALANCE, SHIFT ESTIMATES AND TUNING, needs to be done AFTER null distr computation, BEFORE final p-value and fdr computation.
powerunbal <- sapply(1:nrow(data.both), .powerunbalance, alphabmat=alphabivmat)
allest <- sapply(1:nrow(data.both), .shift.est, data2=data.both, alphabmat=alphabivmat, alphanmat=alphas2, nosamp=nosamp, a=2, minalphathr=10)
# "Robustly" estimate effect sizes. These are used for generating empirical distribution of shift parameters
estrobust <- sapply(1:nrow(data.both), .shift.est, data2=data.both, alphabmat=alphabivmat, alphanmat=alphas2, nosamp=nosamp, a=2, minalphathr=3)
# Draw histogram of robust effect sizes
shiftsam <- estrobust[!]
# Determine null distribution for tuning genes.
seqgenes <- floor(seq(1,nrow(data.both), length.out=nGenes))
if (testStatistic == "wcvm") {
null.dists.tune <- .nulldist.all.wcvm(data.both[seqgenes,], nosamp, 2, nperm=nPerm, verbose)
} else {
null.dists.tune <- .nulldist.all.wmw(data.both[seqgenes,], nosamp, 2, nperm=nPerm, verbose)
# Determine the proportion of diff exp genes on small data set
pi0 <- .pi0est(, null.dists.tune=null.dists.tune, seqg=seqgenes, test.stat=testStatistic, nperm=nPerm, a=2, nosamp=nosamp)
# Do actual tuning, returns list of genes that are propagated into the test
data.tuned <- .tuning(,, allest=allest, alphanewmat=alphas2, powerunbal=powerunbal, null.dists.tune=null.dists.tune, seqg=seqgenes, test.stat=testStatistic, nperm=nPerm, pi0=pi0, fdrcut=0.05, nresamp=100, gridnr=200, minim=10, a=2, nosamp=nosamp, shiftsam=shiftsam, verbose)
genes2test <- .datareduce(powerunbal, as.double(data.tuned))
if (verbose){ cat("ready: tuning done", "\n") }
# return(data.tuned)
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