#' Iterates a character vector (ideally named) and calls
#' \code{ssvFetchBigwig.single} on each. Appends grouping variable to each
#' resulting data.table and uses rbindlist to efficiently combine results.
#' \code{ssvFetchBigwig} iteratively calls \code{fetchWindowedBigwig.single}.
#' See \code{\link{ssvFetchBigwig.single}} for more info.
#' @export
#' @param file_paths character vector of file_paths to load from. Alternatively,
#' file_paths can be a data.frame or data.table whose first column is a
#' character vector of paths and additial columns will be used as metadata.
#' @param qgr Set of GRanges to query. For valid results the width of each
#' interval should be identical and evenly divisible by \code{win_size}.
#' @param unique_names names to use in final data.table to designate source
#' bigwig.
#' @param names_variable The column name where unique_names are stored.
#' Default is 'sample'
#' @param win_size The window size that evenly divides widths in \code{qgr}.
#' @param win_method character. one of c("sample", "summary"). Determines
#' if \code{\link{viewGRangesWinSample_dt}} or
#' \code{\link{viewGRangesWinSummary_dt}} is used to represent each region in
#' qgr.
#' @param summary_FUN function. only relevant if win_method is "summary".
#' passed to \code{\link{viewGRangesWinSummary_dt}}.
#' @param anchor character, one of c("center", "center_unstranded",
#' "left", "left_unstranded")
#' @param return_data.table logical. If TRUE the internal data.table is
#' returned instead of GRanges. Default is FALSE.
#' @param n_cores integer number of cores to use.
#' Uses mc.cores option if not supplied.
#' @param n_region_splits integer number of splits to apply to qgr. The query
#' GRanges will be split into this many roughly equal parts for increased
#' parallelization. Default is 1, no split.
#' @param force_skip_centerFix boolean, if TRUE all query ranges will be
#' used "as is". This is already the case by default if win_method == "summary"
#' but may have applications where win_method == "sample".
#' @return A tidy formatted GRanges (or data.table if specified) containing
#' fetched values.
#' @rawNamespace import(data.table, except = c(shift, first, second, last))
#' @details if \code{qgr} contains the range chr1:1-100 and \code{win_size} is
#' 10, values from positions chr1 5,15,25...85, and 95 will be
#' retrieved from \code{bw_file}
#' @examples
#' if(['sysname'] != "Windows"){
#' library(GenomicRanges)
#' bw_f = system.file("extdata/",
#' package = "seqsetvis", mustWork = TRUE)
#' bw_files = c("a" = bw_f, "b" = bw_f)
#' qgr = GRanges("chrTest", IRanges(1, 30))
#' bw_gr = ssvFetchBigwig(bw_files, qgr, win_size = 10)
#' bw_gr2 = ssvFetchBigwig(as.list(bw_files), qgr, win_size = 10)
#' bw_dt = ssvFetchBigwig(bw_files, qgr, win_size = 10,
#' return_data.table = TRUE)
#' }
ssvFetchBigwig = function(file_paths,
unique_names = NULL,
names_variable = "sample",
win_size = 50,
win_method = c("sample", "summary")[1],
summary_FUN = stats::weighted.mean,
anchor = c("left", "left_unstranded", "center",
return_data.table = FALSE,
n_cores = getOption("mc.cores", 1),
n_region_splits = 1,
force_skip_centerFix = FALSE) {
load_bw = function(f, nam, qgr) {
message("loading ", f, " ...")
dt = ssvFetchBigwig.single(bw_file = f,
qgr = qgr,
win_size = win_size,
win_method = win_method,
summary_FUN = summary_FUN,
anchor = anchor,
return_data.table = TRUE,
force_skip_centerFix = force_skip_centerFix)
# dt[[names_variable]] = nam
message("finished loading ", nam, ".")
ssvFetchSignal(file_paths = file_paths,
qgr = qgr,
unique_names = unique_names,
names_variable = names_variable,
win_size = win_size,
win_method = win_method,
return_data.table = return_data.table,
load_signal = load_bw,
n_cores = n_cores,
n_region_splits = n_region_splits,
force_skip_centerFix = force_skip_centerFix)
#' Fetch values from a bigwig appropriate for heatmaps etc.
#' \code{ssvFetchBigwig.single} Gets values for each region of the query
#' GRanges (\code{qgr}). Values correspond to the center of each window of
#' size \code{win_size}. A tidy formatted data.table
#' object is returned suitable for plotting using ggplots.
#' @param bw_file The character vector path to bigwig files to read from.
#' @param qgr Set of GRanges to query. For valid results the width of each
#' interval should be identical and evenly divisible by \code{win_size}.
#' @param win_size The window size that evenly divides widths in \code{qgr}.
#' @param win_method character. one of c("sample", "summary"). Determines
#' if \code{\link{viewGRangesWinSample_dt}} or
#' \code{\link{viewGRangesWinSummary_dt}} is used to represent each region in
#' qgr.
#' @param summary_FUN function. only relevant if win_method is "summary".
#' passed to \code{\link{viewGRangesWinSummary_dt}}.
#' @param anchor character, one of c("center", "center_unstranded",
#' "left", "left_unstranded")
#' @param return_data.table logical. If TRUE the internal data.table is
#' returned instead of GRanges. Default is FALSE.
#' @param force_skip_centerFix boolean, if TRUE all query ranges will be
#' used "as is". This is already the case by default if win_method == "summary"
#' but may have applications where win_method == "sample".
#' @return A GRanges (or data.table if specified) containing fetched values.
#' @rawNamespace import(data.table, except = c(shift, first, second, last))
#' @details if \code{qgr} contains the range chr1:1-100 and \code{win_size} is
#' 10, values from positions chr1 5,15,25...85, and 95 will be retrieved
#' from \code{bw_file}
ssvFetchBigwig.single = function(bw_file,
win_size = 50,
win_method = c("sample", "summary")[1],
summary_FUN = stats::weighted.mean,
anchor = c("left", "left_unstranded", "center",
return_data.table = FALSE,
force_skip_centerFix = FALSE) {
stopifnot(is(qgr, "GRanges"))
switch (win_method,
sample = {
qgr = prepare_fetch_GRanges(qgr, win_size, skip_centerFix = force_skip_centerFix)
fetch_gr = qgr
names(fetch_gr) = NULL
score_gr =, which = fetch_gr)
out = viewGRangesWinSample_dt(score_gr, qgr, win_size, anchor = anchor)[]
summary = {
fetch_gr = qgr
names(fetch_gr) = NULL
score_gr =, which = fetch_gr)
out = viewGRangesWinSummary_dt(score_gr, qgr, win_size,
summary_FUN = summary_FUN,
anchor = anchor)[]
out = GRanges(out)
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