#' Perform PCA on column metadata
#' Perform a principal components analysis (PCA) on cells,
#' based on the column metadata in a SingleCellExperiment object.
#' @param x A \linkS4class{SingleCellExperiment} object.
#' @param ncomponents Numeric scalar indicating the number of principal components to obtain.
#' @param variables List of strings or a character vector indicating which variables in \code{colData(x)} to use.
#' If a list, each entry can also be an \link{AsIs} vector or a data.frame, as described in \code{?\link{retrieveCellInfo}}.
#' @param scale Logical scalar, should the expression values be standardised so that each feature has unit variance?
#' This will also remove features with standard deviations below 1e-8.
#' @param outliers Logical indicating whether outliers should be detected based on PCA coordinates.
#' @param BSPARAM A \linkS4class{BiocSingularParam} object specifying which algorithm should be used to perform the PCA.
#' @param BPPARAM A \linkS4class{BiocParallelParam} object specifying whether the PCA should be parallelized.
#' @param name String specifying the name to be used to store the result in the \code{reducedDims} of the output.
#' @details
#' This function performs PCA on variables from the column-level metadata instead of the gene expression matrix.
#' Doing so can be occasionally useful when other forms of experimental data are stored in the \code{colData},
#' e.g., protein intensities from FACs or other cell-specific phenotypic information.
#' This function is particularly useful for identifying low-quality cells based on QC metrics with \code{outliers=TRUE}.
#' This uses an \dQuote{outlyingness} measure computed by \code{adjOutlyingness} in the \pkg{robustbase} package.
#' Outliers are defined those cells with outlyingness values more than 5 MADs above the median, using \code{\link{isOutlier}}.
#' @return A SingleCellExperiment object containing the first \code{ncomponent} principal coordinates for each cell.
#' By default, these are stored in the \code{"PCA_coldata"} entry of the \code{reducedDims} slot.
#' The proportion of variance explained by each PC is stored as a numeric vector in the \code{"percentVar"} attribute.
#' If \code{outliers=TRUE}, the output \code{colData} will also contain a logical \code{outlier} field.
#' This specifies the cells that correspond to the identified outliers.
#' @seealso \code{\link[scater]{runPCA}}, for the corresponding method operating on expression data.
#' @author Aaron Lun, based on code by Davis McCarthy
#' @examples
#' example_sce <- mockSCE()
#' qc.df <- perCellQCMetrics(example_sce, subset=list(Mito=1:10))
#' colData(example_sce) <- cbind(colData(example_sce), qc.df)
#' # Can supply names of colData variables to 'variables',
#' # as well as AsIs-wrapped vectors of interest.
#' example_sce <- runColDataPCA(example_sce, variables=list(
#' "sum", "detected", "subsets_Mito_percent", "altexps_Spikes_percent"
#' ))
#' reducedDimNames(example_sce)
#' head(reducedDim(example_sce))
#' @export
#' @importFrom DelayedMatrixStats colVars
#' @importFrom DelayedArray DelayedArray
#' @importFrom BiocSingular runPCA ExactParam
#' @importFrom BiocParallel SerialParam
runColDataPCA <- function(x, ncomponents = 2,
variables=NULL, scale=TRUE, outliers = FALSE,
BSPARAM = ExactParam(), BPPARAM = SerialParam(), name = "PCA_coldata")
# Constructing a matrix - presumably all doubles.
exprs_to_plot <- matrix(0, ncol(x), length(variables))
for (it in seq_along(variables)) {
exprs_to_plot[,it] <- retrieveCellInfo(x, variables[[it]], search = "colData")$val
cv <- colVars(exprs_to_plot)
if (scale) {
keep <- cv >= 1e-8
exprs_to_plot <- sweep(exprs_to_plot[,keep,drop=FALSE], 2, sqrt(cv[keep]), "/")
cv <- rep(1, ncol(exprs_to_plot))
pca <- runPCA(exprs_to_plot, rank=ncomponents, BSPARAM=BSPARAM, BPPARAM=BPPARAM, get.rotation=FALSE)
percentVar <- pca$sdev ^ 2 / sum(cv)
# Outlier detection. We used to use mvoutlier but their dependency tree
# changed to require system libraries, which were untenable.
if (outliers) {
outlying <- robustbase::adjOutlyingness(pca$x, only.outlyingness=TRUE)
x$outlier <- isOutlier(outlying, type="higher")
pcs <- pca$x
attr(pcs, "percentVar") <- percentVar
reducedDim(x, name) <- pcs
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