#' Define the reference window using the most highly expressed features.
#' Define the group of features in the dataset that will be considered as reference,
#' the top window, by specifying either a number of features or an expression threshold.
#' There are three selection methods available:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{window_size}: features are ranked by mean expression across cells, and the top slice
#' of the specified size is selected.
#' \item \code{mean_expression}: the \code{mean} column is checked, and all features with mean
#' expression above the threshold indicated are selected.
#' \item \code{min_expression}: features where all expression values are above the
#' expression threshold indicated are selected.
#' }
#' In general, it is advisable to avoid generating top windows larger than 250 features
#' (100 features is the recommended value),
#' to prevent excessively long computation time as well as to preserve the quality of the
#' analysis, as the top window should only include a subset of reliable values.
#' @param dataset A data frame, containing features as rows and cells as columns, and where
#' the mean expression value for each gene has been added as a column. Usually the output of
#' \code{calculate_cvs}.
#' @param window_size Number of features in the defined top window. Recommended to 100 features.
#' @param mean_expression A number. Genes with a mean expression across cells higher than the value
#' will be selected. Ignored if \code{window_size} is defined.
#' @param min_expression A number. Genes with a minimum expression across all cells higher than the value
#' will be selected. Ignored if \code{window_size} or \code{mean_expression} is defined.
#' @return A list with two elements, both data frames: the defined top window, and
#' the rest of the genes.
#' @examples
#' library(magrittr)
#' expMat <- matrix(
#' c(1, 1, 1,
#' 1, 2, 3,
#' 0, 1, 2,
#' 0, 0, 2),
#' ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list(paste("gene", 1:4), paste("cell", 1:3))
#' )
#' calculate_cvs(expMat) %>%
#' define_top_genes(window_size = 2)
#' calculate_cvs(expMat) %>%
#' define_top_genes(mean_expression = 1.5)
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats cor density median sd
define_top_genes <- function(dataset,
window_size = NULL,
mean_expression = NULL,
min_expression = NULL
divided_data <- list()
expr_values <- data.frame()
sorted_values <- data.frame()
if (is.null(window_size) & is.null(mean_expression) & is.null(min_expression)) stop("Need to provide one of the following parameter: window_size, mean_expression or min_expression")
if (is.numeric(window_size)){
# sort data by mean expression - original row names are lost
sorted_values <- dplyr::arrange(dataset, dplyr::desc(mean))
# select the top x genes (x=window size selected)
divided_data$topgenes <- sorted_values[1:window_size, ]
# assign bin 0 to the top window
divided_data[[1]]$bin <- 1
# display mean FPKM value of the last gene in the top window
message(paste("Mean expression of last top gene:",
sorted_values[window_size, ]$mean))
# store the rest of the genes a the second element of the list
divided_data$restofgenes <- sorted_values[-(1:nrow(divided_data$topgenes)), ]
} else if (is.numeric(mean_expression)){
# sort data by mean expression - original row names are lost
sorted_values <- dplyr::arrange(dataset, dplyr::desc(mean))
# select top genes and store in first position of the list
divided_data$topgenes <- subset(sorted_values, sorted_values$mean > mean_expression)
# assign bin 0 to the top window
divided_data[[1]]$bin <- 1
# display number of genes in the window
message(paste("Number of genes in top window:",
# store rest of genes in second position
divided_data$restofgenes <- subset(sorted_values, sorted_values$mean < mean_expression)
} else if (is.numeric(min_expression)){
# sort data by mean expression - original row names are lost
sorted_values <- dplyr::arrange(dataset, dplyr::desc(mean))
# extract expression values
expr_values <- dplyr::select(sorted_values, -geneName, -mean, -sd, -cv)
# select top genes and store in first position of the list
divided_data$topgenes <- subset(sorted_values,
rowSums(expr_values > min_expression) == ncol(expr_values))
# assign bin 0 to the top window
divided_data[[1]]$bin <- 1
# display number of genes in the window
message(paste("Number of genes in top window:",
# store rest of genes in second position
divided_data$restofgenes <- subset(sorted_values,
rowSums(expr_values > min_expression) != ncol(expr_values))
} else {
stop("The second parameter should be numeric.")
# suppress CHECK annoying handling of NSE
utils::globalVariables(c("geneName", "mean", "sd", "cv", "bin"))
#' Bin genes by mean expression.
#' Divides the genes that were not included in the top window in windows of the same size with decreasing
#' mean expression levels.
#' Two binning methods are available:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{window_number}: Divides the genes into the number of windows specified.
#' \item \code{window_size}: Divides the genes into windows of the size specified.
#' }
#' This function adds a bin number column to the data frame.
#' This function is designed to take the list output by the
#' \code{extract_top_window} function as an argument, operating only on the second element
#' of it. Once the genes in it have been binned, both elements of the list are bound
#' together in a data frame and returned. The output contains a new column \code{bin},
#' which indicates the window number assigned to each gene.
#' @param dataset A list, containing the top window generated by \code{extract_top_genes}
#' as the first element, and the rest of undivided genes as the second. Usually the output
#' of \code{define_top_genes}
#' @param window_number An integer, indicating the number of bins to be used.
#' @param window_size An integer, indicating the number of genes to be included
#' in each window. Ignored if \code{window_size} is defined.
#' @param verbose A boolean. Should the function print a message about window size
#' or the number of windows created?
#' @return A data frame containing the binned genes.
#' @examples
#' library(magrittr)
#' expMat <- matrix(
#' c(1, 1, 1,
#' 1, 2, 3,
#' 0, 1, 2,
#' 0, 0, 2),
#' ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list(paste("gene", 1:4), paste("cell", 1:3))
#' )
#' calculate_cvs(expMat) %>%
#' define_top_genes(window_size = 1) %>%
#' bin_scdata(window_number = 2)
#' calculate_cvs(expMat) %>%
#' define_top_genes(window_size = 1) %>%
#' bin_scdata(window_size = 1)
#' @export
bin_scdata <- function(dataset, window_number = NULL, window_size = NULL, verbose = TRUE){
if (is.null(window_number) & is.null(window_size)) stop("Need to provide window_number or window_size.")
if (is.numeric(window_number)){
# bin into the selected number of windows
windows <- dplyr::ntile(dplyr::desc(dataset[[2]]$mean), window_number) + 1
} else if (is.numeric(window_size)){
# calculate number of windows of selected window size possible and bin
windows <- dplyr::ntile(dplyr::desc(dataset[[2]]$mean), trunc(nrow(dataset$restofgenes)/window_size)) + 1
} else {
stop("The second parameter should be numeric.")
dataset$restofgenes <- dplyr::mutate(dataset$restofgenes, bin = windows)
if (verbose) {
if (is.numeric(window_number)){
# print size of the desired number of windows created
message(paste("Window size:", length(which(dataset[[2]]$bin == 2))))
} else if (is.numeric(window_size)){
# print number of windows of desired size created
message(paste("Number of windows:", max(dataset[[2]]$bin)))
# bind all the data and correct bin number
dataset <- dplyr::bind_rows(dataset) %>%
dplyr::select(geneName, mean, sd, cv, bin, dplyr::everything())
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