#' Find enriched markers per identified cluster and calculate cluster abundances across these for samples and metadata variables.
#' @param indata A data-frame or matrix, or \code{SingleCellExperiment} object. If a
#' data-frame or matrix, this should relate to expression data (cells as
#' columns; genes as rows). If a \code{SingleCellExperiment} object, data will be
#' extracted from an assay component named by \code{assay}.
#' @param meta If 'indata' is a non-\code{SingleCellExperiment} object, \code{meta} must be
#' activated and relate to a data-frame of metadata that aligns with the columns
#' of \code{indata}, and that also contains a column name specified by \code{studyvarID}.
#' @param assay Name of the assay slot in \code{indata} from which data will be
#' taken, assuming \code{indata} is a \code{SingleCellExperiment} object.
#' @param sampleAbundances Logical, indicating whether or not to calculate
#' cluster abundances across study samples.
#' @param sampleID If \code{sampleAbundances == TRUE}, a column name from the
#' provided metadata representing over which sample cluster abundances
#' will be calculated.
#' @param studyvarID A column name from the provided metadata representing a
#' condition or trait over which cluster abundances will be calculated.
#' @param clusterAssign A vector of cell-to-cluster assignments. This can be
#' from any source but must align with your cells / variables. There is no
#' check to ensure this when 'indata' is not a \code{SingleCellExperiment}
#' object.
#' @param funcSummarise A mathematical function used to summarise expression
#' per marker per cluster.
#' @param method Type of summarisation to apply to the data for final marker
#' selection. Possible values include \code{Z} or \code{quantile}. If
#' \code{Z}, \code{limits} relate to lower and upper Z-score cut-offs for
#' low|high markers. The defaults of -1.96 and +1.96 are equivalents of
#' p<0.05 on a two-tailed distribution. If \code{quantile}, \code{prob}
#' will be used to define the \code{n}th lower and 1 - \code{n}th upper
#' quantiles, which will be used for selecting low|high markers.
#' @param prob See details for \code{method}.
#' @param limits See details for \code{method}.
#' @param verbose Boolean (TRUE / FALSE) to print messages to console or not.
#' @details
#' Find enriched markers per identified cluster and calculate cluster abundances across these for samples and metadata variables. \code{markerEnrichment} first collapses your input data's expression profiles from the level of cells to the level of clusters based on a mathematical function specified by \code{funcSummarise}. It then either selects, per cluster, low|high markers via quantiles, or transforms this collapsed data to global Z-scores and selects low|high markers based on Z-score cut-offs.
#' @return A \code{data.frame} object.
#' @author Kevin Blighe <>
#' @examples
#' # create random data that follows a negative binomial
#' mat <- jitter(matrix(
#' MASS::rnegbin(rexp(1000, rate=.1), theta = 4.5),
#' ncol = 20))
#' colnames(mat) <- paste0('CD', 1:ncol(mat))
#' rownames(mat) <- paste0('cell', 1:nrow(mat))
#' u <- umap::umap(mat)$layout
#' colnames(u) <- c('UMAP1','UMAP2')
#' rownames(u) <- rownames(mat)
#' clus <- clusKNN(u)
#' metadata <- data.frame(
#' group = c(rep('PB1', 25), rep('PB2', 25)),
#' row.names = rownames(u))
#' markerEnrichment(t(mat), meta = metadata,
#' sampleAbundances = FALSE,
#' studyvarID = 'group', clusterAssign = clus)
#' @import SingleCellExperiment
#' @importFrom MASS rnegbin
#' @importFrom umap umap
#' @importFrom stats aggregate median sd quantile
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
markerEnrichment <- function(
meta = NULL,
assay = 'scaled',
sampleAbundances = TRUE,
sampleID = 'sample',
studyvarID = NULL,
clusterAssign = metadata(indata)[['Cluster']],
funcSummarise = function(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE),
method = 'Z',
prob = 0.1,
limits = c(-1.96, 1.96),
verbose = TRUE)
iCellsPerCluster <- c()
iTotalCells <- c()
iPercentage <- c()
NegativeMarkers <- c()
PositiveMarkers <- c()
if (is(indata, 'SingleCellExperiment')) {
if (verbose) message('--input data class is SingleCellExperiment')
metadata <- metadata(indata)
data <-, assay))))
} else {
if (verbose) message('--input data class is ', class(indata))
if (is.null(meta)) {
stop('When the input data is a non-SingleCellExperiment object, ',
'\'indata\' must relate to an expression matrix (cells as columns; ',
'genes as rows), while \'meta\' must be non-NULL and relate to ',
'metadata assocaited with this data.')
} else if (!all(rownames(meta) == colnames(indata))) {
stop('\'rownames(meta)\' must be equal to \'colnames(indata)\'')
metadata <- meta
data <-
if (sampleAbundances) if (verbose)
message('--sample cluster abundances will be determined based on \'',
sampleID, '\' metadata column')
if (!is.null(studyvarID)) if (verbose)
message('--cluster abundances will be determined for \'',
studyvarID, '\' variable from metadata')
data <- aggregate(data, list(clusterAssign), funcSummarise)
data <- data.matrix(data[,-1])
if (method == 'quantile') {
if (verbose) message('--marker selection method is \'quantile\'')
quarts <- quantile(data, probs = seq(0, 1, prob))
limits[1] <- quarts[2]
limits[2] <- quarts[length(quarts) -1]
data <- t(data)
} else if (method == 'Z') {
if (verbose) message('--marker selection method is \'Z\'')
data <- t((data - mean(data, na.rm = TRUE)) / sd(data, na.rm = TRUE))
nclus <- length(unique(clusterAssign))
res <- data.frame(row.names = seq(0, nclus-1))
metares <- data.frame(row.names = seq(0, nclus-1))
for (j in seq(0, nclus-1)) {
iCellsPerCluster <- length(clusterAssign[clusterAssign == j])
iTotalCells <- length(clusterAssign)
iPercentage <- (iCellsPerCluster/iTotalCells) * 100
NegativeMarkers <- names(which(data[,j+1] <= limits[1]))
PositiveMarkers <- names(which(data[,j+1] >= limits[2]))
if (sampleAbundances) {
metaclusAbundance <- table(metadata[which(clusterAssign == j), sampleID])
metaclusAbundance <- (metaclusAbundance / iCellsPerCluster) * 100
metaclusAbundance <- metaclusAbundance[match(sort(unique(metadata[,sampleID])), names(metaclusAbundance))]
if (!is.null(studyvarID)) {
studyvar <- table(metadata[which(clusterAssign == j),studyvarID])
res <- rbind(res,
paste(NegativeMarkers, '-', sep = '', collapse = ''),
paste(PositiveMarkers, '+', sep = '', collapse = '')))
colnames(res) <- c('Cluster', 'nCells','TotalCells','PercentCells','NegMarkers','PosMarkers')
res$Cluster <- as.numeric(as.character(res$Cluster))
res$nCells <- as.numeric(as.character(res$nCells))
res$TotalCells <- as.numeric(as.character(res$TotalCells))
res$PercentCells <- as.numeric(as.character(res$PercentCells))
res$PosMarkers <- as.character(res$PosMarkers)
res$NegMarkers <- as.character(res$NegMarkers)
if (sampleAbundances & !is.null(studyvarID)) {
metares <- rbind(metares,
c(metaclusAbundance, studyvar))
colnames(metares) <- c(paste0('PerCent_', names(metaclusAbundance)), paste0('nCell_', names(studyvar)))
} else if (sampleAbundances & is.null(studyvarID)) {
metares <- rbind(metares,
colnames(metares) <- c(paste0('PerCent_', names(metaclusAbundance)))
} else if (!sampleAbundances & !is.null(studyvarID)) {
metares <- rbind(metares,
colnames(metares) <- c(paste0('nCell_', names(studyvar)))
res$PosMarkers[res$PosMarkers == '+'] <- NA
res$NegMarkers[res$NegMarkers == '-'] <- NA
return(cbind(res, metares))
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