#' This function should be called to initialize input parameters into the
#' main scBFA function
#' @return A model environment containing the following parameters:
#' {A,Z,V,U,\eqn{\beta},\eqn{\gamma},\eqn{\epsilon}}.
#' @param modelEnv Empty R environment variable to contain following parameters:
#' {A,Z,V,U,\eqn{\beta},\eqn{\gamma},\eqn{\epsilon}}
#' @param GeneExpr G by N rawcount matrix,
#' in which rows are genes and columns are cells
#' @param X N by C cell-specific covariate matrix(e.g batch effect),
#' in which rows are cells,columns are number of covariates.
#' If no such covariates are available, then X = NULL
#' @param Q G by T gene-specific covariate matrix(e.g quality control measures),
#' in which rows are genes columns are number of covariates,
#' If no such covariates are available, then Q = NULL
#' @param numFactors Numeric value, number of latent dimensions
#' @param epsilon Numeric value, parameter to control the strength of
#' regularization
#' @param initCellcoef Initialization of C by G gene-specific coefficient matrix
#' as user-defined coefficient \eqn{\beta}.
#' Such user defined coefficient can be applied to address confounding batch
#' effect
#' @param updateCellcoef Logical value, parameter to decide whether to
#' update C by G gene-specific coefficient matrix.
#' Again, when the cell types are confounded with technical batches or
#' there is no cell level covariate matrix,
#' the user can keep the initialization of coefficients as known estimate.
#' @param updateGenecoef Logical value, parameter to decide whether to update
#' N by T gene-specific coefficient matrix.
#' Again, when there is no gene level covariate matrix,
#' this value should be FALSE by default.
#' @param NUM_CELLS_PER_CHUNK scBFA can run out of memory on large datasets, so
#' we can chunk up computations to avoid this if necessary. NUM_CELLS_PER_CHUNK
#' is the number of cells per 'chunk' computed. Shrink if running out of mem.
#' @param doChunking Use memory-efficient (but slower) chunking. Will do automatically
#' if the chunk size is specified to be smaller than the # of cells in dataset.
#' @keywords internal
InitBinaryFA <- function(modelEnv,
NUM_CELLS_PER_CHUNK = min(ncol(GeneExpr), 50000),
doChunking = (NUM_CELLS_PER_CHUNK < modelEnv$numCells)){
modelEnv$numCells <- ncol(GeneExpr)
modelEnv$numGenes <- nrow(GeneExpr)
modelEnv$numFactors <- numFactors
modelEnv$doChunking = doChunking; #only chunk if necessary
#if we need to chunk, calculate the start and end indices of each block
if (modelEnv$doChunking) {
modelEnv$CHUNK_START_IX = seq(from=1,to=modelEnv$numCells,by=NUM_CELLS_PER_CHUNK);
modelEnv$CHUNK_END_IX = c(modelEnv$CHUNK_START_IX[2:length(modelEnv$CHUNK_START_IX)]-1,modelEnv$numCells);
# Note that X doesn't contain intercept since intercept is not regularized
#Cell wise Intercept is parameterized as U in the later initialization
modelEnv$X <- X
modelEnv$numCoef_X <- ncol(modelEnv$X)
}else if(is.null(X)){
modelEnv$X <- matrix(0,nrow = modelEnv$numCells,ncol = 1)
modelEnv$numCoef_X <- ncol(modelEnv$X)
# Note that Q doesn't contain intercept since intercept is not regularized
#Gene wise Intercept is parameterized as V in the later initialization
modelEnv$Q <- Q
modelEnv$numCoef_Q<- ncol(modelEnv$Q)
}else if(is.null(Q)){
modelEnv$Q <- matrix(0,nrow = modelEnv$numGenes,ncol = 1)
modelEnv$numCoef_Q <- ncol(modelEnv$Q)
# Initialization of N by K low dimensional embedding matrix
modelEnv$ZZ <- matrix(rnorm(modelEnv$numCells * modelEnv$numFactors),
nrow = modelEnv$numCells, ncol = modelEnv$numFactors)
# Initialization of G by K compressed feature space matrix
modelEnv$AA <- matrix(rnorm(modelEnv$numGenes * modelEnv$numFactors),
nrow = modelEnv$numGenes, ncol = modelEnv$numFactors)
# Initialization of N by T gene specific coefficient matrix
modelEnv$gamma <- matrix(rnorm(modelEnv$numCells* modelEnv$numCoef_Q),
nrow = modelEnv$numCells,ncol = modelEnv$numCoef_Q)
# Initialization of N by 1 cellwise intercept
modelEnv$UU <- matrix(1,nrow = modelEnv$numCells, ncol = 1)
# Initialization of G by 1 genewise offset
modelEnv$VV <- matrix(1,nrow = modelEnv$numGenes, ncol = 1)
# Initialization of C by G coefficient matrix
# if the user doesn't provide initialization of coefficient beta
# then randomly initialize coefficient beta
modelEnv$beta <- matrix(rnorm(modelEnv$numCoef_X *modelEnv$numGenes ),
nrow = modelEnv$numCoef_X,ncol = modelEnv$numGenes)
}else if(!is.null(initCellcoef)){
# if the user provides initialization of coefficient beta,
# then initialize coefficient beta with user-provided initialization
modelEnv$beta <- initCellcoef
modelEnv$updateCellcoef = updateCellcoef
# if there is no cell covariate matrix,
# then we don't update coefficient matrix to avoid extra computation
message("No cell covariate presents,
not updating cell coefficient matrix")
modelEnv$updateCellcoef = FALSE
# if there is no gene covariate matrix
# then we don't update coefficient matrix to avoid extra computation
message("No gene covariate presents,
not updating gene coefficient matrix")
modelEnv$updateGenecoef = FALSE
# Matrix B: Denoting whether a gene is detected
#modelEnv$BB <- t((GeneExpr+0)!=0) + 0
modelEnv$BB <- t(as((GeneExpr!=0)+0, "sparseMatrix"))
# Epsilon/number of cells (epsilon_1 in online methods)
modelEnv$regularize_per_cell = (epsilon/modelEnv$numCells)
# Epsilon/number of genes (epsilon_2 and epsilon_3 in online methods)
modelEnv$regularize_per_gene = (epsilon/modelEnv$numGenes)
# Construc a long vector since the input of optim()
# needs parameters in the form of vector instead of list.
modelEnv$parameters <- c(AA = modelEnv$AA, ZZ = modelEnv$ZZ,
beta = modelEnv$beta, gamma = modelEnv$gamma,
UU = modelEnv$UU, VV = modelEnv$VV,epsilon = epsilon)
modelEnv$epsilon = epsilon
#' Restore the vector of parameter space into their seperated parameterization
#' @return A list parameters containing the following parameters:
#' {A,Z,U,V,beta,gamma,epsilon}
#' @param parameters: Vectorized parameter space.
#' @param modelEnv: Environment variable contains parameter space ,
#' and global variables such as N,G,C,T,detection matrix B etc
#' @keywords internal
restore <- function(parameters,modelEnv){
para_names <- names(parameters)
param = list()
param$ZZ <- matrix(parameters[grepl("ZZ",para_names)],
nrow = modelEnv$numCells, ncol = modelEnv$numFactors)
param$AA <- matrix(parameters[grepl("AA",para_names)],
nrow = modelEnv$numGenes,ncol = modelEnv$numFactors)
param$beta <- matrix(parameters[grepl("beta",para_names)],
nrow = modelEnv$numCoef_X,ncol = modelEnv$numGenes)
param$gamma <- matrix(parameters[grepl("gamma",para_names)],
nrow = modelEnv$numCells,ncol = modelEnv$numCoef_Q)
param$UU <- parameters[grepl("UU",para_names)]
param$VV <- parameters[grepl("VV",para_names)]
param$epsilon <- parameters[grepl("epsilon",para_names)]
#' Calculate negative penalized likelihood, used for calls
#' to the optim() function.
#' The penalized likelihood function:
#' \eqn{f(A,Z,\beta,O,U) = \sum [lnP(B;A,Z,U,V,\beta,\gamma)]_ij -
#' \epsilon_1 * ||A||_2^2 - \epsilon_2 * ||Z||_2^2 -
#' \epsilon_3*||\beta||_2^2 - \epsilon_2 * ||\gamma||_2^2}
#' @return Scalar penalized likelihood
#' @param parameters Vectorized parameter space.
#' @param modelEnv Environment variable contains parameter space,
#' and global variables such as N,G,C,detection matrix B, etc
#' @keywords internal
neg_loglikelihood <- function(parameters,modelEnv){
param <- restore(parameters,modelEnv)
# Matrix product Z * A^T
WW <- tcrossprod(param$ZZ,param$AA)
# linear predictor
linearpredictor <-t(t(WW+(modelEnv$X %*% param$beta)+(param$UU))+param$VV) +
param$gamma %*% t(modelEnv$Q)
Log1pexp <- log(1+exp(linearpredictor))
infix = is.infinite(Log1pexp)
# Fix numberic issues if exp(linearpredictor) is too large
Log1pexp[infix] <- linearpredictor[infix]
LL <- sum(modelEnv$BB * linearpredictor - Log1pexp)
penalty_cell=0.5*(modelEnv$regularize_per_cell)*norm(param$ZZ,type = "F")^2+
0.5*(modelEnv$regularize_per_cell)*norm(param$gamma,type = "F")^2
penalty_gene=0.5*(modelEnv$regularize_per_gene)*norm(param$AA,type = "F")^2+
0.5*(modelEnv$regularize_per_gene)*norm(param$beta,type = "F")^2
penalizedLL <- LL - penalty_cell - penalty_gene
if({stop("NA generated in likelihood calculation")}
#' Calculate negative penalized likelihood, used for calls
#' to the optim() function.
#' The penalized likelihood function:
#' \eqn{f(A,Z,\beta,O,U) = \sum [lnP(B;A,Z,U,V,\beta,\gamma)]_ij -
#' \epsilon_1 * ||A||_2^2 - \epsilon_2 * ||Z||_2^2 -
#' \epsilon_3*||\beta||_2^2 - \epsilon_2 * ||\gamma||_2^2}
#' @return Scalar penalized likelihood
#' @param parameters Vectorized parameter space.
#' @param modelEnv Environment variable contains parameter space,
#' and global variables such as N,G,C,detection matrix B, etc
#' @keywords internal
neg_loglikelihood_chunk <- function(parameters,modelEnv){
param <- restore(parameters,modelEnv)
LL <- 0
for (ii in seq_len(length(modelEnv$CHUNK_START_IX))) {
currentIx = modelEnv$CHUNK_START_IX[ii]:modelEnv$CHUNK_END_IX[ii];
# Matrix product Z * A^T
WW <- tcrossprod(param$ZZ[currentIx,,drop=FALSE],param$AA)
# linear predictor
linearpredictor <-t(t(WW+(modelEnv$X[currentIx,,drop=FALSE] %*% param$beta)+(param$UU[currentIx]))+param$VV) +
param$gamma[currentIx,,drop=FALSE] %*% t(modelEnv$Q)
Log1pexp <- log(1+exp(linearpredictor))
infix = is.infinite(Log1pexp)
# Fix numberic issues if exp(linearpredictor) is too large
Log1pexp[infix] <- linearpredictor[infix]
LL <- LL + sum(modelEnv$BB[currentIx,,drop=FALSE] * linearpredictor - Log1pexp)
penalty_cell=0.5*(modelEnv$regularize_per_cell)*norm(param$ZZ,type = "F")^2+
0.5*(modelEnv$regularize_per_cell)*norm(param$gamma,type = "F")^2
penalty_gene=0.5*(modelEnv$regularize_per_gene)*norm(param$AA,type = "F")^2+
0.5*(modelEnv$regularize_per_gene)*norm(param$beta,type = "F")^2
penalizedLL <- LL - penalty_cell - penalty_gene
if({stop("NA generated in likelihood calculation")}
#' Calculate gradient of the negative log likelihood,
#' used for calls to the optim() function.
#' @return Vectorized gradient
#' @param parameters Vectorized parameter space.
#' @param modelEnv Environment variable contains parameter space,
#' and global variables such as N,G,C,detection matrix B, etc
#' @keywords export
gradient <- function(parameters,modelEnv){
param <- restore(parameters,modelEnv)
# Matrix product Z * A
WW = tcrossprod(param$ZZ,param$AA)
# linearpredictors
linearpredictor <-t(t(WW+(modelEnv$X %*% param$beta)+(param$UU))+param$VV) +
param$gamma %*% t(modelEnv$Q)
#Common calulation value needed in the calculation of gradient
common <- modelEnv$BB - (1/(1 + exp(-linearpredictor)))
# Gradient of A
gr_AA <- t(common) %*% param$ZZ - param$AA * (modelEnv$regularize_per_gene)
# Gradient of Z
gr_ZZ <- common %*% param$AA- param$ZZ * (modelEnv$regularize_per_cell)
# Gradient of beta
}else if(!modelEnv$updateCellcoef){
gr_beta = 0 * param$beta
# Gradient of gamma
gr_gamma<-common %*% modelEnv$Q-param$gamma * (modelEnv$regularize_per_cell)
}else if(!modelEnv$updateGenecoef){
gr_gamma = 0 * param$gamma
# Gradient of U
gr_UU <- rowSums(common)
# Gradient of O
gr_VV <- colSums(common)
# Gradient vector
grad<- c(as.matrix(gr_AA), as.matrix(gr_ZZ), as.matrix(gr_beta),as.matrix(gr_gamma),gr_UU,gr_VV, 0)
if({stop("NA generated in gradient calculation")}
#' Calculate gradient of the negative log likelihood,
#' used for calls to the optim() function.
#' @return Vectorized gradient
#' @param parameters Vectorized parameter space.
#' @param modelEnv Environment variable contains parameter space,
#' and global variables such as N,G,C,detection matrix B, etc
#' @keywords export
gradient_chunk <- function(parameters,modelEnv){
param <- restore(parameters,modelEnv)
gr_AA <- matrix(0, nrow(param$AA), ncol(param$AA)); #initialized to 0, since we have to sum
gr_ZZ <- matrix(NA, nrow(param$ZZ), ncol(param$ZZ)); #initialized to NA, since we replace, so shouldn't be NAs at the end
gr_beta <- matrix(0, nrow(param$beta), ncol(param$beta));
gr_gamma <- matrix(NA, nrow(param$gamma), ncol(param$gamma))
gr_UU = param$UU * NA
gr_VV = param$VV * 0
for (ii in seq_len(length(modelEnv$CHUNK_START_IX))) {
currentIx = modelEnv$CHUNK_START_IX[ii]:modelEnv$CHUNK_END_IX[ii];
# Matrix product Z * A^T
WW <- tcrossprod(param$ZZ[currentIx,,drop=FALSE],param$AA)
# linear predictor
linearpredictor <-t(t(WW+(modelEnv$X[currentIx,,drop=FALSE] %*% param$beta)+(param$UU[currentIx]))+param$VV) +
param$gamma[currentIx,,drop=FALSE] %*% t(modelEnv$Q)
#Common calulation value needed in the calculation of gradient
common <- modelEnv$BB[currentIx,,drop=FALSE] - (1/(1 + exp(-linearpredictor)))
# Gradient of A
gr_AA <- gr_AA + t(common) %*% param$ZZ[currentIx,,drop=FALSE]
# Gradient of Z: as.matrix keeps the structure even when length of current idx is 1
gr_ZZ[currentIx,] =as.matrix(common %*% param$AA)
#gr_ZZ[currentIx,,drop = F] =common %*% param$AA
# Gradient of beta
gr_beta<- gr_beta + t(t(common)%*%modelEnv$X[currentIx,,drop=FALSE])
}#else if(!modelEnv$updateCellcoef){
#gr_beta = gr_beta + 0 * param$beta
# Gradient of gamma: as.matrix keeps the structure even when length of current idx is 1
gr_gamma[currentIx,]<-as.matrix(common %*% modelEnv$Q)
}#else if(!modelEnv$updateGenecoef){
#gr_gamma[currentIx,,drop=FALSE] = 0 * param$gamma[currentIx,,drop=FALSE]
# Gradient of U
gr_UU[currentIx] <- rowSums(common)
# Gradient of O
gr_VV <- gr_VV + colSums(common)
# Gradient vector
# move all the regularizer outside the loop
gr_AA = gr_AA - param$AA * (modelEnv$regularize_per_gene)
gr_ZZ = gr_ZZ - param$ZZ * (modelEnv$regularize_per_cell)
gr_beta = gr_beta -param$beta*(modelEnv$regularize_per_gene)
} # else gr_beta would remain zeros
gr_gamma = gr_gamma - param$gamma * (modelEnv$regularize_per_cell)
gr_gamma = param$gamma * 0
grad<- c(as.matrix(gr_AA), gr_ZZ, as.matrix(gr_beta),as.matrix(gr_gamma),gr_UU,gr_VV, 0)
if({stop("NA generated in gradient calculation")}
#' Optimize parameters of BFA's likelihood function
#' @return The entire model environment
#' @param modelEnv Environment variable contains parameter space,
#' and global variables such as N,G,C,detection matrix B, etc
#' @param maxit Maximum number of iteration with respect to objective function,
#' default is 300 iterations
#' @param method Optimization method, default is the conjugate gradient approach
#' L-BFGS-B is recommended for smaller dataset less than 10k cells
#' @keywords internal
OptimBFA <- function(modelEnv,maxit,method){
if (!modelEnv$doChunking) {
opt <- optim(par = modelEnv$parameters,
fn = neg_loglikelihood,
gr = gradient,
modelEnv = modelEnv,
method = method,
control = list(maxit =maxit))
} else {
opt <- optim(par = modelEnv$parameters,
fn = neg_loglikelihood_chunk,
gr = gradient_chunk,
modelEnv = modelEnv,
method = method,
control = list(maxit =maxit))
param <- restore(opt$par,modelEnv)
for(vNames in c("AA","ZZ","beta","gamma")){
modelEnv[[vNames]] = param[[vNames]]
for(Intercept in c("UU","VV")){
modelEnv[[Intercept]] = matrix(param[[Intercept]],ncol = 1)
modelEnv$parameters <- c( AA = modelEnv$AA,
ZZ = modelEnv$ZZ,
beta = modelEnv$beta,
gamma = modelEnv$gamma,
UU = modelEnv$UU,
VV = modelEnv$VV,
epsilon = modelEnv$epsilon)
#' Function to extract gene expression matrix from input observation matrix
#' @return a raw expression matrix in which rows are genes and columns are cells.
#' @param scData can be a raw count matrix,
#' in which rows are genes and columns are cells;
#' can be a seurat object; can be a SingleCellExperiment object
#' @import SingleCellExperiment
#' @import Seurat
#' @import Matrix
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assay
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @examples
#' scData = matrix(rpois(15,1),3,5)
#' GeneExpr = getGeneExpr(scData)
#' @keywords export
#' @export
getGeneExpr <- function(scData){
GeneExpr = scData
}else if(is(scData,"Seurat")){
sce = as.SingleCellExperiment(scData)
GeneExpr = (assay(sce))
}else if(is(scData,"SingleCellExperiment")){
GeneExpr = (assay(scData))
message("The class for input scData has to be a matrix, a seurat object or a singleCellExperiment object, please check and input the right class of it")
# check if it is sparse matrix
#' Perform BFA model on the expression profile
#' @return A model environment containing all parameter space of a BFA model
#' as well as global variables needed for calculation:
#' @return \eqn{A}: \eqn{G} by \eqn{K} compressed feature space matrix
#' @return \eqn{Z}: \eqn{N} by \eqn{K} low dimensional embedding matrix
#' @return \eqn{\beta}: \eqn{C} by \eqn{G} cell level coefficient matrix
#' @return \eqn{\gamma}: \eqn{N} by \eqn{T} gene level coefficient matrix
#' @return \eqn{V}: \eqn{G} by \eqn{1} offset matrix
#' @return \eqn{U}: \eqn{N} by \eqn{1} offset matrix
#' @param scData can be a raw count matrix,
#' in which rows are genes and columns are cells;
#' can be a seurat object; can be a SingleCellExperiment object.
#' @param X \eqn{N} by \eqn{C} covariate matrix,e.g batch effect,
#' in which rows are cells,columns are number of covariates.Default is NULL
#' @param Q G by T gene-specific covariate matrix(e.g quality control measures),
#' in which rows are genes columns are number of covariates,
#' If no such covariates are available, then Q = NULL
#' @param numFactors Numeric value, number of latent dimensions
#' @param maxit Numeric value, parameter to control the
#' Maximum number of iterations in the optimization, default is 300.
#' @param method Method of optimization,default is L-BFGS-B(Limited memory BFGS) approach.
#' Conjugate Gradient (CG) is recommended for larger dataset (number of cells > 10k)
#' @param initCellcoef Initialization of C by G gene-specific coefficient matrix
#' as user-defined coefficient \eqn{\beta}.
#' Such user defined coefficient can be
#' applied to address confounding batch effect
#' @param updateCellcoef Logical value, parameter to decide whether to
#' update C by G gene-specific coefficient matrix.
#' Again, when the cell types are confounded with technical batches or
#' there is no cell level covariate matrix,
#' the user can keep the initialization of coefficients as known estimate.
#' @param updateGenecoef Logical value, parameter to decide whether to update
#' N by T gene-specific coefficient matrix.
#' Again, when there is no gene level covariate matrix,
#' this value should be FALSE by default.
#' @param NUM_CELLS_PER_CHUNK scBFA can run out of memory on large datasets, so
#' we can chunk up computations to avoid this if necessary. NUM_CELLS_PER_CHUNK
#' is the number of cells per 'chunk' computed. Shrink if running out of mem.
#' @param doChunking Use memory-efficient (but slower) chunking. Will do automatically
#' if the chunk size is specified to be smaller than the # of cells in dataset.
#' @importFrom zinbwave orthogonalizeTraceNorm
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assay
#' @importFrom copula log1pexp
#' @examples
#' ## Working with Seurat or SingleCellExperiment object
#' ## Input expression profile, 5 genes x 3 cells
#'GeneExpr = matrix(rpois(15,1),nrow = 5,ncol = 3)
#'rownames(GeneExpr) = paste0("gene",seq_len(nrow(GeneExpr)))
#'colnames(GeneExpr) = paste0("cell",seq_len(ncol(GeneExpr)))
#'celltype = as.factor(sample(c(1,2,3),3,replace = TRUE))
#'## Create cell level technical batches
#'batch = sample(c("replicate 1","replicate 2","replicate 2"))
#'X = matrix(NA,nrow = length(batch),ncol = 1)
#'X[which(batch =="replicate 1"), ] = 0
#'X[which(batch =="replicate 2"), ] = 1
#'rownames(X) = colnames(GeneExpr)
#'## run BFA with raw count matrix
#'bfa_model = scBFA(scData = GeneExpr,X = scale(X),numFactors =2)
#'## Create Seurat object for input to BFA
#'scData = CreateSeuratObject(counts = GeneExpr,project="sc",min.cells = 0)
#'## Standardize the covariate matrix should be a default operation
#'bfa_model = scBFA(scData = scData, X = scale(X), numFactors = 2)
#'## Build the SingleCellExperiment object for input to BFA
#'## Set up SingleCellExperiment class
#'sce <- SingleCellExperiment(assay = list(counts = GeneExpr))
#'## Standardize the covariate matrix should be a default operation
#'bfa_model = scBFA(scData = sce, X = scale(X), numFactors = 2)
#' @keywords export
#' @export
scBFA <- function(scData,
maxit = 300,
method = "L-BFGS-B",
initCellcoef = NULL,
updateCellcoef = TRUE,
updateGenecoef = TRUE,
doChunking = FALSE) {
match.arg(method, c("L-BFGS-B", "CG"))
if(!method %in% c("L-BFGS-B", "CG")){
stop('The input for disperType argument has to be among "L-BFGS-B", "CG"')
# extract raw count matrix
# extract the class scData object
GeneExpr = getGeneExpr(scData)
# initialization
modelEnv = new.env()
InitBinaryFA( modelEnv,
GeneExpr = GeneExpr,
X= X,
Q = Q,
numFactors = numFactors,
epsilon =max(dim(GeneExpr)),
initCellcoef = initCellcoef,
updateCellcoef = updateCellcoef,
updateGenecoef = updateGenecoef,
doChunking = doChunking)
# optimization
modelEnv = OptimBFA(modelEnv,maxit = maxit,method = method)
# Orthogonalization
orthogonalizefactors = orthogonalizeTraceNorm(U = modelEnv$ZZ,
V = t(modelEnv$AA),
modelEnv$AA = t(orthogonalizefactors$V)
modelEnv$ZZ = orthogonalizefactors$U
#' Function to get low dimensional embedding matrix
#' @return Z: \eqn{N} by \eqn{K} low dimensional embedding
#' @param modelEnv output environment variable
#' @examples
#' GeneExpr = matrix(rpois(15,1),3,5)
#' bfa_model = scBFA(scData = GeneExpr,X = NULL,numFactors =2)
#' Z = getScore(bfa_model)
#' @keywords export
#' @export
getScore <- function(modelEnv){return(modelEnv$ZZ)}
#' Function to get low dimensional loading matrix
#' @return \eqn{A}: \eqn{G} by \eqn{K} compressed feature space
#' @param modelEnv output environment variable
#' @examples
#' GeneExpr = matrix(rpois(15,1),3,5)
#' bfa_model = scBFA(scData = GeneExpr,X = NULL,numFactors =2)
#' A = getLoading(bfa_model)
#' @keywords export
#' @export
getLoading <- function(modelEnv){return(modelEnv$AA)}
#' Performs Binary PCA (as outlined in our paper).
#' This function take the input of gene expression profile and
#' perform PCA on gene detection pattern
#' @return A list with class "prcomp",containing the following components:
#' @return sdev: the standard deviations of the principal components
#' (i.e., the square roots of the eigenvalues of
#' the covariance/correlation matrix, though the calculation is
#' actually done with the singular values of the data matrix).
#' @return rotation: the matrix of variable loadings
#' (i.e., a matrix whose columns contain the eigenvectors).
#' The function princomp returns this in the element loadings.
#' @return x: the rotated data (the centred (and scaled if requested)
#' data multiplied by the rotation matrix) is returned.
#' Hence, cov(x) is the diagonal matrix diag(sdev^2).
#' @return center, scale. centering and scaling used, or FALSE.
#' @param scData can be a raw count matrix,
#' in which rows are genes and columns are cells;
#' can be a seurat object; can be a SingleCellExperiment object.
#' @param X \eqn{N} by \eqn{C} covariate matrix,e.g batch effect,
#' in which rows are cells,columns are number of covariates.
#' If no such covariates available X = NULL
#' @param scale. Logical value isndicating whether the variables should be
#' scaled to have unit variance before the analysis takes place.
#' In general scaling is not advisable, since we think the variance in the
#' gene detection space is potentially associated with celltypes
#' (e.g cell type specific markers)
#' @param center Logical value indicating whether the variables
#' should be shifted to be zero centered
#' @import SingleCellExperiment
#' @import Seurat
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assay
#' @importFrom stats lm optim prcomp residuals var
#' @examples
#' ## Working with Seurat or SingleCellExperiment object
#' ## Input expression profile, 5 genes x 3 cells
#'GeneExpr = matrix(rpois(15,1),nrow = 5,ncol = 3)
#'rownames(GeneExpr) = paste0("gene",seq_len(nrow(GeneExpr)))
#'colnames(GeneExpr) = paste0("cell",seq_len(ncol(GeneExpr)))
#'celltype = as.factor(sample(c(1,2,3),3,replace = TRUE))
#'## Create cell level technical batches
#'batch = sample(c("replicate 1","replicate 2","replicate 2"))
#'X = matrix(NA,nrow = length(batch),ncol = 1)
#'X[which(batch =="replicate 1"), ] = 0
#'X[which(batch =="replicate 2"), ] = 1
#'rownames(X) = colnames(GeneExpr)
#'##run BFA with raw count matrix
#'bpca_model = BinaryPCA(scData = GeneExpr,X = scale(X))
#'## Create Seurat object for input to BFA
#'scData = CreateSeuratObject(counts = GeneExpr,project = "sc",min.cells = 0)
#'## Standardize the covariate matrix should be a default operation
#'bpca_model = BinaryPCA(scData = scData, X = scale(X))
#'## Build the SingleCellExperiment object for input to BFA
#'## Set up SingleCellExperiment class
#'sce <- SingleCellExperiment(assay = list(counts = GeneExpr))
#'## Standardize the covariate matrix should be a default operation
#'bpca_model = BinaryPCA(scData = sce, X = scale(X))
#' @keywords export
#' @export
BinaryPCA = function(scData,X=NULL,scale. = FALSE,center = TRUE){
# extract raw count matrix
# extract the class scData object
GeneExpr = getGeneExpr(scData)
binaryEntry = t(GeneExpr!=0)+0
# calculating the variance across gene detection pattern.
binaryVariance = apply(binaryEntry,2,var)
# construct covariate matrix under the condition
#whether cell-level covariates exists
X <- scale(X)
}else if(is.null(X)){
X <- matrix(0,nrow =nrow(binaryEntry), ncol = 1)
# obtain residuals of linear regression of binarized expression profile.
# Note that genes with gene detection pattern doesn't vary across cells
# gets removed at the beginning
res <- residuals(lm(as.matrix(binaryEntry[,binaryVariance!=0]) ~X))
pca <- prcomp(res,scale. = scale.,center = center)
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