### =========================================================================
### Quickload support
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
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### Quickload class
setClass("Quickload", representation(uri = "character"))
Quickload_contents <- function(x) {
read.table(contentsFile(x), sep = "\t", col.names = c("dir", "title"),
colClasses = "character")
setGeneric("uri", function(x) standardGeneric("uri"))
setMethod("uri", "Quickload", function(x) {
setMethod("genome", "Quickload", function(x) {
contents <- Quickload_contents(x)
as.character(structure(contents$dir, names = contents$title))
setMethod("names", "Quickload", function(x) genome(x))
setMethod("length", "Quickload", function(x) length(names(x)))
setMethod("[[", "Quickload", function (x, i, j, ...) {
if (!missing(j))
warning("argument 'j' ignored")
QuickloadGenome(x, i, ...)
setMethod("$", "Quickload", function (x, name) {
QuickloadGenome(x, name)
Quickload <- function(uri = "quickload", create = FALSE) {
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(create))
stop("'create' must be TRUE or FALSE")
if (create) {
if (uriExists(uri)) {
message("NOTE: '", uri, "' already exists")
create <- FALSE
} ## must create this before calling normURI (requires existence)
else createResource(uri, dir = TRUE)
ql <- new("Quickload", uri = normURI(uri))
if (create)
setAs("character", "Quickload", function(from) Quickload(from))
setMethod("show", "Quickload", function(object) {
cat(class(object), "repository\nuri:", uri(object), "\n")
cat(S4Vectors:::labeledLine("genomes", genome(object)))
contentsFile <- function(x) file.path(uri(x), "contents.txt")
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### QuickloadGenome class
representation(quickload = "Quickload",
genome = "character"),
contains = "TrackDb")
setMethod("uri", "QuickloadGenome",
function(x) file.path(uri(quickload(x)), genome(x)))
quickload <- function(x, ...) x@quickload
setMethod("genome", "QuickloadGenome", function(x) x@genome)
setMethod("seqinfo", "QuickloadGenome", function(x) {
genome_info <- read.table(genomeFile(x), sep = "\t",
col.names = c("seqnames", "seqlengths"),
colClasses = c("character", "integer"))
Seqinfo(genome_info$seqnames, genome_info$seqlengths,
genome = rep(genome(x), nrow(genome_info)))
setReplaceMethod("seqinfo", "QuickloadGenome", function(x, value)
if (uriIsWritable(genomeFile(x))) {
df <-[1]
write.table(df, genomeFile(x),
quote = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")
} else stop("Repository is read only; cannot write seqinfo")
setMethod("releaseDate", "QuickloadGenome", function(x) {
sub(".*?_(.*?)_([^_]*)$", "\\1 \\2", genome(x))
setMethod("organism", "QuickloadGenome", function(object) {
gsub("_", " ", sub("(.*?)_.*?_[^_]*$", "\\1", genome(object)))
setMethod("length", "QuickloadGenome", function(x) {
QuickloadGenome_annotFiles <- function(x) {
setMethod("names", "QuickloadGenome", function(x) {
x_mcols <- mcols(x)
structure(sapply(as.character(x_mcols$name), URLdecode),
names = as.character(x_mcols$title))
setMethod("trackNames", "QuickloadGenome", function(object) {
setMethod("mcols", "QuickloadGenome", function(x) {
files <- QuickloadGenome_annotFiles(x)
if (!length(xmlChildren(files)))
new("DataFrame", nrows = length(x))
Reduce(function(x, y) merge(,, all = TRUE),
lapply(xmlChildren(files), xmlAttrs))
setMethod("toString", "QuickloadGenome", function(x) {
addGenomeToContents <- function(x, title) {
contents <- Quickload_contents(quickload(x))
if (!genome(x) %in% contents$dir) {
contents <- rbind(contents, data.frame(genome(x), title))
if (uriIsWritable(contentsFile(quickload(x))))
write.table(contents, contentsFile(quickload(x)),
quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE,
sep = "\t")
else stop("Repository is read only; cannot add genome to contents")
} else warning("Genome '", genome(x), "' already in contents; not replaced")
setMethod("toString", "GenomeDescription", function(x) {
paste(organism(x), provider(x), providerVersion(x))
## Not sure where this method should land. I'm sure it will be useful
## for publishing adhoc genomes through Quickload.
setMethod("seqinfo", "DNAStringSet", function(x) {
x_names <- names(x)
if (is.null(x_names))
x_names <- as.character(seq(length(x)))
Seqinfo(x_names, width(x))
QuickloadGenome <- function(quickload, genome, create = FALSE,
seqinfo = GenomicRanges::seqinfo(genome),
title = toString(genome))
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(create))
stop("'create' must be TRUE or FALSE")
quickload <- as(quickload, "Quickload")
genome <- normArgGenome(genome)
genome_id <- quickloadGenomeId(genome)
qlg <- new("QuickloadGenome", quickload = quickload, genome = genome_id)
if (create) {
if (is.character(genome) && missing(seqinfo))
stop("No seqinfo for genome '", genome, "'")
createQuickloadGenome(qlg, seqinfo, title)
setMethod("show", "QuickloadGenome", function(object) {
cat(class(object), "track database\ngenome:", genome(object), "\nquickload:",
uri(quickload(object)), "\n")
cat(S4Vectors:::labeledLine("names", names(object)))
genomeFile <- function(x) file.path(uri(x), "mod_chromInfo.txt")
annotsFile <- function(x) file.path(uri(x), "annots.xml")
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### Import of tracks/sequence from Quickload
setMethod("track", "QuickloadGenome", function(object, name, ...) {
object_mcols <- mcols(object)
if (!name %in% object_mcols$title)
stop("Track '", name, "' does not exist")
md <- as.list(object_mcols[object_mcols$title == name,])
rd <- import(file.path(uri(object), md$name), ...)
metadata(rd)$quickload <- md
## Since a QuickloadGenome can store only a
## single referenece genome, it is best to treat it as a "slot".
function(x, ...) standardGeneric("referenceSequence"))
referenceSequenceFile <- function(x) {
paste(file.path(uri(x), genome(x)), ".2bit", sep = "")
setMethod("referenceSequence", "QuickloadGenome",
function(x, which = as(seqinfo(x), "GenomicRanges"), ...)
import(referenceSequenceFile(x), which = which, ...)
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### Export of tracks/sequence to Quickload
### FIXME: check for file URI scheme
function(x) standardGeneric("sortBySeqnameAndStart"))
## Seems not really possible for GRangesList
setMethod("sortBySeqnameAndStart", "GenomicRanges", function(x) {
x[order(as.factor(seqnames(x)), start(x)),]
setMethod("sortBySeqnameAndStart", "IntegerRangesList", function(x) {
x.flat <- unlist(x, use.names=FALSE)
relist(x.flat[order(space(x), start(x.flat))], x)
.exportToQuickload <- function(object, name,
format = bestFileFormat(value, object),
index = TRUE, metadata = character(), ..., value)
if (is(object, "Annotated")) {
value_metadata <- metadata(value)$quickload
value_metadata[names(metadata)] <- metadata
metadata <- value_metadata
filename <- paste(name, format, sep = ".")
path <- paste(uri(object), filename, sep = "/")
seqinfo(value) <- seqinfo(object)
file <- export(value, path, format = format, index = index, ...)
track(object, name, index = FALSE, metadata = metadata) <- file
signature(object = "QuickloadGenome", value = "ANY"),
signature(object = "QuickloadGenome", value = "RsamtoolsFile"),
function(object, name, metadata = character(), ..., value)
if (missing(name))
name <- basename(path(value))
track(object, name, metadata = metadata) <-
copyResourceToQuickload(object, URLencode(index(value)))
signature(object = "QuickloadGenome", value = "RTLFile"),
function(object, name, metadata = character(), ..., value)
if (missing(name))
name <- basename(path(value))
track(object, name, metadata = metadata) <-
copyResourceToQuickload <- function(object, uri) {
parsed_uri <- .parseURI(uri)
if (parsed_uri$scheme == "")
uri <- paste("file://", uri, sep = "")
filename <- basename(uri)
object_uri <- .parseURI(uri(object))
if (uriIsLocal(object_uri)) {
dest_file <- file.path(object_uri$path, filename)
if (paste(uri(object), filename, sep = "/") != uri)
### FIXME: URLdecode() here because of R bug
download.file(URLdecode(uri), dest_file)
} else stop("Quickload is not local; cannot copy track")
signature(object = "QuickloadGenome",
value = "character"),
function(object, name = basename(object),
metadata = character(), ..., value)
file <- copyResourceToQuickload(object, value)
files <- QuickloadGenome_annotFiles(object)
## make sure we have the three required attributes
attrs <- c(name = file, title = name)
attrs[names(metadata)] <- metadata
filenames <- getNodeSet(files, "//@name")
if (file %in% filenames) {
removeChildren(files, match(file, filenames))
files <- addChildren(files,
newXMLNode("file", attrs = attrs))
saveXML(files, annotsFile(object))
function(x, ..., value) standardGeneric("referenceSequence<-"))
signature(x = "QuickloadGenome", value = "ANY"),
function(x, name, ..., value)
export.2bit(value, referenceSequenceFile(x))
### Not exported yet
setGeneric("synonyms", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("synonyms"))
synonymFile <- function(x) file.path(uri(x), "synonyms.txt")
setMethod("synonyms", "QuickloadGenome", function(x) {
CharacterList(strsplit(readLines(synonymFile(x)), "\t"))
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### Utilities
normArgGenome <- function(genome) {
if (is.character(genome)) {
bs_genome <- BSGenomeForID(genome)
if (!is.null(bs_genome))
genome <- bs_genome
quickloadGenomeId <- function(genome) {
if (!is.character(genome)) {
species <- sub("^(.).*? ", "\\1_", organism(genome))
date <- sub("\\. ", "_", releaseDate(genome))
paste(species, date, sep = "_")
} else genome
createQuickloadGenome <- function(x, seqinfo, title) {
if (genome(x) %in% genome(quickload(x))) {
message("NOTE: Genome '", genome(x), "' already exists")
createResource(uri(x), dir = TRUE)
createResource(annotsFile(x), content = "<files/>")
seqinfo(x) <- seqinfo
addGenomeToContents(x, title)
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