#' Obtain the consensus null
#' @param statObs A vector of lenght p with observed test statistics
#' @param statsPerm A pxB matrix with permuation z-values
#' @param z0Quant a vector of length of quantiles defining the central part R
#' of the distribution. If a single number is supplied, then
#' (z0quant, 1-z0quant) will be used
#' @param gridsize An integer, the gridsize for the density estimation
#' @param maxIter An integer, the maximum number of iterations in determining R
#' @param tol The convergence tolerance.
#' @param estP0args A list of arguments passed on to the estP0args() function
#' @param testPargs A list of arguments passed on to quantileFun
#' @param B an integer, the number of permutations
#' @param p an integer, the number of hypotheses
#' @param pi0 A known fraction of true null hypotheses.
#' @importFrom KernSmooth bkde
#' @importFrom stats qnorm dnorm approx quantile
#' @return A list with following entries
#' \item{PermDensFits}{The permutation density fits}
#' \item{zSeq}{The support of the kernel for density estimation}
#' \item{zValsDensObs}{The estimated densities of the observed z-values}
#' \item{convergence}{A boolean, has the algorithm converged?}
#' \item{weights}{Vector of length B with weights
#' for the permutation distributions}
#' \item{fdr}{Estimated local false discovery rate along the support
#' of the kernel}
#' \item{p0}{The estimated fraction of true null hypotheses}
#' \item{iter}{The number of iterations}
#' \item{fitAll}{The consensus null fit}
getG0 = function(statObs, statsPerm, z0Quant, gridsize,
maxIter, tol, estP0args, testPargs, B, p,
stop("Dimensions of observed and permutation test statistics don't match!")
if(length(z0Quant)==1) {
z0Quant = sort(c(z0Quant, 1-z0Quant))
estPi0 = is.null(pi0) #Should the fraction of nulls be estimated?
statObs = statObs[!] #ignore NA values
centralBorders = quantile(statObs, probs = c(z0Quant, 1-z0Quant))
#Estimate observed densities
zValsDensObs0 = bkde(statObs, gridsize = gridsize)
zValsDensObs = zValsDensObs0$y
zSeq = zValsDensObs0$x #The support
zValsDensObsInterp = approx(y = zValsDensObs, x = zSeq, xout = statObs)$y
zValsDensObs[zValsDensObs<=0] =
.Machine$double.eps #Remove negative densities
#Estimate permutation densities
PermDensFits = apply(statsPerm, 2, estNormal)
LogPermDensEvals = apply(PermDensFits, 2, function(fit){
dnorm(statObs, mean = fit[1], sd = fit[2], log = TRUE)
#Indicators for the observed z values in the support of the kernel
iter = 1L; convergence = FALSE; p0 = 1; fitAll = c("mean" = 0, "sd" = 1)
fdr = as.integer(statObs >= centralBorders[1] & statObs <= centralBorders[2])
fdr[fdr==0] = .Machine$double.eps
while(iter <= maxIter && !convergence){
fdrOld = fdr; p0old = p0
weights = calcWeights(logDensPerm = LogPermDensEvals, fdr = fdr)
#Null distribution
fitAll = estNormal(y = c(statsPerm), w = rep(weights, each = p), p = p)
g0 = dnorm(statObs, mean = fitAll[1], sd = fitAll[2])
fdr = g0/zValsDensObsInterp*p0
fdr[fdr>1] = 1 #Normalize here already!
p0 = if(estPi0), c(list(statObs = statObs, fitAll = fitAll),
estP0args)) else pi0
convergence = all((fdr-fdrOld)^2 < tol) && (p0-p0old)^2 < tol
iter = iter + 1L
warning("Consensus null estimation did not converge, please investigate cause! \n")}
return(list(PermDensFits = PermDensFits, zSeq = zSeq,
zValsDensObs = zValsDensObs, convergence = convergence,
Weights = weights, fdr = fdr,
p0 = p0, iter = iter, fitAll = fitAll))
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