#' @import methods
#' Class ScudoResults
#' This is an S4 class that represents the output of the functions
#' \code{\link{scudoTrain}} and \code{\link{scudoTest}}.
#' This class provides a structure to represent the results of \code{scudoTrain}
#' and \code{scudoTest}. It contains the distance matrix and the gene signatures
#' generated by the SCUDO analysis. It is possible, although not recommended, to
#' manually create instances of this class (see Examples below).
#' @slot distMatrix a symmetric matrix with
#' non-negative numeric elements
#' @slot upSignatures a data.frame with the
#' same colnames as distMatrix, representing the up-regualted features in each
#' sample
#' @slot downSignatures a data.frame with the
#' same colnames as distMatrix, representing the down-regualted
#' features in each sample
#' @slot groupsAnnotation a factor that represents the groups
#' used for the computeFC and the feature selection
#' @slot consensusUpSignatures a data.frame that contains the
#' consensus signatures of up-regulated features for each group
#' @slot consensusDownSignatures a data.frame that contains
#' the consensus signatures of dowm-regulated features for each group
#' @slot selectedFeatures a character vector of selected
#' features. If the feature selection was not performed, it contains every
#' feature present in the input of the scudo functions
#' @slot scudoParams a list of the parameters used to run
#' the function that created the instance of the class
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{distMatrix}}{\code{signature(object = "ScudoResults")}:
#' a method for obtaining the distance matrix.}
#' \item{\code{upSignatures}}{\code{signature(object = "ScudoResults")}: a
#' method for obtaining the signature of up-regualted features in each
#' sample.}
#' \item{\code{downSignatures}}{\code{signature(object =
#' "ScudoResults")}: a method for obtaining the signature of down-regulated
#' features in each sample.}
#' \item{\code{groupsAnnotation}}{\code{signature(object = "ScudoResults")}:
#' a method for obtaining the groups used for
#' computeFC and feature selection.}
#' \item{\code{consensusUpSignatures}}{\code{signature(object =
#' "ScudoResults")}: a method for obtaining the consensus signatures of
#' up-regualted features in each group.}
#' \item{\code{consensusDownSignatures}}{\code{signature(object =
#' "ScudoResults")}: a method for obtaining the consensus signatures of
#' down-regulated features in each group.}
#' \item{\code{selectedFeatures}}{\code{signature(object = "ScudoResults")}:
#' a method for obtaining the names of the features seleted. If no feature
#' selection was performed, the names of every feature are returned.}
#' \item{\code{scudoParams}}{\code{signature(object = "ScudoResults")}: a method
#' for obtaining the parameters that were used to generate the result.}
#' }
#' @author Matteo Ciciani \email{}, Thomas Cantore
#' \email{}
#' @examples
#' # manually generate instance of ScudoResults class
#' m <- matrix(1, ncol = 4, nrow = 4)
#' diag(m) <- 0
#' rownames(m) <- colnames(m) <- letters[1:4]
#' SigUp <- data.frame(a = letters[1:5], b = letters[6:10], c = letters[11:15],
#' d = letters[16:20], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' SigDown <- data.frame(a = letters[1:10], b = letters[11:20],
#' c = letters[1:10], d = letters[11:20],
#' stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' groups <- as.factor(c("G1", "G1", "G2", "G2"))
#' ConsUp <- data.frame(G1 = letters[11:15], G2 = letters[21:25],
#' stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' ConsDown <- data.frame(G1 = letters[16:25], G2 = letters[1:10],
#' stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' Feats <- letters[1:20]
#' Pars <- list()
#' scudoR <- ScudoResults(distMatrix = m,
#' upSignatures = SigUp,
#' downSignatures = SigDown,
#' groupsAnnotation = groups,
#' consensusUpSignatures = ConsUp,
#' consensusDownSignatures = ConsDown,
#' selectedFeatures = Feats,
#' scudoParams = Pars)
#' @name ScudoResults-class
#' @rdname ScudoResults-class
#' @export ScudoResults
#' @exportClass ScudoResults
ScudoResults <- setClass("ScudoResults",
slots = list(
distMatrix = "matrix",
upSignatures = "data.frame",
downSignatures = "data.frame",
groupsAnnotation = "factor",
consensusUpSignatures = "data.frame",
consensusDownSignatures = "data.frame",
selectedFeatures = "character",
scudoParams = "list"))
setValidity("ScudoResults", function(object) {
valid <- TRUE
msg <- NULL
# validity of distMatrix ---------------------------------------------------
if (dim(object@distMatrix)[1] != dim(object@distMatrix)[2]) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, "distMatrix is not a square matrix")
if (any( & !any(is.nan(object@distMatrix))) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, "distMatrix contains NAs")
if (any(is.nan(object@distMatrix))) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, "distMatrix contains NaNs")
if (!all(is.numeric(object@distMatrix))) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, "distMatrix contains non-numeric values")
if (any(object@distMatrix[!] < 0)) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, "distMatrix contains negative numbers")
if (!isSymmetric(object@distMatrix)) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, "distMatrix is not symmetric")
if (all(is.numeric(object@distMatrix)) &&
!all(vapply(diag(object@distMatrix), function(x)
isTRUE(all.equal(x, 0)), logical(1)))) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, "distMatrix contains non-zero elements in the diagonal")
if (is.null(colnames(object@distMatrix)) |
is.null(rownames(object@distMatrix))) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, "colnames or rownames are not present in distMatrix")
if (!identical(colnames(object@distMatrix), rownames(object@distMatrix))) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, "colnames and rownames are different in distMatrix")
# validity of upSignatures -------------------------------------------------
if (any( {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, "upSignatures contains NAs")
if (!all(dim(object@upSignatures)[2] == dim(object@distMatrix))) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("number of columns in upSignatures is different",
" from the dimension of distMatrix"))
if (!identical(colnames(object@distMatrix),
colnames(object@upSignatures))) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("colnames in upSignatures are different from",
" colnames in distMatrix"))
if (!all(vapply(object@upSignatures, is.character, logical(1)))) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, "upSignatures contains non-character values")
# validity of downSignatures -----------------------------------------------
if (any( {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, "downSignatures contains NAs")
if (!all(dim(object@downSignatures)[2] == dim(object@distMatrix))) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("number of columns in downSignatures is different",
" from the dimension of distMatrix"))
if (!identical(colnames(object@distMatrix),
colnames(object@downSignatures))) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("colnames in downSignatures are different from",
" colnames in distMatrix"))
if (!all(vapply(object@downSignatures, is.character, logical(1)))) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, "downSignatures contains non-character values")
# validity of groupsAnnotation ---------------------------------------------
if (any( {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, "groupsAnnotation contains NAs")
if (length(object@groupsAnnotation) != dim(object@distMatrix)[1] &&
length(object@groupsAnnotation) != 0) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("length of groupsAnnotation different from number",
" of rows in distMatrix"))
# validity of consensusUpSignatures ----------------------------------------
if (!isTRUE(all.equal(dim(object@consensusUpSignatures), c(0, 0)))) {
if (any( {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, "consensusUpSignatures contains NAs")
if (dim(object@consensusUpSignatures)[1] != dim(object@upSignatures)[1])
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("number of rows in consensusUpSignatures ",
"different from number of rows in upSignatures"))
if (!all(vapply(object@consensusUpSignatures, is.character,
logical(1)))) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, "consensusUpSignatures contains non-character values")
if (!all(is.element(colnames(object@consensusUpSignatures),
as.character(levels(object@groupsAnnotation))))) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("colnames of consensusUpSignatures contains ",
"elements that are not in groupsAnnotation"))
# validity of consensusDownSignatures --------------------------------------
if (!isTRUE(all.equal(dim(object@consensusDownSignatures), c(0, 0)))) {
if (any( {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, "consensusDownSignatures contains NAs")
if (dim(object@consensusDownSignatures)[1] !=
dim(object@downSignatures)[1]) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("number of rows in consensusDownSignatures ",
"different from number of rows in downSignatures"))
if (!all(vapply(object@consensusDownSignatures, is.character,
logical(1)))) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("consensusDownSignatures contains ",
"non-character values"))
if (!all(is.element(colnames(object@consensusDownSignatures),
as.character(levels(object@groupsAnnotation))))) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("colnames of consensusDownSignatures ",
"contains elements that are not in groupsAnnotation"))
# validity of selectedFeatures ---------------------------------------------
if (any( {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, "selectedFeatures contains NAs")
# validity of scudoParams --------------------------------------------------
if (valid) TRUE else msg
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