#' @useDynLib profileScoreDist
#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp
pwmFormatCheck <- function (inputmat) {
## checks user input matrix (on the form in MotifDB) and converts to internal
## form (Lx4, as in the Rahmann et al. paper)
if (nrow(inputmat) != 4L)
stop("First argument must be a matrix with 4 rows, corresponding to
A, C, G, and T")
if (ncol(inputmat) < 2)
stop("First argument must be a matrix with at least 2 columns,
corresponding to a PWM or PCM of at least length 2")
if (is.null(rownames(inputmat))) {
toreturn <- t(inputmat)
colnames(toreturn) <- c("A", "C", "G", "T")
} else {
if (!identical(sort(rownames(inputmat)), c("A", "C", "G", "T")))
stop("Matrix rownames must be one of each of A, C, G, and T")
t(inputmat[c("A", "C", "G", "T"), ])
computeDelta <- function (w, tau, rho, N) {
delta <- (1 - w)*tau + w*rho
relent <- delta*log(delta/rho)
## calculate Delta(w): discard NaNs, delta approaches zero faster
## than ln(delta) approaches -Inf:
## lim_{x->0} x*log(x/c) = 0.
computeDeltadiff <- function (w, tau, rho, N, E, Dzero) {
computeDelta(w, tau, rho, N) + E - Dzero
computew <- function (tau, rho, N, E) {
## calculate Delta(0)
Dzero <- computeDelta(0, tau, rho, N)
if (Dzero >= E) {
## find the w in (0,1) for which Delta(w) = Delta(0) - E
stats::uniroot(computeDeltadiff, c(0, 1),
tau, rho, N, E, Dzero, tol=1e-9)$root
} else
## Delta(0)<E => take w=1
regularizeRow <- function (Ci, rho, E) {
Ni <- sum(Ci)
taui <- Ci/Ni
w <- computew(taui, rho, Ni, E)
if (w == as.integer(1))
## in this case, the regularized row is drawn from rho only.
## the number of counts can be chosen freely, we choose N.
else {
## w = Wi/(Ni + Wi), which leads to:
Wi <- w*Ni/(1 - w)
Ni*taui + Wi*rho
#' Careful regularization (pseudocount addition) to a position count matrix.
#' Carries out the regularization suggested by Rahmann et al. This lets each
#' column in the regularized matrix be a linear combination of the column in the
#' non-regularized matrix and rho, the overall base distribution of all
#' positions. The weighting of the linear combination is determined by the
#' parameter E in a non-trivial way, see Rahmann et al. for more information. A
#' default value E=1.5 usually works well.
#' @param motif A position count matrix; each column a position and each row a
#' base corresponding to A, C, G, T. This order is assumed, unless the rows
#' are correspondingly named in a different order.
#' @param E Weighting parameter between 0 and 3 for the regularization.
#' @return The regularized matrix
#' @examples
#' data(INR)
#' regularizeMatrix(INR)
#' @references Rahmann, S., Mueller, T., and Vingron, M. (2003). On the power of
#' profiles for transcription factor binding site detection. Stat Appl Genet
#' Mol Biol 2, Article7.
#' @export
regularizeMatrix <- function (motif, E=1.5) {
internalmotif <- pwmFormatCheck(motif)
if (as.integer(round(sum(internalmotif))) == nrow(internalmotif))
stop("You have likely supplied a position frequency matrix, not a position
count matrix. Consider multiplying your frequency matrix with the
number of counts for each position.")
if (as.integer(round(sum(internalmotif)))/nrow(internalmotif) < 10)
warning("Your position count matrix consists of very few counts. Results
may be unreliable.")
if (E > 3 || E < 0)
stop("The E weighting parameter has to lie between 0 and 3.")
## the regularizing distribution: columnwise division
rho <- apply(internalmotif, 2, sum)/sum(internalmotif)
## for the rare case that a rho is zero, add to numerator and denominator
if (any(rho <= 1e-15))
rho <- (apply(internalmotif, 2, sum) + 0.25) / (sum(internalmotif) + 1)
apply(internalmotif, 1, regularizeRow, rho, E)
#' Compute exact position weight/count matrix score distribution.
#' Computes the discretisized score distribution of a position count matrix
#' (PCM) or a position weight matrix (PWM), using the method described by
#' Rahmann et al.
#' @param motif A matrix representing a PCM or PWM; each column a position and
#' each row a base corresponding to A, C, G, T. This order is assumed, unless
#' the rows are correspondingly named in a different order.
#' @param gc A scalar giving the GC fraction to assume.
#' @param granularity The granularity of the discretization, defaults to 0.01.
#' @param unit The logarithm unit of the score computed from the PCM or PWM, can
#' be "nat" (default, natural logarithm), "bit" (base 2), or "dit" (base 10).
#' @return a ProfileDist object
#' @examples
#' data(INR)
#' thedist <- computeScoreDist(regularizeMatrix(INR), 0.5)
#' plotDist(thedist)
#' @references Rahmann, S., Mueller, T., and Vingron, M. (2003). On the power of
#' profiles for transcription factor binding site detection. Stat Appl Genet
#' Mol Biol 2, Article7.
#' @export
computeScoreDist <- function (motif, gc, granularity=0.01, unit="nat") {
internalmotif <- pwmFormatCheck(motif)
## fail if not regularized
stop(paste("The profile matrix contains zeroes.",
"Use e.g. regularizeMatrix() to add pseudocounts."))
## motif length
L = nrow(internalmotif)
## convert counts to probabilities (check ?/ for explanation)
pmotif <- internalmotif/rowSums(internalmotif)
## vector of background probabilities for ACGT
bg <- c((1 - gc)/2, gc/2, gc/2, (1 - gc)/2)
## replicate: same background for all positions
pbg <- matrix(rep(bg, L), nrow=L, byrow=TRUE)
## log-score matrix
logpssm <- switch(unit,
nat = log(pmotif/pbg),
bit = log2(pmotif/pbg),
dit = log10(pmotif/pbg),
stop("Invalid information unit"))
## round S scaled by granularity
S <- round(logpssm/granularity)
## minimal and maximal possible total scores for all words
Smin <- as.integer(sum(apply(S, 1, min)))
Smax <- as.integer(sum(apply(S, 1, max)))
## initialize vector of probabilities f and g: they correspond to
## the probability masses partial sums of scores
## (Smin, Smin + granularity, ..., Smax) generated under the matrix
## probabilities and background probabilities, respectively
Scores <- Smin:Smax
## first step (calculate f_1):
f <- profilePosscoreprob(Scores, S[1, ], pmotif[1, ])
g <- profilePosscoreprob(Scores, S[1, ], bg)
## iteratively calculate the partial probability mass sums, using
## the convolution method
for (psum in 2:L) {
fi <- profilePosscoreprob(Scores, S[psum, ], pmotif[psum, ])
f <- profileConvolution(f, fi, abs(Smin), Smax)
gi <- profilePosscoreprob(Scores, S[psum, ], bg)
g <- profileConvolution(g, gi, abs(Smin), Smax)
## return results in the list dists
ProfileDist(f=f, g=g, Scores=Scores*granularity)
#' False discovery rate and power for PWM Score distributions.
#' Computes score cutoffs for a PWM or a PCM, given distributions as calculated
#' with \code{computeScoreDist()}. Cutoffs can be computed for a given false
#' discovery rate (FDR), for a given false negative rate (FNR), and the optimal
#' tradeoff between the two, in the sense that \eqn{c \times FDR = FNR} for some
#' \eqn{c} that the user may choose.
#' @param scoreDist A ProfileDist object, as computed by
#' \code{computeScoreDist()}
#' @param n The number of scores considered for the given PWM. If one sequence
#' is considered and a score is computed for all overlapping windows of the
#' same length as the PWM, this will be the length of the sequence, minus the
#' PWM length plus 1. If scanning a sequence and its reverse complement too,
#' this number must be further multiplied by two. The number forms the basis
#' for the FDR, since this is a multiple testing problem.
#' @param m The number of true positives assumed for computing the FNR.
#' @param c A factor expressing how much more important the FDR is compared to
#' the FNR, when computing the tradeoff cutoff that considers both FDR and
#' FNR. See Rahmann et al. for details.
#' @param cutoff The FDR and FNR considered, typically 0.01 or 0.05.
#' @return a list with elements: \describe{ \item{cutoffa}{Score cutoff for
#' FDR=\code{cutoff}} \item{cutoffb}{Score cutoff for FNR=\code{cutoff}}
#' \item{cutoffopt}{Score cutoff for \code{c}*FDR = FNR} }
#' @examples
#' data(INR)
#' thedist <- computeScoreDist(regularizeMatrix(INR), 0.5)
#' scoreDistCutoffs(thedist, n=2000, cutoff=0.05)
#' @references Rahmann, S., Mueller, T., and Vingron, M. (2003). On the power of
#' profiles for transcription factor binding site detection. Stat Appl Genet
#' Mol Biol 2, Article7.
#' @export
scoreDistCutoffs <- function (scoreDist, n, m=1, c=1, cutoff=0.01) {
## alpha is the right cumulative distribution function of g,
## i.e. P(X >= t): the probability that the background nucleotide
## distribution gives rise to a score at or above the threshold t
alphalesseq <- cumsum(backgroundDist(scoreDist))
## these are the probabilities of less than
alphaless <- c(0, alphalesseq[1:(length(alphalesseq) - 1)])
## we need the probability of greater than or equal
alpha <- 1 - alphaless
alphan <- 1 - exp(-n*alpha)
alphaind <- which.min(abs(alphan - cutoff))
## beta is the left cumulative distribution function of f,
## i.e. P(X < t): the probability that the motif nucleotide
## distribution gives rise to a score below the threshold t
betalesseq <- cumsum(signalDist(scoreDist))
## these are the probabilities of less than
beta <- c(0, betalesseq[1:(length(betalesseq) - 1)])
betam <- 1 - (1 - beta)^m
betaind <- which.min(abs(betam - cutoff))
## find out the index where c*alphan is closest to betam.
aboptind <- which.min(abs(c*alphan - betam))
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