
'.extract.all.parents' <- 
function(data,res.main,maxparents,predn) {
### function taking the output of the regrnet.ensemble method and returns a matrix
### containing one equivalent model in each column. The target variable is in the first row.
### res.main: 	output of regrnet.ensemble
### maxparents:	maxparents parameter of the netinf method
### predn:	list of target variables for which ensemble method was run.
	final <- NULL
	cnt_main <- 1
	for(imain in 1:length(predn)){
		res.vec <- res.main[cnt_main:(cnt_main+2*res.main[cnt_main])]
			cnt_main <- cnt_main+2*res.main[cnt_main]+1
			nsol <- sum(res.vec==0)
			res <- matrix(0,ncol=nsol,nrow=(maxparents+1))
			val <- res.vec[2:(res.vec[1]+1)]
			ind <- res.vec[(res.vec[1]+2):(2*res.vec[1]+1)]
			res[1,1:ind[1]] <- rep(val[1],ind[1])
			nvar <- length(val)
			level <- 2
			cnt <- 1
			nelem <- 0
			sum_old <- sum(ind[1])
			last_level <- FALSE
			i <- 2
			ind2 <- 1
			while(i<=nvar && !last_level){
						tmp <- res[,(ind2+1):nsol]
						res[level,ind2] <- val[i]
						for(j in 1:level){
							res[j,(ind2+1):(ind2+ind[i]-1)] <- rep(res[j,ind2],(ind[i]-1))
							res <- cbind(res[,1:(ind2+ind[i]-1)],tmp[,1:(nsol-(ind2+ind[i]-1))])
							res <- res[,1:(ind2+ind[i]-1)]
					res[level,ind2:(ind2-1+ind[i])] <- rep(val[i],ind[i])
					ind2 <- ind2+ind[i]
					res[level,ind2] <- val[i]
					ind2 <- ind2+1
				nelem <- nelem+ind[i]
					sum_old <- nelem
						last_level <- TRUE
					nelem <- 0
					cnt <- 1
					level <- level+1
					ind2 <- 1
				else if(cnt< sum_old){
					cnt <- cnt+1
				i <- i+1
			final <- cbind(final,res)
	dimension <- dim(final)
	final <- colnames(data)[final]
	dim(final) <- dimension

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predictionet documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:48 p.m.