#' generate a set of fragments from a set of transcripts
#' Convert each sequence in a DNAStringSet to a "fragment" (subsequence)
#' @param tObj DNAStringSet of sequences from which fragments should be
#' extracted
#' @param distr One of 'normal', 'empirical', or 'custom'. If 'normal', draw
#' fragment lengths from a normal distribution with mean \code{fraglen} and
#' standard deviation \code{fragsd}. If 'empirical', draw fragment lengths
#' from a fragment length distribution estimated from a real data set. If
#' 'custom', draw fragment lengths from a custom distribution, provided as
#' the \code{custdens} argument, which should be a density fitted using
#' \code{\link{logspline}}.
#' @param fraglen Mean fragment length, if drawing fragment lengths from a
#' normal distribution.
#' @param fragsd Standard deviation of fragment lengths, if drawing lengths
#' from a normal distribution. Note: \code{fraglen} and \code{fragsd} are
#' ignored unless \code{distr} is 'normal'.
#' @param readlen Read length. Default 100. Used only to label read positions.
#' @param custdens If \code{distr} is 'custom', draw fragments from this
#' density. Should be an object of class \code{logspline}.
#' @param bias One of 'none', 'rnaf', or 'cdnaf' (default 'none'). 'none'
#' represents uniform fragment selection (every possible fragment in a
#' transcript has equal probability of being in the experiment); 'rnaf'
#' represents positional bias that arises in protocols using RNA
#' fragmentation, and 'cdnaf' represents positional bias arising in protocols
#' that use cDNA fragmentation (Li and Jiang 2012). Using the 'rnaf' model,
#' coverage is higher in the middle of the transcript and lower at both ends,
#' and in the 'cdnaf' model, coverage increases toward the 3' end of the
#' transcript. The probability models used come from Supplementary Figure S3
#' of Li and Jiang (2012).
#' @param frag_GC_bias See explanation in \code{\link{simulate_experiment}}.
#' @export
#' @return DNAStringSet consisting of one randomly selected subsequence per
#' element of \code{tObj}.
#' @details
#' The empirical fragment length distribution was estimated using 7 randomly
#' selected RNA-seq samples from the GEUVADIS dataset ('t Hoen et al 2013),
#' one sample from each laboratory that performed sequencing for that data
#' set. We used Picard's "CollectInsertSizeMetrics"
#' (, version 1.121, to estimate the
#' insert size distribution based on the read alignments.
#' @references
#' 't Hoen PA, et al (2013): Reproducibility of high-throughput mRNA and
#' small RNA sequencing across laboratories. Nature Biotechnology 31(11):
#' 1015-1022.
#' Li W and Jiang T (2012): Transcriptome assembly and isoform expression
#' level estimation from biased RNA-Seq reads. Bioinformatics 28(22):
#' 2914-2921.
#' @seealso \code{\link{logspline}}
#' @examples
#' library(Biostrings)
#' data(srPhiX174)
#' ## get fragments with lengths drawn from normal distrubution
#' set.seed(174)
#' srPhiX174_fragments = generate_fragments(srPhiX174, fraglen=15, fragsd=3,
#' readlen=4)
#' srPhiX174_fragments
#' srPhiX174
#' ## get fragments with lengths drawn from an empirical distribution
#' empirical_frags = generate_fragments(srPhiX174, distr='empirical')
#' empirical_frags
#' ## get fragments with lengths from a normal distribution, but include
#' ## positional bias from cDNA fragmentation:
#' biased_frags = generate_fragments(srPhiX174, bias='cdnaf')
#' biased_frags
generate_fragments = function(tObj, fraglen=250, fragsd=25,
readlen=100, distr='normal', custdens=NULL, bias='none',
frag_GC_bias='none') {
bias = match.arg(bias, c('none', 'rnaf', 'cdnaf'))
distr = match.arg(distr, c('normal', 'empirical', 'custom'))
L = width(tObj)
if(distr == 'empirical'){
fraglens = round(rlogspline(L, empirical_density))
}else if(distr == 'normal'){
fraglens = round(rnorm(L, mean=fraglen, sd=fragsd))
# distr == 'custom'
stop('must provide custom logspline density when distr is "custom"')
stopifnot(class(custdens) == 'logspline')
fraglens = round(rlogspline(L, custdens))
s = which(fraglens < L)
n = length(s)
if(bias == 'none'){
start_pos = floor(runif(n, min=rep(1,n), max=L[s]-fraglens[s]+2))
}else if(bias == 'rnaf'){
starts_pct = sample(rnaf$pospct, size=n, prob=rnaf$prob, replace=TRUE)
starts_pct[starts_pct==1] = 0.999
start_pos = floor(starts_pct * (L[s]-fraglens[s]+2))
start_pos[start_pos==0] = 1
# bias == 'cdnaf'
starts_pct = sample(cdnaf$pospct, size=n, prob=cdnaf$prob, replace=TRUE)
starts_pct[starts_pct==1] = 0.999
start_pos = floor(starts_pct * (L[s]-fraglens[s]+2))
start_pos[start_pos==0] = 1
tObj[s] = subseq(tObj[s], start=start_pos, width=fraglens[s])
names(tObj)[s] = paste0(names(tObj[s]), ';mate1:', start_pos, '-',
start_pos+readlen-1, ';mate2:', start_pos+fraglens[s]-readlen, '-',
nonseqinds = (1:length(tObj))[-s]
names(tObj)[nonseqinds] = paste0(names(tObj[nonseqinds]),
# fragment GC bias coin flips (Bernoulli trials)
gc <- as.numeric(letterFrequency(tObj, "GC", as.prob=TRUE))
if (is.numeric(frag_GC_bias)) {
gc.idx <- as.integer(cut(gc, breaks=c(-Inf,(0:99)/100+.005,Inf)))
prob <- frag_GC_bias[gc.idx]
stopifnot(all(prob >= 0 & prob <= 1))
coinflip <- rbinom(length(tObj), 1, prob) # flip a coin
tObj <- tObj[ coinflip == 1 ] # only return successes
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