
Defines functions buildilrBasep ilrpInv ilrp clrpInv clrp normp inner.prodp g.colMeans g.rowMeans shiftpInv shiftp miniclo

Documented in buildilrBasep clrp clrpInv g.colMeans g.rowMeans ilrp ilrpInv miniclo shiftp shiftpInv

#' miniclo
#' small function to close (aka normalize by proportions, aka total sum scaling)
#' a dataset to a constant \code{k} (usually taken to be 1). After closure the row sums
#' of the dataset should sum to \code{k}.
#' @param c dataset to be closed
#' @param k closure constant
#' @return matrix (if c is a vector or matrix) or data.frame (if c is a data.frame)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' c <- matrix(c(1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3), nrow = 3, byrow=TRUE)
#' miniclo(c)
#' miniclo(c, k=2)
miniclo <- function(c,k=1){
  check.zeroes(k, 'closure constant(k)')
  if(is.vector(c)) c <- matrix(c, nrow=1)

#' Shift data to origin given by p
#' Shift must be applied before transformation
#' @param x closed compositional data matrix (or vector)
#' @param y the shifted composition output by \code{shiftp}
#' @param p weights (should not be closed)
#' @return shifted data matrix \code{y} (no closure is applied) rows are
#'   samples, columns are parts
#' @author Justin Silverman & J. J. Egozcue
#' @references J. J. Egozcue, V. Pawlowsky-Glahn (2016) \emph{Changing the Reference
#'   Measure in the Simplex and its Weighting Effects}. Austrian Journal of
#'   Statistics 45(4):25-44
#' @name shift
#' @examples
#' p <- seq(.1,1,by=.2)
#' c <- t(rmultinom(10,100,c(.1,.6,.2,.3,.2))) + 0.65   # add a small pseudocount
#' x <- miniclo(c)
#' shiftp(x, p)

#' @rdname shift
#' @export
shiftp <- function(x, p){
  check.zeroes(p, "weights (p)")
  if(is.vector(x)) x <- matrix(x, nrow=1)
  y <- x / outer(rep(1,nrow(x)), p)

#' @rdname shift
#' @export
shiftpInv <- function(y, p){
  check.zeroes(p, "weights (p)")
  if(is.vector(y)) y <- matrix(y, nrow=1)
  x <- y * outer(rep(1, nrow(y)), p)

#' Weighted Geometric Means of Rows
#' Calculates weighted geometric mean (see references). Note
#' if \code{p=rep(1, nrow(y))} (default) then this is just the
#' geometric mean of rows.
#' @param y shifted data matrix (e.g., output of \link{shiftp})
#' @param p weights (should not be closed)
#' @return vector (weighted geometric mean of rows)
#' @references J. J. Egozcue, V. Pawlowsky-Glahn (2016) \emph{Changing the Reference
#'   Measure in the Simplex and its Weighting Effects}. Austrian Journal of
#'   Statistics 45(4):25-44
#' @seealso \code{\link{g.colMeans}}
#' @examples
#' p <- seq(.1,1,by=.2)
#' c <- t(rmultinom(10,100,c(.1,.6,.2,.3,.2))) + 0.65   # add a small pseudocount
#' x <- miniclo(c)
#' y <- shiftp(x, p)
#' philr:::g.rowMeans(y, p)
g.rowMeans <- function(y, p=rep(1, nrow(y))){
  sp <- sum(p) # as given in text on page 4

#' Geometric Means of Columns
#' Calculates geometric mean of columns. Does not calculate
#' WEIGHTED geometric means (vs. \link{g.rowMeans})
#' @param x matrix or vector
#' @return vector (geometric mean of columns)
#' @seealso g.rowMeans
#' @examples
#' philr:::g.colMeans(rbind(c(2,4,4), c(2,4,4)))
g.colMeans <- function(x){
  if(is.vector(x)) x <- matrix(x, nrow=1)

#equation 7
inner.prodp <- function(y1,y2,p){

normp <- function(y,p){

#' Weighted CLR Transform
#' @param y shifted data matrix (e.g., output of \link{shiftp})
#' @param p weights (should not be closed)
#' @param y.star a data matrix that represents data transformed by \code{clrp}
#' @return matrix
#' @details Note that this function will close the dataset \code{y} to 1.
#' @rdname weighted_clr
#' @details Inverting \code{clrp} transform should be followed by \code{shiftpInv}
#' to return to unshifted original compositoin (see examples).
#' @export
#' @author Justin Silverman
#' @references J. J. Egozcue, V. Pawlowsky-Glahn (2016) \emph{Changing the Reference
#'   Measure in the Simplex and its Weighting Effects}. Austrian Journal of
#'   Statistics 45(4):25-44
#' @examples
#' p <- seq(.1,1,by=.2)
#' c <- t(rmultinom(10,100,c(.1,.6,.2,.3,.2))) + 0.65   # add a small pseudocount
#' x <- miniclo(c)
#' y <- shiftp(x, p)
#' y.star <- clrp(y, p)
#' y.star
#' # Untransform data (note use of shiftp and miniclo to return to x)
#' y.closed <- clrpInv(y.star)
#' all.equal(miniclo(shiftpInv(y.closed, p)), x)
clrp <- function(y, p){
  check.zeroes(y, 'dataset')
  check.zeroes(p, 'weights(p)')

  if(is.vector(y)) y <- matrix(y, nrow=1)
  y <- miniclo(y)

#' @rdname weighted_clr
#' @export
clrpInv <- function(y.star){
  if(is.vector(y.star)) y.star <- matrix(y.star, nrow=1)

#' Weighted ILR Transform
#' Calculated using weighted CLR transform (\link{clrp})
#' @param y shifted data matrix (e.g., output of \link{shiftp})
#' @param y.star a data matrix that represents data transformed by \code{ilrp}
#' @param p weights (should not be closed)
#' @param V weighted contrast matrix (e.g., output of \link{buildilrBasep})
#' @return matrix
#' @export
#' @author Justin Silverman
#' @references J. J. Egozcue, V. Pawlowsky-Glahn (2016) \emph{Changing the Reference
#'   Measure in the Simplex and its Weighting Effects}. Austrian Journal of
#'   Statistics 45(4):25-44
#' @rdname weighted_ilr
#' @seealso \code{\link{philrInv}}
#' @examples
#' # Weights
#' p <- seq(.1,1,by=.2)
#' # Shifted Composition
#' c <- t(rmultinom(10,100,c(.1,.6,.2,.3,.2))) + 0.65   # add a small pseudocount
#' x <- miniclo(c)
#' y <- shiftp(x, p)
#' # Contrast Matrix
#' tr <- named_rtree(5)
#' sbp <- phylo2sbp(tr)
#' V <- buildilrBasep(sbp, p)
#' y.star <- ilrp(y, p, V)
#' y.star
#' # Untransform data (note use of shiftp and miniclo to return to x)
#' y.closed <- ilrpInv(y.star, V)
#' all.equal(miniclo(shiftpInv(y.closed, p)), x, check.attributes=FALSE)
ilrp <- function(y,p,V){
  check.zeroes(p, 'weights(p)')
  check.zeroes(y, 'dataset')

  # if(is.vector(y)) y <- matrix(y, nrow=1) # run in clrp anyways

#' @rdname weighted_ilr
#' @export
ilrpInv <- function(y.star, V){
  if(is.vector(y.star)) y.star <- matrix(y.star, nrow=1)

#' Weighted ILR Contrast Matrix
#' @param W sequantial binary partition matrix (e.g., signary matrix; output of
#'   \link{phylo2sbp})
#' @param p weights (should not be closed)
#' @return matrix
#' @export
#' @author Justin Silverman (adapted from compositions::gsi.buildilrBase)
#' @references J. J. Egozcue, V. Pawlowsky-Glahn (2016) \emph{Changing the Reference
#'   Measure in the Simplex and its Weighting Effects}. Austrian Journal of
#'   Statistics 45(4):25-44
#' @examples
#' p <- seq(.1,1,by=.2)
#' tr <- named_rtree(5)
#' sbp <- phylo2sbp(tr)
#' buildilrBasep(sbp, p)
buildilrBasep <- function(W,p){
    check.zeroes(p, 'weights (p)')

    W = as.matrix(W)
    nc = ncol(W)
    D = nrow(W)
    isPos = (W > 0)
    isNeg = (W < 0)
    nPos = colSums(isPos*p)
    nNeg = colSums(isNeg*p)
    normConst = sqrt(nPos*nNeg/(nPos+nNeg))
    negPortion = -1/nNeg*t(isNeg)*normConst
    posPortion = 1/nPos*t(isPos)*normConst
    W = negPortion + posPortion

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