## ----setup, include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------
knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE,
cache = FALSE,
comment = "#>")
## ----packLoad, message=FALSE--------------------------------------------------
## ----loadAssay----------------------------------------------------------------
gitHubPath_char <- ""
ovSurv_df <- readRDS(
url(paste0(gitHubPath_char, "ovarian_PNNL_survival.RDS"))
## ----printAssay, eval=TRUE----------------------------------------------------
ovSurv_df [1:5, 1:5]
## ----rWikiPathways, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------
# library(rWikiPathways)
# # library(XML) # necessary if you encounter an error with readHTMLTable
# downloadPathwayArchive(
# organism = "Homo sapiens", format = "gmt"
# )
## ----printWPgmtpath, echo=FALSE-----------------------------------------------
## ----ourWikiPWC---------------------------------------------------------------
dataDir_path <- system.file(
"extdata", package = "pathwayPCA", mustWork = TRUE
wikipathways_PC <- read_gmt(
paste0(dataDir_path, "/wikipathways_human_symbol.gmt"),
description = TRUE
## ----createOmics, comment=""--------------------------------------------------
ov_OmicsSurv <- CreateOmics(
# protein expression data
assayData_df = ovSurv_df[, -(2:3)],
# pathway collection
pathwayCollection_ls = wikipathways_PC,
# survival phenotypes
response = ovSurv_df[, 1:3],
# phenotype is survival data
respType = "survival",
# retain pathways with > 5 proteins
minPathSize = 5
## ----inspectOmicsObj----------------------------------------------------------
## ----aespcaCall, comment=""---------------------------------------------------
ovarian_aespcOut <- AESPCA_pVals(
# The Omics data container
object = ov_OmicsSurv,
# One principal component per pathway
numPCs = 1,
# Use parallel computing with 2 cores
parallel = TRUE,
numCores = 2,
# # Use serial computing
# parallel = FALSE,
# Estimate the p-values parametrically
numReps = 0,
# Control FDR via Benjamini-Hochberg
adjustment = "BH"
## ----inspectAESPCAout---------------------------------------------------------
## ----headPVals----------------------------------------------------------------
getPathpVals(ovarian_aespcOut, numPaths = 10)
## ----subset_top_genes---------------------------------------------------------
ovOutGather_df <- getPathpVals(ovarian_aespcOut, score = TRUE)
## ----pathway_bar_plots, fig.height = 5, fig.width = 8-------------------------
ggplot(ovOutGather_df) +
# set overall appearance of the plot
theme_bw() +
# Define the dependent and independent variables
aes(x = reorder(terms, score), y = score) +
# From the defined variables, create a vertical bar chart
geom_col(position = "dodge", fill = "#66FFFF", width = 0.7) +
# Add pathway labels
x = reorder(terms, score),
label = reorder(description, score),
y = 0.1
color = "black",
size = 2,
hjust = 0
) +
# Set main and axis titles
ggtitle("AES-PCA Significant Pathways: Ovarian Cancer") +
xlab("Pathways") +
ylab("Negative LN (p-Value)") +
# Add a line showing the alpha = 0.01 level
geom_hline(yintercept = -log(0.01), size = 1, color = "blue") +
# Flip the x and y axes
## ----getWP195pcl--------------------------------------------------------------
wp195PCLs_ls <- getPathPCLs(ovarian_aespcOut, "WP195")
## ----WP195loads---------------------------------------------------------------
wp195Loadings_df <-
wp195PCLs_ls$Loadings %>%
filter(PC1 != 0)
## ----loadDirections-----------------------------------------------------------
wp195Loadings_df <-
wp195Loadings_df %>%
# Sort Loading from Strongest to Weakest
arrange(desc(abs(PC1))) %>%
# Order the Genes by Loading Strength
mutate(featureID = factor(featureID, levels = featureID)) %>%
# Add Directional Indicator (for Colour)
mutate(Direction = factor(ifelse(PC1 > 0, "Up", "Down")))
## ----graphLoads, fig.height = 3.6, fig.width = 6.5----------------------------
ggplot(data = wp195Loadings_df) +
# Set overall appearance
theme_bw() +
# Define the dependent and independent variables
aes(x = featureID, y = PC1, fill = Direction) +
# From the defined variables, create a vertical bar chart
geom_col(width = 0.5, fill = "#005030", color = "#f47321") +
# Set main and axis titles
title = "Gene Loadings on IL-1 Signaling Pathway",
x = "Protein",
y = "Loadings of PC1"
) +
# Remove the legend
guides(fill = FALSE)
## ----wp195PCs, fig.height = 3.6, fig.width = 6.5------------------------------
ggplot(data = wp195PCLs_ls$PCs) +
# Set overall appearance
theme_classic() +
# Define the independent variable
aes(x = V1) +
# Add the histogram layer
geom_histogram(bins = 10, color = "#005030", fill = "#f47321") +
# Set main and axis titles
title = "Distribution of Sample-specific Estimate of Pathway Activities",
subtitle = paste0(wp195PCLs_ls$pathway, ": ", wp195PCLs_ls$description),
x = "PC1 Value for Each Sample",
y = "Count"
## ----subsetWP195data----------------------------------------------------------
wp195Data_df <- SubsetPathwayData(ov_OmicsSurv, "WP195")
## ----gatherWP195--------------------------------------------------------------
wp195gather_df <- wp195Data_df %>%
arrange(EventTime) %>%
select(-EventTime, -EventObs) %>%
gather(protein, value, -sampleID)
## ----heatmapWP195, fig.width=8, fig.asp=0.62----------------------------------
ggplot(wp195gather_df, aes(x = protein, y = sampleID)) +
geom_tile(aes(fill = value)) +
scale_fill_gradient2(low = "red", mid = "black", high = "green") +
labs(x = "Proteins", y = "Subjects", fill = "Protein level") +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90)) +
## ----dataSubsetMod------------------------------------------------------------
NFKB1_df <-
wp195Data_df %>%
select(EventTime, EventObs, NFKB1)
wp195_mod <- coxph(
Surv(EventTime, EventObs) ~ NFKB1,
data = NFKB1_df
## ----NFKB1Surv----------------------------------------------------------------
# Add the direction
NFKB1_df <-
NFKB1_df %>%
# Group subjects by gene expression
mutate(NFKB1_Expr = ifelse(NFKB1 > median(NFKB1), "High", "Low")) %>%
# Re-code time to years
mutate(EventTime = EventTime / 365.25) %>%
# Ignore any events past 10 years
filter(EventTime <= 10)
# Fit the survival model
NFKB1_fit <- survfit(
Surv(EventTime, EventObs) ~ NFKB1_Expr,
data = NFKB1_df
## ----NFKB1SurvPlot, message=FALSE, fig.height = 4, fig.width = 6--------------
NFKB1_fit, = FALSE, pval = TRUE,
xlab = "Time in Years",
palette = c("#f47321", "#005030"),
xlim = c(0, 10)
## ----CNVsetup-----------------------------------------------------------------
copyNumberClean_df <- readRDS(
url(paste0(gitHubPath_char, "OV_surv_x_CNV2.RDS"))
## ----CNVomics, eval=FALSE-----------------------------------------------------
# ovCNV_Surv <- CreateOmics(
# assayData_df = copyNumberClean_df[, -(2:3)],
# pathwayCollection_ls = wikipathways_PC,
# response = copyNumberClean_df[, 1:3],
# respType = "survival",
# minPathSize = 5
# )
## ----CNV_aespca, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------
# ovCNV_aespcOut <- AESPCA_pVals(
# object = ovCNV_Surv,
# numPCs = 1,
# parallel = TRUE,
# numCores = 20,
# numReps = 0,
# adjustment = "BH"
# )
## ----CNV_aespca_read, echo=FALSE----------------------------------------------
ovCNV_aespcOut <- readRDS(
url(paste0(gitHubPath_char, "ovarian_copyNum_aespcOut.RDS"))
## ----multiOmicsPvals----------------------------------------------------------
# Copy Number
CNVpvals_df <-
getPathpVals(ovCNV_aespcOut, alpha = 0.05) %>%
mutate(rawp_CNV = rawp) %>%
select(description, rawp_CNV)
# Proteomics
PROTpvals_df <-
getPathpVals(ovarian_aespcOut, alpha = 0.05) %>%
mutate(rawp_PROT = rawp) %>%
select(description, rawp_PROT)
# Intersection
SigBoth_df <- inner_join(PROTpvals_df, CNVpvals_df, by = "description")
# WnT Signaling Pathway is listed as WP363 and WP428
## ----intersectPaths-----------------------------------------------------------
## ----wp195--------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copy Number Loadings
CNVwp195_ls <- getPathPCLs(ovCNV_aespcOut, "WP195")
CNV195load_df <-
CNVwp195_ls$Loadings %>%
filter(abs(PC1) > 0) %>%
rename(PC1_CNV = PC1)
# Protein Loadings
PROTwp195_ls <- getPathPCLs(ovarian_aespcOut, "WP195")
PROT195load_df <-
PROTwp195_ls$Loadings %>%
filter(abs(PC1) > 0) %>%
rename(PC1_PROT = PC1)
# Intersection
inner_join(CNV195load_df, PROT195load_df)
## ----mergeGene----------------------------------------------------------------
NFKB1data_df <- inner_join(
copyNumberClean_df %>%
select(Sample, NFKB1) %>%
rename(CNV_NFKB1 = NFKB1),
ovSurv_df %>%
select(Sample, NFKB1) %>%
rename(PROT_NFKB1 = NFKB1)
## ----NFKB1cor, comment=""-----------------------------------------------------
NFKB1_cor <- cor.test(NFKB1data_df$CNV_NFKB1, NFKB1data_df$PROT_NFKB1)
## ----NFKB1plot, fig.height = 4, fig.width = 4---------------------------------
ggplot(data = NFKB1data_df) +
# Set overall appearance
theme_bw() +
# Define the dependent and independent variables
aes(x = CNV_NFKB1, y = PROT_NFKB1) +
# Add the scatterplot
geom_point(size = 2) +
# Add a trendline
geom_smooth(method = lm, se = FALSE, size = 1) +
# Set main and axis titles
title = "NFKB1 Expressions in Multi-Omics Data",
x = "Copy Number Variation (Centred and Scaled)",
y = "Protein Expression (Centred and Scaled)"
) +
# Include the correlation on the graph
geom = "text", x = 0.5, y = -0.6,
label = paste("rho = ", round(NFKB1_cor$estimate, 3))
) +
geom = "text", x = 0.5, y = -0.7,
label = "p-val < 10^-5"
## ----kidneyData---------------------------------------------------------------
kidney_df <- readRDS(
url(paste0(gitHubPath_char, "KIRP_Surv_RNAseq_inner.RDS"))
## ----kidneyOmics--------------------------------------------------------------
# Create Omics Container
kidney_Omics <- CreateOmics(
assayData_df = kidney_df[, -(2:4)],
pathwayCollection_ls = wikipathways_PC,
response = kidney_df[, 1:3],
respType = "surv",
minPathSize = 5
## ----kidneyAESPCA-------------------------------------------------------------
kidney_aespcOut <- AESPCA_pVals(
object = kidney_Omics,
numPCs = 1,
parallel = TRUE,
numCores = 2,
numReps = 0,
adjustment = "BH"
## ----sexInteractFun-----------------------------------------------------------
TestIntxn <- function(pathway, pcaOut, resp_df){
# For the given pathway, extract the PCs and loadings from the pcaOut list
PCL_ls <- getPathPCLs(pcaOut, pathway)
# Select and rename the PC
PC_df <- PCL_ls$PCs %>% select(PC1 = V1)
# Bind this PC to the phenotype data
data_df <- bind_cols(resp_df, PC_df)
# Construct a survival model with sex interaction
sex_mod <- coxph(
Surv(time, status) ~ PC1 + male + PC1 * male, data = data_df
# Extract the model fit statistics for the interaction
modStats_mat <- t(
coef(summary(sex_mod))["PC1:maleTRUE", ]
# Return a data frame of the pathway and model statistics
statistics = data.frame(
terms = pathway,
description = PCL_ls$description,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
model = sex_mod
## ----testNewFun---------------------------------------------------------------
TestIntxn("WP195", kidney_aespcOut, kidney_df[, 2:4])$model
## ----applyTestSexFun----------------------------------------------------------
paths_char <- kidney_aespcOut$pVals_df$terms
interactions_ls <- lapply(
FUN = TestIntxn,
pcaOut = kidney_aespcOut,
resp_df = kidney_df[, 2:4]
names(interactions_ls) <- paths_char
interactions_df <-
# Take list of interactions
interactions_ls %>%
# select the first element (the data frame of model stats)
lapply(`[[`, 1) %>%
# stack these data frames
bind_rows() %>%
as.tibble() %>%
# sort the rows by significance
interactions_df %>%
filter(`Pr...z..` < 0.05)
## ----modelRes-----------------------------------------------------------------
## ----kidneySurvPlotData-------------------------------------------------------
# Bind the Pheno Data to WP1559's First PC
kidneyWP1559_df <- bind_cols(
kidney_df[, 2:4],
getPathPCLs(kidney_aespcOut, "WP1559")$PCs %>% select(PC1 = V1)
# Add Grouping Feature
kidneySurvWP1559grouped_df <-
kidneyWP1559_df %>%
# add strength indicator
mutate(direction = ifelse(PC1 > median(PC1), "High", "Low")) %>%
# group by interaction of sex and strength on PC
mutate(group = paste0(direction, ifelse(male, "_M", "_F"))) %>%
# recode time in years
mutate(time = time / 365.25) %>%
# remove summarized columns
select(-male, -PC1, -direction)
## ----plotKidneyGroupedSurv, message=FALSE, fig.height = 5, fig.width = 7------
# Fit the survival model
fit <- survfit(
Surv(time, status) ~ group,
data = kidneySurvWP1559grouped_df
fit, = FALSE,
xlab = "Time in Years",
xlim = c(0, 10),
ylim = c(0.4, 1)
## ----sessionDetails-----------------------------------------------------------
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
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