##' Classification parameter optimisation for the random forest algorithm.
##' Note that when performance scores precision, recall and (macro) F1
##' are calculated, any NA values are replaced by 0. This decision is
##' motivated by the fact that any class that would have either a NA
##' precision or recall would result in an NA F1 score and,
##' eventually, a NA macro F1 (i.e. mean(F1)). Replacing NAs by 0s
##' leads to F1 values of 0 and a reduced yet defined final macro F1
##' score.
##' @title svm parameter optimisation
##' @param object An instance of class \code{"\linkS4class{MSnSet}"}.
##' @param fcol The feature meta-data containing marker definitions.
##' Default is \code{markers}.
##' @param mtry The hyper-parameter. Default value is \code{NULL}.
##' @param times The number of times internal cross-validation is performed.
##' Default is 100.
##' @param test.size The size of test data. Default is 0.2 (20 percent).
##' @param xval The \code{n}-cross validation. Default is 5.
##' @param fun The function used to summarise the \code{xval} macro F1 matrices.
##' @param seed The optional random number generator seed.
##' @param verbose A \code{logical} defining whether a progress bar is displayed.
##' @param ... Additional parameters passed to \code{\link{randomForest}} from package \code{randomForest}.
##' @return An instance of class \code{"\linkS4class{GenRegRes}"}.
##' @seealso \code{\link{rfClassification}} and example therein.
##' @aliases rfRegularisation rfOptimization
##' @author Laurent Gatto
rfOptimisation <- function(object,
fcol = "markers",
mtry = NULL,
times = 100,
test.size = .2,
xval = 5,
fun = mean,
verbose = TRUE,
...) {
nparams <- 1 ## 2 or 1, depending on the algorithm
mydata <- subsetAsDataFrame(object, fcol, train = TRUE)
if (missing(seed)) {
seed <- sample(.Machine$integer.max, 1)
.seed <- as.integer(seed)
if (is.null(mtry)) {
## See ?randomForest and
## Breiman, L (2002), "Manual On Setting Up, Using, And
## Understanding Random Forests V3.1"",
## <URL: <- V3.1.pdf>.
suggested_mtry <- ceiling(sqrt(ncol(mydata)))
from_mtry <- floor(suggested_mtry/2)
to_mtry <- 2 * suggested_mtry
mtry <- as.integer(seq(from_mtry, to_mtry, length.out = 9))
mtry <- sort(unique(c(mtry, suggested_mtry)))
## initialise output
.warnings <- NULL
.f1Matrices <- vector("list", length = times)
.testPartitions <- .cmMatrices <- vector("list", length = times) ## NEW
.results <- matrix(NA, nrow = times, ncol = nparams + 1)
colnames(.results) <- c("F1", "mtry")
if (verbose) {
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0,
max = xval * times,
style = 3)
._k <- 0
for (.times in 1:times) {
.size <- ceiling(table(mydata$markers) * test.size)
## size is ordered according to levels, but strata
## expects them to be ordered as they appear in the data
.size <- .size[unique(mydata$markers)]
test.idx <- strata(mydata, "markers",
size = .size,
method = "srswor")$ID_unit
.testPartitions[[.times]] <- test.idx ## NEW
.test1 <- mydata[ test.idx, ] ## 'unseen' test set
.train1 <- mydata[-test.idx, ] ## to be used for parameter optimisation
xfolds <- createFolds(.train1$markers, xval, returnTrain = TRUE)
## stores the xval F1 matrices
.matrixF1L <- vector("list", length = xval)
for (.xval in 1:xval) {
if (verbose) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb, ._k)
._k <- ._k + 1
.train2 <- .train1[ xfolds[[.xval]], ]
.test2 <- .train1[-xfolds[[.xval]], ]
## The second argument in makeF1matrix will be
## used as rows, the first one for columns
.matrixF1 <- makeF1matrix(list(mtry = mtry))
## grid search for parameter selection
for (.mtry in mtry) {
model <- randomForest(markers ~ ., .train2, mtry = .mtry, ...)
ans <- predict(model, .test2, type = "response")
conf <- confusionMatrix(ans, .test2$markers)$table
.p <- checkNumbers(MLInterfaces:::.precision(conf))
.r <- checkNumbers(MLInterfaces:::.recall(conf))
.f1 <- MLInterfaces:::.macroF1(.p, .r, naAs0 = TRUE)
.matrixF1[1, as.character(.mtry)] <- .f1
## we have a complete grid to be saved
.matrixF1L[[.xval]] <- .matrixF1
## we have xval grids to be summerised
.summaryF1 <- summariseMatList(.matrixF1L, fun)
.f1Matrices[[.times]] <- .summaryF1
.bestParams <- getBestParams(.summaryF1)[1:nparams, 1] ## takes a random best param
model <- randomForest(markers ~ ., .train1, mtry = .bestParams["mtry"], ...)
ans <- predict(model, .test1, type = "response")
conf <- confusionMatrix(ans, .test1$markers)$table
.cmMatrices[[.times]] <- conf <- confusionMatrix(ans, .test1$markers)$table ## NEW
p <- checkNumbers(MLInterfaces:::.precision(conf),
tag = "precision", params = .bestParams)
r <- checkNumbers(MLInterfaces:::.recall(conf),
tag = "recall", params = .bestParams)
f1 <- MLInterfaces:::.macroF1(p, r, naAs0 = TRUE) ## macro F1 score for .time's iteration
.results[.times, ] <- c(f1, .bestParams["mtry"])
if (verbose) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb, ._k)
.hyperparams <- list(mtry = mtry)
.design <- c(xval = xval,
test.size = test.size,
times = times)
ans <- new("GenRegRes",
algorithm = "randomForest",
seed = .seed,
hyperparameters = .hyperparams,
design = .design,
results = .results,
f1Matrices = .f1Matrices,
cmMatrices = .cmMatrices, ## NEW
testPartitions = .testPartitions, ## NEW
datasize = list(
"data" = dim(mydata),
"data.markers" = table(mydata[, "markers"]),
"train1" = dim(.train1),
"test1" = dim(.test1),
"train1.markers" = table(.train1[, "markers"]),
"train2" = dim(.train2),
"test2" = dim(.test2),
"train2.markers" = table(.train2[, "markers"])))
if (!is.null(.warnings)) {
ans@log <- list(warnings = .warnings)
sapply(.warnings, warning)
rfOptimization <-
rfRegularisation <- function(...) {
.Deprecated(msg = "This function has been replaced by 'rfOptimisation'.")
##' Classification using the random forest algorithm.
##' @title rf classification
##' @param object An instance of class \code{"\linkS4class{MSnSet}"}.
##' @param assessRes An instance of class
##' \code{"\linkS4class{GenRegRes}"}, as generated by
##' \code{\link{rfOptimisation}}.
##' @param scores One of \code{"prediction"}, \code{"all"} or
##' \code{"none"} to report the score for the predicted class
##' only, for all classes or none.
##' @param mtry If \code{assessRes} is missing, a \code{mtry} must be
##' provided.
##' @param fcol The feature meta-data containing marker definitions.
##' Default is \code{markers}.
##' @param ... Additional parameters passed to
##' \code{\link{randomForest}} from package \code{randomForest}.
##' @return An instance of class \code{"\linkS4class{MSnSet}"} with
##' \code{rf} and \code{rf.scores} feature variables storing the
##' classification results and scores respectively.
##' @author Laurent Gatto
##' @aliases rfPrediction
##' @examples
##' library(pRolocdata)
##' data(dunkley2006)
##' ## reducing parameter search space and iterations
##' params <- rfOptimisation(dunkley2006, mtry = c(2, 5, 10), times = 3)
##' params
##' plot(params)
##' f1Count(params)
##' levelPlot(params)
##' getParams(params)
##' res <- rfClassification(dunkley2006, params)
##' getPredictions(res, fcol = "rf")
##' getPredictions(res, fcol = "rf", t = 0.75)
##' plot2D(res, fcol = "rf")
rfClassification <- function(object,
scores = c("prediction", "all", "none"),
fcol = "markers",
...) {
scores <- match.arg(scores)
if (missing(assessRes)) {
if (missing(mtry))
stop("First run 'rfOptimisation' or set 'mtry' manually.")
params <- c("mtry" = mtry)
} else {
params <- getParams(assessRes)
if (["mtry"]))
stop("No 'mtry' found.")
trainInd <- which(fData(object)[, fcol] != "unknown")
form <- as.formula(paste0(fcol, " ~ ."))
ans <- MLearn(form, t(object), randomForestI, trainInd,
mtry = params["mtry"],
fData(object)$rf <- predictions(ans)
if (scores == "all") {
scoreMat <- predScores(ans)
colnames(scoreMat) <- paste0(colnames(scoreMat), ".rf.scores")
fData(object)$rf.all.scores <- scoreMat
} else if (scores == "prediction") {
fData(object)$rf.scores <- predScore(ans)
} ## else scores is "none"
object@processingData@processing <- c(processingData(object)@processing,
paste0("Performed random forest prediction (",
paste(paste(names(params), params, sep = "="),
collapse = " "), ") ",
if (validObject(object))
rfPrediction <- function(...) {
.Deprecated(msg = "This function has been replaced by 'rfClassification'.")
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